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Lexi Tyl

August 31,22

Businesses & Marketing


Market Segmentation Project

Market:A Royal Caribbean cruise of the Eastern Caribbean
February 10-15. $1,500



● People 15-40
● Friends and families
● Highschoolers-college graduates
● Both females and males but anyone.
● Employed people
● Do they own or rent a home? Both


People that like the outdoors and like being outside. Also make sure you're not scared
of boats because you go on one for a long time.


● People that live in a city

● Also people that live near somewhere with a ocean
● People that live in the country
● Also the suburban
● People that live far away.


People usually go on a cruise once or twice a year depending on how many cruises
there are a year.

RATIONALE: I picked family and friends because families like to spend time together in
the warm sun and do a bunch of activities. Also family friends like to go in
A royal caribbean cruise would interest people from 15-40 and for families and friends to
go on together. This is a great way for people to spend time and get some quality time
together. It also is most likely for people that are employed because cruises are a lot of
money. A lot of people like to go on a cruise if they don't have an ocean by them so
whether they live in the suburban,country area,or city.

Bose 1000 auto security system. $650


● People 28-75
● Families
● Females and males
● Employed people
● Anyone out of college
● They have to have a apartment or house


This should be for someone that maybe doesn’t feel safe or scared of their
surroundings. If they don’t live in a safe area and a lot of crime has been happening it
would be good so people dont break in and so you can capture stuff.


● Anyone in the city or suburban but not so much in the country because not
many people live there. Anywhere through the
South,Northeast,Midwest,coastal ETC.


They can be used anytime like when you're not home for work or at night when you're
sleeping. In case you don’t feel comfortable it can give you a sound to alert you there is
RATIONALE: I chose family and people over 28 because that's when a lot of people get
out of college and they wanna buy a new home but live in a secure area. People will
definitely feel more protected.

Bose 1000 is a security system that is very helpful for people's safety. Mostly it will be
for people between 28-75 because that's when people start getting their houses or
retiring to a spot that they want to stay/. People may feel unsafe in the new area or just
wanna be safe in general. Bose security cameras are very helpful for people in case
someone tries to break in or if there is movement outside in the front of their house. It
can send an alarm or noise that there is movement so you can make sure there is
nothing bad happening. This could also prevent a break in because they may see you
have security cameras. This can be used for anyone but mostly people in the city or the
suburbs, not the country. People in the country a lot of times don’t have a lot of
neighbors and stuff but they could still get it for animals and other suspicious activity.

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