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Table of Contents

The impact and influence which the macro environment has on an organisation.................4

Assessment of Apple’s internal environment and capabilities............................................12

Evaluation and Application of the outcomes of an analysis using Porter’s Five Forces
Model to the market of Apple..............................................................................................14

Application of the models, theories and concepts to assist with the understanding and
interpretation of strategic directions available to Apple......................................................17



Apple is a widely established American company worldwide. Apples' company is about the
sale of computer software, PCs, desktop computers, tablets, mobiles, etc. Macintosh is very
popular with Apple Inc. for its hardware. In 1976 Apple Company was founded by Steve
Jobs. Apple has been one of the consumers' most famous and widely-used classic gadgets
over the decades. Apple’s got a very broad product range. But every product line is also
delicately handled. An individual operating entity, Apple treats its every commodity (Thao
and Tsanthaiwo, 2017). Apple's i-pad is primarily concentrated in this basic report. This
paper analyses the strategic competitive role, the external market climate and value-added
portion. Furthermore, this article was published on the market in the UK.

The impact and influence which the macro environment has on an
Vision and Mission

A company's mission relates to the company's priorities and how to accomplish those
priorities. In the other hand, a business vision refers to the place they hope to see in the
future. An organisation builds a mission and strategy to accomplish the overall aim of its
business (Thao and Tsanthaiwo, 2017). Apple Inc. has the aim, with its remarkable customer
support and high-quality goods, to achieve full market share by improving and maximising
distribution, benefit and profits, which brings value to their products. Apple Inc.’s goal is to
be the leading technology industry leader and superior.

Company Objective

The targets of an organisation apply to a company's goals or target area. Apple Inc. 's goal is
to be the international pioneer in standard product and service quality and to expand its
company worldwide (Budnikas, 2011). The goals are the aspects in which measured,
restricted and recorded measurable priorities can accomplish the purpose of the organisation.
Apple Inc. says its main goals are to increase sales, benefit, and overall operating costs
(Apple Annual Report, 2020). The aim is to reduce overall operating costs.

Macro-environmental analysis of Apple

Stakeholder matrix

Figure 1: Stakeholder Matrix of Apple Inc (Budnikas, 2011).

The stakeholders are those who have an interest in the company practises. Apple's 2019
Annual Report suggests that staff, consumers, clients, the state, lenders, partners and the local
community are the key players of the Apple industry. Apple holds its stakeholder well in
touch (Budnikas, 2011). The news release, briefing and signing ceremony are still
maintained. Butcher (2015) said that stakeholder research helps the business to establish a
noteworthy commitment strategy for the company. The stakeholder value and power matrix
are the most used model to evaluate the stakeholders.

The above chart shows that A, B, C and D are boxes which report a company's key
stakeholders. Each box explains the main consequences as follows:

Panel A of Stakeholder Matrix Panel B of Stakeholder Matrix

These stakeholders play a high role in the In this part of the matrix, these stakeholders
company ventures in the stakeholder have a clear impact and value on the enterprise.
matrix described above. But the company This sort of stakeholder will affect the
project has the least impact (Thao and development and operations of businesses (Bpp
Tsanthaiwo, 2017). In Apple, this sort of Learning Media., 2015). For Apple, this kind of
stakeholder is the investors and the stakeholder comprises clients, staff and the
company partners. They have more environment. These are the stakeholders who
responsibility than others. can make vital differences in the company
environment and influence the company’s
progress and profitability.
Panel C of Stakeholder Matrix Panel D of Stakeholder Matrix
The stakeholders in this box have a low The stakeholders in this box have little control
but strong impact on company and little value. This form of stakeholder is for
transactions and productivity. The trust in Apple employee families. They have a low
market priorities and targets is influence on the decision-making process of the
exceedingly limited. This is the sort of company. They possess the least responsibility
stakeholder for Apple, partners and among all the stakeholders of this company.
Table 1: Stakeholder Analysis of Apple Inc.

