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Topic Technology change effect point of sale in UK How does sales promotion by quick-service restaurants affect the eating

habit of customers. What are the various outcomes of introduction of information technology in different sectors for developing countries of South Asia especially in Pakistan? Mergers and acquisitions: has mergers activity been advantegeous to shareholders- TATA CORUS ARCECUR MITTAL In the changing phenomenon of retail inductry with focus on FMCG in the UK - A competitive analysis with the indian market. The economic impact of immigrant workers on the UK labour market. A case study of romanian and bulgarian workers in the construction industry What makes a country a candidate for e-merging market? Identify different ingredients of emerging market and give some relevant practical example of emerging market. Cultural study importance assumes when a company wants to enter foreign market including education, work ethics, government policies, religion & social pattern. The company which I had won was closed due to the refection of the order which I made and what are all the reasons for the refection of the international order? What are the impact affect on an organisation with the aid of financial reporting and analysis? How corporate bankrupcy can be predicted or prevented? Employees Training and Development of Banking Sector at Jaffna in Sri Lanka What are the strategies HSBC bank used for training and recruitment to get the competitive advantage in banking sector? Importance of PR in situations of crisis within the companies What are the difficulties faced by middle-sized companies exporting agricultural products (olive oil)? The role of the organisation's motivational practices so as to make employee both mpre productive and satisfied in the moden work environmenr-a case study of Kuveyt Turk Participation Bank Lnc How can advertising and design of a brand name be effective in promoting business? How British petroleum adapts its marketing? How can customer satisfaction be important in large personal supermarkets? A study of the effect J Sainsbury's new 'personal service management'. How does modern logistics management backup modern marketing? A study of the Argos warehousing operations. What are the problems faced by wireless companies in order to promote awareness and market their wireless products. What would need to be done in order to market foreign food supplement tablets successfully in the UK? What factors affect expatriate's performance in relation to performance appraisal system in international human resource management What effect does the Basei II Accord have on financial institutions in the UK? Online buying behaviour: a cross cultural study between England and Turkey

Subject Area IB Marketing Strategy FIN IB IB IB Marketing IB Finance Finance MKT MKT Marketing Strategy

HRM Marketing Marketing IB Marketing Marketing Marketing IB Finance IB

International Organizations are active in Post-Soviet Union Countries. How effective has their contributions been so far, what are the obstacles of there work, how things should develop in future. How relevant is the information provided to a bankn by a business client seeking a loan? Issues in presenting and assessing current liquidity position and liquidity prospects. What is the impact of global warming on the changing strategies of marketing companies on people's choose? How profitable could be to invest in a REIT as a SIPPS in relation to other real estate assets What are the factors that influence house market in the UK? Employment opportunity laws have made it mandatory for companies to embrase diversity. What are the overall effects for the companies that use diversity as a core strategy. A comparison between government funded agencies and PLCs. IMF and their structural adjustment programme: Do they work? Case study of Trinidad and Tobago Is enough attention paid to safety in construction project in India? As globalization goes on, may luxury brands start to set manufactory abroad, will it affect their dignity? Starbucks global enrty strategy: will it be appealing in India> An empirical study on Bangalore based coffee parlours How can modelling the horizontal competition cooperation and the vertical relationship in the supply chain improve effectiveness? The effects of ownership change on brand identity and customer loyalty - a case study of safeway takeover by morrisons. An analysis of how CRM can provide a competitive edge in the retail industry. Tesco Is the dimension of service quality positively in Thailand retail stores related to customer loyalty? How effective is ethics as a competative marketing strategy?

Marketing Finance Marketing Finance Marketing

IB FIN IB Marketing IB Marketing Marketing Marketing IB Marketing

Customer satisfaction relations with different cultures. Marketing What are the difficulties faced by UK suppliers in exporting electronic components to the Free Trade Zone in Brazil and how can they best deal with them? Case study of 3 selected IB companies. What are the challenges for a company in maintaining consumer loyalty and attracting new customrs or poaching them from competitors? Implementations of SCM in clothing and textile industry and the most common major operational and logistic issues in the industry in terms of supplying products as well as service across borders What are the major managerial issues effecting the promotion and marketing of products and brands in the pharmaceutical industry? Consumer relationship maintained by Lanka Electricity company limited Bank Credit facilities. How relevant are the main considerations in banker market in assessing an applictaion for a loan. Mortgage Assessment. How bnks and building societies affect the house priceses inorder to release new mortgages? Marketing

