Graphodatsky 2012

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Cytogenet Genome Res Published online: July 26, 2012

DOI: 10.1159/000341502

A Short Introduction to Cytogenetic

Studies in Mammals with Reference to
the Present Volume
A. Graphodatsky a M.A. Ferguson-Smith b R. Stanyon c
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk , Russia; b Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK;
Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy

Key Words what drives chromosome rearrangements and genome evo-

Chromosome painting ⴢ Eutherian ancestral karyotype ⴢ lution in general. We believe that the contributions in this
Genome evolution ⴢ Phylogenomics volume, in no small way, point the way to the next phase in
cytogenetic studies. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel

Genome diversity has long been studied from the compara-
tive cytogenetic perspective. Early workers documented dif- Cytogenetic analysis of mammalian karyotypes has
ferences between species in diploid chromosome number gone through a number of phases strictly related to tech-
and fundamental number. Banding methods allowed more nical advances. Hsu, in his entertaining book entitled
detailed descriptions of between-species rearrangements ‘Human and Mammalian Cytogenetics: an Historical
and classes of differentially staining chromosome material. Perspective’, referred to the earliest phases as the ‘dark
The infusion of molecular methods into cytogenetics pro- ages’ and the scientists who pursued chromosome studies
vided a third revolution, which is still not exhausted. Chro- were quaintly deemed ‘knights’ [Hsu, 1979]. Then came
mosome painting has provided a global view of the translo- the ‘hypotonic miracle’ of the 1950s, which culminated
cation history of mammalian genome evolution, well sum- in deciphering the correct human diploid chromosome
marized in the contributions to this special volume. More number. It is a curious fact that diploid numbers of vari-
recently, FISH of cloned DNA has provided details on defin- ous mammals, including relatives of man, such as the
ing breakpoint and intrachromosomal marker order, which chimpanzees and macaques, were already correctly de-
have helped to document inversions and centromere repo- scribed by this time. Yet hypotonic treatment along with
sitioning. The most recent trend in comparative molecular tissue culture and the discovery of mitogens led to an ex-
cytogenetics is to integrate sequencing information in order plosion in papers on the diploid number and chromo-
to formulate and test reconstructions of ancestral genomes some morphology of literally hundreds of mammals.
and phylogenomic hypotheses derived from comparative More than 400 of these karyotypes were published in ‘An
cytogenetics. The integration of comparative cytogenetics Atlas of Mammalian Chromosomes’ edited by Hsu along
and sequencing promises to provide an understanding of with Benirschke as a multi-volume set [Hsu and Be-

© 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel Roscoe Stanyon

1424–8581/12/0000–0000$38.00/0 Department of Evolutionary Biology
Fax +41 61 306 12 34 University of Florence
E-Mail Accessible online at: IT–50125 Florence (Italy) roscoe.stanyon @
nirschke, 1967–1991]. On the basis of classical cytogenet- Pardue, 1969]. These early techniques have much in com-
ics it was easily shown that different species had different mon with those of today. The chromosomal DNA on the
number and form of chromosomes, i.e. they had different slide and the probe both needed to be denatured. How-
karyotypes. Karyotypes could vary greatly even between ever, most molecular cytogeneticists now have little ap-
related species, and hypotheses about ancestral genomes preciation of how time-consuming and difficult these
were framed in terms of the diploid number (2n) and the techniques were. The probe had to be radioactively la-
number of chromosome arms (fundamental number, beled and after hybridization the slides were covered with
FN). We now know that mammalian chromosome num- a photograph emulsion. After sometimes weeks of expo-
bers range from 2n = 6 in the Indian muntjac to 2n = 102 sure, the photograph emulsion was developed. Except for
in the viscacha rat. the most highly repetitive parts of the genome, the auto-
Just when classical studies of chromosomes seemed radiographs were difficult to analyze. The radioactive in
somewhat in a stall, then of course came chromosome situ hybridization procedure made the normal staining,
banding, beginning with Q- and going on in short order microphotography, film development, printing and man-
to G-, R- and C-banding and many others, fluorescent ually cutting and assembling karyotypes seem like a
and non-fluorescent. The immediate utility of banding breeze (all procedures notably shortened today with the
was matching homologous chromosomes of the same cell advent of digital imaging). Modern molecular cytogenet-
and describing in more detail translocations and inver- ics was really born only with the discovery of nonradio-
sions in human clinical cases. In no time at all these tech- active methods [Langer et al., 1981] and probes, which
nical advances were applied to animal species and in par- initially came out of the human genome project. These
ticular the mammals. Again an explosion of reports was initial hybridization techniques relied on biotin labeling
forthcoming. Literally, hundreds of species were and are and detection with avidin coupled with a fluorescent
still being described at this level. Workers began looking reporter molecule (fluorescence in situ hybridization,
for between-species homologies. These were most obvi- FISH).
ous between closely related species such as humans and
their primate relatives, the great apes and Old World
monkeys, with some notable failures such as the lesser A History of Chromosome Painting
apes. Even though it was clear that homology was pro-
posed essentially on the basis of morphological similari- Early hybridization of whole chromosome-specific
ty, bolder individuals looked even further afield and probes (whole chromosome paints, WCP) used plasmid
matched human chromosome banding with that of other libraries and nick translation. This was sometimes
mammals such as cats [O’Brien and Nash, 1982] and rab- termed CISS (chromosomal in situ suppression) hybrid-
bits [Dutrillaux et al., 1980]. From these banding era com- ization [Cremer et al., 1988], due to the use of Cot-1 DNA
parisons it was rightly concluded that large blocks of to block the repetitive fraction of the genome from par-
mammalian genomes were conserved over millions of ticipating in the in situ hybridization. Later the easier,
years. A curious fact almost ignored was that, even though more visual ‘chromosome painting’ [Pinkel et al., 1988]
the conclusions were right, about 50% of the homologies became the exclusively used term. Soon after, chromo-
based on banding proposed between human/cat or hu- some painting began to establish its utility for both med-
man/rabbit was shown to be wrong in the chromosome ical analysis and comparative research. Wienberg et al.
painting era. About the same percentages were found in [1990] were the first to show that chromosome painting
early banding homologies between macaques and green could be used to compare genomes. Studies soon fol-
monkeys [Stock and Hsu, 1973]. lowed which mapped the chromosomal homology of en-
We must conclude that establishing chromosomal ho- tire genomes [Jauch et al., 1992; Wienberg et al., 1992].
mology between distantly related species or species char- The chromosome painting procedure based on plasmid
acterized by rapid chromosomal evolution remained libraries was still expensive and time-consuming, and,
speculative until the advent of molecular cytogenetics more importantly, it was also limited by the amount of
and especially chromosome painting in the late 1980s probe DNA available which was rapidly consumed by the
and early 1990s [Wienberg et al., 1990]. nick translations.
Of course, by that time in situ hybridization was noth- Then Carter et al. [1992] and Telenius et al. [1992] in-
ing new. It had begun even before the advent of banding troduced the use of a degenerate oligonucleotide-primed
with the publication of Gall and Pardue in 1969 [Gall and PCR (DOP-PCR) for amplifying chromosome sorts. The

