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A Play in Two Acts

Theo Kennedy

Fall in a recent year.


The fictional Fletcher County, Idaho.

Note on the speech:

A // denotes the overlapping of dialogue.

A … denotes a short pause whilst a (beat) denotes a longer pause.

Note on transitions:

Between each scene there is a passage of time, this is usually denoted by slight changes in the library,
normally of the flyers on the wall and the books in the display area, these changes can be done by the
actors playing the librarian characters in full light as part of the blocking.

Note on the action:

Throughout the show anytime that one of the librarians is not assisting a patron they will continue doing
routine library activities these could be, but are not limited to, shelving books, pulling holds, arranging
displays, gathering recent returns, and cleaning.

Skye Davidson: A woman in her 60’s and lifelong employee of the library

Allie McDonagh: Late 20’s recently employed at the library

Mr. Thompson: Late 60’s patron of the library

Felix Meyers: Mid to late teens patron of the library

Erin: Early 30’s recovering addict patron of the library

Officer Manthey: Lifelong cop early 40’s patron of the library

Ms. Cox: Single mother of five late 20’s patron of the library

Liam Cox: Young child patron of the library

Morgan Rice: Late teens patron of the library

Act One

Scene One

(Lights come up on the Fletcher County Public Library, a library not unlike many in small towns or rural
areas filled with warmth and a cozy comfort that doesn’t exist in many of the newer iterations of the
library, it’s the type of library that hasn’t yet made the switch over from return slips and card catalogues
to digital systems. On one side of the space sits the main desk, cluttered with all the supplies one would
expect, behind the desk is a door that leads to a small office, a door stage right of the desk leads
outdoors. Also, near the desk there is a small shelf displaying a specific type of book for example, there
might be a set of how to books or self-help books, the display should be different in every scene. The wall
next to the stage right door is covered in flyers and posters denoting activities and events in the
community. On the stage left side of the main desk sit rows of shelves filled with all kinds of books, in
front of shelves just off center sits a small table. Against the far stage left wall is a small reading nook
that is very welcoming. Across the length of the back wall windows open up to see a wooded patch of
trees that are showing the early signs of the fall weather. Skye Davidson is sitting at the main desk going
through routine paperwork. Allie McDonagh is in the stacks shelving books from a small cart in the
nonfiction section. Felix Meyers sleeps silently in the reading nook with a books opened around him on
the floor Mr. Thompson has been browsing the collection and picked out a couple of books and is making
his way to the main desk.)

SKYE. Find everything you were looking for today Mr. Thompson?

THOMPSON. (Grinning) Now how many times have I said you can call me Jay.

SKYE. Of course, how could I forget, Mr. Thompson.

THOPMSON. (Handing his books over her) Oh, and thanks for the recommendation last week I couldn’t
put it down, I liked it so much that I bought a copy to take down to my son this weekend.

SKYE. (Placing the books on hold for him, blushing) I knew you’d love it; Grisham is one of my favorite
authors, and The Firm is my favorite of his, would you like me to put any of the rest of his on hold for

THOMPSON. That would be wonderful, thanks Ms. Davidson.

SKYE. (With a small laugh) Of course, these will be due on the 24th, I didn’t realize that you were talking
to Peter again.

THOMPSON. (Taking the books from her) Its new to me as well, the book is going to be kind of a peace
offering, we haven’t spoken since the funeral. When he reached out to ask if I’d come down to visit him,
I thought I was dreaming. (Chuckles) Well I had best be going, thank you again for the books. And don’t
forget to take that medication that you hate so much!

SKYE. I’m happy to help, (playfully) and how can I forget with you reminding me every five minutes. now
you have a good trip Mr. Thompson.

(Mr. Thompson exits with the books under his arm, after the door shuts all the way Allie makes her way
to the front desk)
ALLIE. (Playfully) Now who was that he seemed mightily into you.

SKYE. (Blushing) That’s Mr. Thompson, he’s around here all the time, I’m surprised that you haven’t seen
him since you started working here, but he normally comes in on Sundays after your shift. And for your
information Mr. Thompson is like that to everyone.

ALLIE. If you say so Skye, but if you ask me, it seems like he has an extra special interest in you. But
that’s none of my business, any particular reason that he’s breaking his routine to come in on Saturday?

SKYE. Well, it’s kind of a long story, but his son blames him for his mother’s death/

ALLIE. /What?/

SKYE/ Don’t ask, but his son reached out and they’re connecting for the first time, so he wanted to come
in and get some books for the trip down to Boise for him.

ALLIE. Well, that’s sweet. But don’t think I’m not going to press you about this whole thing (gestures
toward Felix) once we close up for the night.

SKYE. Is he still asleep? Because I think we can hold off on closing for a little longer so that he can get
some more rest, heaven knows that he probably needs it, something is bringing him here every night,
and I’m determined to make this as comfortable of a place for him as I can.

ALLIE. I’m fully behind that, Skye as long as he is here, we’ll do what’s best for him. (Beat) Want to
switch up for a bit? I can finish the filing and checking in the returns if you want to shelve the rest of
these books.

SKYE: Sure, that’s good with me.

(Long beat, Skye goes about continuing shelving books from the cart that Allie was previously, Allie in
turn is continuing the work that Skye was doing, previous to Mr. Thompson checked out his books.)

ALLIE. (Reaching the end of the envelopes) So still nothing from city council then?

SKYE. Not yet, I ran in to councilman Hyrumsen yesterday at the farmers market, and he told me that
hopefully they’ll have a vote by the end of next week.

ALLIE. Oh god, I don’t think I can wait that long, ever since this whole ordeal was proposed, I swear that
my gray hairs doubled.

SKYE. (Exasperated playfully) You’re one to talk, but honey you’re right, this thing is going to be the
death of me.

ALLIE. I Don’t know if it’s just ‘cause I’m kinda new to this part of town but I still don’t see why this topic
would even be on the table, where I come from, we wouldn’t dream of demolishing a public library.

SKYE. That’s just Mayor Thorpe for you, it’s all “progress progress progress” with him, and what better
way to make our city grow than a strip mall on main street, it doesn’t matter to him what the cost is, the
people love the idea, so he does too.

ALLIE. (Rolling her eyes) That’s politicians for you.

SKYE. Tell me about it. (Beat) I’m finished here, I think it’s about time that we wake up Felix.

(With a nod Skye and Allie make their way to the reading nook and the resting Felix)

ALLIE. (Putting her hand on his shoulder) Felix, buddy, we are closing up here it’s time for you to head

(As soon as Felix comes to and feels the hand on his shoulder he flinches away. Once he fully wakes, he
starts to clean up the books that he has left about)

SKYE. Don’t worry about that honey, Ms. Allie and I will clean these up.