PESTLE Analysis

Politics, trade, society, culture, science, law and environment are the most significant
considerations of a business operation. They are the main forces of transition within an
organisation that influences normal market practices (Bpp Learning Media., 2015). The
following is given for the PESTLE study of Apple Inc.

Figure 2: Elements of PESTLE analysis (Thao and Tsanthaiwo, 2017).


Politics impacts all enterprises in the world as a whole. Political influences may enhance the
activity of an organisation or place all its functions at risk. The UK Government boosted its
VAT by nearly 20% for UK political activity. This intervention also raised the tax burden on
UK residents, who form the backbone of the UK economy for consumers (Bpp Learning
Media., 2015). Increased VAT demotivates the customer to purchase the products and spend
more money on the latest version of their gadgets. This condition is devastating to Apple
company as it would not allow them to increase their brand loyalty.


All company activities worldwide have been significantly influenced by the recent
international financial decline. Previously BREXIT has impacted on the economic condition

and business situation of Apple Inc, but recently the global pandemic named COVID 19 has
severely affected the British economy. This decline has decreased Britain's consumers'
purchasing power. People in the UK have just been buying lifetime basic items. Consumers
have avoided the items which are deemed non-essential or luxury. The price of the iPad is
high for Apple relative to other android devices present on the market. So before Ipad was
purchased, customers had second thoughts on the purchasing of another inexpensive
replacement (Bpp Learning Media., 2015). For Apple, this is not a pleasant condition. While
this is the case, the world financial state is expected to grow and companies return to their
initial revenue states.


Companies have relatively little influence on the social and cultural factor in market
practises. Because of isomorphism, firms are obligated to manufacture and offer their goods
and services on a social and cultural basis. Isomorphism is characterised as an organisation's
same or same mechanism or system that has formed with another organisation under the same
independence or limits (Thao and Tsanthaiwo, 2017). Therefore, advertisers need to tailor
their business to boost sales in the UK. In comparison, UK buyers prefer to purchase state-of-
the-art technical products. Therefore, in this setting, Apple's iPad has great potential to


The usage rate of new technology in the United Kingdom is currently high. The entire UK
has become a digital village, and several companies in B2B and B2C are selling online. Not
only do this company marketing via the internet, but they have also incorporated technology
in their manufacturing process (Robinson, 2012). The arrival of Apple Ipad on the market
was primarily influenced by technology. All iPad manufacturing, from raw material
production to delivery, was produced with state-of-the-art technologies. To boost sales, Apple
also mentioned its internet advertising. Recently launched iPhone 12 has been reported to
have serious technical issues and all the consumers around the world have been alerted about
this unprecedented situation. This company needs to be more focused while handling such
technical difficulties.


Legal considerations are governed in compliance with the government's rules and regulations
for business activities. Legal challenges include customer protection, quality defects and
company certification benefits, employee protection and concerns related to discrimination
(Bpp Learning Media., 2015). Apple could face court threats that could lead to tremendous
reimbursement, reputation loss, income and earnings.


Environmental protection has been one of the world's hot topics. Each individual and
organisation becomes touchy on this subject. Progressively, consumers prefer to consume
greener, nature conservation products. UK customers favour businesses that are worried
about nature over firms that are less interested in protecting the environment (Botten, 2006).
Therefore, as Apple delivered its goods to its clients, it launched recycling bags for their
goods. Recently, Apple has stopped providing wired charging cables, wired earphones and
other accessories with their handsets claiming that they are trying to mitigate the
environmental crisis by reducing extra use of technical accessories, This decision has been
praised by many environmentalists, yet customers have not been very pleased with this

Ansoff’s Matrix

Figure 3: Ansoff’s Matrix (Robinson, 2012).

The marketers use this model extensively to assess demand development and market
development as a marketing forecasting tool. The diagram shows primarily four tactics in this
model. Marketers will boost their sales and profits with this model, the main strength of this
model (Botten, 2006). However, there are some drawbacks in this model, like every other
model. Every other part is the key restriction of this model except for the use of this model
that increases the sales revenue.

