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According to Gabriel Marcel, this refers back to the

"final other self."


The precept which claims that some non-bodily

thoughts, will, or soul overrides physical causality.

- Interactionist Dualism

An argument for consequentualism which states that

actions are temporary matters, quickly gone all the

-Only effects remain

This book by way of Voltaire claimed that

"Liberty then is only and may be simplest the
electricity to do what one


-Dictionnaire philosophique

This refers to a nation of truth characterized by

means of interiority, subjectivity, sentience, feeling,

enjoy, self-corporation, that means, and purpose.

-Philosophical recognition

Another time period for state consequentalism

-Mohist Consequentialism
He keeps that determinism is proper due to the fact
quantum phenomena aren't occasions or matters

can be positioned in space and time, however are

abstract entities.

-Ted Honderich

He counseled that no connection might be made

between indeterminism of nature and freedom of


-Niels Bohr

In consequentialism, this includes the movement

itself and the whole thing it causes.


The essay where Arthur Schopenhauer said,

"You can do what you will, however in any
given moment

of your lifestyles you can will handiest one specific

element and virtually not anything aside from that
one issue.

-On the Freedom of the Will

His studies indicates that as infants, human beings
are biologically stressed out to "coordinate
their movements with


-Colwyn Trevarthen

It is the belief that every one propositions, whether

or not about the past, present, or future, are either
actual or


-Logical determinism


Persons with disabilities (PWDs), in accordance the

UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With

Disabilities, encompass the ones who have long-time

period bodily, intellectual, intellectual or sensory

which?Might also avert their full and effective

participation in society on an same basis with

Habilitation is worried with human beings who have
received disabilities.?


He brought the idea of intersubjectivity aimed?To

designate an character ability and a social

domain, hence the term "intersubjectivityof

mutual understanding."

- Jurgen Habermas

This approach shows that, in preference to being

person or usual thinkers, people

enroll in "notion groups"-groups of

differing beliefs.

- Intersubjectivity

It is the belief that every one propositions, whether

approximately the past, present, or future, are either
authentic or


-Logical determinism

The UN Declaration at the Rights of Mentally

Retarded Persons befell in what yr?

In the United States, This turned into signed into law
in 1990 with the intention to quit discrimination in
opposition to individuals

with disabilities.

-Americans with Disabilities Act

Per UNICEF, what's the maximum age for the so-

called "children with disabilities?"?


The Philippines' "Magna Carta for

Disabled Persons" is also referred to as ____.

-RA No. 7277

This refers to issues in body function or alterations

in body shape, including paralysis or



A idea in consequentialism where an motion is

morally right if and simplest if it does now not violate
the set
of guidelines of behavior whose fashionable
attractiveness within the community would have the


-Rule consequentialism

Which of these fields of have a look at does now not

entail the usage of the time period


The paintings of Edith Stein which served as an

prolonged foundation of intersubjectivity.

-On the Problem of Empathy

Another time period for country consequentalism

-Mohist Consequentialism

Edith Stein's doctoral dissertation which served

as an extended foundation of intersubjectivity.

-"On the Problem of Empathy"

This idea states that of any matters someone might

do at any given second, one is higher than

any other to the quantity that its overall outcomes

are higher than the other's usual outcomes.
-Plain scalar consequentialism

It concentrates on the fundamental items of the

earth, communities of more constrained monetary

political scale than in current society, and on easy


- agrarianism

IFSW is a worldwide employer striving for social

justice, human rights and social improvement

through the promotion of social work, great practice

models and the facilitation of global

cooperation.What does IFSW stand for?

-International Foundation of Social Workers

It is the philosophy that each one occasions of

records, past, gift and destiny, have been determined
or are

known (via God, destiny, or a few other force), which

includes human actions.


Aside from the Supplemental Security Disability

Insurance (SSDI), what is the other application of the
US federal government to assist individuals with

-American Association of People with

Disabilities (AAPD)

The essay where Arthur Schopenhauer said,

"You can do what you will, but in any given

of your existence you may will handiest one specific

thing and genuinely not anything apart from that one

-On the Freedom of the Will

This endorse that intdeterminacy of agent volition

methods could map to the indeterminacy of

certain bodily events, and the outcomes of these

activities may want to therefore be taken into
consideration because of

the agent.

-Efforts of will theory

He brought the concept of intersubjectivity aimed?

To designate an person capacity and a social

area, consequently the term

"intersubjectivityof mutual knowledge."

-Jurgen Habermas
The writer behind the doctoral dissertation "On
the Problem of Empathy" which served as an

prolonged basis of intersubjectivity.?

-Edith Stein

He cautioned that no connection may be made

among indeterminism of nature and freedom of


-Niels Bohr


It refers to a society pushed with the aid of the

usage of generation to permit mass manufacturing,
as a consequence helping a

large population.