(Felix smiles a miniscule smile and rushes out the front doors, as the two librarians start to clean up, the
lights fade on them)

Scene Two

(Same set as first scene, the light streaming through the windows indicates that it is midafternoon, the
two librarians are in different outfits, and they are going about normal library activities of special note is
the fact that Allie is wearing a nice blazer of a deep purple color, Felix is awake reading his books in his
usual spot, and sometime throughout the scene he may fall asleep. At the table in front of the
bookshelves sits Erin, struggling over the papers that she is working, she seems poorly put together like
someone who might live out of their car would look. Skye makes her way over to Allie who is shelving

SKYE. Allie, could you help me find this book (showing her a card from a card catalogue) I think Barbra
must have misplaced it when she was filling in for you over the weekend because it doesn’t seem to be
where it should be.

ALLIE. Of course, no problem, let’s see… (Allie begins to make her way to where the book should be) well
should be right here, under Block, but I’m not seeing it. Maybe she shelved it under the first name…
here are the S’s yup, as I thought it’s here under Stephanie. (Grabs book and hands it to Skye.)

SKYE. Thank you, I always forget how often Barbra makes that mistake, you’d think after all these years
working here that she’d be better at it. (Chuckles)

ALLIE. (Laughing) Good old Barb (beat), sorry again for leaving on such short notice on Saturday…

SKYE. Oh, it’s really no big deal, I’m just glad that you were able to help your friend, Kari, was it?

ALLIE. That’s right.

SKYE. How did it go? I really don’t know how that type of thing works, is it rude for me to ask?

ALLIE. It’s really no big deal to ask, it went well, I didn’t think that she was going to be let out on parole
so soon otherwise I would’ve been able to give you more of a heads up. She just called me out of the
blue asking em to pick her up, and mind you this was the first time that we had talked since I got out, so
it quite kinda unexpected.

SKYE. I’m glad it went well, she’s not staying with you now, is she?
ALLIE. No way, she is not the kind of personality that I need in my life now, especially not after I’ve
finally got my life at least a little bit figured out. I dropped her off in Twin on my way home.

SKYE. That’s good, I’m proud of you making these smart decisions for yourself, that’s one of the reasons/


SKYE./Do you want to go see if she needs any help?

ALLIE. On it.

(Allie makes her way through the bookshelves to the table where Erin sits.)

ERIN. (Exasperated, on the verge of tears) This blasted paperwork, I don’t think I can finish it in time.

ALLIE. Trust me sister I know what that’s like, want some help, Erin?

ERIN. You’re a godsend Ms. McDonagh.

ALLIE. I’m happy to help, that’s what we are here for, you know what Ms. Davidson always says
(laughing) Libraries are a treasure chest of knowledge and librarians hold the key. (Erin joins in laughing)
So what exactly are we working on here?

ERIN. Resumés for my job applications, I have a couple of interviews later today and I need these ready
for them, but I’m no good at writing them.

ALLIE. Well, you’re in luck I got lots of experience with interviews once I got out of jail before Ms.
Davidson ended up hiring me, now let’s see what you’ve already got here. (She takes a look at the paper
and grabs an eraser and rewrites something Erin watches intently) How does that sound?

ERIN. Oh, that’s really good, thank you again.

ALLIE. I really hate to bring this up, since I know everything that you’ve… gone through… recently, but
your interviewers are really going to push you on this gap in your resumé for the last five years.

ERIN. (Getting worked up) Oh, God, if that happens then I am really screwed, should I lie, and make
something up about a family emergency or something, because no one is going to want to hire an ex-
crack head.

ALLIE. (In a reassuring tone, and an attempt to calm her down) Hey, it’s okay Erin, you can’t redo your
past now, all that matters is that you’ve come this far, and you made a change doing something that you
thought would’ve been impossible. And however nice it might be to skip over the ugly parts of our pasts,
standing up and facing what you have done is an important part of the process, so it’s probably best that
you don’t lie to your prospective employers.

ERIN. You’re right, you’re right, sorry for getting so worked up I’m just nervous, that’s all, I’ve been
interviewing for weeks and haven’t gotten one call from any of the places that I’ve tried and if I don’t get
a job soon my savings aren’t going to be able to cover this month’s rent.

ALLIE. No need to apologize, I’ve been right where you are before, we could run through a couple of
questions that they might ask you and I could give you pointers if you want?
ERIN. That would be great thank you again.

(As Erin is speaking this line Officer Manthey in full uniform walks through the front entryway making the
small bell on the door ring and goes to the main desk. Both librarians look up at this sound and Skye
makes her way over to the front desk. At this point if Felix had fallen asleep, he is abruptly woken up and
looks around frightened once realizing he is safe, he begins to read again.)

ALLIE. So where was I, yes, the most common question that you are going to get is probably…

(Lighting and focus shift over to the front desk where a conversation between Officer Manthey and Skye
is taking place, throughout their entire interaction Erin and Allie continue to work on their interview
questions talking loud enough that it can be made out that they are still saying words but not loud
enough to interrupt the scene.)

SKYE. Officer Manthey, it’s good to see you again, is there anything that I can help you with?

OFFICER MANTHEY. It’s good to see you as well Mrs. I mean Ms. Davidson, and I was wondering if you
could help me find a book… (beat)

SKYE. Is there any particular genre or author that you are looking for?

OFFICER MANTHEY. (Shifts uncomfortably) Yes, but can we keep it between just you and I?

SKYE. Of course, officer, there is no stronger bond of secrecy than that of a learner and the knowledge
that they devour, and it’s part of my job to make sure that bond is never broken. Unless of course you
are looking for something that could be harmful to yourself or others, but I know you better than that
Officer Manthey, so what exactly can I help you find.

OFFICER MANTHEY. Well… I’m worried that the Mrs. is underwhelmed by my… performance. And I was
wondering if there was a book that could help me improve my… private life… if you know what I mean.

SKYE. (Smiling knowingly) I think I can help you with that, now would you prefer a fiction
of nonfiction book.
(They start their way to the shelves of books)

OFFICER MANTHEY. (Turning red) Um… (clears throat) probably something nonfiction, with lots of facts
and figures and diagrams with steps laid out. Because neither of us is young, and the last thing we need
is for one of us to sprain something while trying out a new posi- (realizes that they are walking right
past where Felix is reading, he clears his throat) …thing.

(Skye crouches down and pulls a book off the shelf)

SKYE. Here you go, this should be exactly what you’re looking for.

OFFICER MANTHEY. (To himself, reading the title of the book) “An Idiots Guide to Spice up the Bedroom”
(Opening the book and flipping through the pages) ahh… oh… mmh… oh dear… oh my… oh my dear… I’ll
take it!

