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SECRET BERLIN EXPLORE THE CITY OFF », THE BEATEN PATH FINEST ART & CULTURE GERMANY’S RED WINE ROAD WEDDING DREAMS. TRAVEL, CULTURE, BUSINESS & MORE STROHHALM NEU ERFUNDEN DRINKING STRAWS RE-INVENTED a WITH OPEN TO CLEAN iii Teil aS + REUSABLE + 100% RECYCLABLE + DISHWASHER SAFE + MADE IN GERMANY Simply divided into two halves, oe Uris Einfach in 2 Halften teilen, reinigen und wieder verwenden. INTERNATIONAL PATENTED UND 7 X AWARDED @pX@@ RN Une tas Contents AUGUST 2022 22 COVER FEATURE ‘SECRET BERLIN Wak in a Berner’ shoes far one cay of ‘your next summer vat fo the cata! We have gathered over fve sacet tps for ‘those who prefer to take the local view SPECIAL THEMES WEDDING DREAMS ‘$e you planning a wedding? Th DAGH region, which consists of Gi many, Austria and Switzerand, has great deal to offer. In this special theme, we take a ook at unique event locations, wedding des designers and much more ‘CULINARY INDULGENCE AND. LUFESTYLE - MADE IN SWITZERLAND Switzerland is known for tasty teats Ike is cheese ana high-quality wines, but there is far more fo cscaver Find fut what innovative products Switzr- land's foo industry has brought to the market recently FINEST ART AND CULTURE Germany has much more to of than [ust boer, pretzels and famous fotball teams, Its a paradise fr atts as well 8 at lovers. this special there, take alook at some of the county’ = est art and cute instutons GGERMANY'S MOST EFFICIENT PACKAGING COMPANIES Not only does packaging need to be sustainable, its design also plays an 6 a u s important role in shaping customers {st impressions of cre's bran ‘TOP RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS GERMANY Trina ofr new employees or explore ew ways to beter searine you Rr rman resource stratogy/? We introduce soma of Genmary’s op recruiter co Sutants that ae le fo rep you out FEATURES RESTAURANT OF THE MONTH From sauteed monksh cheeks. to sea bass cury — restaurant Jelyish in Hamburg, headed by chet Stefan Fath fers true culnary dls ‘STAR INTERVIEW: LUNA JORDAN In the lat fw yoars, the young Ger rman actress Luna Jordan has made fname for hese inthe acting fo In ths interiow, she speaks about her projects and much moe. [AFOOT ON GERMANY'S RESURRECTED RED WINE ROAD Dari Cole i tall the Rotweran dorvog: a soaring vineyard hike trough rmexeval vlages sameing global owned wins and ctu, for our A dgustissue. HOTEL OF THE MONTH With a unique seaont location, Seaside 43 St Peter Orde the perioct hotel forlovers ofthe coast and those seeking ‘ranquiy he r Lal 80 MUNICH'S OLYMPIC PARK s7 e 98 = REMARKABLE ARCHITECTURE 50 YEARSON “This month marks the 50th anniversa 5 ofthe slat ofthe Games ofthe XX ‘Oympad. Ha a century on, the Ohm lana’ uniave architecture remains in use and contrues to impress Vstors to Bavaria capital REGULARS & COLUMNS DEDICATED TODESIGN Whether you are searching for wendy rior tes, gorgeous decoration ideas or unique fashion items, bo sure to take a lok at our Design section BUSINESS: (Our Business section i filed with inno: vate companies, architects and much CULTURE CALENDAR Discover Germany's Cuture Calendar SS your portct guide to what not to miss in August BARBARA GEIER COLUMN, This month, our columnist Barbara Geler questions German eficiney ‘August 2022 | Iesue 98 | 3 GERMANY ‘Switzerland & Austria Discover Germany Contributors Issue 96, August 2022 Barbara Geler Cornelia Beoioweks Pubichos 082022 Daniel Cole ISSN 2051-7718 Jessica Holzhausen Marlena Stracke Publiched by ‘Ske Honkelo ‘Scan Magazine Lis ‘tua Forster Print Cover Photo He Pint \stBerryMo Wostenhagen Executive Editor ‘Sales & Key Account Managers Thomas Waihor Carlota von Ertzdort ula Fresinger Creative Director Lina Toth Mads, Petersen Sophie Blecha ora Soi Editor ane Stele Publisher ‘SCAN CUENT PUBLISHING ‘Assistant Exitor ‘SCAN MAGAZINE LTD. ManlenaStracke ‘The Nows Bung, 8 London Bridge Street Copy-Eattor 'SE1 956, London Kar Batten Phone: 144 (}870 933 0428, Graphic Designer Fax; +44 (0870 699 0421 Mercedes Mui Eat For uther information lease is won LS eer ans sortie FSC Siete couascoeriaces-ataty ‘an fem apr i 4 | Issue 96 | August 2002 Dear Reader, Dear Reade, Whe Is always @ great fea But when combined with hiking ard. ols, becomes an even better undertake. thisiesue, vavel writer Daniel oles wallng the otweinvandene; @soering vineyard hike through medieval vilages samelig djobaly renowned wines and cuture. He takes us on @ journey through the remote ‘Ab Vly i Garmany's Ee recon; 2 teasur-trove for bot ‘enthusiasts. and raturo lovers ak, th wine you're more ino oly bps, we have got you covered too, with & spacial iook at Germany's capital In our cover featur, we explore the ‘more secret ies of Brin to ve you some rave os of he beaten path. Wk in Beriners shows for ane ay of your summer vst to the capta, We aso had to Munich in ur naw August sue where we vst Munit’s Clrpic Park This menth marks the SOth aniversary of the stat of the Games ofthe XX Ohmpad. More widely known as ‘he 1972 Summer Ohmic, they were held in Munich betwoon 26 ‘August and 11 September Haf a century on, the Ohmoaparks unique architecture remaine in use and continues to impress vistors to Bavaria capita ‘mer topics covered in cur now Augustssuo re great design tems for your home, culary delights tom Swizetand, the restart ard cutie tps, top recrtmant constants, Germany's most efcient packaging companies, and much more. Furtamera, we have spoken to acres Lune Jordan about he 00, har love for Vina and her latest procs ‘An now st back, relax and harks fr reading 4 Mint XELLENT ToT F GTS Qualitétsbewusstsein, Prazision, Figenstinigheit mr MU 7éblen zu unseren Starken. Und die regionale tre ist uns wichtig, All das tiesst in TACT Ss tion von XELLENT Swiss Vodka ein, peeies , Discover Germany | Design | Fashion Finds Fashion Finds This month, we focus on accessories of a very special kind, Pearls have always had a very classic feel. They are a timeless statement piece that can elevate any outfit. Recently, we have also seen a resurgence in their popularity in the design world, as well as in more modern fashion brands, too. To help you embrace this elegant trend, we have collected some gorgeous peartescent products. & ~ Y e g a EE a Sener a Romane jasmin jean wullschleger WW za jasmirQfoo. —q interiors +4156 22397 97 finite Nea aeoelaa) Paola) Discover Germany | Design | Dedicated to Design Dedicated to Design The ‘60s are back! Get the special ‘60s fiair by incorporating reflective surfaces, organic shapes and modular elements into your home. The ‘60s trend has been a popular one in the interiors world for a long time now, and isnot set to go anywhere anytime soon. We have a selection of ‘60s inspired products that are bound to get you feeling nostalgic. 10 | Ieeue 9s | August 2022 os santos | Design | Discover Germany A PASSION FOR LEATHER i ccsusnosimcie » mors wre For over 20 years, leather studio dos santos has been based in one of Berlin's Take a olmpse at the lookbook onine to fre trademark old apartments, where It combines a showroom and production site out mere about under one root ‘ Each te Tm delighted when my customers ences, who value qualty and craftsmanship, redsa ta Yu can tnd sophisicated BDSM accesso- [lsu ues Sana ard everthing” desoner es, esther clothes end professional ecice | Madan 19— 0860 Bain 3. at her showroom onsite, as wel as a lerge | foams saso-soson aa todpeadossrtos. de pattern aking, mater selection end fing, trrecert year, | specalcedin stretch because it awe for toting designe that a varity of 2 pieces nthe ene shoo, he, ‘cre Tre ete sxc fem Gey and Europ. cari by Gorman voto port at dean ast ok bona at that tne aed ca Her customer ae. esha coneoes people ofa gers shaina a passion fr fs leather wth indviual tye, taste an fe. DISCOVER CleanTech The magazine promoting the people, businesses, and ideas transforming our world. ie charge he future here Seas Ta rc) Tees a Ca of » a ey satu | FENG SHUI = & LIVING NUTZEN SIE DAS POTENTIAL IHRER WOHNRAUME! Unsere Wohrvume sind unsere zwelte Haut ~ se ungleren als Rock zugsor und Refugium. Hier lassen Sie den Altag drauen, kammen 2ur Rune und tarken neue Krat konnen inre Réune das list? Wollen Sie sich viteler fen, ‘besser sehlafen und aktver durch den Tag gehen? Oder brauchon Si einfach mal frsehen Wind in Ihren Zimmern? [MitFeng Shui der asatischen Lehre von .Wind und Wasser’, Konnen ‘Sie das Wonifonipotential neben: Um Lebensrauma nach Feng-Shu Gesichtspunkton opimal zu gestation, werden die Zenmer,cie We- ‘efahrung und die Inneneinichtung so gestate, dass eine moglicst (role Harmonie zwischen dem zu analysierenden Objekt und den arin lebenden und arbeltenden Menschen enste Feng Shut ist mitiorwole aut der ganzen Weit verbreiet, Betreten ‘auch Sie mille der chinesiscnen Letve in ten ganz personiicnen LLebensréumen Neuland. Sie werden die posiiven Auswirkungen aut ‘nr Leben und Ereben gente. FENG SHUI & LIVING - die professionelle Fg Shu Beratung im FRaum Harsburg untrstitzt Sie auf Wunsch auch be Ihrer individu ‘ellen Suche nach dem optimaien Bauplatz oder dex passendon im ‘mobile sowie bei dor Gestalung Iver Wohn- und Afbelsraume. Der Enychtungsstl der Kunden wid sets respekt. Daniela Schubert, Geschalsitverin von FENG SHUI & LIVING, ist zeritizerter Feng Shui Constant (sa). Auf der Webste ww got sie Eick in hve Téigket und bie- tet sowoht Privat als auch Geschaliskunden cia Mogiichkat, elnan unverbindlchen Gesprachstermn zur Klarung ier indivduellon ‘Wonsene und Zee 2u vereinaeren Die Motivation for immer wieder neve spannende Projekte schtpft Dariela Schubert aus dem postiven Feedback zahlreicherzutieden- ‘er