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The name of the Society shall be TINSUKIA-76. II. MISSION OF THE SOCIETY The mission of the Society shall be to maintain and promote close relationship, harmony,co-operation, fellow-feeling and mutual support amongst the members of the Society. III. PRINCIPAL OFFICE The Principal Office of the Society shall be situated at Tinsukia town, in the district of Tinsukia, in the State of Assam. IV. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The aims and objectives of the Society shall be as follows:

i) To maintain and promote close relationship, harmony, co-operation, fellowfeeling and mutual support amongst the members of the Society. ii) To collect and accumulate funds and resources to meet the expenditure for carrying out the activities of the Society by way of membership fees, voluntary donations by the members and other fund raising activities. iii) the Society. iv) To initiate, establish and participate in collaborative activities for the members of

Toorganise periodical meets of the members of the Society.

v) To serve as an organisation for promoting co-operative endeavour and interaction of the members of the Society. vi) To promote and organise activities to support, maintain and improve life, health and well-being of the members of the Society and the members of the families of theirs. vii) To organiseprogrammes, camps, conferences, seminars, lectures, training programmes, workshops, health check-up camps, cultural programmes and similar other activities on subjects of relevance to the members of the Society, either alone or in collaboration with other organisations. viii) To disseminate information and publish journals, reports, monographs, pamphlets, books, research papers, manuals, compendia, audio and visual material, internet based information etc. in furtherance of the activities of the Society. Contd...P/2

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ix) To engage in other lawful activities as the Society may deem fit or incidental for the furtherance and attainment of its activities and to positively influence the lives of people belonging to the larger spectrum of the civil society. V. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The management of the affairs of the society will, by the Rules and Regulations of the society, be entrusted to the Executive Committee of the Society to be elected by the members of the Society. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE SOCIETY TINSUKIA-76 GENERAL : 1. The Society shall not be operated for profit and no part of its income shall accrue to any of members of the Society or its office bearers or members of its office bearers or members of its Executive Committee. 2. The aims and objectives of the Society shall be as given in the Memorandum of Association of the Society. 3. In these rules, unless the context requires otherwise :

(i) The Society means the society known as TINSUKIA-76 (ii) The Executive Committee means the Executive Committee, which, under Rule 5, is constituted to be the Executive Committee of the Society. MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY: The members of the Society shall be the persons listed in Annexure-A.


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : 5. The members of the society shall, in a general meeting, elect 15(Fifteen) members from amongst themselves to constitute the first Executive Committee of the Society to hold office till the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting of the Society. Thereafter in every Annual General Meeting of the Society, the members of the Society shall elect an Executive Committee of the Society comprised of 15 (Fifteen) members of the Society to hold office till the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Society. 6. The members of each Executive Committee described in Rule 5 hereinabove shall select the following office bearers of the committee from amongst themselves : i) A President. ii) A Vice President. iii) A Secretary. iv) Two Joint Secretaries. v) A Treasurer. vi) An Assistant Treasurer. Contd...P/3

Page 3 The tenure of the abovementioned office bearers shall continue till the concerned Executive Committee, of which they are members, remains in office. 7. The meetings of the Executive Committee shall be presided over by the President and in his absence by the Vice-President. The day to day administrative matters of the Executive Committee as well as those of the Society including the matter of Convening General Meetings of the members of the Society shall be looked after and will be the responsibility of the secretary who will be assisted in the same by the two Joint Secretaries, one of whom will also carry out the functions of the secretary in his absence. The financial matters and accounts of the Society shall be looked after by the Treasurer who will be assisted in the same by the Assistant Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer will also carry out the functions of the Treasurer in his absence. 8. Any member of the Executive Committee may resign after giving one months notice to the President. 9. If a vacancy in the Executive Committee occurs, the continuing members of the Executive Committee shall act as if no vacancy had occurred and no act or proceedings of the Executive Committee shall be deemed invalid hereby by reason of a vacancy in the Board. 10. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every six months. The Secretary shall convene meetings of the Executive Committee in consultation with the President and unless otherwise directed by the President, 7(Seven) clear days notice of the meeting shall be given to the members of the Executive Committee. 11. The quorum for the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Society shall be 5(Five).

GENERAL MEETINGS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY : 12. The first General Meeting of the members of the Society shall be convened by any member of the Society so empowered collectively by any 13(Thirteen) members of the Society. 13. After the First General Meeting, any Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Society can be convened by the Secretary of the Society in consultation with the President to discuss and decide on any emergent matter. 14. Every year an Annual General Meeting of the society shall be held to elect members of the Executive Committee of the Society, to approve and adopt annual accounts of the Society, to appoint auditors of the accounts of the Society and to discuss and decide on any other matter of relevance to the Society. 15. The quorum for General Meetings of the Society shall be 15(Fifteen).

