Teaching Practice Report 2021

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Antonio Casimiro


Final teaching practice report

Curso de Licenciatura em ensino de Inglês

Universidade Rovuma
Extensão de Cabo Delgado

António Casimiro


Final teaching practice report

Curso de Licenciatura em ensino de Inglês

To be presented to the Department of

Language Sciences, Communication and Arts
(FCLCA), recommended by lecture of
Teaching Practice of English I, Second year,

MA. Costa Alberto Rui

Universidade Rovuma

Extensão de Cabo Delgado


List of abbreviation..................................................................................................................4
Objectives of teaching practice................................................................................................9
Report Objectives.....................................................................................................................9
Teaching practice phases..........................................................................................................9
Job Methodology....................................................................................................................10
Theoretical References...........................................................................................................10
Lesson Observation................................................................................................................11
Material (Classroom material)................................................................................................14
Other Aspects.........................................................................................................................14
After observation....................................................................................................................14

List of abbreviation

UR = Rovuma University

TLP = Teaching and Learning Process

TP = Teaching Practice

TPR = Teaching Practice Report

TPR= Total Physical Response

ETC = English Taught in China

SS’ = Students

TR = Teacher

Teaching and learning English in China, mainly in areas where English is second
language is always known that difficulties are often expected from the difference
between English and Chinese because of using different alphabets, so English uses the
Latin and Roman alphabet, while Chinese uses a non- alphabet script of logograms.

However, little bit of experience in teaching English as a foreign language you will
realize that your learner’s first language will affect their learning of English. This can be
in terms of vocabulary pronunciation and word order, among a number of their things.
Understanding these issues can help our learners overcome this problem. As teachers of
English, we have to work on trying to get our students ready to learn the language as we
know that we teaching an international language using man languages to transmit what
we are needed to do and teach.

I would like to thank all the students in my course and the lecturer Costa Alberto Rui
who used to provide the materials that made up the original Teaching Practice Report
based on observation of video lesson class in grade 1 students from China. Also in
particular I’m so grateful to my lecturer Costa Alberto Rui who did the best to provide
the teaching and learning materials that helped us to produce this present report and who
gave us the opportunity to watch the lesson and produce the observing report. So at the
end I would like to thank my colleagues who always used to discuss our doubts during
the process.

Teaching and Learning the English language in china, especially in the countries where
exactly the English is second or third language is being the big challenge for teachers
and learners to make up this learning process, because looking for the culture from
china is different from America and British culture because they speak different
language and also they use different alphabets, so English uses Roman and Latin
alphabets while Chinese uses non – alphabet script.

Although most countries in Africa, have systems of formal education,, which commonly
compulsory, where so the school is a chosen place where there’s a sharing experience
from teachers to their students and between this based on debate and vice versa so that
the assimilation process can bring effective teaching and learning process.

Key – word: Teaching English in China grade 1 in Beijing.

Teaching practice refers to the range of experiences to which student teachers are
exposed when they work in classrooms and schools (Marais & Meier, 2004:221). In
Mozambique, Teaching practice is an integral component of teacher training. The
overall purpose of Teaching Practice is to expose student teachers to the actual teaching
and learning environment. During the Teaching Practice, student teachers observe
subject teachers at work so as to learn about teachers' skills, strategies and classroom
achievements. It is also the time when they evaluate their own teaching experiences
through interactions with teachers and lecturers and, through self-reflection, implement
a variety of approaches, strategies and skills with a view to bring about meaningful
The Teaching Practice is an important component of becoming a teacher. It grants
student teachers experience in actual teaching and learning environment (Ngidi &
Sibaya, 2003:18). During teaching practice, student teacher is given opportunity to try
the art of teaching before actually getting into the real world of the teaching profession
(Cassandra, 1995).