Kunden. Feng Shulist nicht alles, aber es kann alles verancem Gene auch Sie den ersten Schr —ein Weg zur Erfolg Iver “Traum und Ziee wird sich autun feschi | Design | Discover Germany DAMIT JEDER TAG EIN GOOD-HAIR DAY IST ‘Haircare with love! ~ so lautet dle Philosophie der Haircare-Marke feschi und das, ‘merkt man sofort Hinter feschi steht das Mutter Tochter Duo Michaola und Christina Bischof und gemeinsam haben sie es sich zum Ziel gemacht, durch gebalte Frauen- power jedem da drauBen so viele good: air days wie moglich zu bescheren. Friseurnelsterin ‘Mum’ Michaela Blscho ent- chied sch 2015 daz, ve eigenen Hoicare Produdte unter dem Namen feschi in vem Salon anzubleten. Die Nachitage stag aber 90 rasan, dass 2020 Kiar war: feschi muss lonine gehen. So stig Tochtor Christina - mit Marketing- und E-Commerce-Wissen ~ bel foschi mito Wir legon gten Wert aut hochwertge In haitstfie und dle pessende Hearpfege fir fle ecitrisse, erzart das Nutter Tochtar GGespann Unsere Kunden, de sesciay, ‘snd unsere gO nspration Wr stecken vo ler Motvation und haben den Arpruch, uns siels wallazuentckah, Unsere Von ft 28, de Haarbedrsse der Wescifamly 2u @ emen und darau eraugehen.” Diese ehviche Leidenschaft spit man als Kunde sofort. Her wird richt mur mit ten- tigen Worten jonglrt, sondem in Sachen Innatsstotfe, Nachhahigket und Transparenz wird feschi den eigenen Ansprochen auch onsaquent gerecht. Heute steht io Marke dao ir premium Haircare in Feiseuravat Feschi setzt aut hechwertige, vegane und crusty-ree Inaltsstole sowie de rchtge Page fir jedes Haar-Bediris, von Haat austl bis zu stapazerten Spiizen, Crested in Auta, made in Germany ~ wee cha Pro ute ausprobien, merkt schnal, dase slo halen, was si versprecten, Die Wissensvermittung an unsere Kunden Ist foruns das A 8.0", ert Geschatstunver Tim Koeinwchter. Wir bien dan perstn- lenston Beratungsserice am Harare Markt und dati ind wir besondersbelebt. Durch Unseren ask mum’ Whatsapp-Senioe, uns ren Lvechat im Onineshop, unser Haircare Magazin sowie unserem nstagram Account rmechen wr den Zugang zu Beratung und Haircare Krow:how se einfach BBesonders bekannt ist fesch flr sen the fone and only ~ Trockenshampoo". Ei To chenshampoo, das keine Flckstinds hin tedasst, cas Haar ict vere, den ga zen Tag nat und 2udem noch traumbtes, Volumen vert. Es lant sich also ema Im Onie-Shop vorbe zu schauen, oder sich ‘auf instagram Inspreren2u lassen Die good hal days wartent rmeschishop Instagram: @teschi shop ‘August 2022 | Issue 96 | 19 SPECIAL THEME: WEDDING DREAMS. Everything for your special Oey agreat contemporary couture berl Hochzeiten wie sie Euch gefallen Weddings made to measure a ] Falling in love now! 0% | Special Theme | Wedding Drea FUR INDIVIDUELLE UND MODERNE HOCHZEITEN Wedding Dreams | Special Theme | Discover Germany TRAUREDEN IN TAUSEND EDLEN WORTEN Eine treie Trauung am Ort der Tréume? Traurednerin Kerstin Guyot macht dies vise Deas und kernen sich daraufvarassen, ‘méglich, ganz egal, ob die Hochzeit im eigenen Garten stattindet oder am ro» dass ch keine Gahotrnssa vera." ‘mantischen Urlaubsstrand. Flexbiltat und Liebe zum Detail sind ihr dabei ebenso Ob Stoxol odor Malorca ~ wichtg st Wwichtig wie Exklusivitat: Sie traut ganz bewusst pro Wochenende nur ein Paar und dass dle Paar mit dem Or der auurg ine kann sich go intensiv den individuellen Trauwonschen widmen, (gemsinsame Exinnerung vebinden oder sich von der Atmasphéve vezaubeen lassen .Das TEX: SSCAMOLEIAUSEN | FOTOS: MA BURGLN Paar sl ce Zerernie geieBen und Génse hautmementa und Emotionan zasoen”, sagt Jen lebe mein Herzensbusness mit Lisbe oles Tiugeapich, um die schinslen Errne- Guy Ene Tiauung, sagt Kerstin Guyot, st Und Leldonschat, sagt Kersin Guyot. im rungen hevorauocken - zundchst mit baden ene Erinering firs Leben’. Daher eaten Mitelpunkt Free Schafene elohen ole Werte Partnem und carn einzcn, Sares de Vorbe- die Paar abachltend cia gebundene Rede enussvole Vorreuce, Begare und Asthetk. —raiung aul dle Hecreot st str erator, wal und ein Geschank, das se auch nach der ’am Aafang sieht en uwerbnaches Kennen- bem E:zahlon wundorschone. Ernoungen 3 an don magischon Moment ds Ja leman. .Nurwann fir bide Seiten sim, achkommen. Dacurch ensteht rates Vere Werte ernnet kommet es 2urZusammenarbo, sagt Kerstin trauen zwischen Brautpaar und Trarechern [Guyot Stat Fagebogen gbt es on inde Da mir dle Paare verauen, erhen se mir A DREAMY WEDDING LOCATION FOR BRIDAL COUPLES FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD To say 1 do’ in a small romantic chapel, is something that many bridal couples dream Of. A very special ‘private chapel’ designed by Tino Taubert as an external registry office makes precisely this possible. The beautitd wedding chapel Callerberg, between Dresden and Leipzig in the true for many bridal couples. Germany’ first ape featuring fet for caleba cut thanks to ely lt pret Fensissance designs, tons of any kind and its exclushiy na stunning forest lancscape. te te core in 2018, the wed- ‘ling chapel Calenberg has become a real Insider tp among bedal couples trom Gav ‘many, Austia, Switzerland and also the UK (Owner Tino Taubert 8 a speciat istre rence) and has tumed his vsion of ahistoric looking medieval private chapel into realty Together withthe cxgina historic party arn, n= couple ony, ), the helipad and a the new sauna gard wen sauna- garden. 18 | Ieeue96 | August 2022 ‘quest house, he wanted to creat the per ing location for couples fom allo the world ~ and he has indore The facies at weeding chapel Calonberg benoit rom the folowing highighis: a wod dling hal /banguot nal / par 10100 quests) wth a crystal chandk fot area, ai-condt af ing, tt and a baby uring room / quet space fortes. The registry, @ wedling planner, @ non-elig vedcing calecrant, a wedcing singer, pi rst with grand plano and @ Du, as well delicious catering served by ateam offend Iy waters, ae also included In case the distance is t00 long, or the jour rey too for, there is the perfect solution “Te bridal couple ares by helicopter — the ‘vests by bus” Fancy the wedding of your dreams surour ed by a ish landscace? Look no further ‘Do you went your money to become something meaningful and beautit? Imentaizo yours by investing Instore renovation & ardseape ‘architect, Contact: 0049 (0) 172.6 (875 1 [Tro Tauber) Enquries and viewings upon request: Phone #49 (0) 172 9666751 or e-mai Transport tothe show house “wedding cape’, to the 'ssuna garden” and to the events fs possble by car or hatcoptr(pre-arangedh 3 i 5 ing Dreams | Special Theme | Discover Germany EIN HOCHZEITS-PARADIES FUR BRAUTPAARE AUS ALLER WELT Es Moctiten Se, dass aus Iver Geld ‘vas sive und yarrderschnes tnstoht? Verenign Sie sich be der Irvestionnhistorsche Sanerang 8 Landschaitsarchitckt. Kona: (0049 (0) 17208 6675 1 (Tino Tauber) Ariragen und Besichtigungen nach Torinvorcinbarung: Te +49 (0 172.3666751 oder E-Mel ifo@ hochzetskapele-calenberg de Oi Ane zm mss ‘Hochzstscapele na eee eater dem Auto oder Heikopter rach Tormin-Verenbarung) erolgen ‘August 2022 | Issue 96 | 19 Bist Du bereit fiir den schénsten Job der Welt? - RRR ene ae eatin ures eetermen tree MN ee 08 a ps8 deutschlandweit auf der Suche nach tollen Menschen, die sich vorstellen kénnen, (gerne auch nebenberufich! freie Trauungen zu halten. Mit jeder Rede, dio wir schreiben, schaffen wir etwas Wertvolles, Viel mehr als nur eine Rede, Wir machen aus zwel Geschichten eine, Eine Geschichte fiir ein Ja, Du willst Teil dieser Geschichte sein? + Wenn Du aufgeschlossen und emphatisch bist, aufmerksam zuhérst und ein feines Gefuhl flr die richtigen Fragen hast. + Du Paare auf ihrem Weg zur freien Trauung beglelten mchtest und + Menschen mit Deinem Gespit fur Sprache in den Bann ziehst, Dann bewirb Dich bel uns! Sende uns Deine Bewerbung an recruitingastraussundfliegede Mehr Uber uns erfahrst Du auf oder auf instagram-Kanal @straussundfliegeofficial, Restaurant ofthe Month | Wine & Dine | Discover Germany FINE DINING WITHA FOCUS ON SUSTAINABLE FISH DISHES From sauteed monkfish cheeks to sea bass curry-restaurant ¥Joliyfish in Hamburg, headed by chet Stefan Fath, offers true culinary delights. Fish and seafood caught in the wild, oF from selected suppliers producing according to sustainable and eco-friendly standards, take centre stage here Jelyfishrestaurante FINE DINING MIT FOKUS AUF NACHHALTIGE FISCHGERICHTE Bi Hi fr Wo ‘August 2022 teoue 9s | 21 SPECIAL THEME: CULINARY INDULGENCE AND LIFESTYLE - MADE IN SWITZERLAND 2022 All about food ‘Switzerland is known for tasty treats like its cheese and high-quality wines, but there is far more to discover. On the following pages, find out what innovative products Switzerland's food industry has brought to the market recently. ee THE WORF eRe I WOOD BARRELED GIN aw od PREMIUM VODKA Culinary Indulgence and Lifestyle ~ Made in Switzerland 2022. | ‘QUOLLFRISCH’ — BEER AND WHISKY TRADITION SINCE 1886 It is the philosophy of the Locher family from Appenzell to Use the produce grown on their doorstep, to generate litle waste and to utlse the resources available to them fully. The brewery, with its almost 200 employees, is equally dedicated to this motto. “auOLLFRISCH ‘There is 900d reason why the bestsling Locher beer enjoys a cut folowing. The family business Locher AG from Appenzell celebrates the rational cat of brewing. Cyst clear sping water and organic barley go int the tasty dink. which comesin ahandy can, soit easy fits into your backpack ~ the perfect companion for any adventure PURE SPRING WATER FROM THE SANTIS, EASTERN SWITZERLAND'S HIGHEST MOUNTAIN Its the landmark ofthe Anpenzel Abs: The Apso mass. Hee, water of excollnt quality bubbles saght fom the rocks - simply