Creation of Products:

Product production is Apple's main strategy for the development of its market. The company
must manufacture and sell several appealing products to its consumers to maximise profits
and revenue in the product growth plan (Botten, 2006). Apple is using this acceleration
approach to introduce innovation to their areas of research and development. Product
production is stated in the mission and objectives of the organisation. For example, Apple
takes creativity in its numerous products such as iPad, iPhone and Apple watch to its
customers (Apple Annual Report 2019).

Penetration of the market:

The second most critical approach for Apple's success is market penetration. The penetration
of the industry means rising market share by supplying more goods from businesses. As a
result, Apple is selling more in the market for its new product iPhones, iPods etc. Also, Apple
does its advertising work on numerous platforms as a consumer expansion technique. These
announcements inspire buyers to order new items from Apple (Botten, 2006).

Creation of the market:

This is Apple's least intensive campaign technique. Market growth refers to creation or
penetration into a brand new market with new fresh goods (Robinson, 2012). The successful
growth approach, focusing on emerging markets and drawing new customers, is one of the
powerful strategies for marketing.


Besides, Apple uses diversification approach to compete and achieve strategic advantages. In
emerging countries, Apple is marketing new items and an iPad.

Analysis of SWOT

This forecasting model gives a good idea of the external market climate which is the main
value of this research process (Botten, 2006). The biggest constraint, though, is that the
market climate is not revealed in this model.

Figure 4: SWOT analysis elements (Robinson, 2012).


a. Apple is excellently-known among its consumers for its fresh and cool offering. For its
transportability, Ipad is highly prominent. Any person can see relaxing videos and
television on their retina monitor via an iPad.
b. For everyone, it provides a fashionable and beautiful gadget. Apple phones have
developed a companion named Siri, who can use the user's voice command to post a
message, call, open the app, and check for something.
c. An entrepreneur, a worker, a staff member or an artist, anybody can use the iPad
(Robinson, 2012). Apple launched the student's iPad Pro, which features the stylus called
Apple pencil, while it was missing its feet. This is valuable for taking notes and creating
designs and arts. As the iPad specialist charge even more than the iPad and the monitor is

larger than the iPad, new enthusiasts purchase again the iPad. This is an Apple experience
that is remarkably good.


a. Apple’s phones still have some demerits, including many appealing features. When
charging the iPhones, users are annoyed. Studies have shown that it can take a whole day
to completely charge these phones.
b. Despite several functionalities and the apps upgraded, Apples’ gadgets have called time
for charging ridiculously late. The iPad Mini Line product has not been updated after
several years, is another flaw of iPad. Customers purchasing iPad mini must purchase old
ones. Ipad Pro is an iOS 11 where the iPad mini is an iOS 9 similar to iPad pro
(Robinson, 2012).
c. Apple users cannot do heavy works via iPad mini, including editing images, several tasks,
etc. It is all for light-works like talking, enjoying songs, etc. Apple is more focused on


a. Apple claims that its latest smartphones are better than the previous ones. They said that
iPhones may not function like a laptop but it is more powerful than other laptops in their
promotional work.
b. Students, therefore, prefer the iPad over cumbersome portfolios. Bluetooth keyboards can
attach Ipads to write and record. It is a result of very lightweight (Mohamad Yusoff,
2018). In comparison, Apple pencil and iPad Pro make it very easy for designers to work
and. Apple found that iPad pro is costlier than the iPad. Therefore they have produced
iPad 2018 in combination with Apple pencil for the benefit of their client. The goods are
therefore fair to their consumers.
c. Apple allows its partner companies to use Apple phones as based technology to
manufacture their accessories. A minicomputer can be made instantly when the Bluetooth
keyboard is set for Apples’ tablets. Also, the pencil is often a representation of the actual
pencil that simplifies the work of the artist and designers. Students can use Apple tablets
to take notes, and teachers can use such gadgets to view tutorials and pictures of their


a. The Apple Corporation has a very strong rivalry in the smartphone industry. Other
businesses that manufacture tabs will watch the gains of Apple and attempt to further
update their products. Price for Apple's iPad is another threat.
b. Other devices that replace Apple’s smartphones are very moderately priced. Customers
with a low budget are also still searching for more cost-effective goods (Mohamad
Yusoff, 2018).
c. Again, the cost of an Apple gadget varies by size and storage space, with some firms
offering larger storage and larger storage as a supplement for the iPad. It is a major
challenge to the thinktanks of Apple Inc.

