A Social Project Report ON: "Study of Working of Social Organisation Adharashram"

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d To, University of Pune Under the Guidance of Prof. Dr. Manish Deshmukh Submitted By Ekta. P. Ramchandani J.D.C. BYTCO Institute of Management Studies & Research
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I have pleasure in successful completion of this work titled, Study of Social Organisaiton, Adharashram. The special environment of J.D.C. BYTCO Institute of Management Studies and Research that supports educational activities facilitated my work on this project I acknowledge the support and encouragement extended for the study by Principal Dr. A. A. Verulkar. I am very much thankful to Dr. Manish Deshmukh Social Project Guide for this encouragement and guidance for project work it would not have been possible for me to complete this work without his suggestions on every part of this work. I greatly appreciate the motivation and understanding expended for the project work, by Mr. Prabhakar Kelkar Secretary of Adharashram and the staff, who expended promptly and enthusiastically to my requests for frank comments despite their congested schedules. I acknowledge the authors, whose work gave me insight and information related to the subject. I express my gratitude towards my parents who encouraged me to extend my reach with their help and support, I have been able to complete my work. Ekta P. Ramchandani

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CHAPTER NO. 1 2 PARTICULAR Executive Summary Introduction 2.1 Culture Changing Face 2.2 Emerging Social Organization Orphanages Organizational Profile 3.1 Introduction to Adharashram a ray of hope 3.2 History of Adharashram 3.3 Management of Adharashram 3.4 Adhargruh & Rehabilitation Programme 3.5 Objectives of Adharashram 3.6 Sources of Finance 3.7 Awards & Recognition 3.8 Future Plan Research Methodology Analysis & Interpretation of Data 5.1 Analysis of Questionnaire 5.2 Composition of Residents from last 5 years 5.3 Pie Chart showing the distribution of Expenses. Findings and Recommendations 6.1 Findings 6.2 Recommendations Conclusion 7.1 Conclusion based on Work 7.2 Conclusion based on Learning Benefits Annexure Questionnaire References PAGE NO. 1 5


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Content of Table
Sr.Nos 1 2 3 Particulars 3.6 Sources of Finance 5.2 5.3 Composition of Resident Percentage distribution of Page No. 18 29 30

from last 5years. Expenses

Content of Graph
Sr.nos 1 Particulars 5.2 Bar Digram showing composition of residents 2 from last 5 years. 5.3 Pie Diagram showing Distribution of Expenses. 30 Page.no 29

Chapter 1
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Executive Summary

Chapter I Executive Summary

Title: Study of working of social orgnisation Adhar-ashram Type of Research: - Case study method Qualitative Research [Case study method was adopted to have a comprehensive study of a social orgnisation, Adhar-ashram. Qualitative approach was adopted to have subjective assessment of atitudes, opinions & behaviour.] Objectives of Research:- The sole objective of conducting social research on Adhar-ashram was to let people be aware about the work culture & inner world of Adhar-ashram, because people normally visit any social orgnisation especially an orphanage on special occasion like to commenorate somes relative birthday, and there visit of few minites can hardly give then any information about the place they visited.

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Collection of Data: - Primary Data was collected from observation method, interview method & Questionnaire method for collection of secondary data, brouchure of Adhar-asharam was referred. Tools Used Research Type Data Sources Research Approach Contact method Type & Question Sample size Method Employed Case study method, Qualitative Research Primary & Secondary data Survey of orphans & destitute women Structured Questionnaire Open ended Questions 2 volunteers, 6 orphan kids & 1Ashram kanya

Scope of the Social Research:

The research was conducted to know about working of adharashram,the research covers work culture, daily routine of ashram kids and the rehabilitation programme conducted by the ashram, the scope was restricted to that extent.

Limitations of the Social Research:

The kids were not allowed to be formally interviewed due to organization rule. Hence, their coordinator gave details and 5 kids were informally interviewed. The organization was relucutant to give financial details of Adhar Ashram. There was not much sources for collection of secondary data, as their website was under construction

About Adhar-asharam
Adhar-asharam was founded on 4th April 1954, by Vaidyaraj, W.Alias Annashastri Datar, who was inspired by his mother. It is managed by Dr. Shrikant Page | 7

Purnapatre (president). Adhar-asharam conducts a rehabilitation programme, providing shelter to dowry victims, deserted women & helpless women. The focus of Adhar-asharam is to provide for the wellbeing of women, their abounded children &children (orphans) in nashik. Adhar-asharam is bestowed by many honours by the government. Donation to Adhar-ashram, carry exemption under article 80G of Income tax Act.It is a public trust Reg. No F/34, Society Reg. No. 3263 ,currently it is looking forward to establish a home for old aged people Vrudha-ashram. Adhar-ashram provides maternal love & paternal care to the orphan kids.it is verily a temple of humanity Its ultimate aim is to help under privelleged children to become responsible & accountable citizen of India & inculcate the spirit of adoption for childless couples.