paroct to ‘brew beer ad reason enough 10 give the ‘Quiisch’ its fing name. POWERFUL MALTING BARLEY “he orparc aly forthe ‘Qube’ gronsin ho felts ofthe Engadine oF Suse\2, sled bythe power mourtan sun. Each boar reminds the consumer ofthe Swiss sun - cresting tat distinctive taste Locher ‘bers are known fr, The cokabeaton with focal ame is cantinousy ‘cptinsed to ensue maxrum sustarebity, ‘THE ORIGINAL CRAFT OF BREWING The recipe for the ‘Quottisch’ beers has been passed down within the fami since 1868. Even now, ve generations on, the brewery is ocicated to tractional craftsmanship. However, there's a range of ‘more inovatve varies to micit up ate in the beer cass Foo-uecycuNs Loch bowery expanding tho dovelopment and production of sta rable foods mace from bronery by-products with the food-upcycing brand "benbee'. Duing beer production, many valuable by-products such as bremers gran, brewers yeast, sot beer and beer wot a ft ‘over, "The good nutents and flores ae re-used ~ a they should be, ‘38 Kat Locher, owner of the brawery. That's why these by-products far collected, rened and developed futher usr new technology and tractonal methods. Tey tum no tasty sustainable trentoe products uct as cps, muest or pizza, and therfore sty inthe food cha [ENTER THE WORLD OF BEER AT THE VISITOR'S CENTRE -WHISKYTREK Created in 2015 inthe Apstein mountains, vistors can look forwara to the worlds highest -atiude whisy rk. rated by Locher Brewery Special Theme | Discover Germany ,QUOLLFRISCH‘ — BIER UND WHISKY- TRADITION SEIT 1886 Die Philosophie der Familie Locheraus Appenzelistes Rohstotfe vor der Haustir gedeihen zu lassen, wenig Abfall zu erzeugen Und die Ressourcen vol auszuschdpfen. Diesem Motto folgt ce {gesamte Braverei und ire beinahe 200 Mitarbeitenden mit sehr el Hereblut {QUOLLFRISCH’ — der Bestseller der Brauere! Locher ist nicht von Unger in Kut-Btr: ie Famitentravere Locher AG aus Apoanzal efit camit das Taatonshanowerk Klres Quelivasser und Blo Garste sorgen in der praktischen Dose zum Minatmen ~ auch im Rucksack ~ fir beschwingte Leichgkat [EINES QUELLWASSER VOM HOCHSTEN BERG DER OSTSCHWEIZ, DEM SANTIS: geht den Agperastey Aen: der Aste, Hier sprue Wlsser von usgezichneter Qvaltt aus dem Felsgestn- each perekt 2m Blor frauen und Grund genug. um dam, Qustisa’ seinen Namen zy aber KRAFTVOLLE BRAUGERSTE Mit dr volen Kraft der Bergsonne ret auf dan Bio-Gerstnt Engacin oder n der Sursava dle Gersto fir das ,QUatmiso’. So tse in oder Bter cle Schweizer Sonne aulgehen — und sorgt fr den ur verkennbaren Geschmack der Lacher Ble, Ole Zusammenarbat mit lokaion Basen wil ots im Sine dar Nachratigkatoptiiat ORIGINALE BRAUKUNST Die Graurecepte fir die ,Quitisch”.Blee werden sit 1886 inner er Fame tiberieert. De Bierbrausre fier Ganeaton bie also ach wie var der tractioneten Baukunst teu. Fir Abwechshing in Bio ls Sorgen rafinrte Variatonen. Fooo-uecycune Mit der Food. Upeyeing Marke rewbee' baut ie Braver’ Locher fo Entwickung und Herstlung von nachhaligen Lobensmttn mit Bravero-Nebenproduktan aus. Bal der Berproduion blaben wervale ebencrodulte we Traber, Sterol, Weichber und Nebenwtze 2. rick, .Die guten Nahr. und Batastsone worden wieder verwertat, sO lie se es versenan’, fst Bravere-nnaber Kar Lacher Deswegen warden dese Nebenproduke gesammet,vrksnert, nach alten Vera wick und 2 genussvaten, achhatigen ,beenbeoProcukten wie zum Bespial Chios, Mies oder za walterveraretet und im ersten Natrungskrestaut erate, tals medarnerTachnolage wot ERLEBNISWELT RUND UMS BIER IM BESUCHERZENTRUM -WHISKYTREK ‘Slt 2075 exist im Alpstain Gabirge der héchstgelegene Whisky trek der Wet itr yon der Braueei Lacher AG = bekant iran ‘August 2022 | tesue 96 | 2 Discover Germany | Special Theme | Culnary indulgence and Lifestyle ~ Made in Switzeiand 2022 [AG known ortho Sits Mat Whisk) an the Assocation of the Alp sen mountain hosts, the trek promises a try exceptional whisky tas : 9 mis ting experience. Each ofthe 26 mountan hts has thelr own bart o vis, ra hen you ‘asinge-cecitre bole, yourecelvea ‘barrel recep inyour Whisktrek —_Fasche Wisk gibt a ane Fas passport. When youve calected all 26 wishes, you wit eco the u u ‘crgal Appanzel bet wth a buckle made rom real sve designed byt aso Appenzeler Gr batt maker Roger Db%g (woth 350 CHF), Tis exclusiva lather bat is Gurtmacinr ig Wet van 950. CHF 0 ‘ont avallabie asthe Whiskytek trophy, and the promation ends wih Ledeygrte i Whisiyre Di the 2028 season, 4 tobe tasted on ste. Each barrels unique (One thing is certain: A vist to the Alosteln, whe ‘pen in a unique lardscape, i west forall your whisky and beer Eins ist har En B 7 wwwappenzelerbierch | | wwwwsaentismalticom | Brauerei Locher AG, 2050 Appenzell Switzeriand | info@appenzellerbiezch 2% | teue 96 | August 2022 MORALTIVE Where sustainability meets timeless elegance. Discover Swiss designed limited edition bags & accessories. WESTSIDE — A DESTINATION FOR SPONTANEOUS ADVENTURES ‘Sauna or swimming? Cinema or shopping trip? Cocktails or cappuccino? Today, we won't set an agenda, but instead allow ourselves to just float a litle. We've packed ‘some swimming trunks justin case, and with the whole day ahead, the world is our oyster, Let's see where the journey takes us. Ifyou want to enoy a diferent kind of week fond without any plans, or perhaps with a whole range of diferent plans, and cartain'y If you dont tke to choose one activity ver rather comes hight recommended. then a vist to Westside i Sem ‘Tne shopping and entertainment centre tracts people trom across the region and ‘options for simply run- ring errands to spect family tps. Ad that Is precisely what's at the heart of the con capt. “in the digital age, shopping cenves have to offer far more than just opportunites for shopoing, They need to bea rea es ination," Peter Gostel, drector of shoo: ing and entertainment contre. Westside, ary day and any occasion, tor 2 | teeue 96 | August 2022 says, “Westside opened ts doors with that id atts core, wich is continuously being developed futne:* ‘The combination of attractive brands, ul rary options, th large Path cinoma and tho water park Beraqus, with sauns and spa arc, isnot only perfect to gt your Saturday shaping done, but aio ideal for sper -Wastsie ie a place where paople spend thai me in whatover way suits ther, Th ovative concept inspires, spo%s and enter tains our vistors," Peter ste summarses. For some quests, the inspiration also arses from the buldings specal architecture by ‘Stu Libeskind, which has turned Westside into a tue landmark. The trapezoidal oystal sttucte, wth converging nes and ier Ing forms, with galore, arcades and oper ings alowing ft to ood in, stands out beau tu Infact, the buicing alone is wel worth a Vt anc reason enough for an excting 0 to Westside - which can then be combined th other aces to your hearts desir \Westsida isa place where you can do what daly to rarely allows you - to be docidocly Undecided Culinary Indulgence and Lifestyle ~ Made a Switzerland 2022 | Special Theme | Discover Germany WESTSIDE: DESTINATION FUR SPONTANE ERLEBNISSE Discover Germany | Special Theme | CCulnary indulgence and Lifestyle = Made in Switzeiand 2022 THE DRY-CURED ORIGINAL FROM THE GRISONS ‘Since 1906, the Albert Spiess AG has been known for its Unique dry-cured meat specialities from the Grisons — with a reputation that reaches far beyond Switzeriand. Here, the specialities from the Grisons mountains mature at Europe's highest-alttude dry-curing site. From Grison meat and raw hham to bacon, Salsiz and Coppa ~ if you fancy a delicious “Bander treat, then you're sorted here. Europe's highestatude dry-curng stein Davos-Frauenkrh vibe the orginal Grison mest has been produced for over a century, UP har, the natural, dry cured meat specatias matureinthatresh Aine ‘rand develop thar unique favour “Our specialties are made folow: Ing tational cratsmanship and recipes passed down fom genera tin to ganeration,” Wemor Huber, sas doctor at Albot Sriess AG, ‘explain, “Nothing is eto chance. We guavanae pramium products “Tha prootis nthe flavour an its tough to choose which meat to ty fest "My personal favour isthe “Aver dy-cures meat” Huber \voas. immediately when | open the packaging, the delcate scent of the Arven, the Suis stone pine transports my mind to. hike though the Arvan forest inthe urique Grisons Mountain.” The various dhy-cured meats can be purchased in sdlcted Swiss stores or va the anne shop. wn 30 | Issue 96 | August 2022 DAS BUNDNER ORIGINAL Die Schweizer Albert Spiess AG ist bereits seit 1906 far das einzigartige Bundner Trockenflelsch bekannt -unddas weit ber ie Landesgrenze hinaus. In der héchstgelegenen Trocknore! Europas rifenfeine Buindner Speziaiten von Buindnerfleisch, Fohschinken und Speck bis 2u Salsiz und Coppa. Lust auf was ‘ganz Feines? Inder frechen Blinder Borge De Pt NRL a Onl oe 1e Nat La oun S " é Cascara: die Kaffeeschale, die langanhaltend munter macht durch das Koffein - 100 % natiirlich = IN DER BAR? ZUHAUSE? EGAL! Unsere Cascara lasst sich wie einen Tee oder wie einen Kaffee (WELTWEITE NEUHEIT] zubereiten Only by, +4179132.26 69 DIANAE SS Discover Germany | Special Theme | Culnary Indulgence and Lifestyle - M UNRIVALLED AND EINZIGARTIG UND UNTAMABLE UNBEZAHMBAR First brewed some 19,000 years ago, beer has long since conquered the wort. A 3 g wrw.stinbiécch Nathalie Pellon ERC Rests ts Eee tot OTe any ocear tan ct COMO om te fers tegen Cs Cede et Core i A . y ee ga aed ; y ESTE Ste Interview | Culture | Discover Germany ‘DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE SPECIAL’ Inthe last few years, the young German actress Luna Jordan has made a name for herself. n tis interview, she speaks about her