Assessment of Apple’s internal environment and capabilities
Strategic capabilities

Apple’ resource analysis

Technology, electricity, finance, raw materials are the key resources required for new
entrants into the industry, etc. are very necessary criteria for a company. They have a reliable
supply of raw materials, have a good variety of manufacturers and have wide-range coverage,
according to Apple (2019). Apple also has a solid history of financial capital as a
multinational business. They are still keeping their output up to date through their R&D
programme. Those are Apple’s major iPad unit tools. They have several shops and branches
in the UK and several other countries (Mohamad Yusoff, 2018). There are also several
human capital open to Apple. Its flat business structure is the primary factor behind the vast
quantities of human capital. Including 3100 contract jobs, Apple hires over 62 thousand
employees. Apple has adopted the newest innovations to defeat its rivals, including Microsoft
(Apple Annual Report 2019), including Collaborative Planning and Forecasting and
Replenishment (CPFR).

Apple's Value Chain Analysis

The study of the supply chain focuses primarily on Apple's primary and secondary
operations. Key operations include the HRM, recruitment, infrastructure and technology
processes of the organisation (Aras and Crowther, 2012). The secondary company operations
are the processing, selling and delivery of raw materials and services rendered by Apple's
iPad company.

Primary Activities

Apple is a US-based business. Apple operates more than 200 distribution stores, which run
worldwide. It employs approximately 25,000 people worldwide in its business. Apple has a
very original and non-traditional "apple core" structure. In this system, the higher posts are
run by their lower posts and their superior officers are operated by the lower posts (Holbeche,
2015). Apple has an R&D unit, which means their business is up to date on the new
technology. They cannot sacrifice their technical side if they wish to be the leading company
in the industry. Chinese firm imports Apple's raw materials. Apple, however, controls the
whole manufacturing chain and spends the funds required.

Secondary Activities

Primarily Chinese firms have been manufacturing i-pads from Apple. Apple controls and
finances only the raw materials of the firms. Apple has over 200 retail stores to sell their
completed iPads to the industry and its clients. The actual marketing and sales of Apple were
carried out by several auxiliaries (Mohamad Yusoff, 2018). The company's official website
broadcast advertising and printed newspaper advertisements by subsidiaries. Apple offers its
consumers free servicing and restoration for one year after purchases. Apple upgrades the
firmware of its sold products to the new one to ensure they are not faulty.

VRIO Analysis

Figure 5: VRIO Analysis (Mohamad Yusoff, 2018).


Apple has kept Apple safe from external risks and led it to become one of the leading
businesses worldwide, due to the finest product consistency, productivity in manufacturing,
consumer satisfaction and creativity.


Apple has rare qualities in its products relative to other firms. In other items on the market,
Apples' function cannot be identified (Holbeche, 2015).

Many of Apple's products are proprietary and they need a big resource if any other firm tries
to copy Apple.


Apple is a profitable organisation worldwide. The organisation and operation of Apple's

corporation let them meet their priorities and ambitions.

Internal Environment

Apple has a range of shops in the UK with its iPad unit and has a large marketing network.
Apple acquired a very stable user base with major comparative advantages compared with
Microsoft and Google. The five forces study by Porter indicates that consumers are
reasonably high in terms of trade power on the tab market (Holbeche, 2015). Apple relies
heavily on its brand identity, standard manufacturing and innovative technologies to compete
with other brands of products. While Apple’s marketing and output are sound, their strong
brand reputation mostly gives them their position on the market. Because of its standard
product and quality services, customers know the brand.