Marais and Meier (2004: 221) assert that the term teaching practice presents the range
of experiences to which student teachers are exposed when they work in classroom and
schools. Marais and Meier (2004:221) further argue that teaching practice is challenging
but important part of teacher training, especially in developing countries where the
effectiveness of the teaching practice can diminished or eroded by a range teacher
expertise, a wide – ranging lack of discipline among a wide cross – section of learners
and educators. These challenges, if not addressed, may affect student teacher's
performance during teaching profession (Quick & Sieborger, 2005).

Objectives of teaching practice
 To expose student-teachers to real life classroom experiences under the
Supervision of professional teachers.
 To provide student-teachers with an opportunity for further acquisition of
Professional skills, competencies, personal characteristics and experience for
full-time teaching after graduation.
 To help student-teachers develop a positive attitude towards the teaching

Report Objectives
General objectives:

 Observe and analyze critically situation based on lesson observing in teaching


Specific Objectives:

 Describe and criticize the observed lesson;

 Identify the faced difficulties in the lesson observation;
 Suggest strategies for eliminating the faced difficulties during the lesson.

Teaching practice phases

The Professionalizing Practices (Practice and Teaching Stagy), at teacher training, are
organized into four phases and in whole course, as following:

1. General Teaching Practice.

2. Teaching Practice of (a certain subject) I

3. Teaching Practice of (a certain subject) II

4. Pedagogical Stagy.

At 2nd year, the English Language Teaching – Principles and Practice (ETP) has
objectives in preparing students for critically observing and analyzing the lesson and
improvement of the student and teacher’s ability, skills and knowledge on issues related
to ELT/PP and gain newly learning experience.

This subject gives chance at a living (Virtual and Real) at school contact with the
students, teachers and other workers to create on the student of UR habits of work,
collaboration and the environment living.

Job Methodology
The used in the present report was of the bibliographical reference searching, direct
observation and idea systematization.

Taking into account the structure of the report, it is organized as following: Summary,
Introduction, Development, Conclusion and the bibliography.

Theoretical References
A report is an informational work made with the intention of observing the lesson,
relaying information or recounting events in a presentable form.

For LIBANEO (2008: 32), " Report is a written or oral narration organized and with the
information of living news or professional activities referring to a particular activity at a

On PILETI's view (2004: 121), "Teaching Practice Reports are final instruments of a
process of evaluation he has got (…) found partial information with the observation of
field job and seminaries".

Observation is the active acquisition of information from a primary source. The term
may also refer to any data collected during the scientific activity. Observation can be
qualitative, that is, only absence or presence of a property is noted, or quantitative if a
numerical value is attached to the observed phenomenon by counting or measuring.

Observation is an individual or Group activity designated for obtaining data and

information about what is happening in the teaching and learning process with objective
of analyze the process in one or in the other in focus (ALARCÃO & TAVARES, 2008:

Lesson Observation
It was on 5th September, 2018 were approximately 40 students were in the class when I
had the opportunity to observing the virtual lesson the class took place in Youfuxijie
Primary School in China. The class started by teacher known as Val starts to train the
class how to greet in English language. During the process teacher also say to students
‘’hello” then the class respond ‘’hi’’, it means he was giving the instructions o how
students must greet to someone or the teacher when they met, by giving them the long
form and short form of this greeting form. Being the first day in class teacher was
repeating several times the greeting. Then after the introduction as warm up, tells the
students that “if I say hello you must respond Hi’’, because this means the same thing
but is very written in a different way, so teacher was playing games since the lesson
were started, so did not focus only in prepared topic but he also introduced many topics
as well.

After the greeting, the teacher wrote on the board a simple sentence (my name is Val),
for me it was a kind of trying to present himself to students and teaching them how
could present to someone, so after that teacher changed the activity by presenting a
picture of boys and girls and to show the difference between boys and girls, I where he
asked the boys to stand up and raise their hands, although other students they did not
recognize their gender as difficult of foreign language, also the girls did the same as the
boys. During the class teacher gave 5 pints to boys, girls and him in case of playing
games in class, being the grade 1, teacher explains the purpose of game in local

We know that there’s no class without rules, is that what we call code of conduct by
where the teacher presents the class rules starting by presenting the rule number1 until
rule number5 respectively.

