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First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

First LookTM
Curriculum for Preschoolers
We want preschoolers to take a first look at who God is and understand... God made me. God loves me. Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Editor in Chief: Kathy Hill Copy Editor: Wendi Zebell Curriculum Writer: Autumn Ward Illustrators: Jodi Blackwell Graphic Designer: Elloa Davis FL Creative Team: Sue Miller, Lois Pallansch, Kathy Hill, Kendra Fleming, Autumn Ward, Ashley Hiers Chief Executive Officer: Reggie Joiner Chief Operating Officer: Reggie Joiner Executive Director: Sue Miller Technical and Web Support: Hadley Brandt Partner Support: Deb Springer Scripture quotations marked (NCV) are quoted from The Holy Bible, New Century Version, copyright 1987, 1988, 1991 by Word Publishing, Dallas, Texas 75234. Used by permission. These resources are intended to be downloaded and printed for use by the subscribing entity only and may not be electronically transferred to or duplicated by other nonsubscribing entities. Any unauthorized reproduction of this material or incorporation into a new work is a direct violation of US copyright laws. 2011 First Look. All rights reserved. STATEMENT OF FAITH USER AGREEMENT The reThink Group, Inc. gladly grants permission to churches, schools, and other licensees to tailor First LookTM materials to fit their unique leadership requirements, locale and format preferences, and physical environment needs. However, if you wish to edit the content substantively, including Bible stories, learning activities, scripts, and any other content in which biblical principles and concepts are presented, you are obligated to do so within the doctrinal guidelines weve expressed in our Statement of Faith.

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

July 10, 2011

Basic Truth: God loves me. Key Question: Can you believe what God says? Bottom Line: God does what He says He will do. Memory Verse: Trust the Lord with all your heart. Proverbs 3:5, NCV Bible Story Focus: God keeps His promises. Noah Genesis 8:19:17

Heres an overview of what youll be teaching in 3s5s this week. Make It Fun (Choose one or all of these activities) Big, Beautiful Rainbow If you are choosing to lead Sweet Wonderful Wind Rainbow during Make It Stick, post Another Boat Ride Make It True Introductory Sketch Bible Story Worship

the Allergy Alert Poster (from Other Resources on the Web site). Be sure to list the foods you will be serving today. As parents bring their children to your room, call their attention to the sign.

Make It Stick (Choose as many of these activities as you like) Rainbow Rods Sweet Rainbow Water Rescue (Bible story review) Bubble Rain Gods Promises (Especially for 5s) Make It Real Small Group Time Prayer DismissSmall Talk

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

July 10, 2011

Basic Truth: God loves me. Key Question: Can you believe what God says? Bottom Line: God does what He says He will do. Memory Verse: Trust the Lord with all your heart. Proverbs 3:5, NCV Bible Story Focus: God keeps His promises. Noah Genesis 8:19:17

Make It Fun (Introductory Activities, 10 minutes)

Prepare to offer one or more of the following activities as your 3-, 4-, or 5-year-olds arrive. Let one or two teachers lead activities in different areas of the room while another teacher greets parents and kids at the door. 1. Big, Beautiful Rainbow What You Need: A large piece of light blue art paper, a marker, tape, glue sticks, and tissue paper in a rainbow of colors. What You Do: Guide children to make a large tissue paper rainbow. Tape a long piece of light blue art paper to a table. Take a marker and fill the art paper with the lines of a rainbow. Glue two or three pieces of blue tissue paper in one section of the rainbow, yellow in one, green in another, and so on. The tissue you glue will help the children know where to glue each color of their tissue paper. Now you are ready to make a rainbow. Instruct the children to tear off a hand-size piece of their tissue paper and glue it in the matching color section. Continue doing this until the children have filled all the lines with colored tissue paper. (Option: Write the words God keeps His promises over or under your rainbow and hang it where parents will see it when they pick up their children.) What You Say: During the activity: I need help making a rainbow. Will you help me? Great! All you have to do is tear this paper and glue it in the spot with the matching color. See? Blue goes here. Yellow goes here. Red goes here. Youve got it! Just match the color. Soon we will have a big, beautiful rainbow! At the end of the activity: Wow! Look what we made! Its a big, beautiful rainbow! I really like rainbows. I look for them in the sky after it rains and the sun comes out. Do

