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LLB-301 English - IIT OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE: The sim of introducing English literature is to make students aware of ltcrary language for better grasp of the English language thereby making them socially aware of the world around them. This course is also meant to sharpen word power and creative use of the language Unit 1: Poetry Blake: London Byron; She walks in Beauty Keats: Ode to Autumn Browning: Pippa’s song Amold: Dover Beach Coleridge: Youth and Age Unit IT: Prose and Short Stories George Orwell Anton Chekhov The Bet 0" Henry: The Romance ofa Bu Unit I: Drama W. Shakespeare: Merchant of V AA Milne ‘The Ugly Du B Unit 1V Fiction Mark Twain Huckleberry Finn Das Readings The Siren's Song edited by David Murdoch, Delhi Creative English edited by Jagdish Chane (i976) Det OUR Ten Short Stories edited by Jatin Mahanty (1983), Hyderabad: OUP Atoms Read Brooks, C & Heilman, RB (2000) Understandi rs ing Drama, Indi The New Clarendon Shakespeare Ser ubished by OUP, Dei Brooks and Warren, RP (1999) Understanding Fiction, Indian Edition LLB-302 Political Science - IM OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE: The aim of this course is to int F introduce the students to the evolu international relations and its position in today’s era of globalization, on UNIT-1 International Relations: Evolution since 1945, Nature and Theories of International Relations. UNIT-11 Major Concepts: Idcology; National Interest; Balance of Power, Collective Secunty, Cold War Forcign Policy: Mcaning and Determinants Nonalignment; Meaning and Relevancy and India's Role, UNIT- IT United Nations: Objective, Role and Performance Regional Organizations: Arab League, OIC, SAARC, ASEAN and European Union UNIT-V New Intemational Economic Order Globalisation ‘olittes, OUP Basic Readings: Baylis, John & Steve Smith (ed.), Zhe Gilobatisainn o/ Worle Chandra, Prakash & Prem Arora, Comparative Polis and Internal 2004 Dautsh, KW, The Analysts of hnemnanonal Kelations, Prentics Hall of India, New Delhi, 1989 Goldsicin, Joshua S,, International Relations, Pearson E:ducations, (Indian Reprint), 2004 Harunan, Frederic H., Relationship of Nations, Macmillan, New York, 1983 Hoffman, Stancly, Contemporary Theories, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1964 Mecgenthau, HJ. Polucs Among Nations, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 1967 fad Elford NJ dG A. Lincoln, Dyreanics of International Politics, Macrnillan, London, 1967 Palmer & Perkins, Intemational Relations, AITBS Publishers & Distributors, Delhi, 2004 4 Additional Readings: Bandopadhya, J, North Over , Pableeon, New Dela toe” 52th A Non Wester Perspecnve of International Relations, South Asa , Noam, World Orders: Old and New, OUP, New Delhi, 1994 LL.B 303 Potitical Science LV, OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE: The objcctive of os ive us isto st the: vth of Indian state, making ofthe constitution & the sudy eflcalscGareteat nn Unit 1 Nature of Indian State: a. Marxist and Liberal Democratic Approaches b Impact of British Rule € Ideological basis ofthe Indian Constitution Us Fundamental Rights, Duties and Directive Principles of State Policy ‘Unit Democratic Deccmtralisation: Panchayati Raj System Unit IV Judiciary and Judicial Review Basic Readings: hain G: Working of a Democratic constitution: The Indian Experience, Delhi, oxford university press, Baxi, U: The Indian Supreme Court and Polinies, Delhi, eastern Book Company, 1980 Bhama, C.P: The Indian State: Fyjiy years, New Delhi, Shipra, 1999. Hardgrave, R.L: India: Government and Poliacs ofa Developing Nation, London, Harcourt, 1993, Narang, A.S: Indian Government and Politics. New Delhi, Gitanjali Publishing House, 1995 ings: Pyle, M.V: An Introduction to the Constitution of India, New Delhi, Vikas, 1998. Sathe, §,P: Judicial Activism in India, New Delhi, OUP, 2002 Brass, Paul: Politics of india since Independence (second editvon) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994. LL.B 304 Sociology ~ ML OBJECTIVE OF THE CO) ose: fF jective of the course is to understand the course of changes that takes place UNIT -1 Theories and Factors. + Evolutionary, Functional and Conflict ‘Technological, Demographic and Cultural Is UNIT =I Social Change in India = Sans ; : Regionale.” Westemization, Modemization, Caste Mobility, Communalism and UNIT It Dirveted Social Change Community Development Programme, xd Rural Development Program andthe Pala Peavey ltr uNIT=1V Problems and Issues Social Change in North-East India Shifting Culuvation Basic Readings % Moore, WE. Social Change, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1963, % Srinivas, MN. ee ern das. Allied Publishers, Bombay, 1966 > Ghurve, GS. Caste and Race in Indio, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1969. > Singh, Y.. Maderiston of Indon Traditon, Rawat Publishers, Jaipur, 1988. * AQ. AL, Rural Development in Nagaland, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1993 » Desai, a, Rural Soctology in India, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1978. Additional Rdeadings: % Mandetbaum, D.G.,, Society m India, Vol. 1, Bombay, 1970 % Myneni, SR, Sociology for Law Students, ALA, Faridabad, 2005 » ‘Thapar, R, Tribe, Caste and Religion, Macmillan and Co., New Delhi, 1977 LL.B-305 Special Contract OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE: This papcr is to impart knowledge on various aspects of specific comracts, law of agency, partnership and sale of goods, UNIT-1 Indemnity Guarantee Bailment Plodge UNIT Agency = Definition and oo is) 0 Creation of Agency Determination/ termination of Mutual rights and duties ot par ts, UNIT ~ 11 Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930 16 Nature, Formation & terms of Contract of Sale of Goods ~ Implicd Terms/Stipulations: Conditions & Warranties + Effect of Contract of Sale + Rights of Unpaid Seller Against Goods UNIT -IV Indian Partnership Act, 1932 ~ Partnership, Its Nature & Concept ershil ~ Partnership distinguished from ~ (i) Joint-stock Company, (ii) Joint Family, (iii) Co-ownership and other association Relations of Partners Inter se & with Third Person Registration & Dissolution of Finns Basie Readings: RK. Bangia, Indian Parmership Act, ALA, Faridabad, 2008 Saharay H.K., Indian Parimership and Sale of Goods Act, Universal, Delhi, 2000 Singh, Avtar, Law of Contract, EBC, Lucknow, 2000 Singh, Avtar, Principles of the Law of Sale of Goods and Hire-Purchase, EBC, Lucknow, 2005 Mulla, DF., Sale of Goods & Indian Partership Act, Lexis Nexis, Butterworths, Delhi, 2005 Adgitional Readings: 13" Law Commission Report on Law of Contract Bhadbade, Nilima, Indian Contract & Specific Relief Acts, Lexis Nexis, Butterworths Delhi, 2005 Mulla, D.F., Indian Contract Act, Lexis Nexis, Butterworths, 2008 Pollock & Mulla, Indian Contract & Specific Relief Acts, Lexis Nexis, Butterworths, Delhi, 2005 Ramaswamy, B.S., Contracts and their Managem Butterworths, Delhi, 2004 nent, Lexis Nexis Smvastiva S.C. (revised), Venkoba Rao's Law of Agency, Butterworths, New Delhi, 2001

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