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Uber Top Questions

- By Sunyul Hossen
Note: [To Use this sheet optimally go and watch the "Cracking the Uber coding interview
The definitive prep guide" video on Debug Buzz Channel.
Link - ]

Uber Coding Interview Questions

Be prepared to face questions like the ones below during your coding
interviews at Uber.

1. You are given a 9x9 2D matrix with some empty cells (denoted by 0)
along with cells filled with digits (1-9) such that the final matrix is a
valid Sudoku solution.
2. Given a two-dimensional boolean matrix, find the number of islands.
An island is a group of connected 1s or a standalone 1. A cell in the
matrix can be connected to up to 8 neighbors: 2 vertical, 2 horizontal,
and 4 diagonal.
3. Implement a queue with two stacks.
4. You are given an array/list of unsorted ARR of N integers. Return the
length of the longest consecutive sequence. The consecutive
sentence in the form ['NUM', 'NUM' + 1, 'NUM' + 2, ..., 'NUM' + L],
where ‘NUM’ is the starting integer of the sequence while L + 1 is the
length of that sequence. If we find duplicates in the array, we will
consider only one of them in a consecutive sequence. Like, for the
given ARR [9,5,4,9,10,10,6], output = 3. Here, the longest consecutive
sequence is 4, 5, 6. Can you also solve this in 0(N) space complexity
and 0(N) time?
5. You are given a binary tree of integers. Print the right view of this
binary tree. The right view of a binary tree is a set of nodes when
viewed from its right side, while the nodes are printed in the top to
bottom order.
6. A group of friends went on a trip and lent each other money for
various purposes. The tuple (X, Y, Z) represents each transaction, i.e.,
person X gave person y $Z. Given a list of 'N' number of transactions,
return the minimum number of transactions required to settle the
7. Delete Edge to minimize the difference in subtree sum.
8. Find the Max Rectangle in a Histogram.
9. How to determine the max product of three numbers?
10.What is Contiguous Subarray Sum?
11.Merge two binary trees.
12.Implement a hash map.
13.Write an efficient and effective function that can check whether a
permutation of any input string is a palindrome.
14.Write a function to find an index of a rotation point in an array.
15.Write a function fib() that will take an integer n and return the
respective nth Fibonacci number.
16.Check whether your single-linked list contains a cycle.

Uber Front-end Interview Questions

Some of the most common front end interview questions at Uber are:

1. Do you have experience with micro-services?

2. Evaluate a given JavaScript and specify what it is doing.
3. If you face JavaScript performance issues, what is your course of
4. Implement a loading bar that animates 0-100% in 3 seconds.

Uber Data Engineer Interview

Some common questions for data engineers and scientists applying for
Uber are:

1. What are the assumptions of linear regression?

2. Give me an equation to optimize marketing spend between Twitter
and Facebook.
3. Explain dynamic (surge) pricing and how you can measure supply and
4. Print a function to calculate a given number’s square root up to two
points’ precision.
5. Write a production code to reverse a given number.
6. What is a stationary signal?
7. Give the difference between MLE and MAP.
8. What do nested SELECT and WITH do in SQL?
9. Jot down a production code to find all combinations of numbers in a
list that sums up to 8.

Uber Behavioral Interview Questions

1. Tell us about yourself.

How to answer: While answering this question, be sure to speak about

your experience, particularly those that showcase that you’d be a good fit
for the role you are applying for. Always back your statements with

Sample: I am a passionate engineer. I apply myself to a task wholeheartedly

and efficiently work alone and as a part of a team. For instance, in my previous
roles, I collaborated with <mention the team name> to <mention the goals you
achieved as a team>. I like to learn and keep working on developing my
expertise. Over the last year, I <talk about new things you learned or courses
you completed>.

2. Why do you want to work for Uber?

How to answer: Talk about what you like about Uber and its
product/service. Try to focus on a specific reason that is motivating you to
work for Uber. You can also mention Uber’s work culture and excellent
employee benefits and why they’re valuable to you. Ensure that they
understand Uber is your first choice.

Other common Uber behavioral interview questions:

3. What skills do you think are most important to work at Uber?

4. Tell us about your strength and weaknesses.
5. How do you handle a project life cycle?
6. Why do you think you are a good fit for this position?
7. Tell us three things you did not like about your last job.
8. Walk us through a situation where you had to make a decision with
limited information.
9. Tell me about a time when you felt overwhelmed with office work.
10.Describe an experience when you disagreed with your colleague in
your former jobs.
11.Walk us through the most difficult decision you took at work.
12.How do you prioritize tasks while working on multiple projects?
13.What will you do if you do not agree with a company policy or
procedure and need to comply with it anyway?
14.Tell us about a time when you faced deadline stress and how you
coped with it.
15.Give us an example of when you used logic to come out of a certain
fix at your previous jobs.
16.Tell me about a time when you had to motivate a coworker.
17.Describe your biggest achievement at work.
18.How do you cope with the increasing workload?
19.Walk us through a situation where you used your communication
skills to overcome an issue.
20.Tell me about the most interesting project you are working on this
year and what you are learning from it.
21.Describe a time when you took it upon yourself to improve in-house
work procedures.

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