r09033 Sayyidul Unit 3 HND Business

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Section 1

1. Overview of the organization

Rockit is a corporate identity album with experienced IT professionals. The organization was
established in 1997 in the UK. The management team and directors are decided to implement a
competitive and reliable entity for providing its support to the sectors. The goal of the
organization is to provide the IT solution to the different entities by considering the demand of
the customers (Bos-Nehles et al. 2019). The entity integrates a large UK landscaping business.
Rockit is providing creative ideas and designs to its high street retail clients. The entity is
providing effective IT support to the client to help in improving the brand recognition and image
of the company (Rockit.co.uk. 2020).

HR functions are the most essential aspects of the firm in which the organization is able to
maintain all the management systems in an appropriate way. HR functions help the entity for
delivering its corporate strategy and objectives by recruiting high skilled employees and
managing their performances. HR functions effectively in developing the administration of the
employee’s benefits program. This helped in increasing the productivity of the company. With
the help of the HR functions, the entity is able to analyze the strength and weaknesses of the
company (Cater et al. 2019). The HR function is providing the health and safety measures to the
employees within the workplace which can increase their confidence in an appropriate way
(Rockit.co.uk. 2020). Organizing, planning, staffing, directing, and controlling are the main
functions of HR.
The key roles of HR functions are:
The HR functions are helped in managing the selection and recruitment process training process
performance management process reward providing process and relations maintenance process.
These are the key roles of HR functions which are helpful in increasing organisational activities
such as manufacturing, production, and management. The functions help in improving the
managerial structure of the IT organization in which the firm is able to provide the appropriate IT
solution to its clients (Naeem et al. 2019).

The key responsibilities of the HR functions are:
The HR functions are organizing the whole working processes of the company and this helped to
make a sustainable organizational environment. Implementing effective planning provides a
positive impact on the customer service process of Rockit (Rockit.co.uk. 2020). The functions of
HR place the most important role in the recruiting process in which the entity is able to get
highly skilled employees. The functions are providing proper training to the employees for
increasing the productivity of the company. The function of HR always tries to maintain the
satisfaction level of the employees as this affects the organizational operations (Rogozińska-
Pawełczyk, 2019).

HRM practices Benefits to organization Benefits of employee

1. Recruitment and The entity is focusing on Rockit is providing them with

selection hiring employees who have support services to the branch
the most effective IT skills. offices within the UK through
This process can enhance hiring highly skilled
different types of employees. The entity has
opportunities in the over 270 staff in the different
workplace. The skilled departments such as a large
employees were able to corporate department,
maintain the accounting chartered accountant
functions of the entity. department, estate
department, construction
department, manufacturing
department, and financial

2. Skills monitoring and Skills monitoring and This effective HRM practice
training providing training other most can create the rules and
important aspects of HRM privileges within the
practices that are providing workplace for the different
long term benefits. HR has a employees to ensure that the

responsibility to monitor the files do not get into the wrong
performances of the hands. This also prevents the
employees. This helps in employee retention rate
implementing an effective within the workplace and
team within the workplace. protects the sensitive
The team members are using information of the files
the cat 5, cat6, and fiber optic (Rockit.co.uk. 2020).
structured cabling system for
delivering the high standard
services to the customers.
Providing appropriate training
to the employees helps in
increasing the quality of the
IT Solutions and the
employees are able to use the
robust 448-bit Blowfish to
protect the organization and
data (Della Torre, 2019.).

3. Selecting and Administrating and selecting By maintaining the

administering benefits the benefits from the appropriate administration a
workplace help in increasing child is able to evaluate the
the strength of the company. needs of the security solutions
With the help of appropriate within the workplace.
administrative benefits, the
entity can provide Cloud
Security Services to stop the
threats of the modern internet.
Cloud Security Services
protect the network in a
smarter way in the workplace.

4. Legal and regulatory The entity is using the IRS This HRM practice can
compliance accounting software which is increase transparency within
a core application of data the workplace. Rockit is using
security by considering the cloud computing in a smarter
legal and regulatory way to protect the company's
compliance. This helped in information and data. Rockit
maintaining the privacy and is supplying a vast array of
relevancy of the company. high-speed connectivity
Rockit is able to support solutions for a business
server resources and without wires by considering
engineers by providing them all the legal and regulatory
with appropriate safety compliance.
measures (Manzoor et al.