roots, her love for Vienna, her latest projects, and much more. DISCOVER GERMANY: How did you get Into acting? Has this always been your ‘ream job? Luna Jordan: Actus, | want to be an ar chasclogist n Nodhaast Aca for as long 35 can remember. or a ze guitarist. Acting somehow came in between with theate and fim productions. | ave to say that both ry pares also come fram the industry which vy | was born th that te DISCOVER GERMANY: You have Austrian roots and were born in Berlin. You now ive In Vienna, What does ‘home’ mean to you? Luna Jordan: My mother is actualy Vien nese, but | was Born in erin and grew UD thore. But wih Austran etzershp! Last Oe camber | spontanecusly decided 10 move to Verna, | ve this cy! Hore is a broad tex forme because 'm hardy ever at home, Being an actress means traveling alot to f= ‘gn cis and counties. For me, home is a lace where thee are people who inspite me and make me hapes! DISCOVER GERMANY: Why oid you decide tomove away from Berlin? [Luna Jordan: My rots are n Bern and the cy i very lose to my heart. However, shoo the Corona criss, Badin has become een ‘more tense and sad. The ays sometimes 50 Incredibly loaded wit aggression. Hal a year ‘ago, mybest end was beaten up by ve Gs for no reason and was pushed onto the sub- way racks. ter 20 years in the aly! needed to get some dstanee tom Berin and Vira as just gt! ust fve stroting trough the Cy. Every comer is beautfl and f you walk trough the narow stets in the evening. you fea ke you ae in an old flm st. Apart rom that, Lowe the Auton fim eure DISCOVER GERMANY: You have already \workedina number of productions. Which shoot do you particularly tke to remember? ‘Luna Jordan: Iwas shooting wih alan runs, was St on fre, cron, ad in solar con frement and caves, got into plenty of fights and ran ro some hooper. | have to say | have a knack for adventzous productions! In al tis madness, the series Wild AgpuDie stuck wth me, For one yeer we shot most every day at ver 2.500 motes in the mu tains of South Tyo, inal wind and weather conditions. The agenda incked plenty of stunts and what fe ke the most remote mots ‘on tn plat. Tha ene cast got two tattoos ung hatte, That was by far the craziest time of my DISCOVER GERMANY: Let's talk about Fuchs im Bau. Whats s0 special about this movie? ‘Luna Jordan: Fuchs im Bau is my absolute heat pret. The Auston cinema fm by ‘ran. Rt takes place ina Viennese je ‘le prison, the Josestac. The fn is based Contue ters about the everyday He of young pope, guards and foachars in rson. Fah has pariculaty succeeded, no matter how ‘smal the character inthe i, in ting al the roles so tthfuly,closoly and touching pay the windrawn and autoaggressie Samira Spahi, a young muse git who Is new sone for fatal ining her father. | as st ‘awarded the Austtan Fim Pr2a for my role Fuchs im Bau, a so poinated fx the Max COphils Pie for ‘Best Young Actress are the Kiser Romy for ‘Mest Popular Actress’. Other actersin the fim induce Mar Hotter, Ste ek, Andes Lust, Abksandr Petrovic and mary ober great colaagues, DISCOVER GERMANY: What tips and tricks do you have for young aspiring actors that arejust starting ff in the Industry? Luna Jordan: Dare! Dare to be ai don't compare yourso to othrs - bocauso YOU are unique. | think thats the secret of acting. We area mystery and we keep show Inga eval part of ours in extreme stu tons, about captivating vewors wh your LUnreenting courageinthe game. So dont be aad tobe special DISCOVER GERMANY: Do you have 9 ream role? [Luna Jordan: | absolutely want to pay in a chickens move production. Ping a witch (a desl would be my absolute ream... Fo Reiser | am curently shooting wih the rectors Franaska Buch ml und cle Detok- tie) and Ute Wand Freche Madchen, who shaped my chichoed with thar fms. is a ‘705 pleasure to work ith both of thm, DISCOVER GERMANY: Whet dreams and wishes do you have forthe future? ‘Luna Jordan | have big plans! tm curently founding a production compary with thee other great coleagues... but | can't say ‘much more than that yet! Last year | wrote 2 screenplay for my debut feature fi, wich ‘We wl shoot n 2023. | defintely want to put ny foolrs out the drecton of wting and producing. Ther i ill so much to iscove! DISCOVER GERMANY: Are there any other plans for 2022? What do you have in store? Luna Jordan: 2022 is by far my most event yaar for me. | have eight fim and ‘steaming productions coming up, ineluding fan Intemational project. m currently iting fat the apport on my way to the next set, | was just atthe Austen Fim Ava, where ‘we were nominated inten categories wth Frcs im Bau, | was alowed to take home the award for ‘Bast Supporing Actress ‘August 2022 | Issue 96 | 35 SPECIAL THEME: FINEST ART AND CULTURE Discovering the arts in Germany Germany has much more to offer than just beer, pretzels and famous football teams. Itis a paradise for artists as woll as art lovers. Paintings, architecture, literature, music or design the country’s art scene combines different backgrounds and cultural influences. The cities of Germany are home to numerous museums, galleries and theatres showcasing fine art and culture. Finest Ar and Cuture | Special Teme | Discover Germany The country represents so mary dlifent movements. One ofthe most famous art co! clus and influences that typical Geman lectves was the Blaua Retr, or ‘lve rider at does not realy exist. Germany is char- ~ an Expressionist group of artists that was acterised by German, Swiss, Austian and founded in Munich in 1911 by Wassily Kan hain infusnces and by he people coming dinsky and Franz Marc as an abstract coun ho found a home terpart to De Bricke's figurative at style. all over the wo eco, This makes it @ paradise for art lvers because varius personitios and customs Today, the art History kaops on geting wt como together here, Interact and create tenvith lente atts and mode ‘something new. German cies are bithplac- popping up all over Ge 8 and places of activity to numerous arts that Germany i @ co works can sti be found here such try of collectors can he vast amount of museums, gal IMerature and fim scene has become more in at, you should defialy not miss Bern's as Riche, Klee and Durex, Furtnermore, the ‘and more international and German docu- Museum Island, wher® five mu Munich's Pakothek vals ke Cannes and Berin, where you can see Leonardo da Vino's Madonna of the Carnation, amengst many have always been mporlant other impressive works, Or you ae a fan of regular conireutions at fest- be found, as wel Inthe otowing special name, we tke ‘look some ofthe county’ finest at opartandPicasso,youcenheadtoMuseum | aout instutions German art forthe story and history of European an, pecially inthe Expres mand Modern At Ludwig in C ‘August 2022 | Issue 96 | 37 RICHARD STRAUSS DAYS 2023 IN THE SEMPEROPER, DRESDEN ‘Names as diverse as Christian Thielemann, Jakub Hriéa, Omer Meir Wollber, Diana Damrau, Camila Nylund, Peter Rose, Sophie Koch, Pavol Breslik, Hanna-Eiisabeth ‘Maller, Bo Skovhus, Angela Brower, Catherine Hunold, Gregory Kunde, and many ‘more, are al taking part at Pichard Strauss Days, from 02 to 16 Apxil 2023, The connections between Richard Strauss the composer frst visted Dresden in 18 and the Sichsiche Staatskaodlle Oresden an intensive arte and creative bond wth the era and ther music Nine ated by hs handing of inatrumentaton, of hs 18 operas wore premiered in Dresden cs Der Ros tare so dverae that they can always be told Staatskape dover the ways, Lhave ainays been rectorshas develo renestal colours and the unbel ity vido range: Ne eperas have chamber mu- pact fort Je fox: including ne intumentaton. Thre ie ako aval, a ‘3 aspects; converse, his chamber muse Alpine Sy To be able to concentata 80 much on the The enthusasm Yor the works of Richard composer Ret USS and to be able Svauss, be on the concer stage and inthe to devote mys to this euthertic place -t chamber music of the Staatskapelle ree couldet gat any better” explains Christan dan, cn the opera stage inthe Semperoper skapalle Dresden of, chard Strauss Days have bean held at iraguar intervals in the Semperoper si rause's conection to Dresden, the 1909, most reoantly in ing the Stasiskapele Dresden and the Semperoper Fichard Strauss Days at the Semperoper, in is formative for Garman music history. Sree 2023, the opera house and the Stastskapale 98 | tesue 96 | August 2022 ras programme of works 1 skapalle, In adkdtion, the tad of o r osenkaval, A il terms and condkions apply tothe performances ofthe Fichard Strauss Daye in the Somos ke re orm) Kom 1084 br, to 18 September 2022, for soa inthe seat groups ‘Loge (cers rsceived before ‘ber 2022 cannot be consider lon sale on 1 Decor wuw.semperoperde/en! richard-strauss-days g RICHARD STRAUSS-TAGE 2023 IN SEMPEROPER DRESDEN DER Discover Germany | Special Theme | Fines Art and Culture “SOMETIMES | JUST »lN MANCHEN MOMENTEN HAVE TO SING.” MUSS ICH SINGEN.