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PRICE ITEM LIST Request for Proposal of ‘Temporary Facilities Work for Petron ULSADO Project at Port Dickson Refinery in Malaysia Table of Contents A. Description BB. Scope of Work and Supply BA General B.2 Temporary Facities Work C. Test and Inspection . Code and Measurement Method D+t ems and Quantities D2 Subcontractor Data Requirements |. oescrition ‘Scope of ths “Pie em Ls is to specty pes and cerns ofthe Subcantactor' supplies, perlomances an services reaped a eat tem include nthe Prong Sectes “This ‘Pec tem Ls tuter tte “Scope of Work and Sup’ as wel ste Stands ant rmatiods fr messing Sdbeonorors werks andor sips Prices for ear item of Poe em Liter ndsted ne ring Schedules. B Scope: work and Surety 84 General 5.1.1 General Requirement “Te Stocontacor shall peroem the Enginmring. Procurement and Contcton ana sy fl Tater sipenison, Matias, loro serboes incudng corsumable mala Srupmn ook, fesing devise, supe, senices and each and evey fm of expense Iecesesy ‘or the wrorimaniie exeniton of the. Sinconact Wore as set font nthe Subcorvect Agreement In proving fr the above, the Sobcontatr sal recognize and cory wih the dele ‘eulements of Lael Repustons o any ater sso requremenis desbed eveuth 8.4.2 Documents and Drawings ‘Te Contactor wt provide the Projet Drawings (concep) and Speceatons resting to the Subconet Work. The Subcotactr shall proede th constucbon egoiten plan 3 lows, ‘Tha Fie Fighting System In complance with the wtematonal anor (Insert Name ‘of Country's nee and eguntons shal be incorporated nthe engines ans design above © ocuments for inspection of the Subooaet Won's stop-eawngs or exscson stawogs fhe species work cies 1 ‘Schedule docurentsincng completion schedule, wesky schudues, and monty ‘chedle execu plans metnos stements ofthe speci work ares Temporary facity plan DOrganzaton chart Sette protection, an security Data wor plan Manpower and constreton eqpnent metilzaton plan Daly manpower ad equipment mebizaten repo Daly ropes Inspec reports, inci tet cericates, Courier tans ofthe work incase of deayed works Mines of mesg 1 Acctent eps (equ) Crna documen, eps anata when emus by te Contac ‘Any corflt betwoen the Conwacrs dats sheet requements or Spenleatons sad Code regurements shat be Brough 1 the. tlenon of the Cerrar for resoion wh al cancamed parsons The Subconvador shalt sich a case allow fo: the most shngent ‘equremert 5.13 Contractor's inspection Services quay ted serves fhe Suboanat Wek ‘Te Subcontractor shal fecognae the fle ofthe Conracars nspecon and prepare procedure which shall ecogne and ice but ot be Imad tothe Contactor oe 1 Inspection tune an detintion “napactoneapesiiy 1 rge esgrment 'Noutiaton tothe Conca of pecan seis beng commenced rescheduled (te) 1 Preispecton mestngs 1 Non conformance reps 1 Concession requests nd ther resolution ‘The Subcontractor shall ecopniza, cordate, alow fr and false epecton sci by the Contac st Ste durngconsucion The Subconracr shall appoint afl time ste based inspection coornstor who shal be ‘esponabe er the performance, co-rdnatn, and ent mapectoneties nude the Contactors nspecton ates ‘The apecon coor ha also supervise 1 uaty manegamant en eer assignments {© Co-inaonctnssecn execng contacts 1 Arrange wove sts 1 Prouetn of epets ner the Conair nspcton i rete, the Conic hal be atid and coornatas tegatang the Subconvact Wodk by the Subconvator st secrdance wih the Guay pan edn he Contac nthe Suneanacer 18.14 Subcontractors Owned Temporary Facies The Subeonactor shat provide St temporary facies ss required by exciton of the Subeorvot Werk The Subcontract shal suemi all elevant lan and drawings far he Contato review on ‘ne adequacy