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1. Purpose:....................................................................................................................... 1
2. Scope:.......................................................................................................................... 1
3. Responsabilities:.......................................................................................................... 1
4. References................................................................................................................... 2
5. Procedure..................................................................................................................... 2
6. Equipment:................................................................................................................... 3
7. Data register.................................................................................................................5

1. Purpose:
This procedure is developed for the application of paints and/or coatings for metallic
equipment, vessels and tanks.

2. Scope:
This procedure covers the requirements for selection, application, repair and inspection for
coatings applications in metallic equipment, vessels and tanks.

3. Responsabilities:
3.1. – General director:
A) He approves this procedure for application and reparation of coatings by painting.
B) Approves with customer acceptance, the purchasing of the material for their

3.2. - The Engineering Manager will be responsible for:

A) Conduce the analysis of the types of coatings for special equipments coating to
meet the client specification and requirements.
B) Determine the type of coating to be acquired for subsequent application.

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3.3. – The quality manager is responsible for:

A) Verify that the materials meet all the requirements of the client.
B) Verified application conditions.
C) Prepare the technical report of the application.

4. References:
4.1. – SSPC (Required paragraph)
4.2. – ISO-11124, SECTIONS 1, 2, 3, 4
4.4. – ASTM D3359-09
4.3. – Costumer Specifications, if required.

5. Procedure:
5.1. –The engineering manager is responsible for the selection of corrosion protection
for the equipment that will be painted, to meet client specifications.
5.1.1. – Identify the conditions of the surface to be coated
5.1.2. – Identify the method of surface preparation.
A) Chemical cleaning.
B) Hand Tool Cleaning
C) Power Tool Cleaning.
"See table 1. Grades of cleaning surfaces."

5.1.3. - Verify previously the restrictions on the use of cleaning method selected.
5.1.4. - “View application table of surface preparation methods."

5.2. –Preparing the surfaces.

It is required to remove visible and invisible pollutants and eliminate imperfections
that produce sharp edges and vertices, obtaining in steel a new anchor profile,
ensuring good mechanical adhesion of the coating.
5.2.1. – Once reached the clean grade and anchor profile, the maximum time for
coating application should not exceed more than 4 hrs at dry environment.
5.2.2. – In case of moist environment the relative humidity must be below than
85%, and the coated metal temperature should be at least 3 °C higher than wet
bulb temperature (dew point).
5.2.3. –You don´t apply any cleaning job with dry abrasive blasting and coating
application if the coating surface temperature is not at least 3 °C above the dew
5.2.4. – Final visual comparison, should be supported by photographic patterns in
the guidance issued in NACE 2 and standard SSPC SP10.
5.2.5. - Define the depth of the coating system (primary and finishing), So that the
anchorage surface profiles had not exceed the minimum dry film thickness of the

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primary coating. Consider a surface anchorage profile between (0.024 mm to 0.016

mm) or (1 to 4 mils inches), and/or client specification.

5.3. - Materials.
5.3.1. - Abrasives - Check quality of abrasive used for cleaning metal surfaces prior to
coating application, SSPC (chapter 2.2). - Check the quality of non-metallic abrasives for cleaning surfaces
and customer specifications prior to the application of anti-corrosion

5.4. – Application of coatings. Must be verified the following conditions before the
application of the coating.
5.4.1. – Temperature: not applied when the ambient temperature is below 277 °K (4
°C) or above 316 °K(43 °C).
5.4.2. – Humidity: to be applied only when the relative humidity is less than 85%.
5.4.3. – Mixlife: observe the data sheet of the coating manufacturer.

5.5. – Repairs shall meet the following requirements.

5.5.1. – Identify the area that was rejected.
5.5.2. – Apply the same protection system originally approved.
5.5.3. – Remove (if necessary) the rejected area.
5.5.4. – Use the technical specifications for the new application, and client
specification if have it.
5.5.5. – The method of surface preparation and application, can be anything that
meets the parameters specified in 5.1 and 5.2.
5.5.6. – Apply all specific tests described in section 6.

