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Mohit Raj

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Year Degree/Certificate Institute CGPA/%
2018 - 2022 B.Tech IIIT Kalyani 8.21/10
2018 Intermediate(XII) C.M. Inter School 70.4%
2016 Matriculation(X) Vivekanand Public School 10/10

Vahak Aug 2020 – Jan 2021
ReactJs Developer Intern | Recommendation | Certificate Remote
• Designed and implemented User Dashboard, Signin and Signup page, Authentication.
• Designed UI for uploading documents and connected it with AWS S3 container for storage purpose.
• Implemented reusable components using HTML, CSS, ReactJs, Redux and React-router-dom.
Technical Skills
Languages: C++, Java, JavaScript, SQL
Web Dev and Database: HTML5, CSS3, ReactJs, Redux, NodeJs, ExpressJs, MYSQL, MongoDB, Axios, JWT
Core Subjects: Operating System,DBMS,OOPS
Developer Tools and Technologies: VS Code, Eclipse, Atom, Firebase hosting, Git, GitHub, Agile, Jest

BookCart | Live | Code July 2021
• Build a fully authenticated eCommerce website for buying books with conditional searching.

• Integrated Payment gateway with paypal and card payment.

• Admin role has functionality like confirm order, CRUD products, CRUD categories etc.Backend hosted

on Heroku and Frontend hosted on Firebase.

• Tech: HTML, CSS, Reactjs, Nodejs, React-router, MongoDB, ExpressJs, REST API

Duo Chat | Live | Code Jul 2021

• Designed a peer to peer Video calling web application along with Screen sharing and Chatting

• Used WebRTC for peer to peer connection. UI is clone of google meet using HTML, CSS-flexbox, and

Reactjs.Used Nodejs, Expressjs and MongoDB for handling backend functionality.

MovieMix | Live | Code Mar 2021
• Voicechat bot commanded web app to show category-wise movie lists.Navigate whole website without a

single click.
• Designed and developed using HTML, CSS, ReactJs, React-router and hosted on Firebase. Used

MovieDB API to fetch movies and Alan AI for voice command bot and linked with react using
• Ranked 475 out of 3505 in ACM ICPC Amritapuri 2020 preliminary
• Listed in top 10 mentor in open source program GSSOC’20
• Solved 250+ Problems on GeeksForGeeks(Link) and 250+ on Leetcode(Link)
• HackerRank certified and 5 star in Java, SQL and Python
• Winner of Code Cops hackathon organised by IIIT Una

ExtraCurricular Activities
• Project Coordinator, Google Student Developer Club, IIIT Kalyani
• Project Mentor, GSSOC’20 and Winter of Code, IIIT Kalyani

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