“ jederike Harmsen is a singer that stands ptional versatility as a performer. At home 40 | teue 96 | August 2022 Finest Art and Cuture | Special Teme | Discover Germany WILLKOMMEN IM THEATRE OF THE NIGHT THEATER DER NACHT ‘The Theater der Nacht (Theatre of the Night) takes the Das audience on a journey tothe land of puppets. ter der Nacht lit 2u einer Reise ins Land der E ‘August 2022 | tesue 96 | 41 TURN YOUR FAVOURITE LOCATION INTO A PIECE OF ART For ten years now, Berli-based artist Sabine Welz has been turning urban motifs and sights into individual Pop Art styl images. Today, her ART DOMINO® concept Includes an impressive 150 cities in its collection. Each customer selects their own, location and hence every picture is unique. It's a beautiful way to have a piece of ‘memory in your home or office. Ital began with her hometown Bein, Back then, Sabine Welz portrayed her favourite city on canvas ~ akeady with various sub Jects but ont in one format, From that, her [ART DOMINO® concept grew. Today, cus tomers can not ony choose the subjoct, but ‘aso the format, meters and colours. The results completay custom-made art “The connection between at and travel fasc- nates me— as wall turing personal mem cones into art Sabine Wel, who has traveled to and portrayed 150 ces by now, explains, The subjects can vary realy. Some custom ers associate important miestones in tel lives with them, suchas the cies where they sued or got married. Comparies often pick 42 | Issue 96 | August 2022 the locations of ther offs. Hence, each ABT DOMINO * image is urique - and Sabine ‘Welz explains that the tem Yocation’ is moant In ts broadest sense. “For example, it coud too be the top ofa mountain, the art adds. However each image folows the same cy fart concept. Thre ae two pane, to Sub Jpots and four colours, whien you can easly ‘compose to your king using the one con fgurator. t can be vbrant and color, Sub ‘in pastel shades or simply black and white Its yourpersonal choice, Her customer base is accordingly arg fram private cents to companies, associations, rinses, embassies, cy marketing and state chaneeleres. The Pon Art images are ‘so fabulous as corporate as; for exam ple, on porcalan, bags or even chocoiste, ART DOMINO® projects by Sabine Welz fare equally popular at trade fats and ever, ‘ere they often encourage the parcnation of guests. Curious? Pop by her cty galley at he Europa Center in Berin, or you can simpy vist the onlin shop, Finest Art ac Culture | Special Theme | Discover Germany VOM LIEBLINGSORT ZUM KUNSTOBJEKT Die Berliner Kinsterin Sabine Welz verwandelt mit inrem einmaligen ART DOMINO® sen Jahren Stadtmotve in individuele Pop Art Bilder. Was mit n, umfasst inewischen 160 Stidte. Ausgewahit von ihren Kunden selbst, Unikat - so kann man sich personliche Erinnerungen als Kunst nach Hause oder ins Biro holen. ww ‘August 2022 | tesue 96 | 43 INSPIRINGLY DIFFERENT From a for action, ¢ for event location, § for service to 2 for zero worries - event agency STR8 creates unforgettable events. ‘There are your standard even! agencies. And then there ae those agencies tat take the ‘exceptional to quite another love agencies such ae STRE from Hanover As straight as Its name, is ts approach: “We create the Uncorventiona,”proctsims IT project Seader lula Peters. So, straight not inthe sense of strlghtorward but in the Senge of being a ‘cxously commited tothe exceptional? “Ab soltay, The more unusual and creative, the ater: 0 what besides being ot. arise 828 events Inliual events wh In-house IT solutions, In other words, company evens, forums, incentives, conferences, congresses, trade fais or exhibitions, Nationaly 2s wel as in tematonaly in & hybrid, analogue or virus format.” 46 | Issue 96 | August 2022 How does it normaly play this cut, when a prospective cient comes to STR and wants to host conference, for example? “Us rata, inspire, act. Fst of a, wo listen care fully and empathicaly. What does the cont wantin the fst place? We then do some thinking, dismiss and create ideas, which wo pul up for lacussion, And we continue 10 do ths unl we have created exactly the event the cent wants, By the way, we are rot squeamish. We support our cients’ vi ‘ons but are not afraid to thnk outsice the box and suggest atematves” ‘And is that where the collaboration usualy ends? "No way! This s when things realy get 0ing, whan the project is entrng the rea sation phase. We are excallent communica tors inthe panning pase, and we are equally sled whan # comes to the realisation ofan event. We are altroundirs, authentic, open ‘and erative. Our team comprises a unique blend of arent quaations. Which is why ‘we ae tue champions when It comes to ser vows rate to technology, locations, deco ratlon and catering, In al modesty: we ve Incidental, this net only applies to planing, but aso to MT solutions that apeeate under the In-house brand rayseven, “With en, we aro tectnicaly really wel positioned Ranging from gta! participant’ manago ment, event aops and lead management ‘etition stand management to dedicated event patos, we bring a lot of technical real STEMENTS wmw.str8defen Interested na ral STAB event? Just ond an empl to and start looking foward to the exceptional Event Agenoy ofthe Month | Culture | Discover Germany INSPIRIEREND ANDERS Von A wie Abend ii: THEPOWEROFONE i ‘August 2022 | tesue 96 | 46 Discover Germany | Cover Feature | Secret Bein SECRET BERLIN Walkin a Berner’ shoes for one day of your next summer visit to the capital! We have gathered over five secret tips for those who prefer to take the locals’ view. “4 Secret Bevin | Cover Feature | Discover G Discover Germany | Cover Feature | Secret Berlin Proto: oes ¥ -wnen in Bern." Dib you know Beri. MORNING: BREAKFAST WITH SWANS. Entaring tom Michaeterenplaz afew st contrucusly changes because Its bul on Between Kreuzberg and Mite, ght where wil ake you down to the Beauty lad us Brandenburg sand? This means that every the wal strip used to be, thete is a magle Engelbecken Café, where you can enjoy your vail vil shaw you something nev, you feel place caled “Engalbockan’ (Ange Poo cate inthe close viinty of entire ties of icon ust atte below street level cppostte animals peacetuty cries the shalow pod Forallits metropolian claims, Berinin realty the Michaskrchpat, itis part ofthe Luisen- navigating the 16 fountains and sometimes sttische canal en nies you ordered is conglomerate o vilages. “Ke checking whatever mu cal term for neighbour 12boroughs monument reflecting the orginal design and along with your coffe. Fight n the mick i by Erwin Albert Barth, Berin’s re you suctenty fel ke boing at garden doctor rom 1926-1993 know Mt, Fiedichshain and Keb to Alexa ner Patz while m as ofthe same borough you dd rpltz, Warschaver know existe. Aton, many a seasoned Betln vitor may have grown ted of caing the sane ub-hopping in Neukin, Now, you care to venture ofthe trodden path just ake bi a cere tun may take you to surprise fashion fx 48 | tsue 96 | August 2022 rrAARAns Treas FARA HUMBOLDT FORUM Discover Germany | Cover Feature. | Secret Bevin ous cna Frais Fach Pol: Fino Fishin Mediterranean fel of typical Kreucberg trafic ‘and finaly, ust aftr passing Henrich, you wil spot the red sign of the UKO tou tigus, Oaner Qontt Kérze, who started out with a secondhand shop dacadas ago, now from talen leather handbags 1 vegan sneak male company can mearwh amble acoss the steet to browse the racks 00, fr independent skater wes unary agin, you may ty out the naan taunt next door o simply fop down for a rofoshing snack and dink at tho rust, yet 8038, pendents,h [ust recently escaped forced 10.000 moe ti AFTERNOON: ART SMART- A CENTRAL YET HIDDEN GALLERY TREASURE um area between Berner Galeria and Usbau near Lepage SraBe ae ureware that ‘ight opposite the Jenish Museum resides a iden treasure trove for contemporery at. 50 | teeue 96 | August 2022 The Kang mperary of artiste inspire 0 ‘lobe human community, with ts marl and often chalenged habia ‘tit and founder Elzabeth Kang completed her postgraduaio studies at Sotheby's Inst le New York before moving to Betin. Her $n is subect to her own artic senate“ process of select choose artwork which ‘contextualized to the workd we Wve in ner programe shows artworks by seven contemporary artists presenting an aay of medias which enter a dialogue, creating a EVENING: A SPECIAL TREAT AT SUNDOWN ‘open-air vere? Access the Vokkspark Feicshain park, ga the comer of the enchanting Mrchenbrurnen ferytale foun ently restored assembly sandstone sculpture Walk on through the park and sto side. From hee, its just a short walk to Fe sn, where you can sip in Fight, erioying the cooing breeze among Moning: Cale am Engelbocken: ‘mya. cafe-am-engelbecken, Midday: LUKO boutque, Kreucborg (ranensvao 201, 10909 Barin Aftemoon: Kang Contemporary ‘ur kang-contemporary cor evening estawrant Schoentrunn ‘myi-schoenbrunn net \ospark Fledrenshain wie relating -fiedichshain de Cover Feature | Discover Germany A SPECIAL KIND OF HOTEL: WHERE MODERN DESIGN HARMONISES WITH HISTORY ‘Sixluxurious rooms, # small but beautiful spa with steam bath and an interior that com-_thshospltalty ve share wth our quests says bines historic roots with modern hotel comfort: Townhouse Weisses Kreuzin Salzburg managing director Claucla Binds, The hgh is arariy in the old town centre and the perfect hideaway during the world-renowned vclue of regular Townhouse guests confi Salzburg Festival, and any time beyond that. th as wel, Altra, Sezburg has alt to ot: fer even outside the fetal season: the cys ‘among the most beaut! in Europe and not 1 ads ofthe td town with natural pigments and createsagreatroom only Stuated i the conte, Townhouse Welsses Kreuz combines cate. Lage grate slabe cover the focr in loa unique sinovete ith its caste and od with historic charm. The the publ areas ad the rooms have so cak houses. “Above that tho city has a high den Dbulding was est mantoned in 7392, whie the foots Ralings ang window handles ar hand: of op restauxans back to 1687 when a beer forged. By coméining a historic buldng su was frat served under the brand ‘Weleses tue with singe pieces of modem tame, a Krewe’. Hosotaly nas teretore been at the unique contemporary rior emerge, equare-metre lounge vith an open tre cox of Wlsses Kreuz for centures, and the cS honesty bar, where quests Can relax at cuent owners have reconnactad with this, THE SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT HOTEL IN