International Student Application GBC - New

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international student application

personal inform ation PLEASE print CLEARLY using capital letters.

L a st (F a m ily) Nam e Full Name in Your Own Language Male Date of Birth Country of Residence Have you applied to George Brown College before? G iv e n (F irs t) N a m e (s ) Femal e Y ea r Month Nationality No Ye If yes, what is your Student ID #? s


pe rm an en t ad d res s in h om e co un try
Street N um ber & N am e C it y Postal/Zip Code H o m e T e le p h o n e N um ber Apartment Number P ro v in c e /S ta t e Email Fax Number Country

m ailing address n t fro m (if differe

a bo ve )

Street N um ber & N am e C it y Postal/Zip Code H o m e T e le p h o n e N um ber

Apartment Number P ro v in c e /S ta t e Email Fax Number Country

program selection
p o st-se co n d a ry p ro g ra m d ip lo m a /ce rtifica te /p o st-g ra d u a te /d e g re e
Program Priority 1st Choice 2nd Choice Program Title Prog ram Code Start D ate Year Year Month Month

intensive english program (IF NEEDED)

8 Weeks 32 Weeks 16 Weeks 40 Weeks 24 Weeks 48 Weeks

Start Date Year Month Da y

payment information
Payments can be made by Bank Draft/Money Order, Certfified Cheque, Credit Card (Visa/Master Card/AMEX), Bank Transfer (with corresponding bank in Canada).

Student Name
B Y C R E d it c a rd
C ard T y pe Master AMEX Card Visa

Student ID BY bank tra n s fe r

Bank Name The Bank of Nova Scotia

Card Number

Bank Address Account Holder

Account Number

44 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada George Brown College


Transit Number



Expiry Date (M onth/Year)

Routing Number 026002532 The applicants full nam e and student ID num ber should be quoted on the bank

C a rd h o ld ers n a m e (p le a se p rin t)

transfer form. C A D $1 0 .0 0 sh ou ld also be ad d ed to c ov er the B an k o f N ov a S co tia s e rv ic e ch a rg e . The sending bank may also levy a service charge.

Cardholders signature

A c o p y o f th e re c e ip t fro m th e se n d in g b a n k sh o u ld b e se n t to us , a s p ro o f o f p a y m e n

by bank

d ra ft/m o n e y o rd e r/c e rtifie d cheque P a ya b le

to : G E O R G E B R O W N C O LL E G E

Do you need Homestay Service?

Yes (Please submit the Homestay Application)


Do you need Airport Pick-up (with Homestay Service only)?



Did you enclose the following documents? 0 Translated and notarized transcripts from senior secondary school and/or other level of education 0 Translated and notarized secondary school diploma and/or diploma(s) from other level of education 0 TOEFL or IELTS or other internationally recognized test report, if you have 0 CAD$65.00 Application fee (non-refundable) If you are accepted, how would you like to receive your offer letter? 0 Call for pick up (if you are in Toronto) 0 Mail / Courier

emergency contact
Last (Family) Name Home Telephone Number Email Given (First) Name(s) Alternative Telephone Number

how did you hear about george brown college? (please check all that apply)
Our Website Other Website Guidebook/Magazin Education Fair e 0 If from an Agent, please specify the name 0 Other please specify Canadian Embassy/Consulate Relative/Friend Canadian Education Centre Agent

I certify that the above information is true and complete. I understand that any false or incomplete information submitted in support of my application may invalidate my application and result in the withdrawal by George Brown College of an offered seat at any time during my enrollment.

Applicants name (please print)

Applicants Signature Date

Please mail, courier or submit in person the completed application form, supporting documents and $65 non-refundable application fee to the address below:

George Brown College International Centre 200 King St. E. , Main floor Toronto, ON M5A 3W8 Canada

Telephone: 416-415-5000 ext. 2115

Freedom of information: The information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act R.S.O. 1980 regulation 640. The information is used for the administration and statistical purposes of the college and/or ministries and agencies of the Government of Canada. For further information please contact the Registrar, George Brown College, P.O. Box 1015, Station B, Toronto, Canada M5T 2T9

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