FT Notes-2.16

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2.16 Hiring Virtual Assistants

What is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

▶ A virtual assistant is an independent contractor who provides
administrative services while operating outside of the client’s office
▶ This role typically operates from a home office but can access the
necessary planning documents, such as shared calendars, remotely

Virtual Assistant FAQs

with Ana Santiago, COO
of Outsource School
What part of the world should you hire VA’s from?
▶ Hire from one place

• Master from hiring from one country first to build a cohesive team and
once you have cultivated that then you can expand globally

• Why hire a VA from the Philippines?

• Time Zones are not an issue
• They are used to working the night shift
• Communication - Excellent English
• Culture - hardworking, respectful, quick learners, passionate,
• Standard Pay Rate- Cheaper than in the US ($5-10/hr)

1 Hiring Virtual Assistants

Module 2.16

What should I hire Va’s for and ▶ Part-time VA responsibilities can include daily,
what shouldn’t I hire them for? weekly, monthly repetitive operation tasks and
marketing tasks
▶ Three types of Virtual Assistants:
• Email, calendar, scheduling appointments,
1. Followers - follow your current systems and schedule social media content
2. Doers - don’t have to teach them to do their How much do virtual assistants
job (such as social media, graphic design, cost? Can I afford it?
content writers)
▶ There is an increase in cost with most skilled VAs
3. Experts - hire to change and improve your such as graphic designers, content writers, etc.
current systems and processes (ranging from $7-15/hr based on expertise)
▶ You can hire a VA to do anything one can do ▶ An excellent way to calculate what you can
remotely for your computer afford to pay a virtual assistant is going to
• Partnership/affiliate management OutsourceSchool.com/vacalculator

• Project manager
• Bookkeepers Is hiring a VA risky? How do I
• Sales Representatives
reduce the risks?
▶ Setting expectations from the very beginning
• On-boarding Representatives
• Communication, task schedule
Should I hire a VA part-time or ▶ Build and foster relationships with your VA’s
full-time? • It is important to understand what everyone is
▶ Hiring a VA part time means you are going to doing on your team so that people can cover
share them with other companies for one another if the time came

• This will work if you only need them from a • Trust is built and working together is much
range of 5-20 hrs a week more cohesive

• If they prove to be an asset to your business, • VA’s will treat your business like their own
you might not be able to hire them full time if when passion is there
they are already committed to other companies • Listen to feedback
• Increased incentives can work to bring your • You will have confidence in your virtual team so
part time VA into a full-time position that you can give them more responsibility or
take stress away from your own role
▶ Learn how to work ON your business instead of
IN your business ▶ Use professional platforms to hire and vet
• Paying a virtual assistant $8/hr part-time could your VA’s
free up 20 hours of your workweek

2 Hiring Virtual Assistants

Module 2.16

• Entrepreneurs are notorious to forget about

Interviewing in chat messages
onboarding and its importance to their
company ▶ When hiring from the Philippines, Outsource

• Bad hires can cost turn over to your business has learned that it is best to avoid shyness and
which can kill your business awkwardness of video interviews

• Scheduling, company culture, communication, ▶ Messaging online allows them to have time to

technology issues will need to be addressed respond and answer questions without pressure
and expectations need to be set ▶ Also, you will be able to learn about their
communication styles in real-time as that will
give you a taste of your partnership with them
Have questions? You can reach Ana Santiago
via email at Ana@OutSourceSchool.com
Onboarding Process 101
The time where you set expectations
Can I hire a virtual assistant in my
regarding if anything were to happen
same time zone? to prevent them from accomplishing
▶ Yes, just be very clear about your job postings their tasks
and expectations
▶ Psychical health, bad weather, and any
▶ Most of the time VA’s will be willing to work
emergencies or inconveniences that might
odd hours (they might prefer it because of their
come up
personal schedule)
▶ This is also their chance to back out if they
disagree with your work ethic and style
Interviewing Process 101
CARE interviewing style
▶ Communication - does their communication
style match yours?
▶ Attitude - eager to learn, receive
constructive feedback
▶ Red Flags - potential issues

▶ Experience - obviously this matters, but without

the right communication and attitude, experience
can be overshadowed

3 Hiring Virtual Assistants

Module 2.16

Training virtual assistants Bonuses: What is a 13 month pay?

▶ SSS Technique ▶ This is an entire extra month’s salary typically

• Study given around December

▶ You can split it up in different ways depending on
• Sample
• Show
▶ Bonuses every 6 to 12 months play a large part
▶ Provide explanations and instructions on all in motivating your VA’s to continue to work hard
standard operations knowing it will be rewarded
▶ Follow up with questions and practice said ▶ Raises should reflect on how well your business
operations with them is doing
▶ Offer feedback ▶ Ultimately, treating your VA’s like family
(checking on mental/emotional health) is the best
Managing virtual assistants way to getting your VA’s to treat your business
▶ Day to day communication like their own

▶ Meetings (daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly)

• Having information for these meetings

Check out Outsource School at
▶ Transparency with your team will do wonders OutsourceSchool.com for more information
for your business on hiring virtual assistants to improve
your business operations
• Having your team know how valued and
trusted they are will only increase their
motivation and drive to work for your company

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No part of this document, including the text, data, graphics, interior

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form without explicit consent from Freedom Ticket.

4 Hiring Virtual Assistants

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