IB Marketing Marketing Finance Finance

Testing the pressure of the January and small size effect on the London stock exchange How do UK Universities monitor their budgets and reduce their costs to achieve higher profitibility? Case study on the London University of Arts. How does emotional brading work or why it is important for creating a new brand, or at the exciting one. Organisational commitment Vs Loyalty to supervisor as arutecedents to individual performance. Why loyalty to a person is more important than loyalty to an institution in China? How is outsourcing from developed countries affecting the job opportunities and careers for software and electronic specialists in developing countries. What can CRM achieve for a company? A study of selected companies that have introduced CRM practices. What is measures of Tourism Market Potential of Turkey and does Turkey's Tourism Industry attract tourist from e-marketing? How does warehouse and logistics management affect financial performance? A review of how 3 selected companies have improved their profits by changes in this area. The real estate bubble, a dissertation containing reasons, factors and silutions for the rapid price rise of houses in the UK Recent increases in mergers and acquisitions have been accompanied by failures in metting market expectations. How far has this been due to over-valuation? A review of selected recent market disappointments. What are the factprs affecting China's real estate market due to high demand of private housing in the growing economy Can corporate governance survive in the present wave of private equity. An analysis of activities in the private equity field. Buying electronics on-line: What considerations influence consumers most - product attributes (eg: price and quality) or on-line security and privacy? What could be the cost effective strategy for globalizing local indian brands in developed market with focus on textiles. What are the factors that Lenoro China need to pay attention to if it wants to become a real international enterprise? How to evaluate the value of quoted company from their accounting information? What steps do media companies have to take to ensure the introduction of digitale technoloigy meets their strtaegy objectives? ATM companies face challenges for rapid increases of fraud. How impact is it to make their security stronger. What motivates employees? A study of Human Resource Management in Chinese private enterprise company in Shanghai.

Finance Management Marketing

Marketing MKT Marketing Marketing Finance Finance

Finance Finance Finance Marketing Marketing Strategy Finance Marketing Marketing Finance

How far are employers getting the best performance from their employees? IB Do the IMF policies create stabilisation and respectibility or are they a cause of dwnsizing Finance and financial crisis? Are mergers and acquisitions the right option for companies seeking growth and success? Non resident Indian (NRI) investment in India Finance Finance

Foreign Direct Investment in developing countries; attraction and investment environment Finance ( case study Bahrain Financial Sector) Does mergers and acquisitions increase the wealth of shareholders wealth? How will Mecca Bingo survive with challenges? Mortgage lending and sub prime mortgage crisis Effective outsouring to achieve reduced costs in todays organisations. The implications in the banking sector How different risk analysis models play a role in making investment decisions. Coordination and implementation of overseas/donor aided development projects in Africa: A case study of how such projects has worked in The Gambia and an assessment of what could be done to improve project implementation and coordination for realization o HR is one of the part lead most organistaions succeed in business. How can Nestle handle the employees in order to win global market. How does the policy of job cuts in the National Health Service (NHS) affect the service delivered at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford. The impact of consumer behaviour on marketing strategy. Determinant of dividend policy : ISE50 Why medicine companies product can collected? From whom? What does Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) means for medicine company. What's FDA task. What is FDA looking for in drug companies. A study of effects of globalisation in marketing strategies of companies. Do merger and acquitition create or destroy shareholders value? The case study of ING bank in Belgium Japanese Foreign Direct Investments have been gradually increasing in the Global Market: What factors determine the success of Japanese companies in foreign markets? What is the impact of technology on the cost of business outsourcing? What is the difference between Islamic Banking and other banks. Why muslims choose Islamic banking? What marketing strategies chould real estate agencies in London adopt to increase their market share? Most of developed countries tried to extend their business in developing countries. What are the factors why SHE America, Inc Compnay decided trying to invest in some Europe and Asian countries? How team members create an effective team in Delware North companies at Wembley stadium How has marketing mix of the company Boots help attain competitive advantage and its impact on consurmer attitude. Are mergers and acquisitions the best way to achieve corporate growth? A study of the pre and post merger performance of Royal bank of Scotland and Natwest Bank Tesco is a largest supermarket in England. What are the factors that influences the people to shop at Tesco? International airlines are using a mix of different nationalities in their staffing. How do the companies deal with the inevitable difficulties issues and are they successful in managing their problems? Finance IB FIN Finance Finance