SKYE. Let me check this out for you then. (Taking the book and checking it out at the main desk)
OFFICER MANTHEY. (As she does this) Thanks for the help with the book, any news about the town
council vote?

SKYE. Not yet, but we are expecting it by the end of the week.

OFFICER MANTHEY. I just wish that there were something I could do to help sway the decision in favor
of you guys but with this uniform, anything that I do is going to seem suspicious.

SKYE. Thank you, but you already helped so much, the testimonial you gave at last month’s open town
hall was really perfect, it was great that people could see that there are people, who have been a part of
this city for as long as you have, that are on our side. You’d think that some of these people would be
nostalgic of this place, I mean I helped more than half of those council member’s find books for their
middle school book reports here.

OFFICER MANTHEY. This whole thing is a mess, and if I recall correctly, you helped me pick out a book to
help impress my wife before our first date.

SKYE. Oh yes, Anna Karenina, I knew that would win her over. Take it from Literature professor, girls love
that kind of thing. (Realizing that she is still holding the book that he has checked). And here you go,
hopefully I’ll go two for two in helping impress Mrs. Manthey.

OFFICER MANTHEY. (Taking the book, chuckling) Thanks, you keep me updated about the vote now, will

SKYE. I’ll call you first thing when their decision is announced, have a good day, Officer Manthey.

OFFICER MANTHEY. You too Ms. Davidson

(As he leaves, the lighting and the focus shift to Allie and Erin where they have been practicing their
interview questions)

ERIN. -and throughout all of my struggles I have always persisted, and this determination that I have is
why I would be an excellent candidate for this position. (Beat) How was that?

ALLIE. That is sounding so much better Erin, I think you have a really good chance at this job. What time
is the interview again?

ERIN. (Looking at her watch) Damnit, it’s in ten minutes, I’ve got to go. (Gathering up papers and all
materials on the desk) Thank you so much Allie. (She begins rushing out the door)

ALLIE. Wait! (Erin hesitates) before you go here’s this. (Allie takes off her blazer and hands it to Erin).

ERIN. (Taking the coat) What’s this for?

ALLIE. Well, you know what they say, dress for success, maybe this is the thing that will give you the
edge to get the job this.

ERIN. This means the world to me Ms. McDonagh, I’ll bring it back as soon as my interview is done.

ALLIE. It’s ok, you can keep it, think of it as a sort of a pre-congratulations gift from us here at the library.
(Erin puts on the blazer and abruptly hugs Allie, the hug lasts for a long time, it seems to be the first time
in a long time that Erin has hugged anyone, Allie is at first surprised and then welcomes the hug.)

ERIN. Thank you. (She pulls away from the hug and exits out the door, and Skye comes over to Allie)

SKYE. How is she doing?

ALLIE. (Smiling) She’s gonna be just fine.

(Lights fade as the two look after the departing Erin.)

Scene Three

(Same scene as before yet now it is mid-morning, noticeably missing from the scene is Felix, his normal
spot is baren and it looks like it has been like for a couple of days, Allie is pulling holds and Mr. Thompson
and Skye talking across the main desk as she checks out books for him.)

THOMPSON. And we spent so long talking about the book that we didn’t even realize that he had left
the oven on the whole time, and it was only once the smoke alarms went off that we even noticed. And
by that point the pizza had turned into a charcoal briquette.

SKYE. (Laughing) I’m just glad that both of you are safe, when I recommended that book, I didn’t think
that it was going to be that enthralling.

THOMPSON. Neither of us could put it down.

SKYE. I’m so happy that you enjoyed it! Does this mean that the rift between you and him is healed

THOMPSON. Yes, I just needed an olive branch to reach out to him with, I guess that it could be said you
singlehandedly fixed all our families’ problems. Thank you.

SKYE. (Blushing profusely) It really wasn’t that much; I was just doing my job.

THOMPSON. (Leaning in closely) And doing it wonderfully.

SKYE. (Blushing profusely) Is that tone really appropriate when I’m trying to work?

THOMPSON. Then maybe we should meet up sometime when you aren’t working, like lunch at Foster’s
Café after your shift sometimes this Saturday?

SKYE. (Extremely pleased) Mr. Thompson are you asking me out?

THOMPSON. Only if that is something that you would be okay with.

SKYE. Jay, I would be absolutely delighted by that proposition.

THOMPSON. That’s wonderful! What time works for/

(Mr. Thompson is interrupted by the entrance of Felix bursting through the front door, he rushes to his
spot in the reading nook, he very obviously recently was in a physical altercation, with bruises across his
face ranging from brand new to a couple days old.)
SKYE./ I’m so sorry Jay, I need to make sure if he is okay, it might take a while, so do you mind coming
back tomorrow so that we can discuss our plans?

THOMPSON. That’s a okay, I’ll come back same time tomorrow for you Skye.

(Mr. Thompson exits and the two librarians cross to Felix sharing concerned looks with each other)

ALLIE. Felix, are you okay is anything, (noticing the bruises on his face) oh god, what happened?

SKYE. Is there anything that we can do?


SKYE. (Aside to Allie) I’m going to get the first aid kit, you stay here and comfort him.

(Skye crosses to the small office and rummages looking for said first aid kit)

ALLIE. Felix, I know that you don’t like talking, but it’s really important that you tell us who did this to

FELIX. I… I can’t.

ALLIE. Was it someone at your school, one of the upperclassmen maybe? (Under her breath) I swear I’ll
kill whoever did this.


(Skye comes back with the first aid kit and adlibs as she cleans and places bandages on the deeper

ALLIE. Do you know the person that did this to you Felix, because we can’t help you unless we have a

FELIX. I… I can’t tell you…

ALLIE. So, you don’t know the person that did this to you? That’s okay if you can tell us what they looked
like and we can report them to Officer Manthey, Skye, do you want to go get a sheet of paper for a

SKYE. Yes, let me go grab/that.

FELIX. /I know who it is I… I just can’t say!

SKYE. Hey, hey, it’s all right honey, we can just call your parents and/tell them


ALLIE. We don’t have to then, you can just stay here, do you want me to grab your favorite book for

(Felix nods and Allie goes to grab a book off a its spot on the shelf, Skye stares concernedly at him and
Allie brings the book back.)
ALLIE. Here, Felix. If there is anything else that you need, Miss Davidson and I will be here for you, all
you need to do is ask, okay?

(Felix nods and the two librarians make their way to the desk where the two confer.)

SKYE. Did he say anything to you about what happened when I was grabbing the Band-Aids.

ALLIE. No, I’m really worried about him, he is normally so quiet, I don’t think I’ve ever even heard him
talk, let alone yell.

SKYE. This is new to me too, nothing like this has happened at all since he started coming here.

ALLIE. And you’ve never noticed any injuries like this before.