16. Unless otherwise directed by the President, 15(Fifteen) clear days notice of a General Meeting shall be given to the members of the Society. Contd...P/4

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17. The annual/periodical membership fees to the paid by the members of the Society shall be decided by the members of the Society in the First General Meeting and thereafter in every Annual General Meeting of the Society. FUND RAISING FOR THE ACTIVITIES OF THE SOCIETY 18. The society may accept voluntary donations from the members of the Society and may conduct such fund raising activities for collecting and accumulating funds for the purpose of carrying out the activities of the Society as may be approved by the members of the Society in a General Meeting. 19. BANK ACCOUNTS: One or more Bank Accounts of the Society shall be opened at any Bank in the name of the Society which shall be operated under the joint signatures of the President and the Secretary of the Society. 20. INVESTMENTS: The funds of the Society may be invested in one or more modes as may be decided by the Executive Committee in its meeting. The said investments may be operated under the joint signatures of the President and the Secretary of the Society. POWERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : 21. The general superintendence, direction and control of the affairs and funds of the Society shall be vested in the Executive Committee which may exercise all powers and do all acts and things which may be exercised or done by the Society. 22. Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by Rule 21 above, the Board shall have the power : (i) To determine a. Financial and managerial policies. b. Priorities of the Societys different activities. c. Payments to be made to the suppliers of goods and services to the Society. d. Duties and conduct, salaries and allowances and other conditions of service employees of the Society if any.

(ii) To utilise a part or whole of the funds of the Society towards capital and recurring expenditure of the Society, to make appropriate investments on behalf of the Society and to deal with the funds in any other way as may be necessary for the benefit of the Society. (iii) To acquire, by way of purchase or donation or to take on lease or hire or otherwise temporarily or on permanent basis, any movable or immovable property for the Society. (iv) To sell, assign, mortgage, lease, exchange, transfer or otherwise deal with all or any property, movable or immovable, of the Society in the way or ways it may find necessary. Contd...P/5

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To raise funds for the Society in the way or ways it may find expedient.

(vi) To have bank account(s) of the Society opened and operated as per the directions given by the committee from time to time. (vii) To appoint staff in accordance with the rules of the Society.

(viii) To constitute other committees from among the members of the Executive Committee for such purposes and on such terms and conditions as it may deem necessary and desirable. CASTING VOTE OF THE PRESIDENT: 23. The President shall preside over all the meetings of the Executive Committee and any committee of which he is a member. In his absence the said meetings shall be presided over by the Vice-President and even in his absence by a member elected by the other members present at the meeting. In case of tie in votes, the President, of the presiding member, as the case may be, shall have a second and casting vote, which shall be final. 24. The President shall have the power to invite any person or persons not being member(s) of the Executive Committee or members of a committee, as the case may be, to attend the meeting the Board or Committees, as the case may be. Such invitees shall, however, not have voting rights. 25. BOOKS OF ACCOUNT : (i) The Society shall maintain such books of account and other books in relation to its accounts in such from and in such manner as may, in consultation with the auditors of the Society, be prescribed. (ii) The financial year of the Society shall be from the First day of April of each year to the Thirty First day of March of the next year. (iii) The Society shall, as soon as may be, after closing the annual accounts, prepare a statement of accounts in such form as may be determined in consultation with the auditors of the Society. (iv) The accounts of the Society shall be audited by such qualified auditors as the members may appoint in a General Meeting. The first auditors of the Society shall be appointed in the First General Meeting of the Society. Contd...P/6

Page 6 (v) The audited annual accounts of the Society of each year together with the auditors report thereon, shall, after being approved by the Executive Committee, be presented before the members of the Society in the next Annual General Meeting of the Society for approval and adoption by the members of the Society. ALTERATION AND EXTENSION : The Society may alter, extend or abridge the purposes for which it is established as well as amend and alter the provision of the Memorandum of Association and the Rules and Regulations of the Society if so resolved by the members of the Society in a General Meeting. DISSOLUTION : 27. The dissolution of the Society and winding up of its affairs shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act,1860 (Act XXI of 1860) as modified from time to time and in accordance with the provisions of any other law applicable thereto. SIGNATURES : Where it is necessary for the members of the Society to put their signatures on any documents including these Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations, it will suffice if at least one-third of the total number of members put their signatures on the said documents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY HAVE HEREUNTO EXECUTED AND DELIVERED THESE PRESENTS ON THIS THE DAY OF , TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN. NAME ADDRESS FATHERS NAME SIGNATURE 26.

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