These are the huge benefits which provide appropriate securities to the employers and
employees. The employees are able to maintain appropriate work performances.

The approaches to:

Workforce planning
Workforce planning is the most important aspect which helps in identifying the human capital
requirements, essential financial requirements, identify the future workforce and market Outlook,
determine the future workforce gaps, recognize the external and internal drivers of the current
workplace, developing the appropriate strategies for or monitoring the interventions. These all
are the most important parts of workforce planning which help to meet the future goals of the
company. The appropriate workforce planning helps in analyzing the future development of the
organization. Rockit will be able to provide the highest quality IT services to the customers
(Rockit.co.uk. 2020).
Recruitment and selection

Rockit is focusing on having highly skilled engineers within the workplace for delivering the
proper IT, Cloud Security, and reliable connectivity solutions (Rockit.co.uk. 2020). The
recruitment process is the most essential approach in which the company can get skilled
engineers. This is regulated by employment law and the organization is able to maintain the
appropriate recruitment through advertising in the magazines, trade papers, newspapers, and
internal vacancy lists. Interview, Aptitude Test, and proper presentation are the main three
aspects in which an organization tries to make the decisions (Blom et al. 2019).
Development and training
With the help of the appropriate training Rock eat is able to provide the proper guidelines to the
engineers. The training session of the entity is able to encourage the employees for achieving the
organizational aims and objectives. Effective training keeps their employees up-to-date about
organizational practices. Developing the employees in a valuable asset will enhance many
opportunities and success with the workplace (Rockit.co.uk. 2020).
Performance management
The organization is focusing on providing immediate responses to the customers for maintaining
an appropriate connection with them. The entity is undertaking the data recovery of the key
systems to ensure the appropriate functioning of the firm. This provides a positive impact on the
Reward systems
The reward system can encourage the workers to provide all their efforts at work. This maintains
flexibility in the workplace (Azungah et al. 2020).

Employee engagements
Effective employee engagement can be possible with the help of the appropriate organizational
profit and productivity. The employees are able to increase the profitability and productivity of
the firm by maintaining the appropriate HRM practices. In this way, Rockit can provide a high
quality IT solution to the customers (Rockit.co.uk. 2020).
Ethical organization

With the help of the appropriate HRM practices employees are able to maintain the ethics within
the workplace this provides a positive impact on the Profit and productivity of the firm. The
entity is always maintaining its network by using different software. This helped in maintaining
ethics within the workplace (Iqbal et al. 2019).
Flexible working practices
The flexible working practices employees can reduce energy requirements and maximize
hardware utilization within the workplace. In this process, Rockit is able to take multiple
physical servers and run them for virtual intense. The entity is able to manage the cutting edge
Technology and get the flexible IT budget. This will help in increasing the financial condition of
the firm (Rockit.co.uk. 2020).
Organizational performances
Effective organization and performances such as providing proper and high-speed connectivity
solutions, providing the securities and IT Solution to customize will help the team improving the
productivity of the company. Rockit provides immediate responses to the customers about the
recovery of hardware systems. This provides a positive impact on the business. The appropriate
support of the farm can maintain the systems of the clients in a continuing way. The skilled
engineers are able to implement new technologies in solving technological issues. This can
increase a reputation for the firm (Rockit.co.uk. 2020).
Improve employee turnover
The effective HRM practices reduce employee turnover rate from the organization by providing
appropriate training. The higher authorities of the entity are monitoring the performances of the
engineers and developing their thinking process in a different way. The entity does not make the
compromising ideas and never submits half-hearted ideas. In this way, the entity is able to
achieve its goal and ensure effective systems (Kerdpitak, 2020).

Effectiveness of employee relations and employee engagement

Employee engagement and effective relations between the employees are the most essential
factors which provide a huge range of positivity within the workplace. Rockit is providing the