SKYE. No never (beat) wait (beat) there was this one time that I noticed some bruises on his arm, but
nothing at this level, I thought it was just from the rough housing that comes along with being a kid. But
I called his father to tell him about it and he said that Felix had joined the rugby team at his school and
this type of thing was normal, so I didn’t think anything of it.

ALLIE. Well, I don’t care what his father said, these injuries are way past those that should be happening
at a high school level, I’m going to call Officer Manthey, do you still have his number.

SKYE. Yeah, it should be on a sticky note on the computer in the office/ I think I’m going to call his dad


(Allie goes to the office and grabs the corded phone and steps out of the office dialing, Skye takes the
phone on the main desk and dials as well)

SKYE. Hi is this Mr. Meyers?

ALLIE. Hey Officer Manthey, do you have a moment?

(Lights fade out as the two continue their respective phone conversations)

Scene Four

(Two days later late afternoon, there is a long beat as the two librarians go about their day-to-day tasks,
other than them the only other person in the library is Felix in his normal place, the bandages are gone,
and the wounds seem to have healed a small amount. A commotion is caused outside that causes all
three of them to look up and witness as Ms. Cox enters with a hyperactive Liam Cox following close
behind. Ms. Cox looks beleaguered and on near the edge of her breaking point. And the chaotic energy
of Liam is clearly a main cause of the stress.)

LIAM. (Singing) Diny-soar dinosaur ooh dino dino time

MS COX. Liam, I need you to be quiet so we can get your book.

LIAM. Okay, mommy.

(Liam and his mom go to the desk and Skye also makes her way to the front to greet her)

SKYE. Hi Mrs. Peters, how are you today?

MS COX. It’s just Ms. Cox now.

SKYE. I’m so sorry, I wasn’t aware. (Beat) How can I help you today?

MS COX. We need to find a book for a project Liam has in school about/dinosaurs.


MS COX. (Exceedingly sternly) Liam. What did I say? You need to be quiet.

LIAM. (On the verge of tears) I’m sorry mommy.

SKYE. (Slightly taken aback)Oh, it’s really ok… Any specific type of dinosaur?

LIAM. (Instantly recovering) Tyrannysaurs rexes

SKYE. Books about t-rexes? I know exactly where to look; come with me Liam and I can show you. (Aside
to Ms. Cox) I’ll just show him real quick, you can take a seat at that table if you like, or feel free to

MS COX. Thanks.

(Ms. Cox makes her way to the desk in the center of the library, but on the way there she accidently
bumps into Allie who was returning from shelving books.)

MS COX. (Annoyed) Ugh, /watch where you are going.

ALLIE./ Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there. Oh hi Ms. Cox it’s good to see you again, it
seems like ages since you’ve been in.

MS COX. Oh! I didn’t realize it was you, it’s nice to see you, Allie.

(Ms. Cox sits at the table and puts her head in her hands)

ALLIE. Are you ok? Forgive me for saying this cause I’m not trying to sound harsh, but you look terrible.

MS COX. (Sardonically) Thanks, (normal tone) but I’m fine.

ALLIE. (Sits at the table next to her) Aimee, how long have we known each other, you can tell me what’s

MS COX. No really, it’s all right, I’m thriving.

ALLIE. I’m being serious, who was there for you all those times that Justin wasn’t , you can tell me, and it
might feel good to get it off your chest.

MS COX. Promise you won’t judge?

ALLIE. Aimee, of all the people in the world I’d be the last person to judge you, you know my past, I’ve
lost the right to be critical of other people’s choices.
MS COX. (Smiling ever so slightly.) Thanks, you’re the greatest Allie. (Beat) It’s just that things have been
really tough since the divorce. Just juggling all five of the kids schedules by myself is a nightmare and I
feel like I am letting them all down.

ALLIE. How so?

MS COX. They just deserve someone better than I am.

ALLIE. I know that’s not true; you are an all-star mom and I’m sure you’re doing the best you can.

MS COX. But that’s just the problem, see, my best just isn’t good enough. No matter what I do, no
matter how hard I try I’m still falling short every day. I tried to help Tommy with his homework the other
day and when he brought it home, he got a fifteen percent. What type of mother am I if I can’t help
them with the simplest things, they deserve so much better than me, they deserve a mom who can do
everything that they need, a mom that won’t forget to bring them to dance at five thirty and karate at
three forty-five and not vice versa. And I know, as long as I’m trying my best that should be enough
right, that’s what everyone tells me, but what if I’m not doing my best, I should be able to do better than
this. Everyone that I see, when I go grocery shopping or dropping the kids off at school is doing better
than me, so why can’t I. what is so defective in me that I can’t do the one thing that we are biologically
programed to be able to do, why can’t I take care of them to the standard that they deserve. (Beat)
Sometimes I think that they would just be happier without me around. I think, if only they had stayed
with their father, or if only I wasn’t around to hinder them, their lives would be so much better off.

(Ms. Cox breaks into sobs and Allie puts her arm around her.)

ALLIE. Aimee, I know that it may seem that way right now, but trust me, I know your kids pretty well,
and they all love you and they couldn’t have a harder working mom. You knew when you filed your
divorce that it would put you through hell, but you still did it because you knew that it was the best
thing for your kids. Aimee, I have seen the way that you take care of your children, and I know that you
would sacrifice anything for them. And I want you to know that I’m in your corner, whatever it is that
you need, if you need the kids taken to school or just a shoulder to cry on, I’m always here for you.

MS COX. Thank you, Allie, you really don’t know how much this means to me.

(Long beat and the two hug again and Ms. Cox wipes her tears. Sensing that their conversation is over
Skye comes back with Liam and a stack of children’s books about dinosaurs)

LIAM. Mommy, mommy, look what I got. Mrs. Skye got me ale these fun dino books!

MS COX. That’s great Liam, what do we say now to Ms. Skye.

LIAM. Thank you, Mrs. Skye.

SKYE. You’re welcome, Mr. Liam. (To Ms. Cox) They are already all checked out to you so you’re good to

MS COX. Thank you (to Allie) both of you, you really are lifesavers. (To Liam) Time to go my little dino
(Ms. Cox and Liam exit, Liam adlibbing nonstop about dinosaurs, the two librarians share a knowing look
ad begin cleaning the library again, after a long beat, Felix looks at a wall clock and notices what time it
is and hurries out of the library.)

SKYE. (Yelling after him) Have a nice night, Felix.

ALLIE. I’m glad that more parents are bringing their kids here, we had those three this morning and then
now with Liam and Felix, I think it’s a new record.

SKYE. It’s nice to know that most of the people in this town aren’t closed minded and actually want their
kids to learn and experience new things.

ALLIE. Unlike the Rice family.