Its not the physical pain that endangers the orphan kids the most. It is the mental pain caused by the stress from years to years of being neglected, pushed aside disregarded, unloved & made to feel undeserving & is almost cases made to feel like possession rather than a equal human being. Even more it is the lack of unconditional love, the right to be accepted, as a child and to be loved as a child, no matter whatever a person does,it is the most wounding.

Recommendations to the Ashram

There is a risk of ones getting hurt at the entrance of Adhar-asharam, as these are rocks and stones in the premises, which is next to playground. Efforts should be taken by Ashram to clean up the loads of rocks & stones ,enough hygiene should be maintained in Balgruh.

Recommendation to general public

An awareness & motivation should be generated among there childless couples who try for severe measures of sterilization, testube baby etc, instead of going for all this, one baby from Adhar-ashram should be adopted. This would be beneficial to both parties ie. Orphan kids & the childless couple. Page | 8

The condition of orphan & abandoned women is today very heart rendering, can take faith over humanity in todays world, but places like adhar-asharam can help to retain that faith over humanity by providing for welling of children & abandoned children.

What Have I Learnt

The visits to Adhar-asharam were an implied lesson for me to be more grateful to my parents for everything they have provided to me.


Culture Changing Face

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Emerging Social Organisation Orphanages

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CHAPTER II INTRODUCTION 2.1 Culture Changing Face

Indian culture is most beautiful and highly admired by people all over the world. The Indian culture had attracted people from all over the world for their religious practices, philosophical thinking, science of meditation, yoga and family values mostly joint family system is still prevelant in the most of the areas in India. In India, the senior most male person holds the most dominating position. Also male members not only enjoy a privleged position in the family but also in the society as well unlike western culture. The male person resides in the joint family for all his life except in the case of dispute or conflict. He is responsible for serving the family to provide all the necessary amenities to his wife and children. Indian culture, by the way of joint family system teaches compassion, love towards your fellow men, care, brotherhood and helps to be a better citizen of the country. From the very past, Indian culture deeply incorporates various social values among the minds of people. These values are now reaching their bay as due to the impact of Westernization and following old worthless traditional practices. There is a widespread illiteracy still spread in rural areas of India. Though women are recognized as strength in all the fields of society still people have urge to have a male child, as because of the belief that having a male child is the family will bring not only much income but also will provide them with salvation (Moksha). Still because of this belief, if a couple does not have a child, the male members are given complete authority by head of the village to remarry again. This leads to exploitation of women. Also even if the female child is born, then either she is not accepted in the family or depleted at the time of their birth or killed. Even the male members, as because of his dominance can ruthlessly exploit a women ,child marriage customs ruin a girls life. Abandoned women, depleted women by their family because of any of above cause needs a place for support. Their eyes look at the society with the hope of recieving support. Indian sage Manu has glorified women in these words The God rejoice in sacred land where women command due respect.

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The current social scenario suggests just the opposite. Many unfortunate women are leading a dark, desolate life social atrocities have forced these women to lead a lonely, painful life. Dowry victim, child widows, deserted women needs a shelter. Also the above stated scenario was so much based on traditional thinking of society but now even the modern approach of the society tend to adopt westernization has also lead some part of the society being unprivileged. This is about so many kids left out by the parent due to may be a female child birth or unmarried pregnancy, inability of couple to take care of the child. Cases are so witnessed of teenage pregnancy during last five years and also the kids are not being aborted but left at some orphanage. This is just like giving punishment to clean person of not fault. The number of children left by the parents are not only increasing and their arises a need for providing shelter to them. Also cases can be seen for Semi orphan kid. It is about the case where only parent is alive and still the child is left for foster care as the family is not able to support the living of an another member. This is due to poverty present in the country. A country like India, whose culture is so respected all over and has maximum number of orphanages and social institution running all over to help and support orphan and deserted women itself generates a sense of pride but the increasing number of deserted, abandoned women, semi orphan is a sign of shame and its highly heart rendering scenario.