and vay of Subcontractors tepoary facies ‘Subcontactr's Ouned Temporary Facies “Tho Subcontractor shal prepare designe wih layouts and deals for Subcanactors temporary fae at Ste ning ut ol rae to 1 Sunconvactors se tie Mei y-down ses Parson wae cies 1 ater storage ane dainage © Lnntng system Sanat system ‘The Subcontractor shall rove an secemnodaton camp aid atscaed facilis and servee forthe patsomel othe Subeoiac, s reed ‘The Subzontactr shal provide al ncessary housing an caeing serves and shal be ‘eaponsie as own cast fx the propa maintenance, safety and erin of te faites {and complance wth appicable safety avs and requstone cudng ea egutions and process. ‘© Hoven, cing oem gst house te. uid wth prope uti “© Road and fee ‘© Temporary lectry supp and ighting stem 1 Storage an supply syst for war {© Santon stem and cringe syst # Oners ‘Upon completion of Suicotactors obigaons 2s per the provisos set fort inthe Stace: Agreement, the Subcorrator ell emcbise and remove alam acs ‘na estora the aes fo orignal eonation unas aquaied cherie the Cofacer Ste uutines ‘ihe Subconiratr shal provide all He own tes rquiennts necessary forthe “hase sna nue at nt be et ‘Alwater fer daly usage, demas, std constucton Water retig, storage and disposal cities Generator) for power. tng and us Compressed Ai Senay fcies © Conmuntstens ‘atesa Paton ULSADO ject Price tem Li Sonstnction Site Adminstration The Subeonacor shall malin all the temporary facies and sorvicos 2s proper canon o acheve hghest perfomance of al prsanal ie cing bunk Hd 1 Comp ond ste fie opratons # Teveog xcense ‘© Communeation fs ana is aperatin ‘© Copy machin andis operation ‘8A equves goverment permission Folloning completion ofthe Subconct Work, the Subeontacoy shal dmante ond renave tem he Seal temporary fsiies 3s agreed wh he Contactor hing BA nl lent ‘© Temporary fences ae gates ‘Temporary scary gates and gatenouses «© Altomporey bla 1 Temporary underground senices incusing sin, cable rns water, suppl, sep tants oe 1 Al obi, ap, 2.45 Procurement ‘Ta Subcenracer shal procure Subcontacter-Suppad Equipment ard Male, and at consrcien equipment appara, lek and machinery, appliances or hing of whalsoever ‘The procurement ofthe Sucoitacorincing, but ot te fo, procurement. qulty conto schedule conto, expeding, packing, anspor, ard newance unde Ie fl Yespanably and expences ofthe Subcanvacoe 1.16 Construction Work ‘The Subcoreacar hal responsible for proving alba indng he supersinthret, sersces, a necessary Constucion Equpmen. afd so en necestat fr peroring the ‘Sucontae Workin acordance th he Tecnica! Documents “The Subcontract Work tobe cai ut bythe Subcorraco hal nels hefloning 16 The Subzontetr shall exzete al he necessary Tempers Werk for fim to compete his Subcontract Werk in aeeortance wt the Subcoiact. |¢ The Sutcontractor sal svcessuly complet al he constucten work wit he pind spoces nthe Time Schedule’ secorcing i droungs ara Spectleasons proved by he onstuction Eguoment ‘The Subcontractor sal ui ll Conston Equpment an appliances x oer hinge cnateoavr nue ragured no sbout the execton othe Subeanact Werk ‘he Consicton Equipment shall be corey managed and fly mainiained by the Subonvactr at Ns ul esponabay and expanse ang Ihe ante ped oF Consucton Suboontaet ork “he Subcontractor shal nt lake out auch Corstucion Equgme Yom the Ste uness caning he Contos oor spervain wring, Material Contot ‘Te Suscontactor shat be fully responsible fer the recut, annarcs. storage and analog. os necsssay for at Contacor-Suppled Equbment & Matra and Sbootrater Suples Equipment & Materials. Ste Cleaning “he Subconaco shal Keep the porton andor are fhe Si assign on lan ane Uncbtucted at st mes tothe sateron fhe