SKYE. Exactly, those poor Rice girls. (Beat as they continue to do their jobs a realization dawns on Skye.)
Oh, my I just realized that in all the reorganizing this morning and the commotion this afternoon that I
totally spaced and forgot to bring the mail in, would you mind running out and grabbing it for me real

ALLIE. No problem, I’ll be right back.

(Allie exits out the front door, and Skye continues to do routine library work. After a long beat Allie
returns with a stack of mail and a couple of packages and hands them to Skye.)

SKYE. Oh good, it looks like we got that shipment of books that Barbra ordered, she’ll be so happy, they
sure took their time though, I was worried that they might never show up.

ALLIE. (Beat) Anything from the city council yet?

SKYE. You mean you didn’t look as soon as you grabbed the mail?

ALLIE. I was too scared to. I know that I’ve only been here a few months, but this place has really
become like a home to me, and I don’t want to think that anything bad could ever happen to it.

SKYE. That’s the magic of this type of place, everyone who comes here feels the same way. It doesn’t
matter your background or your beliefs or politics, a library is a safe haven to everyone. It’s something
that I don’t think the councilmembers ever understood fully, no matter how many times that we told
them but this small building in rural Idaho, with its dripping roof, and cracked tiles, and outdated
collection is truly a universal place. People from all walks of life can come here and experience the
freeing power of knowledge., because no matter what anyone says, books have no prejudices, or
preferences they aren’t like us people the Though they don’t live and breathe like we do, somehow,
they are still alive and can offer us more than any person could. And they only can stay that way here.
This library is a treasure chest of knowledge, and as per our job we have the honor to hold the keys to
that vast wealth of wisdom. (Looking through the envelopes) Oh god, their decision is here, you read it, I
don’t think I can.

(Handing the letter to Allie)

ALLIE. I- I- ok, but first whatever this letter says, whatever the city council decided, I just want to say
thank you (beat) this job saved my life, after I got out, not one would hire me, and I really hit rock
bottom, I started up with the same people that got me locked up in the first place, then I ran into you
and you offered me a job here, and- and it’s hard to explain how much you helped me Skye, you and this
library were the second chance that I needed but I couldn’t find, thank you.

SKYE. This is the place where you were meant to be, and I’m just glad that I could help you find it.

(The two women embrace, after a long beat Allie takes the letter from the desk)

ALLIE. (Opening the envelope and reading it) The city council has found that the proposition introduced
by Mayor J. Thorpe, regarding the construction of a mall on the corner of Mian Street and Broadway, to
be beneficial to the city and should be enacted immediately and to its full extent funded by the city,
components of this proposal include but are not limited to; the widening of Main Street, the addition of
a stoplight at the intersection, and the destruction of the Fletcher County Public Library.

(SKYE falls to her knees when these last words are read, letting out a loud sob. Allie drops the paper and
rushes to her side, panicking. Blackout, end of Act One)
Act Two

Scene One

(The set is essentially the same from act one with only a few minor adjustments. The entirety of the
library seems just a smidgen less taken care of, there are more stacks of books on the desk, bore dust on
the shelves, etc. This scene takes place one and a half weeks after the events of Act One Scene Four,
Allie is doing the routine business of the library and Felix is sitting in his normal place, there is a long
beat as the two of them go about their daily tasks, then Mr. Thompson and Skye walk in hand in hand.)

ALLIE. (Noticing them) Skye! (Crossing to them and hugging Skye) What are you doing up and about,
didn’t the doctors say that you weren’t supposed to be on your feet until tomorrow.

SKYE. I missed you, and this place so much, and we don’t get much more time here, and I wanted to take
full advantage of the time that we get.

THOMPSON. (With a smile) Trust me Allie, I tried to get her to stay in bed and get some more rest, but
she won’t even listen to me.

SKYE. Oh, Jay, you know how much I love this place, not even you can keep me away from it.

ALLIE. That’s Skye for you Mr. Thompson. (Laughing) And I’m just glad that you are able to be on your
feet. When you collapsed, I was afraid it was going to be something more serious than it was.

SKYE. More serious than a heart attack?

THOMPSON. You know full well that your doctor said it was a “minor cardiac event” (To Allie) She tells
everyone that it was a heart attack for that extra sympathy. (Laughing)

SKYE. (Smiling) You know, maybe I do tend to inflate the truth a little bit. (In a serious tone) How have
you been handling maintaining this place for the past week? (Looking around) It looks like it could use
some help. (Begins to walk over and starts to grab books to shelve them)

THOMPSON. Skye dear, the doctor said no strenuous activities, and I may not be able to keep you from
coming here, but I will keep you from hurting yourself.

ALLIE. Mr. Thompson is right. And I do have it under control, you know very well that it’s a lot of work
for one person, and it didn’t help that Barb quit as soon as she heard the city council’s decision.

SKYE. She never was one for commitment. I don’t think she truly understood this place like you and I do.
She just saw it as a job rather than a place to help change people’s lives. (The front door opens and Erin
walks in.) Speaking of changing lives why don’t you go and talk to her; Jay and I will go look for a book.

ALLIE. (Smiling) I know that you’ve been out of action for a while so if you need any help finding a book
just let me know.

(Skye rolls her eyes and her and Thompson go to pick out a book. Allie walks over to the table in the
center where Erin is sitting, she is wearing the purple blazer that Allie gave her in scene two, also very
noticeably she has a name tag clipped to the front pocket of the blazer. Erin stands up and hugs Allie
abruptly catching her off guard.)
ERIN. It’s so good to see you again Ms. McDonagh.

ALLIE. It’s good to see you too, it’s been a long time since you came in.

ERIN. I’m sorry that I haven’t come in sooner, I’ve just been so busy with the job and/ the…

ALLIE. What!? You got the job, congratulations! I’m so proud of you!

ERIN. It’s really nothing too huge, just a job waiting tables down at Foster’s.

ALLIE. It really is a big deal, take it from me, someone who’s been in your position before, getting a real
solid job, and a paycheck that you can rely on is the first major step in getting your life back together.’

ERIN. I know I said this last time I was here, but thank you for everything, I’m really bad at words, but
you changed my life Ms. McDonagh, I would never have gotten that job if it wasn’t for your help, and
without the job I never could’ve gotten this. (Erin pulls a small sobriety chip from out of her pocket)

ALLIE. I-I’m at a loss for words Erin. I’m so happy that you’ve come this far, is that your three-month

ERIN. Yeah, it is, that’s why I came in, I got that yesterday, and I also wanted to ask you something.

ALLIE. Yeah?

ERIN. Well, since it is my three-month chip, I am supposed to get a sponsor now, and since it’s because
of you that I am no longer using, I wanted to know if you would be mine… if not, no offense taken, I
know that you are/ busy

ALLIE./Of course I will be your sponsor. I would be honored to. (On the verge of tears) You don’t know
how much this means to me. (The two embrace again) I’ll always be here for you no matter what you

ERIN. Thank you, Ms. McDonagh.