IB Marketing MKT Marketing Finance

Marketing Management Finance MKT IB IB Marketing

Strategy Finance Marketing Finance FIN


How can an emerging economy's brand be established in overseas market? A review of the issue facing major Chineses brands and how they could be successfully deal with? Relating Organisational Culture and Management Control System Design - performance measurement at Shang-ri La hotel in China. How are the financial considerations become the dominant factors to effect the domestic factories selecting their product decisions? How can a foreign beverage product-Oolong Tea enter specific markets in London and what are the challenges? A research on Dubai's financial market efficiency Startegies that MacDonalds Liverpool using and how it helps achieve stable growth over other competitors in the fast food industry in centrail London. Is there any relationship between Corporate social responsibility and financial performance of FTSE100 companies What are the peoples' perception about mutual funds as an investment option in India What is the key factors affecting consumer behaviour towards the e-commerce for hotels in Thailand? What are the factors that influence a fashion retail stores to be successful and be accepted by the public? An evaluation of the effectiveness of Satch and Satch advertising in Uganda. Given the wealth of information and technology that one increasingly has access to, are financial advisers' expertise necessary to build a successful and sustainable investment portfolio in stocks, bonds and cash? Validity of pecking order and determinants of capital structure: a study of UK market The role of electronic media and technology in marketing policy of large industries like Google, Mercedes, AT&T, Microsoft, Tesco, Sony etc. What is the relation between personal psychology and insuccessful foreign exchange traders Impact of culture on global business The factor affecting customer satisfacgtion in hypermarkets in Bangkok Thailand. Global banking an dits impact of Georgian markets. Individuality versus dependance on global banks. The construction sector is one the highest polluting worldwide. How the environment policies are affected by international agreements amongst the UK. The critical analysis of the marketing mix applied in promoting equipment manufacturers and spare parts for automobill industry in middle east market. Bank failures in Jambia -causes and analysis Doe co-branding strategy bring a competitive advantage to high-technology products in the UK. Mergers and acquisition: Alcatel-Lucent merger-are the motives of merger achieved? An analysis of how consultation management can bring competitive advantage in retail iundustry. What are the different forces that shape the behaviour and attitudes of the employees. A case study on Shell Petroleum (PVT) Limited. What are the strategies Sainsbury's used for training and recruitment to get the competative advantage in retail sector?

IB Marketing Finance IB Finance Marketing Finance IB Finance Marketing Marketing

Finance Finance Marketing Finance IB Marketing Marketing IB IB Finance Marketing FIN IB IB MKT

Corporate governance policies and regulations are being modified at a rapid rate to curb corporate failure. Have they adequately addressed the problem? An evaluation of selected past corporate failures. Finance Stock market in Vietnam What makes people like their job ( A comparative study of employees of British telecom and Pakistan telecommunication limited) Developing countries acquire finances from many sources mainly international. What are the sources of international finances for developing countries e.g.Kenya. How do firms design staffing policies in over-seas countries to gain competative advantage? (case study: HSBC, Colgate-Palmolive, Nestle) How to implement customers loyalty in retail market in today's life? How to manage an online inventory for small business? The impact of globalisation in developing countries case study of the island of Zanzibar (Tanzania) The impact of organisational change in the public sector as it affects its services and finances How national branding can be used as a tool for economic development in a country? What are the factors that affect the diffusion of innovation in particula brands of Shampoa? What are the sources of awareness of the new product? What are the reasons for corporate failure and disasters? And how it can be avoided and predicted well before time using statistics and analytical models? IT outsourcing strategies for companies providing outsourcing services in India-with a focus on WIPRO and INFOSYS What could be done to get people to work as a team and how teamwork will be effective. In the National Health Service(NHS) where my friends work, some of them and other employees are not happy and less motivated than others. What could be done to remedy this? Can firms efficiency measure the return of investment of human capital Relevant of demand and satisfaction for 24/7 citiphone banking service What has been the impact of micro-finance on the poor people of Bangladesh and what would be the potential impact of regulating it under the formal financial sector. How are small retailers surviving in face of competition from the mega-stores? A study of selected small retailers who have so far survived. How effective the business will run through when a small proprietor includes supply chain management and logisitics in his business. The requirements for HRM to operate effectively domestically and internationally are quite different. How are their requirements reflected in different company's HRM policies and practices and how effective are they? A comparison of selected companies. MKT IB Finance IB Marketing IB Marketing Finance IB Management Finance IB MKT

IB HRM Finance Finance Marketing Management


How effective is branding on fashion retail web pages compared to branding in high street Marketing stores in the process of decision-making in men who want to purchase clothes. What is the impact of the going green phenomenon on the financial position of energy Finance producing organisations Insurance brokerage company in Georgian market. How it can be influenced by international insurance organisations. Strategy