2 Cytogenet Genome Res Graphodatsky /Ferguson-Smith /Stanyon

application of DOP-PCR methods using a random or rearrangements. Literally hundreds of species were flow-
universal primer made chromosome paints from flow- sorted at Cambridge, many of which were distributed to
sorted chromosomes available almost without limit. The researchers over the world through the Cambridge Re-
6MW primer reported in these papers became the stan- source Centre for Comparative Genomics which was
dard primer for the PCR of chromosome sorts. However, funded by the Wellcome Trust [Ferguson-Smith et al.,
alternative random primers are possible such as the FS 2005]. Later a flow-sorting lab was established by Wien-
primer for mouse chromosomes [Rabbitts et al., 1995] berg and Stanyon at the National Cancer Institute, Fred-
and many others. Note that these whole chromosome erick (USA), and a second, more limited source of chro-
paints should not be referred to as libraries, a frequent er- mosome paints then became available.
ror even today. Another advantage was that it soon be-
came clear that the quality of these paints was much im- Spectral Karyotyping, M-FISH, Chromosome Bar
proved and had vast untapped potential to chart genomes Coding
even between distantly related species [Scherthan et al., Additional specialized applications based on chromo-
1994]. A number of modifications were necessary for some sorting and painting were also developed. The most
long-range phylogenetic painting. Among these was an spectacular of these is the staining of each of the 24 hu-
increase in the amount of probe used and an increase in man chromosomes in different colors at the same time
hybridization times, from several days to a week. Pre- using whole chromosome painting probes. One method
treatment of the metaphase chromosomes was also im- is known as spectral karyotyping, SKY [Schrock et al.,
portant both to improve target DNA disposability and 1996], and another is M-FISH [Speicher et al., 1996]. Al-
better banding. though the results are fairly comparable, the methods are
As is well known, chromosome paints rapidly became diverse. They require different combinations of filters
indispensable for a wide range of clinical and compara- and imaging systems. Another method is chromosome
tive research [Ferguson-Smith, 1997]. Part of this popu- bar coding, which ‘bands’ chromosomes [Müller and
larity was due to the fact that not only the paints were Wienberg, 2001]. All these techniques resort to pools of
better, but also were cheaper and became more widely chromosome paints. Although the resulting images are
available. Chromosome painting was rapidly shown to be striking, all have had little impact in comparative mo-
superior to chromosome banding for uncovering chro- lecular cytogenetics. Apparently the rapidly decreasing
mosome rearrangements in clinical cytogenetics and in hybridization efficiencies in the long-range phylogenetic
reconstructing ancestral associations in comparative re- FISH make these methods unproductive except in the
search. The results were much more reliable because ho- most closely related species. Therefore, we will not dwell
mology is established not on the basis of morphological further on these methods.
similarities, but on the basis of DNA content.
The laboratory of Ferguson-Smith became the center Microdissection and FISH with Cloned DNA
of an important cytogenetic industry: the comparison Chromosome paints are the largest probes used in mo-
and mapping of between-species chromosomal homolo- lecular cytogenetics. Chromosome paints are very good
gy no longer at the morphological level, but at the DNA at documenting interchromosomal rearrangements
level. It is difficult to find a comparative cytogeneticist (translocations), but rarely provide information on intra-
working today who in some way, directly or indirectly, is chromosomal rearrangements (e.g. inversions). These
not connected to what took place in the Cambridge labo- limitations could be overcome by physically isolating a
ratory on Tennis Court Road. slice of a chromosome by microdissection [Guan et al.,
Flow-sorting and PCR introduced other additional 1992] or by cloning DNA in various vectors such as YACs
possibilities to comparative cytogenetics. Chromosome and BACs [Boyle et al., 1992; Kirsch et al., 2000]. Micro-
paints could be produced from virtually any species for dissection probes can be pooled for multicolor banding
which an adequately dividing cell culture could be estab- hybridizations [Liehr et al., 2006], which have had some
lished. The possibility to flow-sort and establish chro- limited application in both primates and rodents. BAC-
mosome paint sets from many species made reciprocal FISH has become somewhat more popular for establish-
painting [Wienberg and Stanyon, 1997] and even multi- ing marker order along chromosomes and investigating
directional painting possible. Such reciprocal and multi- intrachromosomal rearrangements. One surprising re-
directional chromosome painting allows a much more sults was the discovery of evolutionary new centromeres
precise inference of breakpoints involved in chromosome [Rocchi et al., 2012] in a number of diverse mammalian