ter long day in the ety, “Remarkable for @ SALZBURG hota in the old centr four garden as an Dung the rtuishment a focus was on pre The hate has ‘ening the hisofc elements, Examples ofthis and guests experence @ vary personal and in summer,” says Binder, Tables, chars ard remitare the vauis onthe ground fecr andthe indhidual snice. "Our quests have tine and cutdcor sofas invite quests to erjoy a quiet cignal esees from the 1 and outside, the bulings was were costed Salzburg and that vith ractonalineplastorthathas been tried designina sted great varity of rt and culture, but the hotels highights is the 3 nuious rooms in total, adtlonal space for breakfast and to relax : i i n contury nse aga confined that our house Is unaue in evening ater an exhausting day not erly dueto ts intior dng, butaso because ct 52 | teeue 96 | August 2022 EIN HOTEL DER BESONDEREN ART: MODERNES DESIGN STEHT IM EINKLANG MIT GESCHICHTE AFOOT ON GERMANY’S RESURRECTED RED WINE ROAD Danie! Cole's trailing the Rotwoinwanderweg, a soaring vineyard hike through m dieval vilages sampling globally renowned wines and culture for our August issue. The remote Ar Valoy in Germanys Ete ragon fe a teaaretrove for both wie enthuses and nature loves alk. Tho tertwning st%0 trutary thet feeds into the Rhine has lng bean a tourist hotspot, abst or those who kno abouts secret charms. Nested up gh ‘among the vineyards ss the Rotweinwander- weg, a 95-xlometre ral tht threads together rmecioval castles, contures-okd merastr, thermal spas, and ofcourse, the awed ring Wine produce’ that have made theregion ferous throughout Europ. 54 | teeue 96 | August 2022 Located ust 30 minutes north of the Mosel, the Ate valey's unique tran and steep ‘embankments make for some of the coun I best rod wines. Sady, I's these same characteristics that contrbuted to the cata stroptic foods of 2021 that caused untold damage, ting news channels worldwide with apocalyptic images of destruction, (One year later and the Anr vaey region is wolooming back tourists. Athough the re buldng work is ongoing, the restoration ‘work thats happened fo date is impressive, Not oni the raltine back up and runing, bout many restaurants and wines within the silages are taking bookings once mere. (GRAPE WINE OFFERINGS. ‘The Rotweirwanderweg, one the areas big ‘8st atvaations, tarts atthe vilage of A tena, weaving is way hyough the vilages of Maysche8, Dernau and Ahrweler, before \wining-up in Bad Bodendert. The wide and caroerng tral is sulted for both hikers and cyclists, 2s it sones several breathtaking ws across the valley. ‘Athough smaler than some of the other wine producing areas in Ganrary. the Abr [Njoot on Germany's Resurected Red Wine Road | Travel Feature | Discover Germany Valley is one regions for re wine pre los nthe regen — such of the vineyards here are dedicated tho — ae sil nthe process ng towards @ hilsige tunnel that became havesting of Prot Not, which in tun means of being rebut, so its worth checking ther sanctuary to thousands of residents during the moro prestigious winer- tory. Alongside @ Cold Wer the Mayschoss- towering, incomplete viacuet plas, lead the aaa is home 1 some asteunding Garman website fo see when and wher thay willbe the alied bombing rads during the Second Setourgunders, alongside the esserspotted trading rom Works War Bullng @havem inside the same and vente Frohburgunder, an earring hisdes that provided them with the wine rutation ofthe Pinot Noir wich is pariculry Outside Mayscho®, a wine-vending mactine based economy they thved on for contures, roneto this region, Due tothe elma an ¥ posttoned next to a ¥ ofthe step ilies, the wines ofthis area re bench, overlooking the church below and rebuild the homes and businesses, some: ‘emboldened wit an erty, darker oak favour, the towering macieval Safanburg castle on thing the modern-day locals ae repeating, especialy when compared o French wines of the other side ofthe valley. Towards the ld ensuring thatthe rest of us can continue to the same varity. Roman town of Awol, the wine-road av- enjoy the excoptional hasptalty and cass ‘ers around the Marinthal manastory aka. wines the area co (WINE WALKING. 1gut Kastor Marionthal, Dating back to Its not ust the wine-cutur that has lauded 1137, the old abbey remnants and garden the rea so much pais, but ao the in ids provid @ picture-perlect setting to vation and erat. For insta the wines ana aster laden the Atr oo ir confines to 's pera merged fron ues to oer, theAte Valey eng cal regjen i also well-known forts ‘Blanc de on offer. SE wh the foods ever Now’ variates - sparing white wines made the community's mind, the monastay’s shop m black grapes. has a wide selection of “Ruin” — wines saved fom ther waterilod colar, ti ‘Across the scaring teraoes you don't have ng the muddy, damp remnants from the pre to venture tco far ofthe unbeaten track to vious year start sampling the wines. Around the vilage of Mayscho there ae a selection of excelent The immetlate region around Atenah al restaurants and ‘Weingus’to vs along the offers futher reminder ofthe region's hi WILLKOMMEN IM PaO aan reed a Lae ‘August 2022 | Issue 96 | 55 Discover Germany | Travel | Hotel ofthe Month ENTSPANNUNG UND SPASS - GERADE EINMAL 43 STUFEN VOM MEER ENTFERNT [Mit einer einzigartigen Lage direkt am Moor ist das Seaside 43 in St. Peter Ording das perfekte Hotel or Kastenliebhaber und Ruhesuchende. Der Name ist Programm: 49 Stufen fahven aber den Deich bis zum Meer. Das Haus aus dem 19, Jahehundert kombiniert Geschichte mit Charme und Sti Stat eines resigen Holekamploxes gt es ver lndidusle Héuser mit 26 stvol ehge- fiohteten Zmmem, oi einen dezenten Hach ven Hyannis Port versorthon, dem Wass ‘ohon Sohneuchtcil an der amerkanischen Osthiste. Dae Historache Anwesen gehéite ‘inst dom ltzton Walnger von Edertoc or dort mt seiner Famiio ebte und 0 Person betri, Die Toctar fine den Be twa nach bis vr awe arwen, dann fog do Kompletsanierung durch die Schreder In ‘mobilen Gmbi, welche dem alten Objekt 2a raver Giz veal. Gesetetiver Stan Schneider vertindet ehe lange Froundschatt rit dan Vorbestzem und so war de Sanerung os Obie cin echtos Herzansprojet iri, CGastreundschat wicd m Seas 43 oroBae- schieben nd so sndier Fain mit Kinder 56 | teeue 96 | August 2022 ‘exne gesehene Géste Auch Hunde sind here Jen wilkermen, En dezertr Serico, de ce Wonsche der Gast in don Mitepunkt stot ir dbo im Hotel und dem ancyenzenden (Café groBgeschisben, De Gaste ewer hori cin respektvotas Se, ett dos kur pohatton Du (er Laubsort St. Peter Orting an der nor fsischen Nerdseekista ist berohmt far seinen wellautigen, gut 12 Kilometer lan (gen Sandstrand: Sportreunde kommen vor alr bei Wassersportaktivtten wie Surten und Ken aut ive Kosten, besondore High lights sind dabel die Ktebugay- Strandsegein am Strand. Der Stand, das \Wttenmeer und aie Dineniandschattbeten zudem idesle Ausfugsziote fOr Nature haber ren und f Farin bietet sich vor allem cia DDonentherme an, sone Boctstouren 2u den Seohundsoren oder zu einer dor Nor seeingah. Nach einem aktvan Tag in St. Petar Ording konnen sch de Gate dann in Seaside 43 entspannen: Der Walinassbe reich bite ene Sauna, Ruheraum und eine Liogewiase mit Bick Cher die Landschat. Kulinarsche Ertebnissebioten sich den Gas ten im angrenzenden Café 43, Hor sind sia ‘8ngseden, don Tag mt einom ausgisbigen Und reichnatigan Frnstick zu beginen. Dae Becondera: Es wird kein Kassiachae Frohstocksbuifot angoboten, stattdesson server das Sericeteam eh indvdvel aut le Gaste zugeschnitten Frist aut Eta (eren dkekt am Plat, Am Nactmnitag bitat as Café 43 dann ene bree Auswan! an hausgemachten Kuchen und 5 = bei raven Nordseetagen im verglasten Wietergaten und an sornigen Tagen aut er Sornenterrasse. Hausgaste Und exter ne Giste sind gleichermaton herzich Wil kommen. sv. EIN ORT, VIELE MOGLICHKEITEN —UND EINE HERRLICHE AUSSICHT as 4-Sterne Pannonia Tower Hotel besticht als modemer Angelpunkt. Zwischen Wien, Bratislava und Budapest gelegen und vor Wiener Flughafen schnell 2u er- reichen, ist das Hotel die ideale Adresse fOr Business Events jeglicher Art. Aber ‘auch zu privaten Entdeckungsreisen ins Burgenland oder Shopping-Touren ins di- rokt anliegende Outlet Center Parndorf,lockt der Pannoni ‘Dae Pannonia Tower Hotel schaft gekornt vaige Auslugemégichlaiten, So fit bet don Spagat zwchon Business und Fret. spileweiso dor malorzche Radwog Donau ‘lerdngs nent rur dle verkehraginst- Nousiedersee direkt am Hotlvorbot. Und ra (Lage, sondom es ind auch cle modernen, _trichst da nach das Outlet Center Paro, Jenaurcnuteten Seminar- und Evertraume eines der geen Shopping Paradise Euro fr Veanstatungen o's 24 350 Personen, dle pas. ,Wavend der ene m Oust don ganzen (peade dle Businessrisenden ansprechen. Tag aut Schnéppcheniogd geht, kann der Sogar de Tawar Lounge im 14, Stock, mit Parner entsparnt am Neusier See cian ‘dom beelncruckenden Ausbick Uber ce pan- oder dle romischen Ausgrdbungen in Carn rnonische Tielebene, den Neusieler See und tum beschtgen’, eaht General Manager das Leihagebirge, Karn a @klusver Veran-—_Jéeg Prigger. statungsort gebucht werden, Kotler schon gepackr? AAs Ratmenrogram fir Events oder fir vate Reson bctt die herichs Umgebuna _wumpannoniatowerat Travel Business | Discover Germany FRISCHE LUFT FUR FRISCHE IDEEN Angesichts der taglichen beruflichen (und privaten) Anforderungen den Uberblick zu behalten, bringt Managerinnen manchmal an ihre Grenzen. Eine kleine Auszeit kann helten. Wenn man den Wal vr laugr Baumen rict Positonsbastinmung. Die Avhate snd ‘mehr sci, macht es Sin, sinen Schrit 2 Kraiquell frneve keen und cine Méalchkt, rcaureta, beacvabt Busnes Coach Uwe wader mi Kerem Bick Enschétdungan fen Schulze scion Arsatz. le Busnessetets 2 kienon os Coaches und Taine fren der foige- Im exkuven, Keinon Krai finden Disks rotig i Wald stat au Burg Scharfenstcn im sionon, moderate Gryppenarbaton und go ‘maloischenthixingschon ics meinsame Refexonen stat. Indu Tho Mit dom rotwendigen Wetbick, umgeban men besoricnt Schulze i fachich fuente, von unberititer Natur, biten de Retreats ge-_emputhcren Enzalgosprachon, rigens Raum fir, Enische- Und de Themen EntscNeunigung und Ent ungsincing und Parscnichkatsentwcliung. —spanrung? Kommen nattich auch nicht 2 Die Tanehmerionen soln mit mat Karhelt kure:.Schan ca Bagagnangen mit dar Natur Und vor allem entsparnt in ten Barisal rund um de Bug Share tag zurickaketren’, betone Schuze. .Her ston enspannen undgeben hansct cine ser ofene und zagawandte At. neue af fr don eras: ‘mosghére. Mere Pteats in denen Ubigensdemnden Bersalin, de Natur ene sehr oe Rl sie - nen Untorehmerinnan und Flbrungsriten zur wwschuleejotat ‘August 2022 | Issue 96 | 57 OPEN-TO-CLEAN PRINCIPLE DIVIDED INTO TWO HALVES, SIMPLY RINSE BY HAND OR CLEAN IN THE DISHWASHER AND ENJOY AGAIN. => Aes °.. 