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Oral Presentation Outline

I. Introduction

Your name(s):

Good night my name is Edith Liliana Varela Ayala I will tell you about the.

Proyect Edit (Educacion Disruptiva Inspirada En TIC).

Edit is an information system that was created to make education accessible and different. The system will
present in each module and activity a fun way of interacting that will allow the user to live a unique experience.
in its mobile stage it will offer the opportunity to be used in an online environment, in addition it has the
possibility of being displayed in different languages.

II. Body

Background information about topic:

Through the Edit program, the administrator or management user or users will have the ability to
manage different activities related to the development of learning modules, such as:

• Creation and modification of learning environments.

• Creation of content structured by hierarchical levels.
• Visualization of learning results.
• Check results by activity.
• Multilanguage configuration.
• Configure classrooms, areas, modules, activities.

III. Closing
Finally, if you have doubts about the approach that edit has and its purpose, I recommend reading about
additional disruptive education, the user manual will provide valuable information

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