Contraco, and shale ard spore fat roan dacardea packing mstenals Supls mata analr ary ofthe Subconrart, Werk ro lng reais Discarded packing mateils of Contct-Swppid Equipment & Meters shat be ‘ieporestoa place or paces designates and vo rete bythe Canator ‘Aejcent 100s and oad sal also be hep loan and unobstructed atl ire, Regardless of he own te cesring oganzed ty he Svocarvactr, the Subcontato shall Ptpte in the peril rc iar whe Susie wave Uy Ue Contraco. Inthe evet hat any ofthe Temporary Facts Work, materals, Corstucten Equpment, fe, to be uted by the Subcontractor ilererng wih ether Svbcortacors Work the ‘Suconrater shal transferor remove them immedatay Yequred end rstuctod by te Contracon Safety and Security ‘Te Subcontractor tal tl ies be uly esponibe fr the salty and secur aspects ofthe Subconvaet Work The Safety ard Securty Regustons in Cory shall be sti fotowed bythe Subcontacor ‘Tha Subcontractor shall provident lees than ful ime HSE ofa fr mininom avery 80 labor The Subeonrater shal have a HSE Represeiaive, fe Subcontract as xe than 20 peopl ste then the HSE representative sna be aul ine HSE acer ‘Te Subcontractor shal ensue that all of his personnal working athe Ste une te Suboonat wil be intrad of he safety requrements and te Sutcontaior shal take any necersarydecpinay aeons agains ay ols erplayees case af vlaon of he des ana vegultons IF the Subcontractor fis 1 comply wah he sales! provisions, the Cetacto hs Hg to feduct an amount equivalent tO one poront (1%) ef the Contact Pree fam Seboonractorsinvaces Administration “he Subcontractor shal peor al the necessary adminraionrequted fo enaue Ine Inplmentaton of Swaoontract Work Documents and Reports ‘he Subcontract cal prepare and sub, na imely marr all documents ad reports to he Conracer when ae equre for he moat peromance of work In accordance wth Teta Documents. ‘The Subconracor hal prepare i ely manner dela execution aid constuction pane foreach wars pursuant re Techical Documents and submit them f the Convair fr seer lutte Intec secuton plans an ete consracton plans ae et oh boon ‘The detaled conten plan sal cover ard inclus (a) the methoes sna proceaures fo tach wrk, and) the method an procesures of apecon ares each work. ee usta ist of xccutn plans sen os ‘¢ Data Constructon Schedule ans updating Schedule peredcaly Temporary Facies Pan ‘Coneructon Equpment Mebiletion Pan Manpower Mobizabon Plan and Dispatch Schedule for Felt Sis Lators and ‘supension '¢ Subcontractor Supple Equement& Matra Supply lan "© Conseco Suppied Equpmert & Materals Requrement Schode '© Unt Consumption Screcue (Water, Etre Power and ote) '* Organasten Chart incding tended Sub Subconvactrsegaizton Salty ana Secuty Pan thers ay) ‘te Space ‘The Conwactor it grovide the Subcontractor wth an erea() athe Sto for store, fl fee, ad werk shop as necessary an wth fespcttoavatine space. The Subsontaio {hal cay ot any ther ares development and maintenance of hes as necessary th ‘esponsbaty baring ming safety sorta and heath mater a es. ‘he Subconvactor shal exec the ste gracing and leveing upto he equi te level seth complain of Suncor Werk ln respect othe ares allocated to the Subcontract by tn Contract the Sutconractr shall surat fs dale lemporsy laces Plan inn Ie requires eas) fhe Contactors approval beers commencement of work “ransporation ana ‘The Subconvactor hal be response fr flowing works of Transporting and String fer Stecontato Supeled Exupmert end Metals and al consracion equprent snd ther requred forthe Subcontractor osx he Subconkaet Werk such a; © Packing ‘The Subcontractor shall comply wth he Contractors instruction for packing ‘¢ Teanspenaton othe Site 1 1awbockofr-exporequpment and meters © seg ansporing