Apple has taken several differentiation tactics to achieve cost advantages. One of the
distinction methods involves the launching of the second gene iPad. Apple made its second
generation, iPad, lighter and smaller by following this strategic solution (Aras and Crowther,
2012). This has led to improved popularity for buyers and boosted profitability for Apple.

Evaluation and Application of the outcomes of an analysis using Porter’s

Five Forces Model to the market of Apple
Strategic Group Mapping

Figure 6: Strategic Position of Apple (Holbeche, 2015).

The phrase "strategic group mapping" is the important approach used by strategic
management, which encompasses companies in the enterprise and which uses the same
models and variations of strategies. Mobile generating firms, such as policy pricing and
quality pricing, promotion and branding may be divided into various strategic divisions (Aras
and Crowther, 2012). Strategic party mapping is however often used to demonstrate the
dominant roles that competing companies in the business are defeating. Apple Inc. is the
world's most famous company. Apple's competitive position is as follows.

Porter’s Five Forces

Figure 7: Porter’s Five Forces

Porter's Five Powers Model offers an effective model for organisations which evaluate or
recognise five critical competitive strengths (including the challenge of new entries, the
challenge of alternatives, the negotiating power and the negotiating power of buyers and
competitive rally). Porter's five-force model is an incredibly powerful framework that helps
us consider the sustainability and viability of the company plan in the business environment.

Threats of new entrants

The strengths of new competitors on the market influence a company's control. Apple is a
prominent international company for electronics. As the technologically oriented market
enterprise, the companies are met with new entrants' challenges. This area of the industry has
fewer bureaucratic or stringent new entrant entry controls. It is also clear that it is not a major
challenge to obtain new entrants (Holbeche, 2015). A broad market share is the main
challenge for new entrants to join. The Apple iPad brand has a huge number of market shares
thanks to its genuine and consistent product consistency. The new entrants attract profitable
market places which diminish profitability. At the initial phase, Apple will not draw

The risk of substitutes

The challenge of alternatives analyses how a firm can divert its consumers quickly from
goods and services provided by the competition. By inventing the affordable Mainland China
tablet PC it presents a big challenge to Apple's iPad. But there are several attacks against the
Apple iPad from other leading manufacturers such as Microsoft and Google (Android).
Microsoft tablet computers are recognised by consumers who can match the Apple iPad as a
reliable or solid brand. The impact of Apple's substitution commodity is very low.

The bargaining power of the suppliers

To establish sustainability, a profitable company needs raw materials and establishes

partnerships between consumers and suppliers. The tough competition with tablet devices and
many other business penetration competitors provide good negotiating power for vendors at
factories. The availability of raw materials Apple's iPad sector relies solely on raw material
suppliers and positions the suppliers in the co-operating role when they are willing to steer
the operations of the company.

Buyers' bargaining strengths

The powerful force of the buyer agreements analyses the power of buyers that affect a
company's price strategies and quality of goods (Holbeche, 2015). Customers have
tremendous negotiation control over suppliers relative to Apple's iPad with the invention of
inexpensive mobile PCs, including Microsoft tablets and Samsung tablets.

Competitive Rivalry

Apple's iPads confront multiple obstacles, such as Microsoft, Android and other Chinese
firms. Apple Inc. also has a well-established range of technological goods as it retails
software and electronics, making Apple Inc. tough to compete abroad. Moreover, Apple's
market share for smartphones is decreasing. The plus point of Apple is that its product range
is less easy to use and basic (Eweje and Perry, 2012). In contrast to its rivals, they continue to
achieve revenue above it. Apple’s products are very varied relative to the rivals' products.
Moreover, Apple’s distribution platform through Amazon supports Apple to place its goods
purposefully. However, it must optimise investment in the machine, applications, and mobile
devices by exploring the highly competitive climate.