6. Equipment:
6.1. – Inspection of surface preparation.
6.1.1. –It must be made visually as well as by measuring the anchorage surface
profile required by cleaning method.
6.1.2. – Ensure that the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning performance
are met.
6.1.3. – The results will be evaluated with the Table 2 specified acceptance criteria.

6.2. –Laboratory tests:

6.2.1.-Can be use and accept the laboratory tests performed by the coating
manufacturer, and client requirements if apply.
6.2.2. – After the drying period of the film ended, the following tests were made:
a) Visual inspection.
b) Thickness measurements.
c) Adhesion.

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6.3. – Inspection of the application.

6.3.1. – Will be held verifying:
a) Dry film thickness of the total system be applied.
b) Color finish
6.3.2. – Field testing:
a) Visual inspection to identify typical defects, causes and forms of
reparation, which maybe supported in the "Table 3. Typical defects during
6.3.3. – It will determine whether the application meets the acceptance criteria.
"See Table 4. Type of non-acceptable defects."

6.4. – Number of readings.

6.4.1. – To determine the dry film thickness applied.
a) For areas smaller than 10 m2.
a.1). – Take 5 random; to take one level must trace a circle of 4 cm in
diameter for each level.
a.2) – In each circle take 3 random readings.
a.3) – Get the simple average of the 3 readings for each level.
b) Areas that do not exceed 30 m2.
b.1) Divide the total area by 3.
b.2) Take the distribution area for each 10m2 and proceed as a).
c) For areas not exceeding100 m2.
c.1) Take random 3 areas of 10 m2
c.2) Perform measurements in areas under subsection a)
d) For areas in excess of 100 m2.
d.1) The first 100 m2 are measured as indicated in item c).
d.2) Take 10 m2 random and measure under ítem a).
e) If any of the thickness does not meet the specification, they should take
more readings to determine the area that has the problem.
6.4.2. – Acceptance criteria.
They must qualify according to:
a) Minimum thickness:
a.1) The average of the measurements for each level not less than
the minimum specified.
a.2) No reading is less than 80% of the specified maximum.
a.3) Additional measurements for the delimitation of areas that do
not meet these requirements.
b) Maximum thickness:
b.1) The average of the measurements of each level should not
exceed the specified maximum.
b.2) No reading is greater than 120% of the maximum thickness
b.3) Additional measurements for the delimitation of areas that do
not meet these requirements.

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7. Data register:
It shall submit a report on the results of inspections carried out, with the following
minimum content.
7.1. – Full identification of the inspected item.
7.2. – Inspected areas.
7.3. – Surface conditions prior to the cleaning.
a) Degree of cleaning required and requested method selected or requested.
b) Degree of cleaning achieved.
c) Visual elements support.
d) Identification, description and location of the defects found.
e) Inspection date
f) Inspector name and signature.

7.4. – Condition of the surface to be treated.

a) Anchoring profile required.
b) Anchoring profile obtained.
c) Test method applied.
d) Identification, description and location of areas not accepted.
e) Inspection date
f) Inspector name and signature.

7.5. – Data of the conditions of the coatings application.

7.6. – Data obtained from the visual inspection.
7.7. – Data inspection of coating thicknesses using points 6.4.2.
7.8. – Equipment used for inspection: brand, model, serial No., calibration date.
7.9. – See attached formats.
EPRO- Format for visual inspection
EPRO- Humidity register for painting process
EPRO- Format for thickness measurement
EPRO- Format for adhesion test

Table 1. Grades of cleaning surfaces.

Table 2. specified acceptance criteria.
Table 3. Typical defects during application.
Table 4. Type of non-acceptable defects.

