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Mason Talich and Dawson Hawkins and Sevin Norwood

Business and Marketing

Team Exercise Project

The Political and economical state of mini fridges has changed drastically with

covid. Many people have bought them in quarantine to stock up on food. With covid, the

socio-cultural state of the whole world has changed. People were quarantined and did a

lot more from home. This would make it so people would want mini fridges for offices

and rooms so that they could have drinks and snacks while they worked or did school or

other activities. Companies compete to make the best looking designs for different

places and compete to have the best cooling technology in their mini fridges.

One goal we’d like to see met for mini fridges is more kids having them for their

online schooling or other activities. We would like more parents buying them for their

children. Another goal we’d like to see for our product would be more sales because

lately with covid we have had ups and downs with people buying our product almost

putting us out of business or making our business really good. We have lost a lot of

workers with covid.

We can log progress through sales monthly. If we look at the sales made each

month we can hopefully see spikes in sales just before school and during holidays like

Christmas. This could give us an idea whether or not parents are buying them for their

children. If there is a decrease in sales we would have to resort to other methods like
more advertising or more deals/percentage off until we see a steady increase or steady

rate of profit being made.

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