The rule number one (1): clear you desk, rule number two (2): be quiet, rule number
three (3): listen to teacher, rule number four (4): speak English, rule number five (5):
raise your hand, so this presented rules each of them has its meaning and purpose during
the class. After that activity teacher continued to deal to class by using the total physical
response (TPR) to show the students how to use the class rules then by trying to refocus
the class teacher said to students to hands up and hands down, turn around, and clap
your hands and finally sit down by using drills in playing games.

Then after that that teacher starts to teach phonics to students for new letters per class,
by introducing on the board letters A, B, C, D and started to explain the following: A =
apple, B= ball, C = cat, D = dog, then students were repeating several times after the
teacher, then they used this game as song. After that activity teacher used the actions to
drill the words written on the board, by using the word (super) on that time, students
were repeating after the teacher, then teacher placed the flashcards on the board, and
writes the meaning of each placed flashcard to show the students the meaning of that
flashcard, teacher as a monitor in the class, helped students playing the games, so he
asked the students what the word super means in Chinese because most of students in
the classroom they had no idea, about that word, since the difficulties of grade 1
students learning the foreign language in China.

The overall games played during the class, teacher introduced the word (fine and ok) the
miming technique was used with gestures and (TPR) method to teach students so after
that teacher asked students to stand up then start drills the words and actions by using
the words he already presented in previous few time, like the word (fine and ok) then
after that activity teacher gave the explanation by translating into Chinese using the total
physical response, grammar translation method and gestures to body actions.

After that teacher does the action at that moment the students produced the words
respectively, the teacher ordered the students to sit down then as monitor in class used
the countdown technique to refocus the class introduced the playing games to them.

Teacher introduced game time its means that each game needs the proper time to play
not all the time, this process continued and told the students that (if I say the word, you
say the number that the word corresponds.

If I say super, you respond 1

If I say fine, you respond 2

If I say ok, you respond 3

If I say Bad, you respond 4

After this process teacher changed the instructions by students saying the words and the
teacher saying the number of the word which belongs.

Teacher introduces some sentences on the board by writing (I am super), in this stage
teacher translated into Chinese, he taught and explained the sentences with all the
previously learned vocabulary to in light them.

So in the practice stage teacher planed to play games to students and teach vocabulary,
where was counting the score and recognizing the winning team of students where he
presented the winner of the motivation game.

Set down some points during the class, saying the boys = 24 points, girls = 25 points,
Val = 0 points.

After this activity teacher tried to explain that opportunity always will come for future
moment, and if the students who lost to win today, tomorrow they are going to win, so
for me was a good idea to motivate them according to their level, because this level
often students they don’t delay to become bored that’s why he was encouraging them
that they can succeed if they follow his teaching rules.

In the production or feedback stage teacher asked students to stand up and review the
days lesson on the last time, so for this technique was good to evaluate or to see students
whether they understood something or not, where he used some oral questions to check
the students whether they understood or not.

“How are you? I am super, I am fine, and I am ok’’, so that they could be reminded
about the learned topic, he did activity with all students in the classroom.

Overall, the class seemed student-centered and the teacher acted mainly as a facilitator
of discussion among the students. The students they had a lot of time to express
themselves verbally not in writing. The teacher employed a variety of techniques when
calling on students for answers in class ranging from calling on individuals and general
asking the whole class with all these techniques or teaching methods, the students
seemed engaged in the activities and materials like flashcards and so on, it felt like the
class flowed well.

There were not many uncomfortable moments, the class activity varied from individual
work and the whole class in general. I think having a variety of activities allowed a
majority of students to participate at a level they feel comfortable. The class was at the
beginning of semester, so I think it was beneficial to foster that relationship early to

build rapport and cohesion among the students in preparation for the rest of the

So the class ended up by the teacher dismissing to students by saying good bye to them.