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2.2 Emerging Social Organizations Orphanages

Let the little children come to me for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these Mathew With the changing face of culture, a place to provide everything which is lost by those abandoned women children is called as a orphanage. An orphanage is an institution or asylum for the care of a child bereaved of both father and mother, sometimes also a child who has one parent living. Orphanage is place where silence is the only lullaby and anguish is the only companion. It is where mom and dads are only two conceptual beings and the tender loving care of parents is only a distant dream. The first orphanages called Orphanotrophiawere founded in the first century various alternative means of orphan support. Jewish Law for instance prescribed care for the widow and orphan and Athenian law supported all orphans of those killed in military service until the age of eighteen. Plato Law says, Orphans should be placed under the public guardians men should have the fear of the loneliness of orphans and of the souls of departed parents. A man should love the unfortunate orphan of whom he is guardian as if he were his own child. He should be as careful and as diligent in the management of the orphan property as of his own or even more careful still. In earlier days many orphanages practiced forms of binding-out in which children as soon as they were old enough, were given as apprentices to households. This would ensure their support and there learning an occupation such practices are assumed to be quite rare is the modern western world, thanks to the improved social security and changed social attitudes, but remain in force in many other countries. Orphanage is the name to describe a residential institution devoted to the care of orphans or children whose parents are deceased or otherwise unable to care for them.

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Parents and grandparents are equally responsible for the supporting children, but in the absence of these or other relatives willing to care for children, they become a ward of the state and orphanage are a way of providing for their care and housing. Children are educated within or outside the orphanage. Orphanage provides an alternative to foster care or adoption by giving orphans a community based setting in which they live and learn. In the worst cases, orphanages can be dangerous and unregulated places where children are subject to abuse and neglect. Today the term orphanage has negative connotations. Other alternative names are Group Home, Children Home, Rehabilitation Center, and Youth Treatment Center. However major charities are increasingly focusing their efforts on community based care of orphans in order to keep them with extended family and communities. Children are one third of our population and all of our future. Orphans and children orphaned due to all causes in 2005 estimated as 2,57,00,000. UNICEF India statistics retrieved on 11-12-2007 children home (State of Andhra Pradesh)5050. There are more than 25 million orphans in India. India has become an home to the largest most alarming number of aids orphans in the world. Mother Teresa, Nobel Laureate for peace wisely remarked, These concern (for orphan children in India and elsewhere in world) are very good but often these some people are not concerned with the millions that are killed by the deliberate decision of their own mother and this is what the greatest destroyed of peace today, Abortion for a pregnant women who dont need their child, give it to me.

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What Orphanage Do Security Empowerment

WHY Safe Lives Change Lives

HOW A Safe Heaven Education

RESOURCES Food, Clothing, Shelter, Health Care, Recreation Schooling, Personality Education skills. beyond College, Development, the life


Afford dignity + Break the cycle

Counseling and Guidance

Behavioral guidance


counseling and employment

The following steps are indispensable to minimize the given orphan crisis there should be an education plan including computer literacy for those orphans. However various volunteer are required for this and also it should be always remembered, serving orphan, homeless people is like worshipping god. The government should establish more orphans home so that these miserable children may smile one day. According to UNICEF globally these are 132 million children in need of a new family, shelter and care. The miserable plight of the orphans has been vividly described by Allen Ginsberg. Blandly mother and rides them in his dreams, so lonely growing up among and dead, souls of Tarrytown Wild Orphan

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Chapter III ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE Introduction to Adharashram a ray of hope History of Adharashram Management of Adharashram Adhargruh & Rehabilitation Programme Objectives of Adharashram Sources of Finance Awards & Recognitions Future Plan

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ADHARASHRAM Nasik (A home for orphans and destitute women) TEMPLE FOR HUMANITY To Aught that lives within the World O Merciful! Take in thy fold

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3.1 Adharashram A Ray of Hope Introduction to Adharashram

Though the great Indian sage Manu has clarified Women in these words The God rejoice in sacred land where Women due respect command However, the current social scenario stands completely contradictory to this today many unfortunate women are leading a dark and desolate life. They have been left out by their husband and family may be because of their inability to provide them a baby, boy or because of their inability to pay dowry sunshine has gone out of their life due to calamities and social atrocities. All dowry victims deserted Women, child, widows falls in this category. Also the infants and children born out of wedlock, orphaned, abandoned or are in not better state. They are sentenced to a lifetime neglect for no fault of owns. They are punished for their whole reason for just doing nothing. As the Dhyanpeeth Awardee Marathi Poet, Kusumagraj puts it, A huge sector of Indian society consists of a depressed class, a class which has neither the freedom or the strength to oppose injustice meted out to them. The women and children of India constitute this depressed and oppressed class. Isnt this situation a real heart rending? But well its often said, when fate closes all the doors, god leaves at least one open. Well a ray of hope shines in the darkness one that brings the sunshine back into these wretched lives a ray called as Adharashram. Adharashram is not a mere sanctuary for those without shelter. It does provide basic amenities like food, clothing and shelter. Moreover it also provides medical aid, education, cultivations and rehabilitation and above all. It makes their life meaningful and beautiful. The life of all these helpers individuals is born and deserted like a moor. Adharashram makes it blossom with joy. Adharashram is verily an Anandashram an abode for joy.