Application of the models, theories and concepts to assist with the

understanding and interpretation of strategic directions available to Apple
Bowman’s Strategy Clock

In the preparation of the marketing campaigns, Bowman’s Strategy Clock offers an important
model for companies to determine their strategic role concerning their rivals. The strategic
advantage in a corporate enterprise is that the corporation may understand its strategy. The
strategic competitive situation of the company enterprise, by the use of the Bowman’s
Strategy Clock model, can be explicitly analysed (Eweje and Perry, 2012).

The Bowman’s Strategy Clock model helps company managers and other partners to
creatively think to maximise the competitive edge. Two hypotheses, including price and
commodity worth, rely upon the Bowman’s Strategy Clock model. Four quadrants and eight
cycles are the strategic clocks of Bowman. Eight cycles are free of prices, differentiation,
mixed and low-value high-price methods, with oriented differentiation.

Figure 8: Bowman’s Strategy Clock (Eweje and Perry, 2012).

First, in 2010, Apple launched its iPads on the market. The corporation implements a market
penetration policy as the producer of this category of goods. Besides, Apple committed to the
policy of separation. The strategy for differentiation is a successful means by which any
company creates the major market share because consumers recognise premium goods and
great value at an inexpensive price.

In terms of iPad marketing strategies, Apple embraces many marketing functions. Yet the
iPad has its integrated app store. For Apple Company, the market entry policy works well and
assures that the market share policy is maintained so they create a centred differentiation
plan. The approach relies on choosing or defining the latest segments of the industry.

By implementing the focused differentiation approach Apple produced its second-generation

iPad in 2011 (Eweje and Perry, 2012). The iPad of the second generation was 33% thinner
and 15% smaller. By implementing the focused differentiation approach, Apple developed
the 3rd generation iPad in 2012. The new iPad is fitted with dual-core A5X and a 1536 pixel
sensor. Apple, however, maximised the costs of iPads. Apple also upgrades its business

segment to target buyers between the ages of 23 and 47. These ages' consumers and
technology are financially able individuals who can comfortably purchase and pay top rates
for their iPads.

Apple’s Generic Strategy (Porter’s Model)

Figure 9: Porter’s Generic Strategy (Eweje and Perry, 2012).

Porter’s generic strategy model comprises three main policy choices, including cost
leadership, defining and concentrating, which help companies achieve competitive

Apple generic strategy is thoroughly differentiated. Apple generic strategy reflects on the
core characteristics that differentiate the company from its rivals as well as its premium
products. Due to its broad distinction, Apple is dominant on the market. In other words, the
company effectively discerns prominence of the well-built and user-friendly. The broad
distinction of Apple's generic strategy demonstrates that Apple's goal is not to grow by
pricing but rather by concentrating on the main features contributing to the advantages of its
consumers relative to its competitors (Budnikas, 2011). Key features provide constant
consumer communication with the new appliances. On the other side, Apple is generated by
the generic strategy, which usually enters many parts of the industry. The company's products
are designed specifically for all kinds of consumers that help build different markets. For
instance, Apple creates and reaches clients through the iPad. This helps Apple to control its
leadership strategies, high profit or high-end businesses with generic strategy.

Generic strategy of defining has a significant influence on Apple’s policy targets. Apple
should strive to prioritise invention by R&D (Research and Development) and use the general
technique of distinction effectively. Also, Apple can consistently develop its new offerings so
that it is in addition to its rivals, including Microsoft. Concurrent typically concentrate on the
newest or fresh items (Budnikas, 2011). Thus, Apple pushes the generic strategy to advance
its rivals with distinction. Apple's generic strategy target is consistently creativity, based on a
generic differentiation approach. Apple should also ensure that its market segments are
developed. In the generic strategy, Apple is not focusing on a specific market segment.
Consequently, Apple depends on the generic strategy to ensure its market meets other
competitive goals.

Strategic Management Plan

Executive Summary:
A well-planned and effective strategic management plan is required for any type of business
organisation to make a strong and sustainable position in the market by defeating their close
competitors and earning the loyalty of their consumers by upholding their brand reputation. A
company must prepare its strategic management plan by reasonable evaluating the factors of
their external and internal business environment (Apple Inc, 2021)t. As a worldwide
renowned company, Apple must make a strategic management plan by setting its strategic
tactics and tangible objectives. Continuously maintaining its brand reputation is a great
challenge for this company.

