Ridel Mae B (Midterm Educ 201)

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Educ 201 (Philosophy of Education)
Dr. Maya R. Sanchez
Midterm Exam

1. Define philosophy of education in your own words.

Answer: Philosophy of Education is a philosophy or love of wisdom for education

wisdom, which deals deeper on the approaches towards Education. It also talks about the
principles in education; what is education; how education is manage; to whom education
is dedicated and what are some problems encountered in education and how those in
authority addressed such problems.

2. From among the 4 philosophies of education that we have discussed choose two and
explain their major contribution in education.

Answer: Among the 4 philosophies of education I choose the following:

a. Progressivism – its contribution in education is it focuses on the child itself rather

than the content or the teacher. It allows students to be engage in every quest for
learning. Students in this philosophy are active, participative, in short students learn
by exposure and by doing itself. It is anchored on the philosophy of John Dewey
which is learning by doing. The specific activities in progressivism philosophy are
role playing, group discussions, Problem Solving, Practical or hands-on exams and
many more. Through these activities students will be more engaged and will get to
internalize their learning because they themselves do it and perform it.

b. Pragmatism – its contribution in education is similar to that of Progressivism since

its focus is still the child itself. But in Pragmatism learners learn in their own pace,
teachers just served as facilitator of learning. Students here are exposed with learning
resources and they get to explore things and learn from it. The best example which
uses Philosophy of Pragmatism is the Montessori Schools where students are
exposed with different learning materials and teachers just let them explore and
explore until they learn from what they are doing. With this students get to be more
independent learners with minimal supervision of the teachers.

3. Among the 4 philosophies, choose two and state your own personal criticisms of
these philosophies.

Answer: Among the philosophies that we have discussed I would like to comment on the
philosophy of Progressivism and Pragmatism. As a teacher I could see myself in these
two philosophies because I am a teacher who always considers my students welfare, their
differences and individual intelligences. I am a teacher who listens, a teacher who weighs
things out when something gets wrong. I am a teacher with the heart, a heart that touches
my students’ heart to do better and develop attitude which is the most important of all. I
am a teacher who finds the goodness in my students no matter how they behave. I am a
teacher who adjusts with my students, a teacher who deals with them even in their worst.
With this I could consider that I am into Progressivism and Pragmatism Philosophy of

- My heart is into teaching and will always be into it - “ Ridel”

Thank you Ma’am! Keep safe always!

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