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3.2 History of Adharashram

The organisation, Adharashram was founded in 4th April 1954, by Vaidyaraj W. Alias. Annashastri Datar who was inspired and urged by his mother Smt. Laxmibai Datar. The likeminded colleagues who helped him with foundation were Shri Mukund Shastri Bapat, Smt. Indutai Khadilkar, Smt. Indirabai Bapat and Founder Secretary Shri. P. R. Alias Baba Vaidya. The institution was originally, known as Anath Mahilashram. The name was later changed to a male beautiful one Adharashram. The word Adhar means support, care, compassion and Ashram always refer as a place to live. So Adharashram can be rightfully called as and abode for support. The Ashram was initially housed in Anna Shastris house itself. Later on it was transferred to Smt. Indirabai Bapats House for want of accommodation it was shifted again. Smt. Laxmibai Datar provided a full shelter of her house for the institution. The Ashram seem outgrew this place too as because of the need for more place and it was shifted to Dr. R. V. Kelkars house. In the course of time this premise also proved insufficient and so the founders started thinking of constructing a new building for Ashram. Where there is a will, there is a way Their efforts were rewarded and plot was allotted to the institution by the Nashik Municipality on lease for 99 years. The Bhoomi poojan was itself performed by the erstwhile Defense Minister Mr. Yashvantrao Chavan. However in 1970, the institution occupied by own premises. Exemplary generosity can be seen, as the construction of building was hampered by the shortage of funds. Founder Annashastri Datar saved the situation by raising funds through mortgage of his and his brothers house. Annashastris dedication for the institution and his generosity is certainty without a parallel.

3.3 Objectives of Adharashram

Adhar-ashram an abode for support provides a loving, caring, god centered environment for the children under their case, meeting their needs and nurturing them in a number of ways. Its main aim is to clarify god passionately serving the oppressed and neglected children in the society. Our

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hope is that by sharing the love and compassion of god among the children is need, they will see a fruitful and bright future. Adharashram is that abode of support, which is committed for helping all of the Gods children by showering his mercy and kindness. God is to provide shelter, protection, rehabilitation to orphans, destitute, abandoned, deserted women, these is children by the way of adoption, education, re-habilitation and marriage. Adharshram always believe that all children should be given an equal opportunity in life especially when it comes to the provision of basic needs such as housing, health care and education. The focus of Adharashram is always to provide for the wellbeing of women, their children and abounded children in Nashik. The trust also identifies needs and design and implement Programme to support women and children especially orphaned/abandoned childrens to be socially and financially sustaining. Adharashram provides PATERNAL CARE & MATERNAL LOVE to the orphans. It is verily a temple of humanity.

3.4 Management of Adharashram

This renamed organisation Adharashram have a great work to do and many activities to look after and great efforts put for great work with sincere dedication leads to huge success, only if they are directed well and properly managed. Adharashram holds an office (Karyalaya) to look into the affairs of the Ashram, Its working and its residents. The Ashram is managed by President Vice President Dr. Shrikant Purnapatre Dr. Lata Patankar Mr. Anil Mehta Secretaries Joint Secretaries Prof. Kelkar Mr. G. S. Joshi M/S Nisha Patil

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A systematic co-ordination of efforts and results can be seen in the working of Adharashram. Proper management structure can be witnessed in this organisaiton.

PRESIDENT - Dr. Shrikant


VICEPRESIDENT - Dr. Lata Patankar

- Mr. Anil Mehta

SECRETARIES - Prof. Kelkar

- Mr. G. S. Joshi

- M/S Nisha Patil

3.5 Adhargruh & Rehabilitation Programme

Adhargruh comes from Adhar & Gruh. Adhar means support, Compassion, Care and Gruh means home. Adhargruh is another scheme of Adharashram. The department of women welfare, government of Maharashtra has recognized Ashram for Adhargruh scheme. The Ashram under Adhargruh scheme offers shelter to dowry victims, deserted women and helpless women. At present these are 16 such women are currently being looked after by the Ashram. Adhargruh scheme put simply put means Adhar-ashram is the home for the homeless women. An important activity carried out by the Ashram is to search the parent of kids found by police and to fresher the kids to their parents. This is usually done by providing advertisement in regional newspaper and local Nashik TV news channel C- News for continuous 1 or 2 month. Another important activity is to provide moral support to women having family problems. Frequent mutual discussions are made with the family members, they bring about an agreement and rehabilitate such women honorably is their families.