Cytogenetic Studies in Mammals Cytogenet Genome Res 3

orders. The use of BAC-FISH to determine marker order the marsupials, not for all non-placental mammals. They
and centromere repositioning is also reviewed in this vol- then go on to derive many of the karyotypes in these spe-
ume in the article by Stanyon et al. cies.
Ancestral karyotypes were also proposed for various
points on the mammalian tree on the basis of banded
Search for Ancestral Genomes chromosomes. Foremost among these were those of
Dutrillaux and coworkers who proposed ancestral karyo-
The reconstruction of the history of life on our planet types for primates [Dutrillaux, 1979, 1988; Dutrillaux
is one of the fundamental goals of evolutionary biology. and Couturier, 1981] and carnivores [Dutrillaux and
Darwin first showed that evolution operated through Couturier, 1983]. For example, they suggested an ances-
natural selection and descent from common ancestors. tral diploid number of 2n = 54 for the New World mon-
Darwin’s theory that all forms of life on this planet are keys, the same number as discussed by de Oliviera et al.
connected by descent from common ancestors is now an in this issue, but with some differences in content. Ances-
undisputed fact. This fact means that all forms of life on tral karyotypes, based on painting data and occasionally
our planet are related and all species have common ances- BAC-FISH and supported by gene sequencing data, are
tors. presented in a number of the reviews in this special issue.
Since the days of classical staining, cytogeneticists Perelman et al. thoroughly discuss the various hypothe-
have been interested in establishing the content of ances- ses for ancestral karyotypes in the carnivores and Rubes
tral karyotypes. In discussion of ancestral karyotypes in reviews the progress in determining the ancestral karyo-
the classical staining era, cytogeneticists often fell into type of the Cetartiodactyla.
one camp or another. Many students of chromosomes Trifonov et al., also in this issue, discuss the utility of
thought that the ancestral mammalian karyotypes had a gene mapping data in reconstructing the ancestral karyo-
high diploid number and that evolution predominantly type of the Perissodactyla and higher-order branching in
proceeded by chromosomal fusions. Others hypothe- placental mammals. In their comparison of cytogenetic
sized that fissions were the main evolutionary mecha- data for Sciuromorpha and Lagomorpha, Richards and
nism and proposed low ancestral diploid numbers while Dutrillaux hypothesize that uncertainties in determin-
others took the middle ground, suggesting that both ing the content of ancestral genomes can inform us about
mechanisms were important. the tempo and mode of speciation in these taxa. Their
An intriguing summary of these classically stained conclusions would be interesting to test in a broad array
chromosome data is found in the paper by Matthey [1972] of mammals.
just at the beginning of the next great phase of cytogenet- The review of Nie in this volume also discusses the
ics, chromosome banding. Matthey, who among other content of ancestral genomes and the various landmark
things invented the term ‘fundamental number’, held the rearrangements identified as characteristic for each dif-
view that chromosome number could go up or down and ferent lineage, that potentially unite certain lineages
therefore proposed that the ancestral placental mamma- within Strepsirrhine primates, Dermoptera and Scan-
lian karyotype should be close to the median of the 1,063 dentia. Finally, a catarrhine ancestral karyotype is also
mammalian species he took into consideration. He de- presented by Stanyon et al., which includes the probable
cided on 48 chromosomes, surprisingly in line with mod- marker order and centromere positions.
ern chromosome painting hypotheses. In the same paper
he discussed the karyotypes of marsupials and presented Tenets of Ancestral Genome Reconstruction
2 hypotheses: an ancestral diploid number of 14 or 22. In Establishing the ancestral eutherian karyotype has
the end he settled on 22 as the most probable ancestral been one of the aims of interspecies chromosome paint-
diploid number for marsupials. The fascinating story of ing studies. As discussed above, molecular cytogenetics
how molecular cytogenetics has finally allowed us to allows great confidence in mapping chromosome homol-
know that the ancestral number is more likely 14 is told ogy between species. We can determine how many chro-
in the contribution of Deakin et al. in this volume (see mosome rearrangements are needed to transform the ge-
their figure 2). These authors also discuss why the ances- nome of one species into another. It is another but related
tral chromosome number of monotremes, 2n = 46, is task fundamental to phylogenetic reconstruction, to de-
much higher than the 2n = 14 ancestral karyotype of termine what chromosomes were present in ancestral
marsupials and why the low diploid number is specific for species. Cladistic analysis of evolutionary relationships