Economic and Financial crisis in Turkey's Predictable and avoidable What are the factors that influence scientist to choose chemical from Meark company more than other brands? Does CAPM work in Australian stock market? What are factors influencing Body Shop products export success? A comparison of Thai spa and Body Shop product. How has been the commercial behaviour of Agricultural products between UK and Peru? What makes it appropriate to supply and over come the shortage of essential drugs (life saving etc) in the region of South Asian countries especially in Pakistan? Are investor decisions dependent on fundamental analysis or intuitive judgement -a study of stock market participants of India and UK Shell has a higher image then PSO in the mind of consumers? How does brand marketing of personal care products in the UK have an impact on consumer buying behaviour. Generic vs Credit Risk Moduels: A comparison survey related study on the subject of retail credit risk models. I am a UK property company and I want to expand into Turkey. Before moving into Turkey its important to understand the differences and similarities of doing business in Turkey and England. Venture capital investment: Evaluation of entry and exit strategies for business in Zambia. An Entrepeneour is planning to develop an e-comerce website. Hinching female Brazillian Community living in UK. What are the factors that can influence that community to buy online? How adequately are the social, economic and environmental imapcts of new industrial projects in developing countries taken into account? A study of the impact of Kahama Mine's operation in Tanzania on surrounding community. A study of the significance of brand loyalty among consumers of coke and how coke sustains this brand loyalty. A comparative study on Health and Safety measures of TATA IRON AND STEEL COMPANY and BRITISH STEEL? The objective of this research is to compare and contrast the UK and US housing market. Is there a bubble in these two significant housing markets? An analysis of taxation system and incidences of income taxation in Sri Lanka The goal of working capital management is to ensure going concern concept. How do companies manage their working capital and maintain profitibility and capital structure in order to ensure the above statement. Is a loyalty card program an attractive tool in UK retail sector? M&A -Do they always bring cleared results? The importance of employee empowerment for an organistation's success. How relationship between the working capital and corporate profitability of Thai listed firms of the Stock Exchange Thailand (SET) UK food industry: Determinants of profitability -a study of Unilever and competitors

Finance Marketing FIN Marketing IB Marketing Finance IB Marketing Finance

IB Finance


Management Marketing Marketing Marketing Finance

Finance Marketing Finance Marketing Finance Finance

Compare different store image and marketing mix strategies between chain convenience store and general merchandise store A critical analysis of the efficiency of JIT Application in the main car manufacturing in Turkey To what extent Exchange Rate effects stock market By the introduction of business outsourcing in the study of MNC around the world there is diverging change of policy of companies. What is the impact of outsourcing on US IT sector. Analyse the cause and remedy for few MNCs that coudln;t run a very good IBP. Do momentum and contrarian strategies work on the Istanbul stock exchange (LSE)? A test on LSE indices What is the E-Marketing on the global Market advantages and disadvantages the reflection of the business commercial sector What are the main factor of FDI in Turkey?

Marketing IB Finance

Management IB Management IB IB

Does corporate responsibility play an important role in todyas business environment IB The organisation strives to set the operation strategy in order to grow in the future. What are factors drive non-profit organisation to success and failure during the implementations its operation strategy for a survey of selected non-profit organization Strategy Does foreign fund managers outperform in the Indian mutual fund industry? A study of 10 mutual funds Finance What is the impact of culture on the internation marketing? Optimal capital structure is an industrial sector on Thai stock market What re the factors that are leading to the growth of islamic banking in the UK and what are the issues that such banks face? Is there a market for Vietnamese coffee in the UK? What promotional and marketing tactics are most effective in influencing customers to buy fast food products in the UK. The relationship between Chinese monetary policy and stock exchange How are islamic banks handling their financial risk management in the UK? How efficiently manage the financial challenges of olympic 2012 by UK govt. What are the factors that influence the corporations of China to become international company and how to manage it. What are the factors to consider for a foreign decoration company that opens a branch in the UK. MBA is the performance of commercial banks in Hong Kong different from those on mainland china How should a company divide its total funds sources into a optimal capital structure in order to maximise the sharholder's profits?Capital structure in natural resource sector Can franchising as a strategy help organisations gain market share globally? Why is McDonalds so popular? What are the reasons that influence people to choose McDonald's as the best choices for them? The electronic commerce been mentioned more by different company. Could ecommerce enhance the performance of the business organisation? Importance of the valuation in a case of merger and acquisition - Oyaybank Turkey. Marketing FIN Finance IB Marketing Finance Finance Finance IB IB FIN Finance IB Marketing Marketing Finance