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A tailoring house is conducted for inmates and women from low income group. Also Adharshram has built on hostel for women working in Nashik situated on the banks of river Godavari, the hostel offers accommodation for 80 women. The hostel is well furnished with facilities like beds, fans, cupboards and water heater. This project started in 1991 has received grant of Rs. 14.5 lacs from Government of India and Rs. 75,000 from Nashik Municipal Corporation. Adharashram has contributed Rs. 5 lacs to this project. Gratefulness is still offered by the Ashram to the then MLA, Nashik Municipal Corporation i.e. Mr. Ganpatrao kathe, as he has raised a little garden in the vicinity of this hostel. Continues persecution of women and orphans is a crime even the Bible says that there is a specific place in hell for those who oppress women Imelda Marcas

3.6 Sources of Finance

Adharshram, being a social organization runs on donation. All types of Donations are welcomed here like in the kind of food items, grocery, clothes, cash, blankets, umbrellas, sweaters, raincoats etc. Finance is the lifeblood of any organization. A huge amount of funds is necessary to provide for more than 150 women and children. As government grants are very much insufficient, expenses have to be met through donations. Government provide grant of Rs. 250/- for every girl child per month. Donations comes through Nashik Municipal Corporation, MICO, Tere Deshome, Orphan India Trust, Nashik Run Trust, Deshastha Rugvedi Sanstha, mahavir jain Seva Kendra and other organizations. Even those are insufficient and are not adequate and Ashram Associates have to put in ceaseless efforts to collect donations. A special mention must be made of Late Mr. Baloba Bhalekar who saved from these earnings and donated the sum of Rs. 1 lacs to Ahsram. Our founder, Vaidyaraj Annashastri Datar the Dalit Mitra Awardee, donated the amount of the award of Rs. 10,000 plus Rs. 1,000 of his own to the Ashram. Also daily sponsors for meals are found listed in the register of Adhar-ashram.

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Smruti Bhojan/ Priti Bhojan

To commemorate birthdays or anniversaries of near and dear ones, a sum of Rs. 1,000/- for simple meal or Rs. 16,500/- for a meal with fruits can be deposited for 10 years. A lunch or dinner is provided to the children on a liked date, out of interest earned on this deposit.

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Cause A simple lunch/dinner A meal with fruits A breakfast (Deposit for 10 year) A breakfast (Deposit for 10 years) special menu A breakfast on simple day A breakfast on simple day special menu Milk (Deposit for 10 years) Milk (Simple Day) Annual Schooling Expenses of on girl student Schooling expenses for a girl student (Deposit 10 years) School uniform for one girl student

Amount (Rs.) 1,000 1,500 5,600 8,700 450 700 5,600 450 1200 12,000 600

Donations are also welcomed for; Kanyadan- Wedding Expenses of a girl. Donations for household articles, food grains, clothes etc. Donations for building construction and renovation for an existing building. Also for medical equipments and medicines. All donations are accepted in cash or by cheque/demand draft drawn in favor of Adhar-ashram, Nashik. Donation to Adhar-ashram carries income tax exemption under article 80G of Income Act. As it is a public trust Reg. No. F/34, Society Reg. No. 3263.

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3.7 Awards & Recognitions

Adhar-ashram is a highly recognized institute in Nashik. It is a highly reputable social organization. It has reputable social organization. It has gained immense goodwill in the eyes of Nashikites. In recognition of the social work, carried out by the Ashram, the following honors have been bestowed upon the institution. Dalit Mitra Institution Award by the Government of Maharashtra. National Award by FIE Foundation, Ichalkaranji. Deshdoot Award by Daily Deshdoot. Shyamachi Aai Puraskar by some Guruji Kathamala. C News Award. Rajiv Gandhi Non Conventional Energy Award.

3.8 Future Plan

Adharashram is looking forward for two new projects in the coming future. New Building Construction Because of increasing resident in the Ashram, it is difficult to provide a comfort able accommodation to all, so a new and spacious building is necessary to overcome the inadequate accommodation. Estimated expenses for construction would be Rs. 1 crore. Home for the Aged Also Adharashram plans to start a Vrudhashram which is a need of hour efforts are however being made to procure land for the scheme from the government. However these were the long term plan of Adharashram. The short term plans consists of; Ensuring quality education of children. Generating steady source of procuring food grains Improving overall hygiene Providing quality medication to children

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People normally visit any social organization especially an orphanage like Adharashram on special occasions like to commemorate some relatives birthdays; their visit of few minutes can hardly tell them anything about the place they visited. The objectives of my choosing Adharashram and doing research there are as follows; To study the work culture of Adharashram To understand the life of orphans and their way of dealing with it. To study how a social organization is helping to give a meaning to the life of destitute women. Also to understand how Adharashram helps the orphans to be independent in their life. To understand the adoption procedure of children. Tools used Research type Data sources Research approach Contact method Type of questions Sample size Method employed Case study and qualitative approach Primary and secondary Survey of orphans and destitute women Structured questionnaire Close ended questions 4orphan kids,1 ashram kanya and 1 volunteer

Research Methodology refers to tools which have been used for collection of information for project purpose.