4 Cytogenet Genome Res Graphodatsky /Ferguson-Smith /Stanyon

depends on the polarity of chromosome rearrangements. living placental mammals. The diploid number in these
Two species can be very similar to each other only be- hypotheses ranges from 44 to 50 chromosomes [Svart-
cause they have both retained conserved, ancestral chro- man et al., 2004]. Wienberg and Stanyon [1997] were the
mosomes. Other species which have very different karyo- first to formulate hypotheses about the probable content
types can at the same time be linked by common derived of the mammalian ancestral karyotype based on chro-
rearrangements. Hypotheses on the content of ancestral mosome painting data, but it was Chowdhary et al. [1998]
genomes aid in recognizing conserved, primitive charac- who published one of the first complete reconstructions.
ters versus derived rearrangements. They proposed a diploid number of 48, with chromo-
Some basic tenets of constructing ancestral genomes somes 4, 7, 8, 10, 16p present as single chromosomes, and
from chromosome painting data were summarized by that the association 12/22a with an additional chromo-
Wienberg and Stanyon [1995, 1997, 1998]. A chromosom- some 22b was also likely part of the eutherian ancestral
al synteny may often be disrupted independently by chro- karyotype. However, with the inclusion of improved
mosomal rearrangements, but it is highly unlikely that chromosome painting data from further taxa, it was
the same syntenic group was brought together indepen- deemed likely that chromosomes 2pq, 2q, 3/21, 5, 6, 4/8p,
dently in different lineages, especially in the same order. 7p, 7q/16p, 8q, 9, 10p, 10q, 11, 12q/22a, 12p/22b, 13, 14/15,
Parsimony analysis is then commonly used to determine 16q/19q, 17, 18, 20, X and Y were syntenic in the ancestral
ancestral chromosomal syntenies (the largest linkage eutherian karyotype [Murphy et al., 2001; Richard et al.,
group known) and associations. Commonality, com- 2003]. An unsettled question was the possibility that
bined with the inclusion of appropriate ‘outgroups’, helps 10/12q/22a might be present as an ancestral placental
determine if a chromosome is syntenic and what associa- mammal association and there were some doubts wheth-
tions were present in an ancestral genome. An outgroup er chromosome 1 might be a single syntenic unit in
is one or more species from the next phylogenetic branch the ancestor. Then, Murphy et al. [2003] demonstrated
out from the group under discussion. For instance, the through comparative gene mapping data and reciprocal
best outgroup for great apes and humans would be the chromosome painting with homologs to human (HSA)
Old World monkeys. chromosome 1 in 7 species from 6 eutherian orders of
When a chromosomal synteny is found intact between mammals that the segments previously considered equiv-
various species, this condition is likely to be ancestral alents of HSA1p and 1q in these species were not identical.
(symplesiomorphic). For instance, a chromosomal syn- In the meantime, a single HSA1 homolog was also found
teny found in widely divergent mammalian orders would in 3 highly divergent eutherian orders. These data strong-
suggest that it was present in the ancestor of all mammals. ly indicated that a single large chromosome, correspond-
In the early stages of reconstructing the ancestral genome ing to HSA1, was present in the ancestral eutherian
of living placental mammals, it became clear that all karyotype [Murphy et al., 2003]. The contribution of
chromosomes homologous to human chromosome 3 and Svartman and Stanyon in this issue discusses the 2 hy-
human chromosome 21 were syntenic in the ancestor potheses in regard to the association 1/19. Due to its pres-
[Müller et al., 2000]. This syntenic chromosome associa- ence in Afrotheria, the 1/19 association was considered a
tion, written as 3/21, was later disrupted in the evolution- possible candidate for inclusion in the ancestor of all pla-
ary line leading to humans. Today it is not found in any cental mammals [Yang et al., 2003]. The alternative hy-
Old World monkeys, apes or humans, but it is found in pothesis was that the 1/19 association was instead a de-
New World monkeys, prosimians and is universal in al- rived trait linking Afrotheria [Frönicke et al., 2003;
most all other mammals, including marsupials, and even Svartman et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2011]. As discussed by
in chickens. Therefore, the fission of 3/21 would qualify Stanyon and Svartman in this issue, the 1/19 and the 5/21
as a phylogenetic landmark linking Catarrhine primates. associations are both derived in Afrotheria. Again in this
Most authors appeal to the concept of parsimony and volume, Svartman suggests that the xenarthran ancestral
consider that likely ancestral chromosomes are common- karyotype has conserved better and is closest to the an-
ly present in species of a number of divergent eutherian cestral karyotype of all placental mammals. It can be not-
orders [Svartman et al., 2004]. ed that the 2 supposed xenarthran synapomorphic asso-
ciations HSA2/8 and 7/10 [Yang et al., 2006; Liu et al.,
The Ancestral Karyotype of Placental Mammals 2011] were also detected in the marsupial and chicken ge-
Over the last few years various hypotheses were ad- nomes [Graphodatsky et al., 2011]. Therefore, Xenarthra
vanced on the content of the ancestral karyotype of all may be a better candidate for, or at least represent more