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

you know that our Bible story today tells us about the very first rainbow God ever made? It sure does! 2. Wonderful Wind What You Need: A pinwheel for each child. (Tip: You can purchase reasonably priced pinwheels at What You Do: Show the children how to blow on their pinwheels to make them turn. Talk about how they are making wind when they blow air out of their mouths. What You Say: During the activity: Can you blow air out of your mouth? Pretend you are blowing out birthday candles. Let me see you do it. Good job! Now hold your hand in front of your mouth and blow. Can you feel the air? Yes! You are about to use the air you blow out of your mouth to make this pinwheel spin. Sound like fun? Cool! At the end of the activity: That was fun making our pinwheels spin. All we had to do was blow air out of our mouths, and away they went! If its a windy day, you can go outside and hold your pinwheels up in the air and the wind will make them spin. Thats fun too! In todays Bible story, God sends wind to help dry up a lot of water. 3. Another Boat Ride What You Need: A plastic kiddie pool or a large, shallow tub; water; and lots of small plastic toy boats. What You Do: Fill the pool with just a few inches of water. Gather around the edges of the pool and play with the children as you float the boats in the water. (Note: Never leave children unsupervised around water.) What You Say: Have you ever been on a boat before? Boats are fun. The Bible tells about a man named Noah. Noah was on a boat with LOTS of animals for a VERY long time. I dont know if that would be fun. Would you like to be on a boat with a lot of animals for a very long time? Our Bible story today is about how he and the animals FINALLY got off his boat.

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

Make It True (Large Group, 15 minutes)

After children have participated in Make It Fun, gather them for a large group time that includes an introductory sketch, a Bible story, and interactive worship. Choose an adult who relates well to preschoolers to tell the Introductory Sketch. If possible, use the same adult all year. To add variety, consider videotaping the sketch and playing the video during Make It True. A Worship Leader and live instruments are recommended to sing along with the music tracks. Encourage children to be active during worship by incorporating the appropriate hand motions found on the Web site. Smaller groups may want to provide assorted percussion instruments for children to play while singing. (Note: The same boat prop from last week will be used again this week. The boat will be in the storytelling area with the Storyteller and stuffed animals hidden inside of it while the Host is doing the introductory sketch.) 1. Introductory Sketch First Look offers weekly introductory sketches on the DVD titled Wonder! Look at Gods Story. This DVD is available for purchase at the reThink store on our Web site. What You Need: A Bible; the boat made from a refrigerator box during the Bible story last week; a large, blue bedsheet; several stuffed animals; a 4 foot dowel rod; and 3foot-long crepe paper streamers in a rainbow of colors. What You Do: Lay the blue bedsheet out flat in the middle of your storytelling area. Set the boat on the blue bedsheet so the door opening faces the children. Tie the different colored streamers to the end of the dowel rod so that when you wave it in the air it makes a long, flowing rainbow. Place the stuffed animals and rainbow streamers inside the boat. HOST: Hi, everyone! I am SO happy to see all of you here today. (Storytellers name) will be out here in a minute to tell you the rest of Noahs story. You know Noah, right? The guy who built the HUMONGOUS boat and put all the animals in it before the rain came? Thats Noah. Anyway, I promised (Storytellers name) I would help him get everything ready this morning before he got here. He wants everything to be just right for story time. And, well ... since I made a promise, I had to come do it. A promise is a promise! Lets see here, the boat is already here. This bedsheet will be our water, but it needs something. Maybe if I gather it around the boat. (Begin gathering the bedsheet around
Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved. 5