-  industrial society

The creator of "The Sacrament of the Body and

Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics" which

that the Eucharist changed into certainly and not

definitely the frame of Christ.

-Martin Luther
According to Socrates, the name of the game to this
is in developing the capability to experience less.

- happiness

This duration is taken into consideration the

transition to agriculture.

- Neolithic Revolution

The creator at the back of "The Question

Concerning Technology"

- Martin Heidegger

The number one source of energy within agrarian


- plant biomass

The logician behind virtuality.

- Gilles Deleuze

Feudalism was taken into consideration a way of

lifestyles at some stage in this period.

- Medieval

The exact call of the sacrament in the Roman

Catholic Church involved in Martin Luther's
" The

Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against

the Fanatics"
- Holy Eucharist

Author of "Méditations sur le réel et le

virtuel" which gave virtuality any other center
that means

- Denis Berthier

This is in which horticulture and agriculture as forms

of subsistence evolved among humans

somewhere between 10,000 and eight,000 years in

the past.

- Fertile Circle

It is identified as a catalyst for the transition to

publish-current society

- data era

WEEK 18-19

The country while the thoughts is in communion with

accepted and eternal thoughts

f- contemplation

The time period used to consult an factor of reality

that is ideal but actual.

- virtual
Andrei Linde considered that much like area time,
this might have its personal intrinsic degrees of

freedom, and that one's perceptions can be as

actual as fabric gadgets.

- recognition

The logician who considers our body because the

supply of endless problem.

- Plato

An event that represents the everlasting cessation of

all biological capabilities that preserve a living


- dying

The philosopher in the back of virtuality.

- Gilles Deleuze

The number one supply of energy within agrarian


- plant biomass

This duration is taken into consideration the

transition to agriculture.

- Neolithic Revolution

Another phrase for escaping existence.

- suicide

This is in which horticulture and agriculture as kinds

of subsistence evolved amongst humans

someplace among 10,000 and eight,000 years in the


- Fertile Crescent

The logician in the back of Bergsonism

- Henri Bergson

The genuine call of the sacrament within the Roman

Catholic Church concerned in Martin Luther's
" The

Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against

the Fanatics"

- Holy Eucharist

It is a philosophical faculty of idea stating that the

efforts of humanity to find inherent that means will

in the end fail (and as a result are absurd) because

the sheer quantity of records in addition to the full-

realm of the unknown make general certainty

- Absurdism

According to Socrates, the name of the game to this

is in growing the potential to enjoy much less.

- happiness

It is identified as a catalyst for the transition to put

up-present day society

- statistics era

Which is a focus of agrarianism?

- each picks are accurate

He characterized nihilism as emptying the arena, and

in particular human lifestyles, of that means,

cause, understandable reality, and important fee

-  Friedrich Nietzsche

It refers back to the view that best reason is the

leader source and test of know-how.

- rationalism

It refers to a arguable subject which attempts to

discover neural correlates and mechanisms of non

revel in

- Neuroscience
Albert Camus' chief work regarding absurdism.

- The Myth of Sisyphus

Its focal points consist of easy living and essential

items of the earth.

- agrarianism

The German philosopher who said that one cannot

absolutely stay until he confronts his personal

- Martin Heidegger


In the United States, This changed into signed into

regulation in 1990 with the purpose to give up
discrimination in opposition to people

with disabilities.

- Americans with Disabilities Act

It refers to the view that most effective reason is the

leader supply and check of information.

- rationalism
The time period used to refer to an issue of truth that
is ideal yet real.

- virtual

IFSW is a global business enterprise striving for

social justice, human rights and social improvement

through the promoting of social paintings, first-rate

practice models and the facilitation of international

cooperation.What does IFSW stand for?

- International Foundation of Social Workers

It is a philosophical school of idea declaring that the

efforts of humanity to discover inherent which
means will

ultimately fail (and subsequently are absurd) due to

the fact the sheer amount of information as well as
the considerable

realm of the unknown make total certainty


- Absurdism

This refers to the capability to know the whole lot

that there is to understand and is a belongings often

to a creator deity.
- Omniscience

The specific call of the sacrament within the Roman

Catholic Church concerned in Martin Luther's
" The

Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against

the Fanatics"

- Holy Eucharist

Edmund Husserl's satisfactory-acknowledged

textual content on intersubjectivity.

- Cartesian Meditations

This refers to the remedy or attention of, or making a

distinction in prefer of or towards, a

man or woman based totally at the group, elegance,

or category to which the individual is gave the
impression to belong in place of

on person attributes.

- Discrimination

It refers to the capability of a concept to be

comfortably and accurately communicated among

people and to be reproduced below varying

occasions for the functions of verification
- Intersubjective verifiability

He is the founding father of phenomenology.

- Edmund Husserl

This is concerned with human beings with

developmental disabilities.