Description of the Company:

Apple is a reputed brand having its business operation expanded world-wide. This company
has strong recognition for manufacturing electronic devices such as mobile phone, tablet
computer, personal computer, fitness gadgets and so on (Holbeche, 2015). They also produce
relevant software for their manufactured hardware. This American multinational company
has headquartered in California.

Mission Statement:
Apple's corporate mission is “to bring the best personal computing products and support to
students, educators, designers, scientists, engineers, businesspersons and consumers in over
140 countries around the world” (Apple Inc, 2021).

SWOT Analysis
Strengths: Weaknesses:
1. Brand Reputation 1. Expensive price
2. Worldwide distribution channel 2. Inadequate promotional activities
3. Customer loyalty 3. Not covering all type of consumer
4. Research, development and base
innovation 4. Non-reflection of contemporary
consumer demands.
Opportunities: Threats:
1. A productive market in developing 1. Growth of emerging competitors in
countries the Chinese market.
2. Low-cost production in less 2. Persuading the consumers and
developed countries (Holbeche, upholding the brand loyalty.
3. Continuing demand for the products.

One of the most notable goals of this company is to create the best value for the customers
and give them luxurious feelings while buying their products. Apple Inc is also committed to
introduce the best products in the market and make every penny of their shareholders and
consumers worth of their best service.

Target Consumers:
People with higher income and citizens living in developed countries are the main target
consumers of Apple Inc. People of 22-45 are their most preferred consumer base (Apple Inc,

Competitive Analysis & Advantage

The emerging Chinese Mobile industry is becoming a threat to this company as they are
trying to provide the same service at a lower cost by persuading the customers (Holbeche,
2015). But the brand reputation of Apple Inc is their greatest advantage that has still enabled
them to maintain a strong position in the industry.

Strategic Priorities & Objectives:
a. Strengthening the existing distribution channel and expanding its business operation
in more countries.
b. Investing more in research and development to introduce more innovative products
and creative services.
c. Attempting to broaden the consumer base and gain customer loyalty more strongly.
d. Beating the competitors with their invention and longevity of their service along with
introducing more eco-friendly concepts in the technology industry.

Apple Inc will continue to maintain its high-level budgeting plan to stay focused on
maintaining its customer loyalty, upholding their brand reputation and managing its
competitive advantage (Holbeche, 2015). They distribute their efforts and resources
according to the demands of each department by carefully evaluating the contemporary
necessity and welfare of the business entity along with the interest of the employees and other

The company of Apple is the workable investment in the United Kingdom, but the proposals
for entry stock prices must wait before the entry stock analysis is calculated and relies on
economic and monetary models. Apple has to include a lot of investment, based on the
technical invention, i.e. it cannot provide long-term forecasts. In the traditional word,
however, the large business position persists. Apple's cutting-edge developments during
Steve Jobs 'tenure would be the main issue of shareholders' survival. To maintain sustainable
investment, Apple must stay in the control of its core technical expertise and its strategic edge
both vertically and horizontally.

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Botten, N., 2006. Management Accounting. Oxford: CIMA.

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identified]: Bpp Learning Media.

Budnikas, A., 2011. Apple Inc. Business Policy v. Competition Law. SSRN Electronic

Eweje, G. and Perry, M., 2012. Business & Sustainability. Bingley: Emerald.

Holbeche, L., 2015. Aligning Human Resources And Business Strategy. [Place of publication
not identified]: Routledge.

Kenny, M. and Meadowcroft, J., 2002. Planning Sustainability. London: Routledge.

Mohamad Yusoff, N., 2018. Determinants of Risks and Performance in Apple Inc. SSRN
Electronic Journal.

Robinson, Z., 2012. Sustainability. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Editions.

Thao, T. and Tsanthaiwo, S., 2017. Apple Inc. In the Years to Come. SSRN Electronic


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