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

the boat so it looks like water.) What do you think? Does that look more like water now? (Pause for responses.) We have to have water for todays story. (Step back and look at the boat and sheet.) There was something else I promised (Storytellers name) I would do. (Tap your chin like you are thinking.) Oh, yeah! A Bible! We have to have a Bible. (Place the Bible on top of the boat near the opening and then step back again.) Boat ... Bible ... theres was something else. ... Animals! Of course! I need animals! (Host begins walking toward the boat when he hears the Storyteller sneeze.) STORYTELLER: (Make a loud sneezing noise from inside the boat.) HOST: (Startled) What was THAT? Did you hear that noise? (To the kids) Was that you? Did one of you make that noise? (Pause for responses.) STORYTELLER: (Make a second loud sneezing noise from inside the boat.) HOST: There it is again! (Circle the box as you continue to talk to the children.) It sounds like its coming from inside our boat. (Whispering) Shh! When I count to three, Im going to look inside. (Big gulp. Act a little nervous.) One ... two ... STORYTELLER: (Pop up through the opening in the top of the boat with several stuffed animals tucked under your arm.) Hey, (Hosts name). HOST: (Startled, jump back and give a quick yell.) Yikes! (Realizing who it is) Oh, its just you. What are you doing in there? STORYTELLER: I need a tissue. I cant stop sneezing. I think Im having an allergic reaction to all these stuffed animals. There are a LOT of animals in here. HOST: No, not what do you need. What are you doing inside that boat? Its not time for the story yet. STORYTELLER: I was just hanging out with my animal friends. I thought if I really wanted to tell the story of Noah, I would stay in this boat as long as I could to see what it felt like. Noah was in his boat with ALL those animals for a VERY long time. It was like days and days and days and days and days and ... HOST: (Interrupting) DAYS! We get it. Noah was in the boat for a really long time. STORYTELLER: (Looking around with his body sticking up out of the top of the boat) I see you have everything ready for the Bible story, just like you promised.

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

HOST: Well, I do try to keep my promises. STORYTELLER: Thats great, because our Bible story today is about how God ALWAYS keeps His promises. HOST: Hey, can you make ME a promise? STORYTELLER: Sure. What? HOST: Promise me you wont scare me like that again. No more hiding in boxes and jumping out for a tissue. STORYTLLER: You got it. I promise. No more hiding and jumping out. HOST: Thanks. Have fun telling the Bible story. Bye, kids! (Host exists.) 2. Bible Story First Look offers a weekly Bible story on our DVD titled Wonder! Look at Gods Story, which you may choose to use rather than a live Storyteller this week. This DVD is available for purchase at the reThink store on our Web site. What You Need: If you did the Introductory Sketch, everything you need for the story is already in the storytelling area. If not, you will need a Bible; the boat made from a refrigerator box during the Bible story last week; a large, blue bedsheet; several stuffed animals; a 4 foot dowel rod; and 3-foot-long crepe paper streamers in a rainbow of colors. What You Do: Lay the blue bedsheet out flat in the middle of your storytelling area. Set the boat on the blue bedsheet. Gather the sheet around the boat to look like water. Tie the different colored streamers to the end of the dowel rod so that when you wave it in the air it makes a long, flowing rainbow. Place the stuffed animals and rainbow streamers inside the boat. Place the Bible on top of the boat. STORYTELLER: (Carrying a few stuffed animals) I am very excited to tell you the rest of Noahs story today. Let me put my little animal friends down for a minute so I can get my Bible. (Place the stuffed animals on top of the boat and pick up the Bible.) Noahs story is found right here in the Bible. And we know that if a story is in the Bible, then it is a TRUE story. Noah and God were really good friends. Noah loved God very