What roles do the credit derivatives have for managing risk in banking? Are the credit derivatives really beneficial for the companies and banks? What is the importance of being a brand in textile market for a garment firm? What kind of financial risk have mortgage lender and borrower and how they can eliminate all the risks. How can human resource development support company's management in achieving its goals? Cashbox, an entertainment service company+ Can SMEs in the UK manufacturing industry survive without intranet What are the reasons behind and factors affecting international invetsor decision making? A study of business apply innovation to create value and enhance the competitive advantage in two chinese companies: ' ACER and HongHai (Fox conn) Mobile commerce (M-Commerce) as the next generation, it has been paid more attention by business world, what is it? And how will it bring the new opportunities for business world. The impact of acculturation and cultural adoptation on the integration phase of mergers Monetary policy and trade deficit in UK: Is there any link Dividend policy: does lintner's mathematical explian FTSE's Dividend behaviour? What are the factors which are still urging countries to buy oil from OPEC countries? What are the main factors causing the raising of ioil price every day? What are the logistics management practices in small business enterprises in Lagos state Nigeria. One of the fastest growing industries in today;s workld is pharmaceutical. Which promotional strategy can increase the sales of pharmaceutical sector? Should companies go green? The case of Marks and Spencers. What are the factors that influence corporations to choose and target another for mereg and acquisition> Can revaluation of fixed assets improve the performance of an entity What motivates employees? The role of compnay motivational strategies. A case study of Tesco's. Indentify the HRD policies and objectives. What are the training and development programmes undertaken by Larsen and Toubro? What are the measures for making the necessary improvements in the training programmes conducted? Examine the impacts of outsourcing on modern business operations. How does the inflows of Brazilian food products affect the expatriate Brazilian market in London? Risk Management in an Asset management company How can luxury fashion designers explore and benefit from market segment of overseas studnets in London. Financial Planning: how realistic are cost projections in the construction inductry? A review of selected construction projects. Has Fair Trade using the standards set by international certification body fairtrade Labelling Organisation had a positive impact on the business practices of certified pineapple producers in Ghana.

Finance Marketing Finance IB Finance IB IB

Finance MKT FIN Finance Strategy TQM Marketing Strategy Finance Finance HRM

HRM Strategy Marketing Finance Marketing Finance


How can SWOT analysis as a coporate strategy tool impact on the profitability of small/medium scale industries. Analysis of the profitability of commercial banks in Nigeria. How are merchandisers and retailers cooperating through supply chain management? A case study of selected retailers in the garment industry. Michael Porter in his diamond theory argued that successful national companies could bring forwrda their expertise to international market to gain competitive advantage to penetrate into European Marekt? Mergers and acquisitions - wealth creation or destruction> The case for bidding firms. What determinants create the core tendency of high street retailers to pull out their town centre outlets and to focus on internet based custom sales? Starbucks as the most successful company in the coffee industry prides itself on how it manages its coffee bars. How do Starbucks coffee houses differ from the competitors and how far might its success be due to their differences? Most supermarkets in England try to attract consumers with their low cost strategy. Do consumers want low cost items of low quality or better quality items? In business environment how important it is to provide training. Is it effective cos-twise? Supply chain management in international business. How effective can be used to minimise cost and increase the efficient opoerations/ Companies have placed strategic planning as a framework for decision making. How far by the actions of individual staff has it been carried out in order to gain a global standard. What have been the key factors in retail superstores growing and how they capture international markets? Will the merger of ABN AMRO bank provide Barclays with opportunities for efficiency? Global security negotiation requirment to unify security regulation and breakdown of barrier markets, comparative analysis of L American, EC and common law experience. How good are the good global citizens? Invetigating the manifestation of ethical and social rhethoric dimensions in the growing international trade of apperals and sportswear industries? Any strategy of retails companies which will be most responsive in terms of cometitive existance? Competition and Evolution in the stock market industry. How are new strategies being developed? A study of selected companies. How can business take an advantage of the power of advertising to increase or maintain their sales in the competiive market place? Going global. What are the alternatuives and the influencing factors a firm should consider when making entry mode decisions. How retailers have the right range and availibility to grow sales in their store? What factors should fast fashion manufacturers consider from the consumers perspectives when entering a new market? A relational study on consumers buying behaviour of south east asian in the perspective of brand name, product quality, price sensitivity amd promotion/ How can internet banking help develop economies? A comparative study of agricultural development. Can marketign strategies create loyalty among customers in fast food indsutry in terms of sustainable development.