- Habilitation

Aside from the Supplemental Security Disability

Insurance (SSDI), what is the other application of the

US federal authorities to help men and women with


- American Association of People with

Disabilities (AAPD)

The essay wherein Arthur Schopenhauer stated,

"You can do what you will, but in any given

of your life you can will best one definite issue and
virtually not anything other than that one thing.

- On the Freedom of the Will

An occasion that represents the everlasting

cessation of all biological features that maintain a

- death

The shape of incompatibilism which posits that

determinism is fake and free will is viable.

- Metaphysical libertarianism

Daniel Stern evolved this to focus on studies at the

non-verbal communique of infants, young

kids, and their dad and mom.

- Relational psychoanalysis

Per UNICEF, what's the maximum age for the so-

referred to as "children with disabilities?

- 18

He posits that causality was a intellectual assemble

used to explain the repeated affiliation of events,

and repeated affiliation of activities, and that one

have to take a look at greater intently the relation

matters regularly succeeding one another.

- David Hume

It states that human meaning is derived from a

essential fear of death, and values are decided on
once they permit us to get away the mental reminder
of dying.

- Terror Management Theory

Martin Heidegger, in "Being in Time,"

referred to this as some thing that suggests itself in

-  phenomenon

The Philippines' Department of Health

implements Republic Act No. 7277, also referred to
as the

"Magna Carta for Disabled Persons.?

- True

UNICEF launched the so-known as "Global

Disability Action Plan 2014-2021" which
intends?To assist

countries direct their efforts in the direction of

precise moves as a way to cope with fitness issues
of folks

with disabilities.?

- False
This e-book by means of Voltaire claimed that
"Liberty then is most effective and may be best
the energy to do what one


-  Dictionnaire philosophique

Rule consequentialism exists in those bureaucracy,

except for...

- human thinking

This is where horticulture and agriculture as kinds of

subsistence developed amongst human beings

somewhere between 10,000 and eight,000 years in

the past.

- Fertile Crescent

Feudalism was taken into consideration a way of life

at some stage in this period.

- Medieval

His research suggests that as toddlers, people are

biologically wired to "coordinate their
movements with


- Colwyn Trevarthen

Albert Camus' chief work involving absurdism.

- The Myth of Sisyphus

He characterized nihilism as emptying the sector,

and mainly human life, of meaning,

purpose, comprehensible truth, and crucial fee

- Friedrich Nietzsche

It states that the whole lot that exists isn't any extra
vast than its bodily houses, consequently, there are

no non-bodily substances.

- Physicalism

It is the philosophy that every one events of history,

past, present and destiny, were determined or are

acknowledged (with the aid of God, destiny, or some

other force), together with human moves.

- Predeterminism

Martin Heidegger, in "Being in Time,"

referred to this as something that indicates itself in

- Phenomenon

Its focal factors consist of easy residing and

essential items of the earth.

- agrarianism
It is diagnosed as a catalyst for the transition to
submit-cutting-edge society

- statistics era

Jurgen Habermas added this idea inside the idea

of intersubjectivity?To designate an

character ability and a social area.?

- Intersubjectivity of mutual understanding

This idea states that of any two matters someone

might do at any given second, one is higher than

another to the extent that its average outcomes are

higher than the other's universal effects.

- Plain scalar consequentialism

This refers to problems in body function or changes

in body shape, including paralysis or


- Impairment

Daniel Stern developed this to focus on studies at

the non-verbal communication of infants, young

youngsters, and their parents.

- relational psychoanalysis
Which is a focal point of agrarianism?

- each picks are accurate

Another time period for kingdom consequentalism

- Mohist Consequentialism

Andrei Linde considered that just like space time,

this might have its very own intrinsic degrees of

freedom, and that one's perceptions can be as

real as cloth items.

- awareness

He cautioned that no connection will be made

between indeterminism of nature and freedom of


- Niels Bohr

The employer behind"Global Disability Action

Plan 2014-2021" which intends?To help

direct their efforts closer to precise actions with a

purpose to deal with fitness issues of folks with


- World Health Organization

This holds that the thoughts is a nonphysical
substance, the seat of recognition and intelligence,

is not identical with bodily states of the brain or


- Cartesian dualism

Which of those fields of examine does not entail

using the term intersubjectivity?

- Biology

It is grounded in the idea that everything within the

world can in reality be reduced analytically to its

essential bodily, or material, basis.

- reductive physicalism

Edith Stein's doctoral dissertation which served

as an extended basis of intersubjectivity.

- "On the Problem of Empathy"

He keeps that determinism is authentic due to the

fact quantum phenomena aren't events or things that

may be positioned in space and time, but are

summary entities.

- Ted Honderich
"People First Language"?Removes
generalizations, assumptions and stereotypes by
way of focusing on

the man or woman as a substitute discussing

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