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

much, and God loved Noah too. God told Noah to build a HUMONGOUS boat because a LOT of rain was about to cover the world. Noah did what God said. He built a really, really, REALLY big boata HUMONGOUS boat! The boat was SO big that Noah, his family, and ALL the animalsyou know, two cats, two dogs, two bearsfit inside it. God did what He said He would do, and the rain came down. It rained and rained and rained. It rained so much that Noahs boat began to float. Well, after 40 days and 40 nights, the rain FINALLY stopped. Noah came out to take a look, and all he could see was water. (Place your hand over your eyes and look to the left.) He looked this wayWATER! (Place your hand over your eyes and look to the right.) He looked that wayWATER! (Encourage the children to look side to side with you.) Look with me! (Place your hand over your eyes and look to the left.) He looked this way. Look this way with me. All he saw was water! (Place your hand over your eyes and look to the right.) He looked that way. Look that way with me. All he saw was water! Noah couldnt see dry land anywhere. EVERYTHING was all wet. But God didnt forget about Noah. No way! God remembered Noah and sent a strong wind to help dry up all the water. (Exit the boat holding as many stuffed animals as you can. Set them up all over the storytelling area. Go back in the boat and grab your rainbow dowel rod and set it on the floor for later.) (With much excitement and celebration, including jumping, cheering, and smiling) The world was dry again! Noah, his family, and ALL the animalsyou know, two cats, two dogs, two bearscould FINALLY come out of the boat. Woo-hoo! Were off the boat! Yay, God! God kept His promise! God did what He said He would do! Yay, God! Were off the boat! Noah and his family were so thankful to be on dry land again that the first thing they did was worship God. They wanted God to know how much they loved Him. And thats when God made a promise to Noah. God promised Noah that He would never, ever, EVER cover the whole world with water again. Then God gave us all something very special to remind us about His promise. God gave us the rainbow. (Wave the rainbow dowel rod up high over your head so the streamers make a rainbow.) (Every time you say the word rainbow or promise, wave the streamers up over your head.) God put a rainbow in the sky as a sign of the promise He made. Now, whenever theres a rainbow in the sky, God sees it and remembers the promise He made to never cover the world in water again. And when we see a rainbow in the sky, we can remember that God keeps His promises. I want you to do something for me. When I wave this paper rainbow over my head, I

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

want you to say, God keeps His promises. Ready? (Wave the rainbow streamers.) CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: God keeps His promises! STORYTELLER: (Wave the rainbow streamers.) CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: God keeps His promises! STORYTELLER: (Wave the rainbow streamers.) CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: God keeps His promises! STORYTELLER: You got it! God keeps His promises because [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. Can you believe what God says? CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do! STORYTELLER: One more time: Can you believe what God says? CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do! STORYTELLER: Thats right. [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do! Lets pray. 3. Prayer STORYTELLER: Dear God, we believe that You always keep Your promises. We love You, God. You are the best! Amen. 4. Worship For additional worship resources to equip your worship leaders and worship team, visit What You Need: Paper clip Memory Verse Card (from the Activity Pages on the Web site) in your Bible at Proverbs 3:5. You will also need a CD player and this months worship song, God Said So, which you will need to download from the Web site. You will also need Two by Two, available at on the One Big Gulp album. Be sure to download the hand motions that accompany each song. WORSHIP LEADER: God is SO good! He remembered Noah and ALL the animals. He

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

dried up the ground so they could FINALLY get off that boat. Noah and his family praised God for taking care of them. Lets sing the song Two by Two and remember how God saved Noah and the animals. Lead children in singing Two by Two. WORSHIP LEADER: Our new Bible verse for the month tells us to trust God with all our heart. We know we can trust God because He keeps His promises. [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. Let me hear you. Can you believe what God says? CHILDREN and WORSHIP LEADER: [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. WORSHIP LEADER: Let say our Bible verse together. Lets trust God with ALL our hearts. CHILDREN and WORSHIP LEADER: Trust (hug yourself) the Lord (point one index finger straight up above your head) with all (make big circles with both arms) your heart (put both hands over your heart), Proverbs 3:5 (open your hands like a book). WORSHIP LEADER: God job. This time let me hear just the girls. GIRLS and WORSHIP LEADER: Trust (hug yourself) the Lord (point one index finger straight up above your head) with all (make big circles with both arms) your heart (put both hands over your heart), Proverbs 3:5 (open your hands like a book). WORSHIP LEADER: Awesome! Okay, boys. Its your turn. Here we go! BOYS and WORSHIP LEADER: Trust (hug yourself) the Lord (point one index finger straight up above your head) with all (make big circles with both arms) your heart (put both hands over your heart), Proverbs 3:5 (open your hands like a book). WORSHIP LEADER: Wow! That was great! We can trust God with ALL our heart because God keeps His promises. [Bottom line] God does what He says He will do. Can you believe what God says? CHILDREN and WORSHIP LEADER: [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. WORSHIP LEADER: Keep standing and lets sing our new song to God. Lets tell Him how much we love and trust Him.

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.