Marketing Finance Strategy

Marketing Finance Marketing

Strategy Marketing HRM TQM Strategy Strategy Finance IB Corporate Governance Marketing Finance Marketing Strategy Strategy Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing

How sales target can be achieved by hiting the right customers with aggressive marketing and promotional strategies of apparels. How IT and systems helps BP alligned Marks and Spencers to maintain their postion in the present and future Uks competitive market? How hotel's selecting out the communication channels for promoting their services and how its help out customer to make out the decision for selecting the services. Mergers and acquisitions in Columbia: Have implementtaion of these activities improved the efficiency in the target organisations What is the importance of venture capital incubating new companies and various strategies implemented in the investment decision making. What are the alternative strategies for businessses went to bric manufacturing when it becomes expensive? Reasons why bric culture could fall. What are the strategies adopted by Asian restaurants to attract and influence customers in the UK. How to improve customer relationships in Bank-Al-Falah? What are the factors that affect the relationship? Find the importance of integration of HRM to corporate strategu to maintain and increase job performance through job satisfaction. What strategic approaches an universal bank link HSBC have adapted to avoid losing national market share to growing islamic banking concept in middle east countries. Managing Operations - how do managers targeting cost control? How the coporate business can manage its sources of finance. What makes people go online for shopping? What are the impacts of online shopping on future business and markets? Emerging from Economic Depression in Turkey. What factors caused certain sectors to grow faster than others. Does Electronic commerce based performance bring competitive advantage to the profit oriented corporate entities? Case study of a comparison of e-commerce based and physical retail enterprises? Does working capital management play an important role in a companies success? What are the factors that influence people to choose 'Red Lion' between a couple of other restaurants in the same street. An investigation into how the management of technical and cultural change can have an effect on thew organisation. Do gender differences affect consumer response within the context of product form perception? Evaluate the impact of the introduction of the mortgage system in Turkey 2007 and draw comparisons with the UK. What steps should be taken to improve the state of the turkish system? Corporate Governance: The effect and impact its formal recommendations has on the performance of companies in the UK.

Marketing Strategy Marketing Finance Finance Strategy Marketing Marketing HRM HRM Strategy Finance Marketing Strategy

Marketing Finance Marketing HRM Marketing

Strategy Strategy

What is the role of supplier partnership in TQM in order to gain competitive advantage on rivals in automotive industry - a case study of BOSCH company. Strategy What are the factors that influence electrical appliances companies and manufacture freezer businesses to choose between own companies and new companies of manufacturing copper and aluminium tube parts for colling systems. Strategy

The role of the strategic management in regards to success or failure of an organisation. How to bring a new product into a new market? A case study of a company currently doing this. Quality selling and production comparison of Toyota and Ford automotive companies in the automotive section of Turkey. As a part of business expansion and strategy MNCs operating their business in developing countries where corruption as being the most obstacle. How does corruption impact on MNCs business? What are the marketing strategies in the field of sports which boost up the income of the club? The effect of training and development on Starbucks Coffee. The impact of telecom companies making business in telecome field. How does it manage to balance business? How IT based CRM effects the development of National Bank of Pakistan and what necessary requirements should adhere for the employees? Can recruitment of a London educated graduate be a probable marketing strategy for Indian banks in London What extent UK is different from all the Europe regarding employees relations and the ongoing practices in the field fo HRM? Turkey is hoping to join the EU. How are international Turkish companies planning for this and how effective is this planning likely to prove a study of Turkish companies What are companies conducting business overseas doing to off-set the risks of currency fluctuation? Case studies of selected companies. Starbucks tries to present a unique image; what strategies does it pursue to create this image and how successful are they? How does label of product affect customer behaviour to the purchase time? An evolving will be given regarding Chinese product? How would Thai organic food gain more opportunities in the European Coutrnies Germany, UK and France Since the inception of electronic banking Ghana's banking sector has experienced absolute remarkable growth in productivity and bank service delivery to mention among other things. What then is the impact of electronic banking on Ghanan banks Is supply chain management providing competitive advantage to International Business? When should a company change its strategy? A comparison of Turkish textile companies that have successfully adopted to changing circumstances and those that have not. How customer cervices could be used as a competitive tool by retail organisations in the UK - ASDA An evaluation of how far selected foreign companies in turkey are succeed and why. How far their future prospects depend on continuing political and economic stability and EU entry. My space is a major on-line promoter of unsigned nads and articles of all music genres. However, is there a 30 years old plus market for companies to target? What are the factors that influence people to choose beer brand?Particular company is "EFES" What are the recruitment methods and how effective they are in organisations and their strategic role in the organisations success.