Cytogenetic Studies in Mammals Cytogenet Genome Res 5

closely, the basal placental mammal. Clearly, this possi- The chromosomes of egg-laying monotremes, which are
bility deserves further study, both with further chromo- the most basal clade of mammals and have a unique mul-
some painting and sequencing. tiple X and Y sex chromosome system [Rens et al., 2004,
Questions also arose whether there were conflicting 2007], also cannot be painted by human paint probes, al-
results from other levels of genome analysis [Froenicke though painting between platypus and echidna has been
et al., 2006]. In a paper in Science, Murphy et al. [2005], very informative [Rens et al., 2007]. Where cross-species
while confirming many of the conclusions from molecu- painting fails to show homologous regions in more dis-
lar cytogenetics about the boreoeutherian ancestral ge- tantly related taxa such as chicken and platypus, recourse
nome, proposed 5 additional syntenic associations that has been made to the more time-consuming gene map-
had apparently gone undetected by chromosome paint- ping comparisons [Rens et al., 2007].
ing. However, later more refined methods and additional Marsupials and monotremes diverged from the mam-
data [Ma et al., 2006] gave no support to these additional malian lineage much earlier than placental mammals,
associations [Rocchi et al., 2006]. approximately 148 and 166 million years ago (Mya), re-
spectively [Bininda-Emonds et al., 2007]. This suggests
that successful painting might be limited to taxa arising
Chromosome Homology and Evolution in Mammals, from a common ancestor no earlier than about 100 Mya.
Birds and Reptiles: Hypothesis on the Role of Thus cross-species painting would not be expected to
Non-Coding DNA work between mammals and birds. Painting chicken
chromosome 4q to HSA4 is the only apparent exception
(Section contributed by M.A.F.-S.) to this general rule [Chowdhary and Raudsepp, 2000],
While animal karyotypes display a great diversity in although gene mapping and sequencing confirms that
number and morphology of chromosomes, their ge- there are blocks of conserved homology between their
nomes are remarkably conserved. This conservation is chromosomes.
resolved by chromosome painting into small numbers of The chicken karyotype has served as the model for
large chromosome blocks. Rearrangement of these blocks comparative chromosome studies in birds. It has 9 pairs
into different combinations explains much of the diver- of easily recognized macrochromosomes, plus the Z and
sity in karyotypes. Evolutionary relationships of repre- W sex chromosomes, and 29 pairs of microchromo-
sentative species of all mammalian orders can be deter- somes, many of which sort together in the flow karyotype
mined from studying the pattern of associations of these and are difficult to characterize. Some microchromo-
syntenic blocks [Ferguson-Smith and Trifonov, 2007]. somes can be isolated from single chromosome sorts or
For example, the association of blocks from HSA3p and by microdissection and others rely on BAC mapping for
21 can be found in the karyotypes of all mammals except identification [Griffin et al., 1999; Masabanda et al.,
the apes and Old World monkeys, as are blocks from 2004]. Macrochromosome probes have been used almost
HSA14 and 15. Other associations are signatures that exclusively in comparative painting studies in over 50
characterize 1 group of species, for example the HSA5/21 species from at least 10 different avian orders. The main
association in Afrotheria. The chromosome-specific findings are extensive chromosome conservation in birds
DNA used to delineate these homologies is prepared from with a comparatively small number of interchromosomal
flow-sorted chromosomes, amplified and labeled by rearrangements in those species with diploid numbers
PCR. from 78 to 92. Raptors tend to have smaller chromosome
Unfortunately, the success of chromosome painting in numbers, from 48 to 66, resulting from fusions of ances-
determining chromosome homologies does not extend to tral macro- and microchromosomes. The stone curlew
all vertebrates. It is unsuccessful between placental mam- (Burhinus oedicnemus, 2n = 42) has one of the smallest
mals and marsupials or monotremes, or birds, or reptiles, chromosome numbers with multiple fusions of chicken
although it works well enough within each of these groups microchromosomes [Nie et al., 2009]. The chicken karyo-
to postulate ancestral karyotypes for each. type is thought to be close to the ancestral avian karyo-
Except for part of the X chromosome [Glas et al., 1999], type.
homologies cannot be demonstrated by painting between Chromosome paints have been made recently in the
human and marsupials, although cross-species painting Cambridge laboratory from several reptiles, including
is effective in determining chromosome homology be- lizards (Scincus scincus, Hemidactylus turcicus, Hemidac-
tween all extant marsupials [Rens et al., 1999, 2001, 2003]. tylus platyurus, Anolis carolinensis and Gekko japonicus),

6 Cytogenet Genome Res Graphodatsky /Ferguson-Smith /Stanyon

turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) and crocodile (Croco- mologues by FISH mapping, even in closely related spe-
dylus niloticus). Cross-species painting between these cies. For success the orthologue of each gene must be
species has been very informative, although the hybrid- found and used. Also, protein-coding sequences repre-
ization efficiency has been less than in birds or mammals: sent less than 2% of genomes and seem an unlikely expla-
this is understandable in view of the longer divergence nation for the depth and extent of hybridization signals
times. The results are consistent with greater genome observed across homologous regions.
conservation and even fewer evolutionary rearrange- An alternative hypothesis is that painting does not de-
ments than in birds [Giovannotti et al., 2009; Trifonov et pend on gene sequence but on an as yet undefined func-
al., 2011]. tional class of chromosome-specific non-coding DNA
In view of the failure of chromosome painting to dem- (CSNCD) in greater abundance than protein-coding se-
onstrate homologies between taxa that have diverged quences. CSNCD could have evolved to ensure chromo-
more than 100 Mya, recent results on successful painting some synapsis in meiosis and to reduce illegitimate re-
between birds and reptiles were unexpected. The chicken combination between non-homologues. Different levels
Z probe was found to hybridize without apparent rear- of conservation of CSNCD can account, for example, for
rangement to an autosome in all the above reptilian spe- the success of painting between chicken and reptiles and
cies despite over 250 million years divergence [Pokorna its lack of success between human and marsupials. In
et al., 2010]. This observation prompted experiments other words, CSNCD in marsupials is expected to have
with chicken macrochromosome probes onto reptilian diverged substantially from humans, as cross-species
chromosomes. Extensive homology was discovered be- painting is ineffective between them, whereas the chicken
tween chicken, turtle and crocodile chromosomes [Kasai CSNCD is shared to a considerable extent with reptiles.
et al., 2012b] and between chicken and squamate species New chromosomes resulting from rearrangement during
[Pokorna et al., 2012]. Thus, painting between chicken evolution will still maintain CSNCD, albeit in a different
and turtle showed that chicken macrochromosomes 1–3 combination.
and 11 were each represented by a single turtle chromo- A recent study on the proportion of the genome that is
some, and the arms of chicken 4, 6 and 8 were homolo- functional suggests that 6.5–10% of the human genome
gous to turtle 5 and 7p, 7q, and 8q, respectively. However, is under functional constraint, and similar proportions
painting between chicken and crocodile revealed fission are found for rat and mouse genomes [Meader et al.,
of 2 ancestral avian chromosomes with rearrangement by 2010]. These authors demonstrate in many pairs of spe-
centric fusion into 4 crocodile chromosomes, contribut- cies that the amount of functional DNA shared between
ing to the reduced chromosome number characteristic of 2 species decreases as the divergence between them in-
the order. High chromosome conservation is thus a fea- creases. So far, the analysis has not extended to chromo-
ture of birds and reptiles, and the results already suggest some-specific DNA where one predicts that the propor-
that the presence of ancestral avian chromosomes ex- tion under functional constraint could be much higher.
tends into at least the early Jurassic era. Other factors could contribute to the painting results
The ability of cross-species chromosome painting to between chicken and reptiles. Compared to humans,
demonstrate chromosome homology between some ver- chicken, turtles and crocodiles have much smaller ge-
tebrate groups and not others is of some interest. The usu- nome sizes (between 1.0 and 2.0 Gb) [Kasai et al., 2012a]
al explanation is that chromosome painting involves hy- and perhaps have not accumulated those DNAs that tend
bridization of protein-coding sequences, and presumably to diverge from the more conserved DNA classes in ani-
also of regulatory sequences, to their complementary se- mals with larger genomes. Also, there is evidence that
quences on the chromosome. Painting signals tend to be chicken and reptile genomes share a higher percentage of
more extensive the closer the relationship between 2 spe- long conserved non-coding sequences with one another
cies. Its success must depend on the level of conservation, than with mammals [Janes et al., 2011]. Nonetheless, the
and thus the length of time elapsed since the divergence CSNCD hypothesis remains the most plausible mecha-
of the 2 species from a common ancestor. Repetitive se- nism to explain the observations obtained by cross-spe-
quences can be excluded because they are usually not spe- cies chromosome painting in vertebrates. The hypothesis
cific to one particular chromosome and are suppressed may be testable by comparative sequencing of chromo-
during the painting procedure. Although vertebrate pro- some-specific DNA when suitable tools are developed to
tein-coding sequences tend to be highly conserved, many interrogate genome databases, so that shared CSNCD can
human cloned genes do not hybridize easily to their ho- be distinguished from diverged CSNCD.