ALLIE. Now that we’ve taken this new step in our relationship, you can call be Allie.

ERIN. Thank you, Allie, you are the most amazing person I know. (Looks at her watch) God, I hate to
always be leaving like this, but my lunch break ends in five minutes, so I got to be heading back. Thank
you again for everything.

ALLIE. Thank you, Erin, for showing the world that a person can change. (As Erin exits, calling after her).
And by the way, that jacket looks great on you.

(Erin turns and smiles back as she leaves. Mr. Thompson and Skye walk out of the stacks, Mr. Thompson
carrying a large pile of books.)

THOMPSON. And then I told him that I was seeing you, and his first question was if you had a good taste
in books, because if not then he wouldn’t approve of you.

SKYE. (Laughing) What did you say to him then?

THOMPSON. Well, I told him that you were the one that suggested his favorite book to me, which I in
turn suggested to him, and we all had a good laugh over that.
(The two have at this point made it to the front desk, and by force of habit Skye has made her way to
behind the desk to start checking out.)

ALLIE. (With a laugh) No, no Skye, I’m afraid that since right now you are just a patron of the library, I’m
going to have to check those out for you.

(Collective laughs from all, Allie checks the books out for them.)

SKYE. Oh, I’d be careful how you talk to me, I still am your boss, remind you.

ALLIE. Not for very much longer. (A sadness falls over the room) I’m sorry that was too soon.

SKYE. It’s all right, we are all still adjusting to this new reality. (Beat) I’ll be in on Wednesday to start
working again, goodbye Allie.

THOMPSON. Bye Allie.

ALLIE. Goodbye you two.

(As the two of them exit the lights fade.)

Scene Two

(A few days later, now the library has been cleaned to its normal level, as seen throughout the first act,
again Felix is in his normal spot, as the lights come up Allie is seen walking into the office as Skye goes
about daily library tasks. If one looked closely, they might see that along the back wall of the library
beneath the windows are many empty cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes. The display of books
near the front desk are all different types of cookbooks, ranging from baking to grilling. After a long beat
Allie walks past Felix.)

ALLIE. Dang, you’re nearly finished with that book Felix, you really tore through that series, once you’re
finished, if you want, I have another book that I think you will really like.

FELIX. (In a quiet voice) Thanks, Miss Allie.

ALLIE. Of course, Felix, let me go grab it and I’ll check it out for you as well, that way you won’t have to
worry about it. Also, Felix, you haven’t eaten all day since you’ve been here, I have an extra sandwich in
my lunch would you like it?

FELIX. I’m okay Miss Allie. (His stomach rumbles)

ALLIE. It seems like your stomach betrays you, let me go get it for you. (She grabs a sandwich from the
office and brings it over to him.) Here you go Felix, no let me go get that book for you.

(Allie goes and grabs a specific book off the shelf and goes to check it out, when Ms. Cox and Liam come
through the door, this time that they enter Liam is mildly more subdued but still bursting with energy.)

MS COX. Hi Allie, is Ms. Davidson in?

ALLIE. Yeah, let me go grab her for you. (Allie goes to the door of the office, which Skye had closed and
opens it) Skye, you have a very special guest here for you.
SKYE. (Coming out of the office) Ms. Cox how are you doing/ today

LIAM./ Ms. Skye, Ms. Skye look what I got (showing her a piece of paper)

SKYE. What’s this Liam?

LIAM. My dinosaurs paper! I got a gold star.

MS COX. He has been very excited to show you, he made us come here right after school so you could
be the first one that he told.

SKYE. Wow! Good job Liam, this looks absolutely wonderful, I’m so happy for you.

LIAM. (Chanting) More dino books! More dino books!/ More dino books! More dino books!

MS COX. He was doing this the whole car ride over here (to Skye, with a smile) do you mind helping him
find some more so I can have some peace and quiet.

SKYE. No problem, hey Liam (he stops chanting) want to go get some more dinosaur books?

LIAM. Yes!

SKYE. Do you remember where they are, do you think you could show me?

LIAM. (Rushing off towards the section where he got his books previously) DINOSAURS!

(Skye follows behind him smiling and Ms. Cox looks at one of the displays of books that ae near the front

MS COX. Huh, one hundred and fifty interesting ways to use chicken fat, now there’s a book that I never
thought would exist.

ALLIE. That one is actually surprisingly good, I checked it out for myself last week, I’d recommend it.

MS COX. Well, if the advice is coming from you, I should probably take it. (Grabbing it off the shelf) I’ll
check it out with whatever mountain of dino books that Liam finds.

ALLIE. Speaking of advice, how are you doing with all that… stuff that we were talking about the last
time that you were in here?

MS COX. I’m doing so much better you don’t even know how helpful you were last time, I looked into
getting a therapist, since I didn’t want to always be bothering you and it has done wonders for me.

ALLIE. I’m so happy for you, which therapist are you going to, if you don’t mind me asking.

MS COX. Oh, not at all, his name is Mr. Price, just down on Canal Street.

ALLIE. That’s really wonderful for you, I’ve heard only great things about that guy.

MS COX. Yeah, he’s amazing, obviously I still have a lot of stuff to work through, its slow progress but its
steady. Thank you again, it was your little speech to me that made me decide to look into getting a
therapist, I really am indebted to you.
ALLIE. It really is my pleasure to help you, you are such a great person and I’m glad that you are getting
the help to be able to see that.

(Skye and Liam come out of the stacks Liam carrying a large stack of books.)

SKYE. I think we found him enough books to last him through the winter.

MS COX. Thanks so much! (To Liam) Did you find books on some fun new dinosaurs.

LIAM. No. No more dinosaurs, just asternauts


SKYE. Yeah, we walked past the space section on our way to find a book and he was instantly enthralled.

ALLIE. Let me check those out for you.

(She checks out the books that Liam has brought along with the cookbook that Ms. Cox was looking at
previously, and hands them back to them)

MS COX. Ok Liam time to go.

LIAM. (Running up to and hugging Skye) Thank you Ms. Skye you’re my favorite.

(Ms. Cox, and Liam exit the building passing Officer Manthey as he is entering)

SKYE. (To Allie not noticing Officer Manthey’s entrance) Oh my, would you look at the time, my date
with Jay was supposed to start five minutes ago, can you hold down the fort for the rest of the night
while I’m gone?

(She goes to the small office and loads up her purse and gets ready to leave during the next line)

ALLIE. That should be no problem. (Noticing that Officer Manthey is standing at the desk.) Oh hi, Officer
Manthey, I didn’t even here you come in, how can I help you?

