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Use the Internet to research what is happening in the video rental

business (i.e. Blockbuster, Redbox)
2. What changes have online businesses such as Netflix caused in the
video rental business? Discuss all five categories of economic utility in
your answer. (Form, Place, Time, Possession, and Information)
1. Form: They changed from being a physical object to being a digital
thing you can watch on your phone anywhere around the world.
2. Place: Netflix is a convenient place for people to buy rent or watch
movies instead of going to the store.
3. Time: You can watch any show or movie at any time compared to
stores that sell seasonal movies at certain times.
4. Possession: Instead of having to go in store for purchases you can
just buy a Netflix membership which gives you access to shows
around the world.
5. Information: Netflix has a support center where you can get help
from the Netflix employees.
3. With the improvement of economic utility in the video industry also
came an ethical dilemma. Tennessee has passed a law making it illegal
to share Netflix (and Hulu and Spotify) passwords claiming it is stealing.
Explain your opinion on the ethical dilemma of sharing Netflix
I think that you should be able to share passwords and it shouldn't be
considered stealing because who ever gave it to you paid for it already which
means that you’re technically not stealing from them. Also i think it is dumb
for your whole family to have to pay to watch netflix instead of one account
like most people use i dont know what they were thinking when they said it
was stealing but it isnt its just good planning for not having to spend 4x the
money for the same thing.

4. Using your answers to the questions above, please write a three to four
paragraph summary that compares and contrasts the video rental
business before and after the arrival of Netflix.

What's the difference before compared to now with the video rental business is
that before you would go to the store and rent your movie and then like a week
later you would have to return it permanently until you rented it out again. But
now the video rental business is almost out of business because of netflix, hulu,
prime video and stuff like that which you can just buy a subscription and your can
watch and movie or any show at anytime without having to return them so people
favored that over going to the rental store to temporarily get a movie. So in the
end why the video rental business is going out of business is because it has been

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