Tunnel 3

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\b? “ 1 - 1 BIURSS between note on the proposed tunnel unde posal of ca Kasimkots (M+ Andh ation Irernate rol " District, Mt by Invest asanal \Vishakhapatnam™ 1.8. Prasad ologist of India Senior ¢ Geological Surve Southern Region Hyderabad 2 this maior irrigation project n is contemplating ator system including piped ff Andhra Pradesh s under its distrib Government © ut of 1.30 lac acres ter supply and helps sub The main com ve an ayact rovides assured wal f Visakhapatnam. res. The scheme PI ponents of ork for 15118 a¢ and economic grow" fh of upland areas © Cumecs- discharge of 31.20 tection Arrange tage-1 & II with pr ments, sump Houses for S Mechanical works. jon of Pump ouses/fore-bays and delivery ding surge protection works and manifold. sure mains inclu jon lines, bay extel Laying MS. Pre 4 KV DC transmissi Construction of 13: required civil works for finished item. iction of 132/11 K power transformers. suitable capacity of. ociated civil rrangements and asst with V Sub stations with st y Construs gwiteh gear equipment, control, relay & metering works. including 15118 acres command with piped serve 1.30 Jakh acres 0 irrigation network and remaining with open canal dist + Construction of pump houses, -T lines for piped irrigation ne nd 82°53'Longitude; 17° 41 strict, Andhra Pradesh. ed to lift of about 31.20 C y Distributary network to ributor network. s, hydro mechanical electro mechanical works, orks, twork. substations, H et 65K/14 in ~The project location i tem on ig arou +95" N Latitude; SI she ssimkota Mandal, Visakhapatnam Dit The objective of the scheme is propos ‘umecs of water form 5,60 Cumecs of water from stage-II to age-|_ foll followed by leading channel and to lift about 1 \R ol] > pesapnsi Reservoir for imigation and drinking INE Purposes for pene site ea ee Purposes for 1.30 lakh acres by forming . "detail ieation network in Visakhapatnam District, AP are the details of stage 1&1 oe sowie Stage-1 : — Stage-I 30m depth. this reach, due to existence of loose debris and may be affected by sliding scree debris in sociation with rock material fro1 ing of much difficulty in Operation and Management aspects in future which involve huge pens, the project authorities have proposed 2600 km Yong. 4.5m dia, D shaped tunnel for f the WRD. There is 1m the hill slopes. To avoid the difficulty of execution and oth and effective execution of the proposed work within the scope o! ssibility of shallow tunnel which may be executed in this valley reach portion by way of cut wo 20 spats AD REC AQued " queduct type structure is also possible by = ae possible but involves huge - agen. trough which the yw yea " ; he water conductor system passes, is predominant d ~ gf denuadational residual ENEWS’ siren A ENE-WSW trending Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt of Archaean ses with valleys in betwee 8 tsveen, Small streams trending in N-S to N20°W and NOO°t0 jon erosses the tunnel align : alignment forming dendritic sub dendritic drainage pattern iver Godavari, Th Ss we he rocks exposed in the proposed tunnel alignment area are itie suite of Archaean _-quartze feldspathic graphite gneisses belonging to Khondali s would form tunneling scqsional migmatite gneisses and patches of eharnoekite ih general tunnel Tock mass grade with two prominent went sets plus random joints and sub we in yin wh general trend of prominent joints are: 1, N40°E to N WW ivertical, 2. . gt S 660-70! W) vertical/20-30°NW, 3.N70°-80" W-S70°-B0°E! Ivertical/25°NW and sub patio Pe syst on te ERM data and sumvey levels furnished by the project authorities with 5 ecks an altemative proposal in place of canal system a tunnel is suggested ve NE _WSW trending hill ranges with rock cover above the proposed tunnel erown sing {rom 11.83m (GL 90,83m:; Crown level 79.00m) at the inlet to 192m (GL Cpt fvel 786m) which reer 2p of the proposed tunnel diameter. The 925m) and at 19.395m (GL 96.320m: Crown level 76. nel at outlet portion is J, The details of the new altemate 3L.101.870m; Crown level 73.50m} «furnished by the projet authorities are given Below for tentative 260m tunnel a TURES OF THE PROPOSED. TUNNEL 2600m, 4.5 meters + length of Tunnel 1 Diameter ofthe tunnel D Shape, Gravity How type Shape + Bearing of the tunnel 314 degrees 7 Toposheet No. EMQI let 7 Chainage oKm 82 6sK/14 > Longitude \vd 3 — , Latitude 17°39°31.4" 65K/14 ( Chainage 2600m - quiet longitude 82°52°49.5"; 6SK/I4 it - outlet latitude 17° 40°33.29"; 65K/14 Ground level at the Inlet EL +90.830m, ound level atthe Outlet EL +-96.320 ged Level of Inlet EL +74,500m | pei Leve of Outlet EL +72.425m | rypeoflining ofthe tunnel PCC fining (in. 360mm thick) sion ‘the tunnel a8 proposed by the project authorities does not indicate adversities and : preliminarily feasible in view of the adequate cover, sufficient depth below OGL and the in frock mass at tunnel grade as well as disposition of joints with respect to bearing of nel shifting of the both portals further 10m to 15m towards hillside to increase the cover ne te tunnel portals is possible and the same is suggested to reduce the tunnel length by sig te fle portals. NX size boreholes atthe inlet and outlet locations and also for every pn along the tunnel alignment drilled upto 5m below the bed level of the tunnel would be ner guide (0 assess the tunnel rock mass conditions as a part of detailed geotechnical Ae ad Senior Geologist sesigations of the suggested tunnel alignment.

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