OFFICER MANTHEY. Well, I’m here on/ official business.

SKYE. (Noticing him for the first time)/ Officer Manthey its so good to see you again. (Quietly to him) I
hope that the book that I recommended to you worked out as well as you were hoping and that your
wife was thoroughly… content. (In her normal voice) Well I really have to be going now, I’m sure that
Allie will be able to help you with finding whatever it is that you need. (Exits out the front door)

ALLIE. What were you saying, before Skye came in, something about official business?

OFFICER MANTHEY. Yes, there is actually a police investigation going on and we are looking for someone
who is a frequent patron here.

ALLIE. Oh my, is anyone hurt?

OFFICER MANTHEY. No, its not like that, we just have reason to believe that this person was using illegal
substances, specifically heroin.

ALLIE. (Stunned) Here? In Fletcher County, that’s near unheard of, who is this person, I’d be happy to tell
you anything that I know.
OFFICER MANTHEY. Her name is Erin-

ALLIE. (Before he can say anymore) No, there is no way.


ALLIE. There is no way that she is using again, she’s been sober for months.

OFFICER MANTHEY. You seem to know an awful lot about her drug habits Ms. McDonagh.

ALLIE. All I know is that she would not use again, you have to believe me.

OFFICER MANTHEY. I’m sorry I really am, but we have more than probable cause, we have enough to
arrest her on the spot, do you happen to know where we could find her, her place of work or something
like that?

ALLIE. (Beat) I- I don’t know where she is, I haven’t seen her in weeks.

OFFICER MANTHEY. (Beat) Well, thank you for your time, Ms. McDonagh. I’m sorry for bothering you.
Have a nice day. (He turns to leave and begins exiting.)

ALLIE. (Weakly) You too.


(Officer Manthey exits through the front door and Allie rushes to the desk and pulls out her cellphone
and dials, we hear the ringing and then)

ALLIE. Hi Erin, are you okay (beat) You haven’t used again have you (beat). Oh, thank God, I was so
worried, Officer Manthey came in here asking for you, saying that they thought you were using again.
(Beat) I told them that there was no way that you had relapsed, and that I would’ve known. (Beat) They
asked where you worked and I panicked, I told them that I didn’t know. (Beat) I know I know I shouldn’t
have lied, but its my job to protect you now and I couldn’t let them punish you for something that you
didn’t do. (Beat) its not fair that they think that just because you’ve done it before that you will again.
(Beat) I’m just glad that you are ok. (Beat) Me to.

(Lights fade out on the phone call end of scene)

Scene Three

(The scene is the same as always, a few days later, Felix is sitting in his normal spot, he again has bad
wounds on his face and arms, but this time they are already dressed. The book display has books from
local authors. And a couple of the boxes along the back wall are full of things, Allie and Skye are both
here doing their daily tasks, after a long beat the two of them meet up at the center desk.)

SKYE. (Softly to Allie) How is he doing? (Gesturing to Felix)

ALLIE. He’s seen better days, I’m just glad he came in when he did so that we were able to fix him up
before they got infected or something.

SKYE. I just wish that he would tell us who did this to him so that we could stop it from happening.
ALLIE. Whoever did this to him needs to be stopped. The poor guy… it makes me sick that someone
could do this, he is the sweetest kid around and someone is treating him like a punching bag, it’s not

SKYE. Tell me about it. I already called his parents and Officer Manthey to tell them that it happened
again. They both said that they’d look into it.

ALLIE. (Tense but attempting to act casual) How is Officer Manthey, any interesting cases with him

SKYE. If you’re wondering he’s not going to press charges against you for lying to them, they found out
that they were mistaken about the identity of the user and they were glad you protected them from
doing anything rash.

ALLIE. Oh, thank goodness. (Long beat) I still can’t believe that tomorrow is the last day that this place is
going to be here.

SKYE. Neither can I Allie, neither can I.

(A long beat and Morgan walks through the front door, she is shy and looks around in awe and a little bit
of fear as if she’s not supposed to be there. She notices the two librarians and walks up to the front

ALLIE. If you want to talk to her, I can start packing up the books.

SKYE. That works with me.

(Allie goes to the back of the library and throughout the following action, until otherwise noted she will
be boxing up books. Skye goes to the front desk to intercept Morgan.)

MORGAN. (Timidly) I was wondering if you could help me?

SKYE. Of course, that’s what we are here for. How can I be of service?

MORGAN. (Having second thoughts) Actually maybe its best that I go… I might get in trouble for being

SKYE. No one will get you in trouble for coming to the library, most parents would be overjoyed if their
kids came here voluntarily.

MORGAN. Not my parents, they are the ones that would get me in trouble, they don’t like this place.

SKYE. What’s not to like about it.

MORGAN. They think that this place has books written by the devil.

SKYE. Um, okay. That’s not one that I have heard before. Well, I promise you if you go check the shelves
you won’t find anything under the name Beelzebub, or Lucifer, or Satan, so I think you are safe.

MORGAN. (The joke going over her head) Well that’s good. But they also say that a lot of the books here
teach about immoral things, things that they don’t want their kids to be reading.
SKYE. Not to judge someone else’s up bringing, but don’t you think you are a little too old to have your
parents telling you what you can and cannot read?

MORGAN. I’m only seventeen, and my parents are very strict. They only let us read from the three books
that we own, and we can’t watch tv unless they approve of the channel and the program, and the only
show that they ever approve is this one news channel that they like.

SKYE. Oh god, that must be awful.

MORGAN. Its just the way things have always been, and I know there are more things out there and I
want to learn about and experience them.

SKYE. Don’t your friends at school tell you about the things that you are missing out on?

MORGAN. I’m homeschooled.

SKYE. (Exasperated, with a sigh) Why am I not surprised. Okay, well back to why you are here, how can I
help you…? What was your name again.

MORGAN. Morgan Rice.

SKYE. (Nearly under her breath in a sad tone rather than a biting one) One of the Rice girls, I should’ve

MORGAN. What was that?

SKYE. Nothing, so how can I help you.

MORGAN. Well, it’s embarrassing, maybe I should go.

SKYE. It’s okay, you can trust me that’s what we are here for.

MORGAN. That’s what the girl at the diner said, she told me about you said that you guys could help me.

SKYE. Well, she is absolutely right, we are always happy to help anyone who walks through those doors,
so what is troubling you enough to make you disobey your parents.

MORGAN. I have been on the edge of participating in one of the immoral things that my parents have
warned me about, and I know if I tell them, or they find out some other way they will disown me like
they did to my sister.

SKYE. And what immoral activity are you thinking about doing that would anger your parents so much.

MORGAN. I think I am a homosexual.

