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Slavery in the Americas

LECTURE…Africa, the Unknown Continent:

Europeans only knew the parts of Africa that touched the ________________ sea.
North Africa flourished due to the influence of Islam and its _________________ followers. The rest of Africa
was fairly unknown because of the vast ________________ desert.
The Europeans couldn’t just sail down the coast line of ______________ until the 15th century because they lacked the
technology to _______________ the harsh ______________.
____________________ sailed for Portugal, and was credited with sailing around the tip of ___________ and on to India.
The African warriors were too_____________ for the _____________ sailors to take over the land as they had
in ________________. The sailing ships brought one idea with them, _________________, which interested
both peoples. The Europeans brought guns, cloth, kettles, iron and mirrors that the ____________ wanted.
The Africans had _____________- healthy and hardy people that could be used to mine and grow_________ in
the place that the Europeans were calling the _______ _________.

LECTURE…Slavery In Africa:
• Every year ________ African ________ sold about 1,000 slaves to ________ traders and thus became
an important part of their _____________.
• _____________ came from the conquered and captured during _____________.
• Slavery in ____________ wasn’t based on ____________ superiority or inferiority. That concept
developed in the ________________.
• The desire for ________ led the Portuguese down the ___________ of Africa, but over time they found
that _________ with the coastal ___________ of Africa was more profitable.
• This trade included _______________ Africans that were rounded up by the King’s ____________.
• The ________________ developed fortified posts at key __________ on the western coast of Africa,
which held the ___________ that were waiting for _____________.
• Most of the slaves were then transported to the American ______________, by crossing the
_______________ and enduring the brutal __________ Passage.

A Nasty Triangle: Class Reading PDF

2. Why weren’t the colonists allowed to manufacture their own goods?
3. How did most New Englander’s make a living? ________________________________
4. What was the name given for the Yankees route of moving goods?
5. List three products that went between the points on the route.________________________
6. What was unique about the family of Olaudah Equiano, with regard to slavery? _________
7. Why was he beaten and forced to eat? __________________________________________
8. What was his impression of the sailors and the ship? ______________________________
9. Describe Olaudah’s experience and that of the slaves on the ship during the Middle Passage.

10.Every __________________ is a part of it. ___________ are soon passed that attempt to
take away the black’s __________.
11.Explain the purpose of the Virginia BLACK CODES and why they encouraged racism.
12.Using your math skills, give the estimated number of African’s in the colonies by 1790.
Life Aboard a Slave Ship…*List in the space below at least 8 new facts that you were not aware of about
the experience of slaves crossing the Atlantic before the clip.
LECTURE…Slavery in the Americas:
• From the 1400s to the 1800, more than _____________ Africans made a forced journey to the Americas.
• In the beginning of the slave trade, colonists treated African slaves like _____________ ____________; they
could earn their ___________________.
• Soon ________________were passed to support ____________________enslavement; children of slaves would
now be slaves too.
• This change in the law promoted the ____________ idea that people of African origin were ______________ to
• ______ of African slaves went to Caribbean Islands; _______ went to Portuguese Brazil; 15% went to
__________________America; and only _________ went to the _________________ colonies.

From African to African American: APUSH Ch.5 page 82-83

21. What was the first generation of American born slaves able to achieve?

22. What did Africans bring to America that transformed the way of life in the South?

23. What were some key early rules that made slavery and a slave’s future uncertain?

24. Why did African born slavery slow and who replaced that demand?

25. What was the most daunting challenge for slaves to overcome and endure?

26. Why was a female slaves life possibly more difficult than her male counterpart?

27. Why was the new culture being created unique?

28. How was black Christianity different from that of the white culture?

29. What are some cultural evidence examples that we witness today from the slave-based society of the past?

30. “But this rich _____________ harvest came at the __________ of generations of human __________.”

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