0a THE DRINKING STRAW REVOLUTION Ws by now common knowledge that disposable plastic straws, pollute the environment and are consequently banned in the EU. Other single-use options are not much better, however. Do ‘any great alternatives really exist? ‘Shnglo-use rirking stave made of paper contain stabsing agents, Ushi get ito the cink and can cause cancor. Duo to tele chem cal treatment, paper atau cannot bo recjced and their production wastes precious wood resources. They also taste patty hore, Overal, nota grat storatve. nat about reusable rnking straws? There are many options when | It comes to reusabe sans ~ tom glass and bamboo to stainless steal and scone. So, why ar single-use straws silin use? Especially ven we use usable cutlery and diss at nome and in restaurants. The answer's simple: reusable ctrking straws are notoriously ict toclean. Inthe dishwasher, the water ony reacts a maximum of fou to ive centimetes inside the straws, which means the middle part of the straw is never propery cleaned. Over tine, det and bacteria ac> cumulat, which is not only unsavoury, bt also dangerous to heath ‘Some manufacturers supply @ small bush for manual cleaning, but this is tacious task at home, and certainly not feasible the ho pally sector Also, te drinking straws can ony ba ed rom the Outside, The nice emans wet and, aera short tme, goes and bacteria natural emerge. On top of that, in dinkhg straws mace from glass, lmescale builds up, which s almost mpossble to remove, Glass straws ae also not entirely shatterproof, rendering them useless forchiren or urna events Berin-baved design stucio Emamidesln looked at exacty these problems and developed a simple yet genius soluton, which has al ready wen various awards, including the Fed Dot avard, Air using the Siderstraw, you can simoly tke it apet for easy and convenient Clearing, ther manvaly or inthe cshwasher. Hence, the straw is. 38 hyginicaly and easy cleaned as cutlery — without any residue “When we developed Sicoctra, we wor lookng fora sustainable and practical solution, which wasn't ery enuicrmantaly-endly but aso took the stosstul daly routes in the hosptalty sector io 2c count," CEO and founder Aman Emam| explains. he young dymaric start-up is curently expanding andi looking fo lerthusastic partners and sales agents who would the to get Ino from the start ~shar the compar success and contibuts to saving the environment Find out more: Design by Arman Emami: Cieular Economy. | DIE STROHHALM REVOLUTION Mittlerweile wei jeder: Einweg-Strohhalme aus Plastik bolaston ‘ie Umwelt und sind folgercitig in der EU verboten. Auch bei anderen Einweg-Varianten sieht das nicht vel besser aus. Gibt ‘es echte Alternativen? Business | Discover Germany De Erweg-Varante Papierstohhaine enaten Stabisatorn, ae Ins Getrnk gelangen und Krebseregend sein Kénnen. Auforund der Cchamischon Behandlung sind Papiahalmo nicht recylobar und ive Produktion bandigt worvalo Holrassoucen. Zico schmockan sie schouBich. Insgasamt keine gut Ateratve Wie sient es abar mt Mannveg- Strahan aus? Es gt ve Mannweg- Siratiiaime aut dem Mara: aus Glas, Bambus, Faas und Sikon \Werum aber werden wet Erwegstrattaime verwendet? Schiebich won wi zubause und in Resaurants auch Mabwwegbes geschin ie tnt st einfach: Mahnwegstrottae lssen sch schwer revigen 1n cer Soaimaschine cng das Wasser maximal verbs fin Zetineter fief ns Inere der Stathaime - dshalb wie der mttiye Barich nicht grindich grein. Nt der Za samme si ‘Dasa ict rur unappeatich, sondem auch gesunchatsqetitena ir Sfmt und tere, 2var elem manche Herter ane schmate Bite, mt der cle Haime ‘manuel goranigt werden kenen, doch das stm Hausa auwenag Und in oer Gastronemie kau 2u testen. Die Halme lesson sth zu0em ur von aan abtrocknen, fm Ineren bie sichFeuchigkst und nach ‘ahiger Za entsthen Keine und Bakterie, Boi Gahan lgert sch nach ehigen Anwencingen innen auch noch Kalk ab, der sit kaum ‘enemen st. Se sie zuckm nicht absolut ruchsicher fir Kinder oder Verastatungen fl ose Tintain-Atomatie also wee. Genau hier hat das Barner Designbiro Eimamidsion angesetet und ‘he simple, aor genie Lésung gotunden,cfe mitwete son vile Prose, wie don Rec Dot Award, abgeriumt hat: Nach dem Trnken Hist sich or Sidorsraw-Strhain einfach in 2wel Hélfen talon urd kan Lntompleert par Hand oder im Gaschinspierrickstandos geranig werden ~ gonauso hygensch und prakisch we Bastock Mit Sicerstraw wolten wi ine nachhalige und zugeich pravstaugiche Losung tnden, do nc rurale Uwetaspokte backs, sande ave cn altagiohen Sressstuatonen n der Gastoname recht wc s0 Aman Emam, CEO und Fourcer Dasiange, dmamische Start-Up stobigersaurExpansionshis urd sucht (erngend) nach motvirten Verraaspartnam und Handesverteterinnen, ie Lust haben von der ersten Stunde am Erol des Untematrens Tt zuhaben und etwas Guts for de Uwe au tun obeuntor: wwisiderstrancom ‘August 2022 | Issue 96 | 59 SPECIAL THEME: GERMANY’S MOST EFFICIENT PACKAGING COMPANIES — A REGIONAL SELECTION Packaging matters Not only does packaging need to be sustainable, its design also plays an important role in shaping customers’ first impressions of one’s brand. In the following special theme, we introduce some of Germany's experts in this. field, along with their innovative products. Germany’ Mest Etclent Packaging Companies ~ A Regional Selection | Special Theme | Discover Germany FROM DESIGN TO PRINT — PACKAGING MANAGEMENT ALL IN ONE PLACE abe packmedia is regarded as the prepress expert for Innovative packaging. Regional and international clients are attracted to the great flexibility, reliability, and full-service packages on offer. Here, brands, retailers and printing houses can benefit from tailor-made packaging solutions. ‘Additional advantages? Speed:-to-market, process reliability, workload reduction and quality optimisation Hamourp-based packaging expert abe pa presentation witha sles-promoting elect. "We assume the cenralsation of the pre-press stage oF of single projects and offer our fants individual ful-eenice option.” sales Landermann explains. "We help with consistent rergthon brand aware ‘and pent teams, we an ~ rom packaging design and artwork to reproduction and priing-form production, We also show our clans where they can potently save.” Aside trom mediums ‘so helps start-ups with the leader inthe industry, abe pa of packaging jobel companies, abe packenedia launches. As an experienced \ cia oes fullservce Os packaging management none place. ensixes continuous product Saraiableparerforanyknd St TRUST UNPACKED VOM DESIGN BIS ZUM DRUCK: VERPACKUNGSMANAGE- MENT AUS EINER HAND abe packmedia ist der Propress-Speziaist fr krestive Verpackungen und Uberzeugt regionale bis internationale ‘Kunden durch Flexibiliat, Versslichkeit und soin Rundum: Sorgios-Paket. So holen sich Markenartkier, Retailer und Druckereien mafigeschneiderte Lésungen an Bord. Weitere Vortele? Speed-to-market, Prozesssicherhelt, Entlastung und (Qualittsoptimierung. ‘August 2022 tesue 96 | 61 SUSTAINABLY AND HYGIENICALLY PACKED AND DELIVERED ‘When cleanliness is the mission, purity becomes an obligation’ is the motto of Walter Ahn from WASTO-PAC GmbH. What he means by this is something we can tive some insight on. What hagpens when gveds areal unpacked and on isola? What happens to the contain ch they were delved? es and Managing drector Ann knows the answer “Te censors ae exposed to haayy sain. Sali, heavy handing et. tke thet tol on them in the long run. Repiacing these con: tanare or carers can become a mor cost /ASTO-PAC, ‘The sence provider has bean dedicated to the procurement, caning and repair of usable packaging such as paletes, cates and patel boxes since 2011, and is defritely pursuing is own a Ccompans in Germany and Europe thet for re. However, we focus lar way. “Thee 62 | teue 96 | August 2022 and tht we comely with the strict laws ofthis in jpplers. To ensue dustry, we ere one of the few companies in ‘ur sector to have had our cleaning proces HACCP cored. This means that we have Implemented pe tection against food-related hazards fe qualty conto forthe a PAC, conited purty. Consiemng the cleaning S10 enness realy moans consulting, procurement and repar services canceming al aspects of plastic containers, WASTO-PAC 00 = arwier rique seling port. “Parlay when # comes to the selection of containers and pals, the market is large and often in ransparent. Powders often wart to sel thei ‘own procits. These, however, may not nec: esarly match the customers aed and indica or by means of ou ital da tabase and procure exactly what they nood enteely independent of particular