First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

Lead children in singing God Said So, this months worship song. WORSHIP LEADER: (Clapping) Alright! You sound wonderful! Keep believing God, and Ill see you next time. Bye!

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.


First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

Make It Stick (Application Activities, 35 minutes)

These activities are designed to help preschoolers understand and remember todays Bible story and Bottom Line. Offer as many of the following activities as your time, facilities, resources, and leadership allow. You may want to lead one activity at a time. Or offer two activities at once and allow half the kids to participate in each, then switch groups and repeat the activities. 1. Rainbow Rods What You Need: A craft dowel rod for each child, streamers in a variety of rainbow colors, scissors, glue, and tape. What You Do: Assist the children in making a rainbow streamer they can wave in the air like the one used in the Bible story. Give each child a dowel rod. Cut strips of streamers about 18 inches long for the children to glue and tape to the end of their rods. The tape will help hold the streamers in place while the glue is drying. Once each child has their own rainbow streamer, lead the children in saying, God does what He says He will do. What You Say: At the start of the activity: God made a rainbow in the sky to remind everyone of His promise to never cover the world with water again. Today we are going to make our very own rainbows to wave in the air to remind us that [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. During the activity: Your rainbows look beautiful! Now when I ask you, Can you believe what God says? I want you to wave your rainbows in the air and say, [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do! Here we go! Can you believe what God says? [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. Again! Can you believe what God says? [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do! (Walk to different parts of the room, repeating the Bottom Line again and again. Continue as long as the children are interested.) 2. Sweet Rainbow Be sure to list the foods you will be using today on the Allergy Alert Poster (from Other Resources on the Web site) and post it at the door to your room. What You Need: Paper plates or paper towels, wet wipes, plastic spoons, graham crackers, white cake frosting, blue food coloring, and Skittles candies. (A healthier option: Provide fruit in a rainbow of colors. Some suggestions are blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi, and orange slices. Show the children how to make a
Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved. 12

First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

rainbow using the fruit. Once the fruit rainbows are made, they are ready to be eaten!) What You Do: Add just enough blue food coloring to the white frosting to create a sky blue color. Give each child a paper towel or paper plate and a graham cracker. Show them how to spread blue frosting on their graham cracker. This will be the sky. Next, tell them they can use the Skittles candies to make a rainbow in the blue sky. Once the rainbows are in the sky, they are ready to be eaten! What You Say: During the activity: I think the rainbow is a beautiful reminder of Gods promise to never cover the world with water again. Today we are going to make a sweet rainbow that we can eat! First will make the blue sky. Then we can use these colorful candies to make a colorful rainbow. While the children eat: Every time we see a rainbow, we can remember that God keeps His promises. He promises to love us, protect us, teach us, and give us what we need. We can believe all of Gods promises because [Bottom Line] God always does what He says He will do. Can you believe what God says? [Bottom Line] YES! God does what He says He will do! 3. Water Rescue What You Need: The boat and stuffed animals used during the Bible story. What You Do: Encourage those preschool imaginations with some fun pretend play. Use the boat and the stuffed animals to recreate the story of Noah. The children can pretend to build the boat, load the animals, get on board, watch the rain, sail the boat, and unload the animals. What You Say: At the start of the activity: God did everything He said He would do. He sent the animals to Noah. He sent the rain and covered the whole world with water. He kept Noah and his family safe. Finally, He dried up all the water. God did everything He said He would do, and God still does what He says He will do. Thats why we can always believe what God says. Can YOU believe what God says? [Bottom Line] YES! God does what He says He will do. Lets use this boat from our Bible story and pretend we are Noahs family. We need to build this boat and get all the animals on board. It looks like rain! Going to each child as you play: Can you believe what God says? (Help the children answer with the Bottom Line.) 4. Bubble Rain

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.