Primary Data
To collect primary data, following methods were used,

1. Observation Method:The orphanage Adharashram was visited seven times. I saw the Ashram its infrastructure, management office, rooms for children, dinning room, recreational Page | 25

room, garden of Ahram, TV room, amenities available to children was witnessed. By this I learnt the routine life of children staying there.

2. Questionnaire Method:Different questions were asked to the residents staff member I the Ashram. The questionnaire was designed to obtain overall knowledge of work culture of the Ashram. This method was very successful and helpful as well because each set of questions as a series of levels, each are slighter deeper than the last. Good response was received from the residents.

3. Interview Method:I interviewed Mrs. Sarita Shukhla (Staff Member) and Rupali didi (Volunteer) to collect information. Even children of different age group were interviewed to know their view about the orphanage and social worker working there. However this method took lot of time and energy.

Secondary Data
Adharashram is considered one of the most reputable social organization, striving hard for the welfare of orphan and destitute women. It conducts rehabilitation, awareness, educational programmed, as well. So it has a decent brochure, giving detail about its existence and management. Also it has a website (undergoing some construction) i.e. www.adharashram.org. It has developed its own information network and directory of institutions and individuals for helping hand in case of need. It document and promote local knowledge in the people about adoption procedure, details for acceptance of donation, sponsoring a wedding of ashramkanya. Even the walls of ashram, the photos hung up there by highest donors and giving details about their donation also promoters photograph, gave us a good story. This data was collected and analyzed by me to convey the requirement of various research objectives.

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Scope of the Social Research: The research was conducted to know about working of adharashram,the research covers work culture, daily routine of ashram kids and the rehabilitation programme conducted by the ashram, the scope was restricted to that extent. Limitations of the Social Research: The kids were not allowed to be interviewed due to organization rule. Hence, the coordinator gave details and 5 kids were informally interviewed. The organization was relucutant to give financial details of Adhar Ashram. There was not much sources for collection of secondary data, as their website was under construction

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CHAPTER V ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION OF DATA Analysis of Questionnaire Composition of Residents from last 5 years Pie Chart showing the distribution of expenses.

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5.1 Introduction:
Adharashram is ultimate aim is to help under privileged children become responsible and accountable citizen of India and inculcate the spirit of social work in them. It would be almost 55 years completed by Adharashram till now. Adharashram which was a vision of Anna Shastri Datar has grown into enormous shape. Till data it accommodates 150 children. The major activity of child care is carried out by Adharashram in 3 different sections;

Ministry of social welfare, Government of India has recognized Adharashram, as on infant care centre. Children upto 2 years are admitted in this section. Maximum adoptions are made from this section itself. The infants are provided by cradle, prams, and incubator facilities. Good hygiene is maintained in this section to avoid infection to kids. Also till date, it accommodates 16 infants.

Adharashram is recognized by women and child welfare department by government of Maharashtra as a child care centre as per as Juvenile Act 1986. Boys upto 6 years and Girls upto 16 years can be admitted. Capacity of this section is 100 presently 80 girls and 20 boys. Page | 29

Remand Section
As per orders from government, boys after 6 years and girls are not allowed to be accommodated together. So boys after almost 7 years are sent to a recognized remand home or an trust for boys in Trimbakeshwar depending upon the vacancy for seats. There is also a department called as MAHER which accommodates girls after 18 years. At present there are 16 girls present there, all of them are encouraged for studies. Out of them 2 girls are going for B.ED, 2 girls are going for Police Training and 2 girls are going for Nursing.

Wedding of Ashramkanyas
When the girls complete their education, efforts are made to find them jobs and make them independent. Adharashram also helps them to get their names on employment exchange. Efforts are also made to find a match for them. Till now more than 5 girls have got married and are leading contended life. They are overwhelmed with joy when they visit the Ashram with their husband or children during festivals like Mangala Gaur, Deepavali or for a delivery of child. However three unfortunate cases was also witnessed, as one of the husband left his wife, and in one case family was not accepting the widow orphan. So these ladies were destitute by their own husband.

Education Facilities for Children

The Ashram aims to provide quality education to the children. The following educational facilities are provided to make the inmates rely sufficient. These facilities are;

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1. Mukund Balmandir
This Balwadi i.e. Nursery is run within the campus for inmates 30 children avail of this facility.

2. Primary Education
For Primary Education, girls are admitted to Mohinidevi Roongta Vidya Mandir at present so girls avail of this facility.