Strategy Marketing Strategy

Strategy Marketing HRM Strategy Marketing Marketing HRM Economics Finance Strategy Management Marketing

E-Commerce Strategy Strategy Marketing

Strategy E-Commerce Marketing Finance

What is causing the high employee turnover in Domino's pizza. B & Q entry into the chinese market within its global expansion. The reults of IHR and its recommended policies. Reducing overseas transportation costs of fragile goods. The health and safety concept in coporate world have a vital importance. Will the health and safety concept be followed and measured to western standards in emerging markets. No frills airlines: Ryaniar is now operating out of London airport. How is this affecting other airlines and how is Ryanair dealing with the problem? Horizontal mergers'. A study on how mergers affects the corporate strategies of the emergent company. A case study on Wells and Young's, Formerly Young's and co. and Charles Well. Whay apartment buildings are so successful in Vietnam in recent years? What do companies have to do in order to implement CRM Successfully? Case study. Major decisions should be based not only on financial factors but also on immediate and long term social and environmental consequences of decisions. A study of how companies are implementing these pronciples. How does working capital management affect a business in its financial performance Islamic bonds - what re the opportunities and challenges for market participants How can customer relationship management help their customers in banking? E-Commerce: A catalyst for economic growth in developing countries? The case of Luanda's tourism. Can financial ratios be depended upon to predict stock market return. Many international stundets are studying today in UK. How well have they adapted their organistaions management procedures to handle these stdunets Are sonsumers protected or consumed? How effective is the marketing of South American handicraft products in London? A study of the marketing of selected products and evaluation of the potential for improvement. To what extent is the stock market efficient (UK stock market). A event such as new archeology development by a few companies as taken insides to find out the trend via share prices. There are many obstacles to new countries or companies entering the wine trade. What can a new entrant do to overcome them? Case study of Cass Taylor wines (T.D. setting up an Indian wine venture) Dividend Irrelevance: Does policy matter? A Case study of Dell and Microsoft I work in first Dutch fusion retail company which has been expanding along Europe and the UK. The company is continuing its expansion. How effective are its strategies for doing this project in practice.

Marketing Marketing Management Strategy Strategy



HRM Finance Finance Marketing E-Commerce Finance Strategy Marketing



Marketing Finance


What are the roles of the Euro and the US dollar on international markets especially in Economics Turkey Telecome communications for business are rapidly expanding. How all the tlecommunication companies adapting this potential to meet business needs. A case study of selected telecom company. Strategy How a firm manages its economic exposure and tus achieves its own paticular exchange Economics rate The advantages and disadvantages of electronic indsutry when Vietnam joined WTO. From rise to decline, e-commerce has passed a complicated long way, how long ecommerce still can walk? What are the issues in marketing western beauty and skin care products in China? Case study of Lancome and Esteee Louder. What financial activities are used to increase the wealth of the firm? A study of how the fairtrade tendering has affected the exportations of comulbian coffee A study of real estate investment trust in the UK. How has it performed so far and what are its prospects? Are economy class fare offered by the main operators competing with budget airlines fares? In Starbucks company where I work there are many various nationalities which have different culture from each other may cause some conflict among them. What factors avoid all cross-cultural conflict and how make contribution to the organization. What are the effects of mergers and acquisitions on the performance of UK banking industry? A study of UK banking mergers and acquisitions Public opinion and franchising in emerging markets Consumer response to marketing public relation companies. An exploratory study of marks and spencers' look behind the label companies and its effect on consumer buying decision How doe film making inductry affect the economic and social growth of a country> Study of the impact of Indian made films The role of supply chain management in achieving competitive advantage for UK multinational food and drink manufacturers How advertising of fast food in London, influence consumer buying behaviour Economics E-Commerce Marketing Finance Strategy Finance Strategy

HRM Marketing Marketing

Strategy Economics Marketing Strategy

What are the factors that influence store to buy from overseas furniture companies in UK? Strategy The state of voluntary and community organisation in income diversification process in abid to be financially sustained. An overall look at the voluntary sector in England and Strategy Wales How Turkish textile and clothing industry can gain competitive advantage over rivals The use of customer service as a competitive tool by retail operations in the UK (GAP) as a case study Explain how Tote sport Bookmarkers developed into a large and one which has got third Finance Marketing Strategy

largest number of branches in UK? Scope and concept of Islamic banking system and its principles which criteria affect people with this system. What kind of impact do the increased customer services demands have on present day global logistics. A study to determine if the use of ERP systems gives a company its competitive advantage. A study of a bagel factory Analyze consumer behaviour in Chinese market of western cosmetic When marketing strategies will help the international Auto companies succeed in China market? What are the benefits of internet as a marketing tool in hospitality sector particularly in 4 star hotels in Cyprus? Internet marketing and its impact on the four star hotel in Cyprus I am planning to expand my present small fashion clothing business into high street outlet. What factors influence people ro buy the kind of clothing I plan to sell? An analysis of the marketing strategies employed by British Airways in order to gain competitive advantage over other UK airlines What are the factors that affecting consumer buying behavior or own brand food retailing in the UK. Franchisee- how effective is it as a way of successful business operation? The case of COSTA coffee The effect of promotional strategies in increasing the brand Awareness of Pizza Hut How does buying direct off the internet compare with buying by other means. A tusy of UK buying behaviour and its implictaions for selling insurance in Thailand. Economics Marketing Strategy Finance Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Finance Marketing Marketing