appropriate training to the Employees which helps in increasing their diversify mentality. With
the help of the appropriate training, HR is able to maintain and equality and diversity within the
workplace which reduces discrimination. With the help of appropriate engagement of the
employees, the organization is able to reduce different types of threats and weaknesses in an
appropriate manner (Hong et al. 2016). The employees can easily face different types of
difficulties and security-related complications with the help of appropriate employee relations.
This helped in improving the organization and productivity. The increased amount of
productivity can improve the financial condition of the firm. Effective engagement of the
employees helped in increasing the modern business approaches within the workplace. With the
help of modern approaches, the entities are able to deliver VPN solutions to the customers
(Rockit.co.uk. 2020). The employees are implementing the highest specification hardware to
store the UK data centers along with fully redundant connectivity. These factors provide a
positive impact on the organization and financial condition and the higher authorities are able to
improve their business activities in inappropriate ways (Li et al. 2019).
Benefits of flexible organizational practices
The flexible organizational practices can be adopted by the entity with the help of appropriate
training. The managers of Rockit need to provide appropriate attention to the performance of the
employees. In this way, flexible organizational practices are able to be implemented within the
farm. With the help of the organizational practices, the entity is able to deliver high-quality IT
solutions to the customers. The appropriate organizational practices help in increasing the morale
of the employees and developing their physical and mental wellbeing. The flexible work
environment can motivate and encourage the employees to provide more effort into their work.
In this way, the employees can easily implement effective software and security systems to
protect the private information of the UK (Gauci Borda et al. 2019). Flexible organizational
practices will maintain the flexibility between the employees and the employers which increase
the productivity of the firm. With the help of the appropriate organizational practices, the entity
reduces the staff retention rate and makes new connections with the customers (Rockit.co.uk.

7. Identify the key areas of employment legislation

Equal pay Act of 1970

Equal pay Act 1970 has been implemented by the parliament of the United Kingdom in which
the company needs to be treated men and women in an equal way. This Act helps in managing
the organization's situation in an appropriate way and helps the higher authorities to take proper
decisions. This act prevents discrimination from the workplace and maintains an inappropriate
atmosphere for women and men.
Health and safety at work Act 1974
The health and safety act 1974 has been implemented for defining the fundamental structure and
authority for the encouragement of workplace health and safety. Within this act, the employees
are able to get appropriate safety e within the workplace. Casual workers, visitor's clients, and
the generic public of the company are able to get the safety measures from the entity.
Employment Rights Act of 1996
The employment rights act 1996 providing the individual rights to the Employees. This act can
enhance different types of changes within the workplace by mitigating the unfairness of this
measure in the following intense. The employees are able to get a fair reason to dismiss (Li et al.
Data Protection Act of 1998
Data Protection Act 1998 developing different rules about how data can be used by the people.
This act covers the information which has been stored on a computer about living people. This
Act provides protection to the information by considering the rules of the UK government.
National Minimum wage Act 1998
The national minimum wage act of 1998 created a wage across the UK. This act makes provision
in connection with the national minimum wage and provides for the amendment of certain
enactments relating to the different activities.
Employment Relations Act of 1999
This act made different amendments in the UK Labor Law and the trade union (Li et al. 2019).

Employment relations Act 2004

This law is regarding trained Union membership and industrial action. This is received on 16
September 2004

8. Conclusion
The paper has been concluded about Rockit which is located in the UK. The Entity has provided
the highest standard IT solution to the different companies and clients around the UK. This
helped in increasing the Blender furcation and reputation in the business market. The
organisation has maintained the appropriate HR functions for maintaining its top management
activities. The appropriate functions of HRM will ensure the quality of work-life of the
employees. The HR of the firm is focusing on hiring highly-skilled engineers in the workplace
which can increase the productivity and financial condition of the company. With the help of the
appropriate HR functions manager able to increase the morale and relationships of the
employees. The benefits of HRM practices have been computed in this paper which provides a
positive impact on management training and development sessions, employee relations, and
information resources. These all are the most important aspects of managing an appropriate IT
Solution sector. The appropriate workforce planning initiated to execute the interventions and
identify the future market Outlook. The paper has been concluded about the effectiveness of
employee relations within the workplace which can increase the productivity and financial
condition of the company. The different types of employment reservations have been discussed
which have provided an impact on the decision making approaches of Rockit.