to workplace 1 Removal and posal of al cecarded parking materi os pace places designates by he Contacte. ‘Tha Subcontractor shal also execute the flloing ste rarspettion ant storing Sox Cenvactor Supplies Equipment and Matera required or Subcentaci WOK Such 35 © Leading of Equpmert and Matorie on to the Subcontractors tuckrar atthe ‘Conractor sage an sie wansparng to Subcontractors serape andlor werklac, 1 tn cave ContotorSuppled Equement and Moterse wil be devers tect to Subconiratorssorage andor workgacee nln, Unpacking and sing se so Inca nine Suncentacor' oops Nate: The Subcontractors one that ter cael ungackranepeton 9 10 he guy and sufcirey ofthe Equpment and Materals must bo indetaken with te ContecerErploers Ispacton, and teste coe conederation mic be gan te coordinate i mtr ‘Acauson of Pecmits The Subcontractor shal chain all necessary permis, auhorasions, kansas, ee requred ‘County fr perfomance ofthe Subcontract Work The Subconvato sha pepe and brit proper appication documents othe Contactor {nd shall a necessary ase the Contactor anaor Employ ebtaneg necessary parts Furer deta of he Subcontractor’ scope of canstucton work are pen in he flowing secumente 182 Temporary Facitis Work Tempra Fes Work Ing eas Material Supply Dl materi for temporary uke such ap scafokings, stagna, fre will temporary fence, bencimats, sxage, Sevaaring equpmen, protect materals ard al ther requred rater fx temporsy use In performing the wotk in acatece wih Spectieatans sadiee projec requrements shal te supped by he Susana ‘The Sutcontacor’s supped mterals shal cade bt nits ‘© Rep mata free touch u costing wor fr the damaged deg anspxtatin ans ‘6 ener tems tooe ae reasonably or centaly necessary to rom and compte ‘Te Subcontractor nal cont he Work a flows, but nt ents 1 te Survey, ajat ard dimensional checks Suvayeraung and rope or Teporary Facies area lvaton et.) = Survey works fr all Pre Engineced Buin (aveing, base ine cordnte ec) At mension ced eth work 18 20 crwnge (uch as pln, elevation, sacion and any oer die necateary fr Temporary Feces Caleuaton soot (fequres) ‘Sup of socal membersinckding the supprts or pes cs ad cable ays. [lof shop ravings for fabricaton works Fteaton and manufacring Repair of damaged mise orcaton Inspection ae test at shop Hot ip gabanisng (freaued) Pang up to fish coat incusng appropiate sutace preperation Protoctn 8 pacing “Transporation (rm Subeortrctrs shop ta designated pice) DOP (Delve, Duty Pais) Ereton Superision for ld ntaaon Documentation a per Susana dts equtements ito materi Prod abity Foundation & sab including concrete and rth works (it required) “comping wi the produc fbiy regan, ny hazard whieh could be occured a 0 Inert and oceent cause by lack of anarenees ans fiat sabe ear noted ‘on the eter af roel in etal “8 Al spect hazards fats shal be suit othe Cantator wihhaning pesoy Ina regular documenistin sch seperation &mairorance mana Naas eto ULSADO Prost rice He Lit ny Facts Wo noe are reasonably oF ictal necessary 10 perform and complete tne Sussman Wort in accordance wih he Subeonct 6. Test and inspection progressive tet and inspections to ensue he cay of th Subrontact Werk neu ihe aes contac Suppl Wales shalbe exec byte Svicoacter sr compe? se op aaetocan ef Conraorm accordance wih he etna doce, ittest and inspection resus are nat acepd by the Contacte fo reasons stale 1 te Ute erate Gnconacer shal re-co th Suoconaet Work an reed the We5 and Subconat e rscynct aa nemo anal et ee he Suber of hate ey an coacus clgsne mespect © worship Buran ie texts and inepectons peered by the Subcentaor shal ace those peor ot roe ars chop ne fl or aboraor and as necersar in research instutes ouside the a bine and ince the prowsen