Cytogenetic Studies in Mammals Cytogenet Genome Res 7

Fig. 1. Examples of homology between human chromosome 5, various mammalian species and the chicken.
Placental mammals were compared on the basis of chromosome painting, while species marked by an asterisk
were compared on the basis of sequence alignments ( without Zoo-FISH data.

The Importance of Marsupials, Monotremes and lated vertebrates such as birds and reptiles. The only al-
other Vertebrates for Understanding the Evolution ternative at this moment is to compare the chromosome
of the Placental Genome painting results to sequence assemblies (fig. 2).
Wang et al. [2011] and Deakin et al. (this volume) dis-
In this issue, Redi and Capanna present a fascinating cuss how it is possible to make a virtual map of the chro-
contribution on the relationships between genome size, mosome homologies between marsupials and placentals.
taxonomic divisions and molecular mechanisms. These Other researchers have demonstrated how the genome
are very basic facts of genome structure and composition, sequence data can be used to electronically paint chro-
which support the higher taxonomic divisions because mosomes. Initial results are quite informative [Kemke-
they appear to vary among the superordinal clades. They mer et al., 2006].
also raise the good possibility, in line with the above spec- These comparisons show that at the time of the ances-
ulations of M.A.F.-S., that new classes of DNA apparent- tral placental, mammalian associations (4/8, 10/12/22,
ly raised the genome size of placentals, which inhibit 7/16, 16/19) are present in other vertebrates, lending good
good signals from placental paints on marsupials and support to the hypothesis that they were also present in
monotremes. the ancestral placental genome. A 1/19 association is in-
As can well be appreciated from a causal glace at this deed also present in Monodelphis domestica, but this as-
volume, genome-wide comparative chromosome maps sociation is 1p36/19q13 while that in the Afrotheria is
between humans and representative species of all extant 1p/19p as discussed in the contribution by Svartman and
eutherian orders have been established (fig. 1). However, Stanyon in this issue (see their figures 1 and 2).
the lack of good results using placental painting probes We decided it might be worthwhile to compare the as-
on marsupials and other vertebrates is not just an inter- sociations present in some non-placentals for which ge-
esting theoretical question; it points out a critical fact. We nome assembly data are available: the gray short-tailed
do not have appropriate outgroups necessary to fulfill a opossum (M. domestica, MDO), the tammar wallaby
fundamental requirement of cladistic analysis. As ably (Macropus eugenii, MEU), the platypus (Ornithorhynchus
discussed above and in this volume by Deakin et al., there anatinus, OAN), the chicken (Gallus gallus, GGA) and the
is outside of some hybridization data from the X chromo- green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis, ACA). We are well
some a total lack of comparative chromosome painting aware that there are limitations based on various methods
data between eutherian and other mammals: mono- utilized to determine homology with human chromo-
tremes and marsupials as well as other more distantly re- somes and the diverse levels of coverage of the genome as-

8 Cytogenet Genome Res Graphodatsky /Ferguson-Smith /Stanyon

Fig. 2. Genome-wide chromosomal correspondence among mammalian and avian species with the human
ideogram as the reference. ECA = Horse (Equus caballus), GGA = chicken (Gallus gallus), HSA = human,
MDO = opossum (Monodelphis domestica), OAN = platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), and OCU = rabbit
(Oryctolagus cuniculus). (All data from USC genome browser.)

semblies, which makes them difficult to thoroughly com- sembly publication [Mikkelsen et al., 2007] to that of
pare. Further, results can vary according to the analysis Wang et al. [2011]. We also assembled an electronic paint-
methods selected. We emphasize that this is a preliminary ing of the opossum/human homologies (online suppl.
analysis valuable for speculation and pointing to aspects fig.  1; for all online supplementary material, see www.
of genome architecture that might merit further attention. based on a manual
There are various sources which can be utilized for the inspection of coding genes (USC genome browser, http://
human/opossum homology from the original genome as- Marilyn Renfree