3. Secondary Education
Girls receive secondary education at Pushpavati Rungta Karve Vidyalaya at present 26 girls avail this facility. Children are also provided with Yoga teacher, also there is a TV room and projector room on which educational CDs have been played. Adhar-ashram aims at all-round development of children. Efforts are put in to promote hidden talents of children. Music lessons are imported in Saraswati Sangeet Sadhana classes. Hobby class is conducted to give training in Poetry, Handicraft etc. Also children were encouraged to participate in Balmahotsav, recently took place in Nashik. 33 girls from Ashram took active participation in it. Even sports events are encouraged in Adharashram. Also a wonderful function was organized on the birth anniversary of Savitribai Phule on 3rd January. Children recited poems, song sung and enjoyed to their heart. Also national festivals like 26th January, 15th August also is celebrated. Flag hosting is conducted there in the morning.

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Daily Routine for Residents

Waking up 6.00am. Breakfast Time 7.00am (Milk, Biscuit, Upma or Poha) Lunch time 12.45pm (as regular menu comprises of Roti, Chaval, Sabji Tea Time and Snacks 5.00pm (Fruits are also served in Evening) Dinner Time 8.00pm (as regular menu of lunch. Ice-creams are served Bed time 9.00pm.

and Dal. Sometimes sweets if sponsored)

on weekend in summer season after dinner) Trips Page | 32

Also Adhar-ashram sponsors outdoor trip for all orphans and women every year in the month of December or January, the children from Balgruh are taken for visits. In 2010 they were taken to Panchgani and in 2009 biggest and most fun trip went to Hyderabad. Children had great fun in witnessing Ramoji Film City and Water Parks.

Medical Facilities for Children

A staff of seventy two service minded individual is continuously active look after these children. Even the destitute women they serve as staff member in the Ashram. Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Dashputre is attached as Honorary Pediatrician and Dr. Mrs. Nandini Khibe as a medical officer children who needs hospitalization are admitted in Dr. Abhay Tilak Nursing Home. Several other consulted from the city render honorary services. Dr. Bharat Kelkar is the orthopedic surgeon, always helping the orphanage inmates, is one they met with fractures. Also Dr. Mr. Sagar Sonawane a renowned person for surgical science deals with any kind of surgery to be undertaken for any orphan. Chldren undergo a medical check up within every 3 months their height, weight, haemoglobin is always taken in notice.

Procedure for Adoption

There are many childless couple out in the world striving for kids. The Ashram performs a great social service by giving children in adoption to childless couple there by enriching their lives most of the childless couple are desirous of adopting a male child, but in the last few years. Adharashram has succeeded in convincing many couples for adopting a girl child. The number of girls adopted in the last couple of years have exceeded to that of boys. To date more than 500 children have been adopted. The adoption procedure is quite a tedious one. The couple has initially has to take permission from the court and give in writing on a legal paper, the reason for their adoption, their financial condition, their details about jobs, family background, existing child if any etc. Detailed scrutiny of form is done by the Adharashram. Even recommendation from relatives or trustworthy person is welcomed in writing. The financial capacity of Page | 33

the couple is particularly stressed on to analyse the capacity of them to take good care of the children. Even the person legal representative after foster parents is checked in all respects. Similar investigation is also done at the time of Wedding of an Ashramkanyas.

5.2 Composition of Residents in Adharashram from Last 5 years

Composition Boys Girls Women Total

2006 26 54 10 90

2007 40 60 10 110

Years 2008 53 75 12 140

2009 56 80 14 150

2010 60 79 16 155

Com position of Residents in A dharashramfromlast 5 years

Composition 100 80 60 40 20 0 2006 2007 2008 Years 2009 2010 Boys Girls Women

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5.3 Pie Chart of Adharashram (Donations analysis) (Distribution of Expenses)

Particular Food & Cloth Expenses Cost of Adoption Salaries Other Expenses Percentage (%) 60 5 25 10

Distribution of Expense

10 25 Food & Cloth Expenses C of Adoption ost Salaries 60 5 O ther Expenses

As above shown in the Pie chart diagram the analysis of income in Adharashram on various topic as Food and Clothes 60%, Cost of Adoption 5%, Salaries 25%, Other Expenses 10%. 72 service minded workers there in 3 shift i.e. 8am to 2pm, 2pm to 8pm and 8pm to 8am (Night Shift). Also 5 social workers also work. The Ashram, as being a charitable organization rune on donation pays low but reasonable salary to the workers. Other expenses also covers expenses incurred for amenities in the Ashram, Page | 35

however the Ashram saves considerable amount of energy by using solar cooker. The Ashram has 2 solar cooker, 1 washing machine, and huge refrigerator. Also audit is conducted every year once to keep a check of allocation of funds in proper direction.