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Solvent cleaning SP1 … … Solvent cleaning
Manual cleaning SP2 … St 2 …
Drive cleaning SP3 … St 3 …
Burning and broom cleaning SP4 … … Burning cleaning
White metal abrasive jet SP5 1 Sa 3 Grade 1
Commercial jet abrasive SP6 3 Sa 2 Grade 2
Brush off jet abrasive SP7 4 Sa 1 Grade 3
Stripping SP8 … … Stripping
Environment exposure and abrasive jet SP9 … … …
Abrasive blasting near white SP10 2 … …
Power tools SP11 … … …
Ultra pressure jet water SP12 5 Sa 2 1/2 Grade 4
Concrete surface preparation SP13 6 … …

Aceptance criteria for visual inspection

Defect Criteria Remarks

Disiccation cracks
Orange Peel
Over - Atomizing
Rust Points
Smudge, Landslides and filler
Adherent effect
Cocodrile skin
Not accept any All this find indication
Imperceptible cracking percentage, by must be repaired.
minimum that is.
Dry atomization
Encrusted contaminants
Fish eye
Table 3 Typical defects in anti-corrosion coatings.

Defect Description Causes

Dry atomization Grainy surface texture with a roughness similar to The gun is in a greater distance than the
that of the sand; It occurs mainly with inorganic zinc recommended for the application of the paint; coating
Encrusted pollutants Sections with contaminants encrusted in the film. The application was carried out on layers of dust and
Fish eye Cavities are formed between the films that seams The application was made on a contaminated
holes or paint deep depression surface with oil, moisture, dirt, silicons and other
contaminants or incompatible coatings .
Drying crack It is a cracking that occurs during coating drying and Film thickness above permissible limit or surface
seams like the dry cracked mud; usually occurs in contamination by oil or water.
inorganic zinc.

Orange peel Cavities in the surface, similar to orange peel Incorrect application because atomization is done
appearance. with low pressure; Rapid evaporation of the solvent.
Over atomization Deposits of moisture or particles of dry coating are Coating particles agglomerate on the surface

Pores Cavities with sufficient size to penetrate one or more Over application of the coating, or entrapped solvent
layers and are located on the surface or coating was applied on hot surfaces

Rust Points Oxidized cavities in the surface . Discontinuities due to pores, sharp edges and
welding remains among others.

Stains, landslides and Too much fluid or material on the vertical surface. Excess of thinner, improper thinner, film thickness
filling above the permitted limits, inadequate initial
Softening Apparently dry film on the surface, but the coating is nsufficient dry time, low temperature,contamination
soft under it; pressing with your thumb footprint is with water and oil , excessive coating thickness, poor
captured. mixing.
Adherent effect The coatings have partial penetration; the surface is Too much solvent; insufficient drying time, low
dry to the touch but is similar to a tape. temperature, insufficient ventilation.
Corrugated Rugged and rough surface. Recovering applied over other not cured,too much
viscosity, extreme weather, concentrated solvent
applied with not compatible paint.
TABLE 4.-Types of common defects non acceptables.
Defect Description Causes
The paint surface presents cracks that seams to be It is the effect of poor drying of the film prior to
Crocodile skin. crocodile skin. application of subsequent layers, high temperature
curing, thickness above the allowable limits, physical
Imperceptible cracking Irregular and narrow fractures in the last layer, impact or incompatibility between layers.
which usually does not reach the substrate.

Cracking Direct deep irregular fractures on the paint from

surface to the substrate.
Blisters Small areas deformed like blisters. The presence of rust, oil, grease below the applied
film; the presence of moisture in the spray line or the
coating was applied on a hot surface.

Drained. Also called encourtinement, excessive coating flow Gun too close to the substrate, too solvent, too
coating or very smooth or shiny surface.

Orange peel. Peaks and valleys on the surface, similar to an Coating too viscous. Gun very near the surface,
orange peel. rapid evaporation of solvent. Low air pressure,
improper atomization.

Discoloration The finish shows a lack of color on the surface. For the presence of environmental condensation
moisture, solvent evaporated in a humid environment
or condensation on a cold surface (low temperature

Chalking Loss of gloss and surface with dust. The top exposed layer was prepared inconveniently;
were used solvents and thinners in inadequate
proportion; Presents problems in the resin.

Bubble Uniform small marks on the film. Air trapped during painting application.

Delamination Absence of adhesion between layers of paint Bad surface preparation, application outside the
or between the paint and the substrate. specified time.

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