Cytogenetic Studies in Mammals Cytogenet Genome Res 9

Fig. 3. Electronic chromosome painting idiogram of the chicken chromosome. Segmental homology !3 kb was ignored as it was
(GGA) showing the color coded homology with human chromo- considered to be under the resolution of chromosomes paints. The
somes. The idiogram was produced by a manual examination of homologous regions to anole lizard (ACA) and turkey (MGA)
coding gene homology with the human genome. Chromosome were taken from a manual examination of scaffolds. (All data
segments between coding genes homologous to the same human from USC genome browser.)
chromosome were considered to be homologous to that human

was kind enough to send M.A.F.-S. a human/tammar be seen at the cytogenetic level. We then listed associa-
wallaby homology map, which was used for comparison. tions which were found in at least 2 species (online suppl.
We also made an electronic painting karyotype of the table 1).
chicken (fig.  3) for comparison to the other genomes Among these vertebrates the highest affinity, as ex-
based on a manual inspection of coding genes (USC ge- pected, is between tammar wallaby and opossum: there
nome browser). Comparisons with the lizard genome were 37 common associations: 1/6, 1/11, 1/17, 1/19, 2/3,
[Alfoldi et al., 2011] were made by taking the association 2/8, 2/11, 2/13, 2/15, 2/16, 2/20, 3/7, 3/9, 3/X, 4/8, 4/11, 5/14,
data from the scaffolds of the genome assembly (USC ge- 5/17, 5/18, 5/20, 6/8, 6/17, 6/18, 7/9, 7/10, 8/18, 8/19, 9/16,
nome browser). For all these comparisons we considered 9/17, 9/20, 10/15, 11/13, 12/22, 14/15, 15/X, 16/19, 21/X. It
only major segmental associations which could possibly is interesting to note that the tammar wallaby, opossum

10 Cytogenet Genome Res Graphodatsky /Ferguson-Smith /Stanyon

and platypus share 10 associations: 2/3, 2/13, 2/16, 2/20, Future Directions in Molecular Cytogenetics
3/9, 5/18, 6/17, 7/10, 7/16, 8/18. Therefore, the opossum
and tammar wallaby share 27 associations not found in Although we now have, as this volume amply illus-
the platypus. trates, a substantial, broad view of chromosome evolution
In the same manner there are a few associations held in mammals, there are clearly many glaring gaps, in par-
by MDO and other vertebrates but not MEU: 2/5, 5/9, ticular the insufficiency of taxa sampling. Phylogenomic
10/12, and conversely there are also associations held by analysis is better the more taxonomically rich are the as-
MEU with another vertebrate but not with MDO: 2/21, semblages available for analysis. Even in the best-studied
7/12. It is informative to examine the associations held mammalian orders, primates and carnivores, only a mi-
in common between non-placental mammals and other nority of species have been studied. Many contributors to
vertebrates. The 49 associations held in common between the present special issue remark on how it would be ben-
at least one mammal and the chicken or green anole liz- eficial to study additional species. This lack is particu-
ard are compared in online supplement table 1. Of these larly clear as pointed out by authors of papers in this spe-
49 associations only 7 were apparently conserved in the cial issue such as Volleth and Eick for bats and Romanen-
ancestral eutherian karyotype. ko and Volobouev for rodents. For both these enormous
Certainly, not all these associations are homologous orders we have only just begun to scratch the surface of
and some may be due to convergence. However, the im- the chromosome diversity present. Additional species
plications seem inescapable. It has long been appreciated would also be helpful all over the mammalian tree and
that the platypus genome has a notable similarity with even in smaller clades such as Afrotheria and Xenarthra.
birds and reptiles [Rens et al., 2007; O’Brien, 2008; We are sure that cytogeneticists will continue to fill in the
Veyrunes et al., 2008; Warren et al., 2008; Alfoldi et al., missing species, taking full advantage of the progress that
2011]. We show here that this similarity extends to the has been made up to this point. Indeed, several contribu-
common syntenic associations between platypus, birds tions to this review issue actually contributed new origi-
and lizard. Perhaps surprisingly, there is also by far a nal data. We can mention that, among others, Biltueva
greater similarity in association structure between opos- and Vorobieva added chromosome painting data on Ibe-
sum/tammar wallaby with birds and lizards than with rian shrew and Altai mole, while Perelman et al. report
placental mammals. Therefore, it does not seem to be an on chromosome painting of Genetta pardina.
exaggeration to suggest that placentals have had a virtual Clearly the most widely utilized molecular cytogenet-
genomic revolution at least at the association level. If the ic method is chromosome painting. Very few species,
speculations of M.A.F.-S. presented earlier hold out, then most of them primates, have been studied with higher
there was a parallel revolution in the non-coding part of resolution methods such as BAC-FISH. Studies to define
the genome. Perhaps we can further speculate that we marker order (intrachromosomal rearrangements) and
have something entirely new in the chromosome make- to describe inversions etc. by defining breakpoints via
up of placentals. In this regard, previously workers, to ad- BAC-FISH need to be applied to a wider range of species.
dress the ancestral genome structure of eutherians, were There is much work to be done at this level.
apparently more interested in looking at the associations, Nonetheless, one of the strengths of chromosome
which were held in common between marsupials and pla- painting versus sequencing analyses is that the economy
centals. We suggest that it is equally important, and per- of cytogenetic analysis has allowed a larger, more appro-
haps even more informative, to look at the ancestral ver- priate sampling of taxa [Froenicke et al., 2006; Rocchi et
tebrate associations that are conserved in marsupials and al., 2006]. Instead, up to now, sequencing efforts have
monotremes but lost in placentals. The loss of the major- been devoted mostly to species of economic interest or to
ity of ancient vertebrate associations helps us better ap- those that are of particular significance for understand-
preciate the magnitude of what happened at the origin of ing human evolution such as the higher primates. How-
placentals. On the basis of the association data we find no ever, clearly sequencing efforts are rapidly widening their
support for the suggestion of Ruiz-Herrera et al. [2012] scope and, as costs drop, the number of vertebrate species
that the placental ancestral karyotype is ancestral for all that will be sequenced will be increasing exponentially.
mammalian species. Further, we have to note that we Consequently, cytogenetics will be called upon to aid se-
were not able to utilize their homology maps of some of quencing efforts and can take advantage of the detailed
these species because of an unfortunate, inconsistent use information coming from these studies.
of color-coding to human chromosome homology.