Material (Classroom material)

There is 1 green board, on which is fixed, in the classroom there are uncountable desks,
there is one projector in the classroom, uncountable books, one ball, 1 chair and table to
teacher, geographic material and many other material that we I was not able to count.

Other Aspects
Taking into account the classroom location, I can affirm that it is well located because
there are the necessary conditions which a classroom should have, such as, desks to sit
the students, a secretary to teacher, good black board, flashcards and many other
materials that I was not able to count.

Grade and number of students

There are approximately 40 students in the class discriminated into boys and girls
without a specific number of them; this was the grade 1 students in China.

Number of teachers

There is only one teacher in the class, who is an English teacher, also he is a man.

After observation
Before and while writing the report, we were given an opened virtual video class which
we observed through platform source to watch the video lesson to analyze and judge
about what your point of view of the teaching process and the lecturer really explained
that if there’s an doubt about writing report we could ask for him to clarify, I think from
that and from some given rules, the work was done successfully, although difficulties
we faced. Indeed, the network we are using is not qualitative to the system of platform
because of that we are facing many problems to get and do our given jobs.

In this subject we had a prudential virtual seminary all of them in platform, in
interactions like chats and forums, and in chats many times interaction the lecturer was
participating to clarify I case of any given doubt to students and we can say that there
was production of effective learning although some of us we were facing network
problems to access the platform. I think this is a difficult of distance course.

There is a general consensus that Teaching Practice occupies a key position in the
programs of teacher education. According to Furlong et al. (1988), it is a culminating
experience in teacher preparation. This is particularly important as it provides
opportunity to beginning teachers to become socialized into the profession. More
importantly, it is during the Teaching Practice when student teachers are envisaged to
observe subject teachers at work so as to learn about teaching skills and apply them
when they get opportunities to interact with the learners. Not only that, the teaching
practice also provides avenues for student teachers to evaluate themselves on their
teaching experiences through discussions with regular teachers and lecturers and,
through self-reflection. The findings of this study have revealed that the organization of
the Teaching Practice is faced with a number of challenges. Firstly, it has been found
that the duration spent for the Teaching Practice was not enough. It has been a tradition
for quite a long time now that student teachers from the universities in China and
worldwide have to attend an eight week Teaching Practice block at the end of each
academic year. The assumption behind this arrangement was that the eight weeks were
adequate for student teachers to practice the profession in the field.
On the basis of the views from student teachers, it seems that there is need to review the
duration of Teaching Practice in order to make it produce the desired outcome.

One of the most important thing, we think that should be done in this subject is the
chance of practicing teaching in real classroom as a seminary controlled by the lecturer
and some other kind of jobs related to this subject should be given with clear
instructions so that the job should be successful, facilitating and helping student and
teachers improving their teaching skills. Chances of interaction should be created as
much as well.

At the virtual classroom observation, we recommend following:

 The lesson observation it should not be in virtual way so the good way and
recommended way could be in real class observation because in this way you
should not be able to everything happening during the classroom;
 Teacher should also use different methods in the teaching process not only TPR.
 Grammar translation method is good method which facilitates to explain many
of foreign language worldwide, instead of using other different methods.

Buchner, J & Hay D 1999. Learning to teach: a framework for teacher induction. South
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Dewey J 1938. Experience and Education, New York: Collier.

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Researching early childhood student teachers: life histories and course experience.
International Journal of Early Childhood, 32:34 – 40.

Holloway J 2001. The benefits of mentoring Educational Leadership, 58:85 – 86.

Ishmael N, Halse C & Buchnan J 2000. Teaching practice in the republic Maldives:
Issues and challenges. Pacific Asian Education, 12:40 – 56.

Kassanda CD 1995. Teaching practice at University of Namibia: Views from student

teachers, Zimbabwe. Journal of Educational Research, 7:57 – 68.

Kiggundu E 2007. Teaching practice in the Greater Vaal Triangle Area. The student
teachers experience. Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 4:25 – 35.

Lave J &Wenger E 1991. Situated learning. New York: Cambridge University.



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