What is the strategic importance of Just in Time and how it helps in the product efficiency in the manufacturing industry Strategy Increasing customer's re-buying is an important aspect of the marketing programs developed by the major supermarkets. What are the factors that determine the loyalty of shoppers? Marketing What is the impact of foreign direct investment on Georgian economy Opportunities and challenges for investors in Vietnam stock market-Attraction and risks? The coffee product with brand "Fair- trade " is more and more favorite in UK. How does the fair-trade apply in the UK coffee shops? Manage reducing loan risks, emphasising on credit products in Vitenamese banking system. - Vietcombank What are the evaluation criteria of enterprise resource planning systems and how can selected ERPs be embedded into company processes. Analysis and Focus of ferous and non-ferous metal exports to India How does the service marketing mix ( 7 p' s) influence consumers' behavior in choosing a hotel in London England? A case study of 2 or3 selected hotel CRITICALLY ANALYZE THE PROMOTIONAL SCHEMES USED BY BARS AND RESTAURANTS IN LONDON TO ACHIEVE CUSTOMER LOYALTY Finance Strategy Marketing Finance Finance Marketing Marketing


The mortgage market in East London has grown rapidly over the last 10 years. What are the factors that have influenced this growth? Hwat are the new factors? UK food and beverages industry: is there any relationship between working capital management and corporate profitability? How does sound working capital management and polices contribute to the competitive advantage of businesses in the UK? A Case study of selscteed companies. How effecitive is efficient working capital management can give competitive edge of success over rivals in retail sector Does cutting price enable a business to grow? A study of selected companies that have been cutting their prices. Starbucks coffe is the most successful company in the coffee industry, prides itself on how it manges its coffee bars. How do Starbucks coffee houses differ from the competition and how far might its success be due to their difference? How do supermarkets manage their working capital and how effective are they in meeting their objectives in doing this? Why Vietnam can remian the high position in exporting rice? Whats the advantage / disadvantage at the moment? What is the role of multi-national transport development on the competitiveness of international transport corridors

Finance Finance Finance Finance Strategy

HRM Finance Strategy Strategy

What are the factors that influence the consumer behaviour towards luxury products in the Marketing London Market Empirical test of the applicability of the CAPM in Shanghai stock market 2001 to 2008 How Tesco take advantage from supply chain management in whole complete market place How brand marketing of detergents (in London) influences consumer buying behavior? A study on customer loyalty in a restaurant environment The plastic revolution in banking and finance is now well established. How do customers feel about the various cards they need to hold What is the relationship between the development in the property market in London and the activity in the London stock market? The British Toursim Industry has not only positive factors but negative factors also that affect the economy. What are they and their impact. Whether emerging markets still offer diversification to a global portfolio of investment? What role has microfinance instutitions performance to small and medium enterprises in Tanzania What are the issues in developing a business through franchising? A study of the experience of McDonalds Channel Advantage - afeild marketing company are using online selection to recruit the staff. The the practice justified in terms of business strategy? How can coroporate governance affect share prices? A Review of cases where this has occurred. Strategy Economics Marketing Marketing Finance Finance Strategy Strategy Finance Strategy Strategy Finance

Buiyng a franchise: How effective is this as a way to develop a new business? The experience of franchisees in Georgia Family business often struggle to survive from generation to generation. Are there strategies that can successfully overcome difficulties.

Strategy Strategy

Acquisition in the UK supermarket business. How far are objectives being realised? Strategy Case studies of ASDA vs Walmart and Morrison vs Safeway What are the main characteristics of buyers behaviour in the car industry? How important Marketing is advertising in the same sector? Focused on trukey What is the money laundering impact? How multinational banks combat against money Finance laudering? Consumer behaviour and the MySpace pricing model Explaining unemplyment in developing countries. The Case of Vietnam in Transition Persiod. Retail supermarkets use their buying power to compete. What other strategically processes especially financial, do they use to enhance their competitive advantage and how effective are the two comparison of Tesco and Sainsbury's What are the contribution of internet business in the market. How it influences between the consumers and business firms. What is the impact of FDI on Georgian economy. Multuiple case study. Strategic alignment of Sampath Bank card center to re-cap the market leadership Management Economics

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