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1. It is not the physical pain that endangers the orphan the most. It is the mental pain caused by stress from years to years of being neglected pushed aside disregarded, unloved and made to feel undeserving and in almost all cases made to feel like a possession rather than a equal human being. Even more it is the lack of unconditional love, the right to be accepted, as a child and to be loved as a child, no matter what you do is the most wounding. This was my major findings in the whole process of information collection. 2. These who help a child, helps the humanity with an immediateness which no other help given to human creature in any other stage of human life can possibly give again. 3. Children in the Ashram are given good food and education. Also stress is laid on the overall development of children, but these children are completely unaware of the world outside them. 4. They are really happy with living conditions and people as those itself constitute the world for them. 5. The workers when asked about their experience gave the reply signifying the place (Adhar-ashram) as their second home, as their most of the time is spent there with the kids. 6. A ray of hope is seen in every children, so childless couple comes to adopt them, in their dream to be loved. When there is not love for a child to remember, them there is nothing for the child to remember except to hate.

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6.2 Recommendations
After visiting Adhar-ashram so many times, of have certain suggestions for its betterment, improvement of work culture and improving the life style. 1. Enough Hygienic conditions with respect to cleanliness were not witnessed in Balgruh. So the kids are very much borne to fall sick, this reduces the body resistance also makes them weak. 2. Proper pest control should be done in Balgruh at least twice a year. Where there are kids there are chances of getting things messed, so Balgruh should be cleaned at least twice a day. Children should be taught the importance of cleanliness. 3. Also cases can be witnessed in the article of newspaper about some children couple, who so far severe means for sterilization, trying for test-tube baby and in many cases, all these extreme measures can be sometime be really very harmful to health o children and the mother. These are maximum chances of miscarriage, and maternity death. So awareness should be generated among such couple to adopt a child from Adhar-ashram. This not only fills the nice in the empty life but also give a new, meaningful life to the children. 4. After entering the Adhar-ashram, there is a risk of getting one hurt, as there are rocks, stones, children play in that premises. Efforts should be taken by Ashram worker to clean the load of rock and stones. This wouldnt take more than a day, but there are severe chances of children getting hurt there while playing.

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CHAPTER VII CONCLUSION Conclusion based on Work Conclusion based on Learning Benefits

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CHAPTER VII CONCLUSION 7.1 Conclusion based on Work

As the project is on its concluding part, by analyzing all the information specified above it can be concluded that, Adharashram (or any other orphan) is much more than it is seen People visit Adharashram generally to commemorate some relatives birthdays or anniversaries by donating some amount of money or distributing chocolate to the orphan, but there is a huge scenario, there are efforts of seventy two workers, who are striving really hard to inculcate good value in the mind of children, also to provide them with the life, they are presently leading. The conditions of orphan and abandoned women are always very heart rendering can take away faith over humanity in todays world, but places liked Adharashram can help to retain that faith over humanity by providing for the wellbeing of children, abandoned women. In all cases, it can be referred that Adharashram, also called as Manavteche Mandir (Temple of Humanity) stands very true to its title.

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7.2 Conclusion based on Learning Benefits

The project Study of Social Organisation Adharashram was a huge but to crack up not only for information collection but also for interpretation of data and understanding the working of an orphanage and its work culture. The project on Adharashram taught a great lesson of courage and enlighten to me, as those children (orphan) are actually so unaware of the world out there, they have not taken any pressure from life in case of earning a handsome amount in future or securing first rank in the school but all they know is to stick to their schedule and work accordingly, share joy with their fellow inmates. They teaches is an implied lesson to be grateful to our parent for what they are and value them also to be content with all what we have, rather than guarding about something what we dont have. The environment witnessed over these has forced me to think twice before to have any kind of argument with my parents.

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Q.1. Q.2. Q.3. Q.4. Q.5. Q.6. Q.7. Q.8. Q.9. Q.10. Q.11. Q.12. Q.13. Q.14. Q.15. Q.16. Q.17. Q.18. What is the goal of Adharashram? How many years, it has been in existence till now? How many residents does it accommodate? In how many and which sections, children are grouped in? What educational courses do the girls are pursuing? Give some details about a wedding of an Ashramkanya? In which schools, the children are admitted? What extracurricular activities does the child undergo? Do children have any outdoor trips for vacations? Which medical facilities are available to the children? What is the procedure for adoption? How many worker works here? How much do they get paid? What is served in meals to children? What is the daily routine of children? What is the source of finance? How much proportion of finance is allocated for different expenses? What is the proportion of change in the composition of resident (Children/orphan) staying in the Ashram, since last five years?

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www.wikipedia.com Article:- Help Indian Orphans Life of Underprivileged

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