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Ridel Mae B.

Historical Foundation of Education
Dr. Edith O. Popera
Quiz no. 4

3. State your own educational history from: college; its educational system, causes of distress
to the part of the students; what were the subjects taught? * *

Answer: The Camiguin Polytechnic State College is a public college in the Philippines. It is
mandated to provide higher professional, technical and special instructions for special
purposes and to promote research and extension services, advanced studies and progressive
leadership in agriculture, forestry, engineering, arts and sciences, and other relevant studies.
Its main campus is located in Mambajao, Camiguin. As a student in Camiguin Polytechnic
Stage College what distresses me is to answer trigonometric problems which is far related to
my course Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. If only I got to read of those
things since my major is English. I could follow while the teacher is showing us how to solve
but when we are left alone to analyze especially during exam it really distresses me because I
really find it hard to make it my own. As Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
student we had Speech and Oral Communication, Structure of English, Intro to Linguistics,
Argumentation and Debate, Communication I, Creative Writing, Pagbasa at Pagsulat,
Rhetorika, STS, Chemistry, Trigonometry, Introduction to Philosophy, Philippine History,
Music, Rizal, Novel and Poetry, TESL, Assessment, Curriculum Development, Principles of
Teaching I and II, ROTC, and Basic Computer Skills.

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