SKYE. Oh okay, I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with the way that you are feeling right
now, it is perfectly natural. What makes you think that you are…

MORGAN. I’m, not sure, just the way that I feel whenever I’m around them, my insides all bubbly and I
can’t think straight.

SKYE. And that doesn’t happen when you are around guys?
MORGAN. Not at all, whenever I am around guys, or see one that my sisters think are attractive, I feel
nothing, like I just go dead inside.

SKYE. I’m glad that you are telling me this, feeling this way and thinking you are different from everyone
else can be a very scary thing, and I want you to know that you can always talk to me about this kind of
thing, either me or the other librarian who you say earlier, that’s Ms. McDonagh, and you can always
talk to her should you need it. This is a safe place and should you ever feel not safe at home, just go to
this address. (She scrawls her home address on a piece of paper) This library is getting torn down in a
few days, so this is the address of my house, I’ll try my best to always be there for you.

MORGAN. Thank you, I really should get going now, before my parents get suspicious.

SKYE. That’s probably a good idea, now you stay safe out there Morgan.

(Allie, who has been listening to their conversation comes up to them carrying a book that she picked
out for Morgan)

ALLIE. Before you go, this book should help explain some of the feelings that you are going through.
Since we are shutting down this place soon you can just keep it. My address and number are in the front
cover too, if you have any questions or need someone else to talk to.

MORGAN. (Taking the book and leaving) Thank you for this.

SKYE. Well, I’ll be, I never thought that I’d live to see the day where one of the Rice girls were out and
about without their father’s supervision.

ALLIE. You and me both.

SKYE. How are the boxes coming along?

ALLIE. I got a decent chunk of them loaded, but we are probably going to have to work all day and stay
extra late if we are going to get them all packed in time to save them from the wrecking crew.

(The two librarians begin to load up the boxes, by this point in the scene Felix has fallen asleep, then
enters a Child Protective Services agent, possibly doubled by the actress playing Erin, and Officer
Manthey Skye and Allie come to the front of the library to greet them, there is a stern look on Manthey
and the CPS agents faces.)

SKYE. (As she walks forwards from the front of the back of the library) Officer Manthey, you’ve graced
our library twice in one week, to what do we owe the pleasure.

OFFICER MANTHEY. I’m afraid that this visit is anything but an honor.

(The two librarians now having reached the two officers finally take in the full weight of their presence)

ALLIE. Oh no, is it Erin again, I swear on my life that she wouldn’t use again, she has started a new life
she’s a different person now and she’s not going to relapse.

OFFICER MANTHEY. It’s not Erin. How well do you two know the Meyers family.

SKYE. We know Felix, he’s in here nearly every day he’s actually over there (pointing) right now.
OFFICER MANTHEY. And how about the rest of the family?

SKYE. I’ve talked to his father a handful of times, whenever I noticed that he was hurt, is that what this is
all about, did you find out who did all this to him?

OFFICER MANTHEY. Unfortunately, we did.

ALLIE. Unfortunately?

OFFICER MANTHEY. It’s unfortunate that a situation like this ever existed, we just came over from the
Meyers house, where we arrested Felix’s father for child abuse.

(The two women are shocked and devastated all at once.)

SKYE. Oh my god. I don’t know what to say. We should’ve seen it sooner, how’d we not see it sooner, we
could’ve stopped this. (Sobbing)

ALLIE. We let him down, we promised to protect him, and we let him go home every day to that

OFFICER MANTHEY. You can’t blame yourself for what that criminal did. The two of you really all that
you could. It was your calls that gave us the probable cause for the warrant. You took care of Felix as
best as you could, you gave him a place to be safe where he wouldn’t have to suffer, the others weren’t
as lucky.

SKYE. Others?

OFFICER MANTHEY. Felix has three younger siblings; they weren’t allowed to leave the house like he
was. They had to stay with their father the entire day, it was the worst case of child neglect that I have
ever seen. I firmly believe that it was only through the food that you gave him that he must’ve given to
his siblings that any of them survived.

ALLIE. If only we had known about the others, we could’ve helped them too.

OFFICER MANTHEY. There was no way you could’ve known. We believe that Felix’s dad would’ve hurt
him worse if he told you anything about this situation.


CPS AGENT. We are going to take Felix into custody, then we will put them into the foster care system
once we believe them to be ready.

SKYE. Is there a chance that the four of them will be split up in the system.

CPS AGENT. We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.

SKYE. I want to adopt them, once I get a job after this place closes, Jay and I can get married, and we can
take care of them

OFFICER MANTHEY. I’m sure that we can make that happen.

ALLIE.(Going to Felix waking him up, he flinches at the touch until he realizes that it is Allie) Felix, this
lady works for Child Protective Services, she’s going to make sure you and your siblings are never hurt

SKYE. (Hugging Felix) It’s over, he’s gone, you’re safe now.

Scene Four

(The library is empty, and bare. All the books are off the shelves, the boxes are gone, the flyers on the
wall have been torn off and the chair and table have been taken away somewhere. The reading nook
that Felix called home has also been taken away, the fluorescent lights are off and the only light that is
illuminating the space comes from the shuttered windows. There is a long beat, long enough to make
the audience uncomfortable, we hear the rattle of a key in the lock, the door opens, and Skye walks in
with Mr. Thompson)

THOMPSON. Its strange seeing this place so empty, no books lining the shelves, no librarians manning
the desk. I’m going to miss this place. I’ll give you I minute.

(Mr. Thompson exits, leaving the door open a crack behind him. Skye takes in the space; she walks
around feeling what this place used to be.)

SKYE. (Almost a whisper) I’m going to miss you. (Beat as she tries to collect herself but can’t stop the
tears from rolling down her face, the door opens again and its Allie, Skye doesn’t see her). I’ll just be a
second more Jay.

ALLIE. It’s me Skye. (Beat) I see that neither one of us could resist a final goodbye. (Beat) How are you

SKYE. This place has been part of me for so long, I’m not sure what I’ll do without it, for forty years I
came here every day to take care of these books and the people of this town, and now I no longer can…

ALLIE. I’m so sorry that they are taking this away from you, I wish, that somehow things could’ve been
different, that the town council might’ve voted a different way.

SKYE. We can’t change the past Allie, but we can appreciate it for what it was, for all the lives that we
made better, all those people whose eyes we opened to the magic of books, the downtrodden that we
lifted, the struggles that we helped ease. This place will always be a part of our history, and no one can
take that from us. And there’s always a bright side to everything Allie, I was overdue for some change in
my life, this isn’t how I wanted it, but its how it happened, all we can do is try to make the best of it any
way that we can. (Long beat, makes to exit the library)

ALLIE. I don’t want to leave yet.

SKYE. Then we still have time.

(The two stare at the library silently as the lights fade out. End of Act Two)

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