Cytogenetic Studies in Mammals Cytogenet Genome Res 11

Integration of Cytogenetics and Genomic provide new data on another carnivore species with high-
Sequencing ly rearranged karyotype: the pardine genet. Rubes et al.
discuss the conserved karyotypes of whales versus the
The integration of cytogenetic and sequencing infor- highly rearranged ones of pigs. Trifonov et al. show how
mation will be vital to helping resolve long-standing issues varied the evolutionary rates are for Perissodactyla, with
in cytogenetics, many of which are discussed in the con- extremely fast rates of chromosome evolution and cen-
tributions to this issue. Among these is resolving problems tromere formation in equids. Richard and Dutrillaux re-
in reconstructing ancestral karyotypes at various points of ported on the 2 groups Sciuromorpha and Lagomorpha,
the mammalian tree. Volleth and Eick discuss how Rob- normally known for their low number of rearrangements,
ertsonian translocations have obscured the karyotype but even here there are exceptions. De Oliviera et al. detail
composition of the chiropteran ancestor. The problem of the remarkable example of chromosome variability in
weighing cytogenetic traits in phylogenomic analysis re- New World monkeys marked by vastly different rates of
mains a point of discussion without clear resolution. For chromosome evolution. They contrast and compare var-
instance, the dangers of confusing convergence with ho- ious hypotheses of phylogenomics based on chromosome
mology exist even in the chromosome painting era. It is painting with reconstructions coming from other biomo-
helpful to know the gene content especially at junctures of lecular comparisons.
segments. A number of authors in this special issue at- There seems to be little room for the old concept that
tempt to use and integrate other types of biomolecular mammals have a default chromosome rearrangement
data, in part to eliminate the homoplasy that can plague rate with just a few exceptions. There are just too many
cytogenetic reconstructions. Perelman et al. in carnivores exceptions and just too wide a range to accept that there
compared results of reciprocal human-dog painting data is a default rate. However, the reasons for the differences
and syntenic blocks order identified in Ensemble and in have eluded our understanding. As discussed in the con-
Evolutionary Highway. Trifonov et al. used genome se- tribution by Stanyon et al., numerous hypotheses have
quencing data to test the homology of associations in Pe- been proposed including social organization, demo-
rissodactyla. Nie followed a similar procedure to refute the graphic parameters, meiotic drive, recombination sup-
proposal of Picone et al. [2011] that Dermoptera and Lago- pression, as well as chromosome architecture such as seg-
morpha formed a monophyletic clade supported by 3 syn- mental duplications and repeats.
apomorphies, i.e. HSA4/18, 7/19 and 1/10, by showing that In addition to their well-known and extremely rapid
these associations are due to convergence. chromosome evolution, Romanenko and Volobouev de-
As these authors showed, convergent association and tail the special genomic features of rodents. Certainly one
homologous associations can sometimes be distinguished of the most remarkable features of rodents is not only
by reference to sequencing data since the contiguous seg- their outstanding variability in chromosome numbers
ments should have the same gene content and order. Other and/or chromosome morphology, but also their hetero-
cases of homoplasy such as those due to lineage sorting and geneous heterochromatin, B and sex chromosomes. Such
reticulate evolution will not be ruled out by this method. So variability is present in other mammals, but perhaps not
a combination of cytogenetic and sequence analysis could so dramatically.
provide precious information on speciation processes. It is probable that a comprehensive understanding of
the forces responsible for varying rates of chromosome
evolution and special characteristics of the mammalian
Rates of Chromosome Evolution genome will be at least in part found at the sequencing
level in the coming years. A closer integration between
Early painting comparisons of humans and other pri- cytogenetics and sequencing efforts will certainly be nec-
mates showed that there is no molecular clock for chro- essary if cytogeneticists want to maintain their relevance
mosome evolution. In other words, evolutionary rates in in evolutionary studies. One encouraging trend seen in
chromosome rearrangements vary greatly from one evo- the papers of this volume is the willingness of researchers
lutionary line to another. In this special issue a number to integrate and compare the cytogenetic data with phy-
of contributions present examples of contrasting rates of logenomic information that comes from a wide array of
chromosome evolution. Perelman et al. discuss both the biomolecular studies. We believe that the contributions
high chromosome conservation in felids and the rapid here in no small way point the way to the next phase in
chromosome evolution in canids and skunks. They also cytogenetic studies.

12 Cytogenet Genome Res Graphodatsky /Ferguson-Smith /Stanyon

Acknowledgements Nazionale) to R.S., and a Royal Society Grant to M.A.F.-S. R.S.
thanks F. Garofalo and P. D’Addabbo for assistance in the elec-
This study was funded in part by programs MCB, RAS and SB tronic chromosome painting of opossum and chicken karyo-
RAS Programs and by research grants of the Russian Fund for types.
Basic Research to A.G., PRIN (Programmi di Ricerca di Interesse

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