First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

What You Need: A Bible and a bottle of bubbles. What You Do: Blow the bubbles in the air for the children to catch or pop. Tell them its raining bubbles! Encourage the children to say, God loves me each time they catch or pop a bubble. Continue playing as long as the children are interested. What You Say: At the start of the activity: (Sit in a circle and open the Bible to Proverbs 3:5.) The Bible says, Trust the Lord with all your heart. Do you know why we can trust God with all our heart? We can do that because God loves us very much. GOD LOVES YOU! Who loves you? [Basic Truth] God loves me! I hope you never forget that. In fact, I have a fun game that will help you remember that God loves you. Stand up! During the activity: Now, we know it rained water on Noah, right? Well, today its going to rain bubbles on us! Ever time you catch or pop a bubble, I want to hear you say, God loves me! Ready? Look! Its raining bubbles! [Basic Truth] God loves me! 5. Gods Promises What You Need: Book Pages (from the Activity Pages on the Web site), light colored cardstock, scissors, metal craft rings, a hole punch, and crayons. What You Do: Before the activity: Make a copy of Book Pages on light colored cardstock for each child. During the activity: Give each child a copy of Book Pages to cut apart. Once the children have cut out their pages, show them how to make a hole punch in the marked top, left corner of each page. Next, show the children how to put all their pages on a metal craft ring. Once all the children have their books assembled, read through the pages of Gods promises together. The children can color their books if time allows. What You Say: At the start of the activity: We have talked a lot about how [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. God kept His promise with Noah. The rain came, the animals came, and God kept them safe just like He said He would. (Pause briefly.) Guess what. God has promises for you, too. He sure does! And He will keep His promises with you just like He kept His promises with Noah. I am going to help you make a special book about Gods promises so you can read it and remember the wonderful promises God has made to you. During the activity: (Read through the promises together.)

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.


First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

At the end of the activity: God loves you so much. Who loves you? [Basic Truth] God loves me. Any time you want to remember Gods wonderful promises, just take a look in the book you made today.

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.


First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

Make It Real (Small Groups, 5 minutes)

Make It Real is designed to help preschoolers understand how the Bottom Line applies to them. Theyll discuss real-life experiences and share prayer requests. Divide kids into small groups of about five to eight children with each leader. Ideally, assign the same small group leader to the same group of preschoolers for the entire year. 1. Small Group Time What You Need: Paper clip Memory Verse Card (from the Activity Pages on the Web site) in your Bible at Proverbs 3:5. Provide a journal and a fun-shaped pen for each small group. You will also need a rainbow sticker for each child. SMALL GROUP LEADER (SGL): I need a helper. Lets see ... (Name of child), will you get our Bible for me? Thank you. Lets open the Bible to the verse weve been learning. (Open the Bible to Proverbs 3:5.) The Bible says to Trust the Lord with all your heart. Lets say our verse together with the motions. CHILDREN and WORSHIP LEADER: Trust (hug yourself) the Lord (point one index finger straight up above your head) with all (make big circles with both arms) your heart (put both hands over your heart), Proverbs 3:5 (open your hands like a book). SGL: Noah had to trust God with all his heart in our Bible story today. He had to trust that God would help him build a boat, get the animals on the boat, make it rain, dry up the rain, AND get his family and the animals off the boat. Whew! Noah trusted God a LOT. Noah knew He could believe what God said because [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. Can you believe what God says? CHILDREN and SGL: [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do! SGL: Do you remember what God made in the sky so everyone will remember His promise? (Pause for responses.) Yes! God made the rainbow. I have a special rainbow sticker for each of you today. (Give each child a rainbow sticker.) God wants us to remember that He keeps His promises every time we see a rainbow. Im going to draw a rainbow in our journal so we can thank God for keeping His promises. What else do you want to thank God for today? (Give each child an opportunity to share something they want to thank God for and write it in the journal.)

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.


First Look

3- through 5-year-olds, July, Week 2

2. Prayer SGL: Dear God, thank You for keeping Your promises. Thank You for (name the things the children listed). We know we can believe You because You do what You say You will do. You are so good, God. We love You. Amen. 3. Get Ready to Dismiss Set any take-home creations where you or parents can get them easily. Greet parents at the door and tell them that this month preschoolers are learning that [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. Encourage parents to repeat the Bottom Line at home and help their child understand that [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do. Have this months Small Talk available for parents to pick up or send it in a monthly email. Encourage parents to use the activities found in Small Talk to reinforce that this months Bottom Line: [Bottom Line] God does what He says He will do.

Curriculum Materials for 3- through 5-year-olds 2011 First Look. All rights reserved.


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