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Annaise Vazquez

Rules of PowerPoint
PowerPoint presentations can be an effective visual aid in the classroom. Today we
will discuss some characteristics of a good PowerPoint:

• Color
• Text
• Graphics
• Transitions

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• Avoid using bright, neon colors in both your text and background.
• Bright colors make content hard to see and can be distracting.
• Use more basic and dark colors.
• Stay consistent with a theme.

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• Avoid making text-heavy slides
• Make two slides if needed
• Avoid using more decorative fonts
• Decorative fonts can be distracting and hard to read
• Text should be large enough for the entire audience to see.
• Keep text concise and consistent

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• Avoid using a lot of graphics
• Too many graphics can be distracting and take away from your message
• Graphics should only be used when it supports your content.
• Use graphics that are of a higher resolution

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• Avoid using large transitions
• Smaller transitions can be used to call attention to a point.

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Horses have four long legs and long
flowy hair. They can come in a variety
of different colors. They are
herbivores. This means that they only
eat plants. Some horses can live to be
more than thirty years old. They are
herd animals. This means they like to
be part of a group instead of being on
their own. Horses were domesticated
over three thousand years ago. They are
not native to North America. They are
originally from the European
continent. Horses can sleep standing
up. They can also sleep laying down.
You can tell how old a horse is by
looking at its teeth. Their height is
measured in hands, which are about
four inches. Horses give birth to live
young. A baby horse is called a foal.

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• Are herbivores
• Can live to be more than 30
years old
• Can sleep standing up
• A baby horse is called a foal

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