Section 2

1. The design of a job specification

The job specification that is being designed is that of the HR assistant of Rockit. The designing
of the job specification would help potential job seekers to be able to gain access to a unique

working environment. Hence, the following job specification can be taken into account and are
as follows:
● Supporting the processes of human resource with the administration of tests and
scheduling appointments
● Maintaining records and information
● The HR assistant needs to effectively substantiate the skill of the applicants by
administering and scoring tests
● Effective provision of payroll information by collecting attendance and time records
● Answering telephones and relaying messages along with the maintenance of interview
and meeting records of the HR manager
● Maintaining quality service with the help of potential organizational standards
● A significant provision of secretarial support by formatting and printing information

Based on the given propositions, the CVs of the applicants are to be evaluated based on
identifying the basic skill sets that they perceive. The CVs of the applicants would also help in
identifying the best possible candidate for the position of the HR assistant. Two of the applicants
and their CVs are as follows:
CV of student 1

Name: ABC
Email: abc146@gmail.com
Phone no.: 07911245614
Address: 10 Downing Street, London, postcode: SW1A2AA

To be able to gain a position as a practical and result-driven HR assistant offering expertise in
proper streamlining of operations and maximizing efficiency. To be able to obtain a Bilingual
HR assistant position with growth in self-potential.

Professional summary
● Responsible for maintaining potential employee data and updated accounts of all other
potential employment records
● Provided assistance in training and recruiting of new employees for the IT and
marketing teams
● Administration of payroll information and facilitation of benefit programs
● Effective time management skills
● Employment planning and that of budgeting
● Communication skill presence
● Accounting, finance, and payroll maintenance
Work experience
Human resource Assistant: 2016-2018
Educational qualification
BSC (Hons) Sales Management: 2008-2011
MSC (Hons) Sales Management: 2012-2015

CV of student 2

Name: XYZ
Email: xyz712@gmail.com
Phone no.:07911457123
Address: 12, Letsby Avenue, Sheffield, postcode: SW1W 0NY
To be able to gain a position as an HR assistant after gaining an educational qualification in
human resource management.
Professional summary
● Fluency in English
● Knowledge in MS-Office applications
● Effective knowledge about building relationship among peers

● Higher levels of energy and acceptance
● Organized
Work experience
Awarded 2017 Human Resource Team of the Year from American Business Awards
Educational qualification
BA in Human Resources: 2008-2011
MA in Human Resources: 2012-2015

3. Documentation of preparatory notes for interviews

Before appearing for the interview, it is important to document certain potential preparatory
notes for the interview. In order to achieve this, it is important to be able to prepare the interview
answers effectively. The first and foremost preparatory note that needs to be taken into account is
that of preparing for some of the potential questions that are probably being asked in interviews.
It includes a self-overview of the potential skills and competencies that the candidate tends to
perceive. On the other hand, another preparatory note that needs to be prepared by the candidate
is that of the probable previous work experience that the candidate had and the key
responsibilities that the candidate had to undertake. Throughout the interview, one of the very
basic aspects, which needs to be kept in mind is that of communication. With the help of proper
communication skills, it will be easy and convenient for the candidate to be able to initiate
effective levels of communication in an effective manner.

4. A job offer to the selected candidate



Dear ABC,
I am pleased to offer you the position of the HR assistant in our company Rockit. The details

of your job description are attached to this letter for your reference. This position will begin on
05.10.20. The hours of your work are 10:00 am-6:00 pm. Hence, overall, your total working
hour will be 8 hours.
You are hence required to ensure you obtain a proper Criminal Record check and a Vulnerable
Sector check before the first day of work.

If you are ready to accept this offer of employment, please sign and return one of the copies of
this letter to us.

We are looking forward to working with you.

Sincerely, HR Manager
Rocikit company

5. An evaluation of the process and the rationale for conducting appropriate HR

The effective presence of potential HR policies and procedures within an organization helps in
ensuring the basic aspects of an organization. It also helps in ensuring that employees of the
organization are able to abide by the potential needs and requirements that are required for the
facilitation of facilitating potential business aims and objectives. The presence of effective HR
policies further helps in receiving adequate compensation to a great extent. It is to be noted that,
proper investment in potential HR practices is essentially linked with lower turnover intentions
and helps in the facilitation of greater employee productivity (Villajos et al, 2019). On the other
hand, it is also suggested that the presence of HR practices are effective for the sole purpose of
improving knowledge of employee skills while enhancing their competencies with the help of
motivation and courage. It cannot be denied that HR tends to play a key role in the development
and reinforcement of changing the culture of an organization. The training and development as
well as the recruitment and reinforcement of the values of the business are considered to be the
significant elements of business culture that are potentially covered by the HR managers of the
organization. The potential HR practices of an organization help the employees to be able to gain

insight about the potential skills and competencies that they need to develop in order to facilitate
the initiation of greater employee productivity in an effective manner (Bulińska-Stangrecka and
Bagieńska, 2019).

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