of sipping daa, esto relevant tare veviying osu bined tre Suconactr shal peer fling the tess nd inspection as gre wth the Cones ince bt atte © Eievaton and fction checking 1 tiles test fr Src ste materi fe Fidteat 1 sctrl ste! mate checking wah mil shoot 1 sutra ste! arrangement checking 1 inspection of corre mats 3 nongemon’ cnacking for anchor bt, temglte, embedded matrlad 1 nspeton of paining {SWiocee quateton et ans wang testinspecton Cheek and pacin n accordance th the construction Speiatins {Oociment preperation fortes ans inspection sets ‘ino ot mostcation work and pepstna ltd sketch towng tp ever testa iapecton to complete the Subcontract Work ae per he contruction Specteatons . Code and Measurement Method “This document coves diritlon and maasvremant etads fo reference work Hes, shal be hes att wk denon shows majoras an pica sequence cy [al oheressoised actos up fo the compen of each Work sal be deemed win the ‘Seope of Wot ba executes bythe Subeontracor ness ethewie specie, the Subcontractor shall supply materi the rlvan echnical Malas Peto ULSADO jst Price hem List RI Speccabons and erowings. consumables end temporary mari fo the Temporary Facies Wer ‘The work progress shall be messured when the work is completed nd ret i acepted by responsble ergs superior All the other mater. consumables, temporary meer, sls & iapacions necessary to one each sub-ten wor and se leaning an completion sal be neue th Lun Sum The Subcerractr price shal pot be sus for he ferences in warkingcandlons suchas woking proseaues and methods, locaton and elevation of waring place, waking tne, hoy ‘ny remedy sd ewer (repetiion) doe tothe Subsontactr’s fault sh not be measured ‘Sepaatey, bl deemed luge nthe Subsontctr's pce oor lcatlon fo sampling nazze shall be detexmines by the relbes Sararde equant Ines Coes 14 subcontractor Data Requirments (Reference only) 1 Procedures and Specieatens Fabrication Procedure Inspecton an Tet Proseaure NOT Procedure Repair Procedure Painting recede Welder Qusteaton Procedure = wes, POR Marking Specistions ‘© Senesle of Fabrenton and Transbettion 1 Faieaton Pesrss Repos Packing ist ‘© Shpping, Handing and Transporation Manual 1 Shipping Documents 1 Technical Cafleabon Recor teas) © evition Lit (amy) 1 tnapecton Record Book IRB) Inspecton rolase cerfcate IRC) signed by the Contactor and oF the Emsloyers inepactor ~ Nocona ap NR) wh epson pos cg ea ener es MOM of preinspetion meting (i appcabi) Deviation 8 conemtion sheet approved bythe Contactor andr he Epox any) Completed inspect i pla (TP) Wielding procesure spectieaten (WPS) and procedure qualiieaon records (POR) Ireudng wots map Wildrsvelingcpertrquatiiaten tt Malesia Perse ULSADO Pet Price en LR Tampon Facies Wark Ing No ‘Summary of materi cartfetes. Matai ceifate, en aesucive examination epot Vial drmenson napecton report epor on repairs apicabe) Pantngloatng repr (ne ear aque by equsiions and Spetieatons. ‘nat inspection Disposition Repon FDR) [Note 2) the Subconrator stall submit the reqdred document in tnaly manner 36 per ) Gocument code fr submial (0. Orin C: Copies, 0: CD er OVD, S: Sot Fi, SD Mode Fie) 6) Elecvone les POF foi forthe Stcontractr dt shal be provided togethar wi the copies. 4) Alloctmens habe writen n Engh «Moti unt sjiom shall apple as th measurement unin al documents 1) tot top arewings fer fst works wl be provid bythe Subcontractor 9) IRS shal be strated efoe one (1) week tanscoring he eles mse fo a rece nspecton hy The above tbe isnot excuse, The Subcontractor shal page ad subi ay che dis of documents hat af ester or elena neceseary to perfor and amples te Subcontract Workin acoréanca weh te Sucontat

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