brand, With us, the focus ison the customer, not on ‘8 paticular product,” esses At, But doos plastic even ft nto today’s work whore everything focuses on naturel raw ma: course! Plastic pals nd containers have & ‘much longer Heepan than ‘and where plastics aro avoided? “Ot ning process fon the ofr hand i endrcrmentaly fend ‘This maans that compares can be coin rcs, that thee conaners end carers are sustarably advanéagoous forthe ervronmen whe they are saving money at Germany’ Most Etclent Packaging Companies ~ A Regional Selection | Special Theme | Discover Germany NACHHALTIG HYGIENISCH VERPACKT UND GELIEFERT Srereaisans INDIVIDUAL PACKAGING SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER BUSINESS MODELS Packaging solutions might sound quite boring to some, but for companies they not only make safe transport possible, but also offer the potential to improve the supply Chain and save costs. Thanks to a know-how developed over decades and subsidiary production companies, Nordpack GmbH creates the ideal packaging for each individ Lal client ~ beginning with a simple box and up to complex industrial solutions. “We dont atthe clents what they want, but shat they need,” says Mark Dammeyer, com pany offer with statutory authoty. Noack talors the packaging exactly to the cfents neds and supperts thom as constants rom the fest idea tothe dalivsry ofthe fished packaging material. Historical, packaging ‘materas have bean totally undrrapresented, but have ganed neveasng popula Inthe last years. The globalsaton of all nsustial branches pays aos that cant be neglected: ocd ae shipoed intematenaly, and suc cessful supply chains not oniy help to save cost, but alo reduce the carton footprint (ne example trom the automotive sec ws what this means for packaging 6% | Issue 96 | August 2022 Noxdpack, for example, fabrcates packag ing for bumpers that enclose them perfect Using the clen's CAD data, Nordpack ada tionally caleuctod which other parts alco ft Into tho box so that all parts nest together This allows for an eficint and space-seving Packaging, which al6o influences storage fang vanspen. Efeiantly wrapped pats 10 ‘duce the storage space and subsequent Iy the cost. thanks to clever packaging solitons, mo car parts ft onto the tary, Ins adtionaly reduoes C02 emissions, since fewer lias need 10 cre, FFAMILY-OWNED AND INNOVATIVE "Nordpack sfami-7un in the third generation and that comes wih low Hierarchies and fax Ibliy. “Quick reaction times are important” ‘says Damnmaye. nthe last 30 years, Nordpace as but a success ntwerk so thatthe com pany covers the whole spectrum of packsgieg ‘materia fom paper and wood to foam ard ‘mutate packaging solitons, Adstiona! ly thecompary has thre logatc centres inthe orth, south end west and three subskiares that work toguther under the name Napa: Noripack GmbH, eeponible for dtr; tho producar of comugated paper, Desir well; and Kertonfark Prstando, Nerdpack Is hetero the specal postion that they can prose the mara fr thir innovative packaging solons themselves. “Oters con't have this wide range ar! hat sour clara vantage,” erhuses Darmayer. in summary, Damayer bales tat Noropack stands for the suooessl combinaten of “knowhow pled wth passion fo howaton. We start whore others give up because it is geting too complicated” wwwnerdpack de Germany’ Most Etclent Packaging Companies ~ A Regional Selection | Special Theme | Discover Germany INDIVIDUELLE VERPACKUNGSLOSUNGEN FUR BESSERE BUSINESS-MODELLE Verpackungen klingen vielleicht langweilig, bieten aber fir Untemehmen nicht nur Sicherheit beim Transport, sondern auch Potentiale, um Lieferketten effzienter zu gestalten und Kosten zu sparen. Dank jahrzehntelangen Know-hows und eigener Produktionsunternehmen liefert die Nordpack GmbH die ideale Verpackung fir je- don einzeinen Kunden ~ angefangen mit dem eintachen Faltkarton bis hin zu kom: plexen Industrielosungen, FAMILIENGEFUHRT UND INNOVATIV ‘August 2022 | tesue 96 | 65 Discover Germany | Special Theme | Germanys Most Eticient Packaging Companies ~ A Regional Selection NACHHALTIGE VERPACKUNGEN FUR ALLE ANWENDUNGSBEREICHE Verpackungen gelten oft als umweltschaidlich, da sie nach einmaliger Verwendung ‘meist im Moll landen und viele Verpackungsmaterialion aus Plastik gefertigt sind. Dass das auch anders geht, zeigt die Rajapack GmbH mit ihren nachhaltigen Pro- dukten ~ glen es recycelte Materialen oder das innovative Stretehpapier, das her- kommliche Verpackungsfolie ersetzen kann. Wr haben zahleiche reoyete und ecyceba 'e Prockte im Sortment und ecten aut um Wwetschonende Materia’, ert Romina Wid, ci unter anderem far PA und Events be Fejopack zustingl ist. .61 Prozent unserer veauten Verpacangen sind umieiifeund seh" Dabolagt eh Sorwerpurit af Matera ben aus Europa, um unnétg lange Tansoor- weg 24 vermeidr: 86 Prozent der Raja Produkte sind Mado in Europe" und ale Lie- ferarenmissen dle urtemermensegane Chana zur verantwontichen Beschafung un tersonben, 16 der regasamt 19 Untaneh ‘mengstanderte haben audem das ISO 1400t Unwetzeriiat Die RALA-Gruppe ha sich seit vielen Jah ren der Nachhaigkelt verscvieben und als Handler von Verpackungsmaterasen eine 66 | Issue 96 | August 2022 entsprechende Kompetenz entwicket, Das Uunfasst die Unterstitzing der Lieferanten bel der Entwicklung neuer Verpackungs ‘materiaion ebenco wie aie Recuzienuna des (002-FuBaberuckds bei Liserungen an dle Kunden, -Besondors dor Austausch von Kunsstothor- Packungen durch umwetschonend Papir- \aiantan ist aktol wichtgos Gesprachstho rma", sagk Romina Wik, .Papler wits man lund mehr 24 enem balebten Verpackunge- ‘material, da as sowehi aus nachwachsandan Rohstofenhergestelt wid as auch ecycing- fGhig und Diologisch abbaubar ist" Papier kann sogar Verpackungsfoien ersetzen, So hal Rapack ein Stetchpapier im Sortiment, rit dem sich beispiisweise Paletton mit ren umvickan lassen - geneuso wis das, bistang mit Fole abich ist. Dedurch werden a Waren ar cen Watertransport oder ce Lagening stabisiot und Elnzetele we Kar tons gebndot und auf cer Pate fier. Das ‘Stretcrpapiar ign sic besondas Ir cin tee Lagerung, be der das Papier nicht den, \Witerungen ausgesett ist. .08 sich dar Ein satz von Strotchpapier signet, hangt von der Frm der Lacung, dem Vewerdungszeck, {er Ladungs- und Versenddaver sowie dem Wunsch nach Sichischute ab", ert Wi ‘Auch for ene kurz Versanddauer set das oper gociget, sagt ie. Wier sich unsicher it, wolches nachhaltge Produkt fir eo eigenen Zwecke gooignet der bokommt bei Rajgpack entsprechende Unterstutzung: Die Mtarbetter des. Unto rrehmens schauen sich de Gegebenteten Und Produkte der Kunden genau an un beeraten dann vor Ort, ob eine Unsteling ‘havo st und welche Verpackungsproduk te sich fir de indivduoten Bedirrisse des, Kunden eignen. Dabs gibt es auch automa tisierte Verpackungslisangen, wwweaiapackde SPECIAL THEME: TOP RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS GERMANY Find only the best Trying to find new employees or explore new ways to better streamline your human resource strategy? On the following pages, we introduce some of Germany's top recruitment consultants that are able to help you out. WHEN LOOKING FOR EXPERTS IN DISTRIBUTION AND ENGINEERING, A DETERMINED HEADHUNTER IS NEEDED Headhunter Claudia von Tein comes with @ warning: the experienced headhunter selects only the best in this case the best employees, to pave their way towards better career chances. The managing director of REPEXO GmbH is, according to the manager magazine Fokus, among the best in the business of personnel con- sultancy and has been awarded the sought-after Gold seal claudia n uch headhunting attacks fora letine To heachunt good people rom a competitors something tht needs to proached with the corect fing and “The fact that ecruting has now moved may to digital and happens va internet providers ‘doesnot alec the market REPEXO fe work: Ingin. The top talents hat REPEXO specs: lesinneed tobe aporcached deecty and are not usualy Ioking out for new career pros pects nine: a headhunter needs to knock (on their door. Above thet, companies shoul recognise three factors that wil make them attractive as employers: payment, work-ife balance and famiy-compatbty, Professionals today now their worth and have according demands. This has also changed the postion of recruiters; when searching for new talents, they sudden- ly face a lot of competiton. “Mey ave to ‘make postions more attract anc need 10 be wiling 19 negotiate,” says vor Tain. To have an experienced headhuntor by their side, can indoad make all the dference shen ing a poston sfclenty +49 (0) 69 89 83 517-0 ‘Top Recruitment Consultants Germany | Special Theme | Discover Germany WER SPITZENKRAFTE IM VERTRIEB UND ENGINEERING SUCHT, BRAUCHT EINE HEADHUNTERIN MIT BISS Headhunterin Claudia von Tein kommt mit einer Warnung: Die erfahrene Head- ‘hunterin Klaut schnell das beste Pferd aus dem Stall - oder besser: Sie wirbt dio besten Mitarbeiter ab, um ihnen bessere Karriorechancen zu bieten. Dio Go- ‘schaftstihrerin der REPEXO GmbH gehort laut dem Manager Magazin Fokus 2u den Besten in der Branche Personalberatung und wurde mit dem nicht Kéufl- chen, begehrten Goldsiegel' ausgezeichnet. Cauca von Tain it metals eine norms le Personalberatan’, si st der Kopf eines hochspeaalserten — Heedhunting-Teams. Wir sind eher ce ,Galdgrber' am Head hunting Himmel und sprachen mit enter or Art le Kandidlaton dekt am Arbatsplatz fan, um die Menschen dort abzuwerbon’, «sagt Claude von Tan. Im Minick au Unter 1neten git ir REPEXO dabet .n Kunde, far den wir auch nur en erwziges Mt Ntear- bolt gesuent haben und dessen Siruktren wir kennen, fbr ein Leben lang von unse- ‘ren Abwerbeversuchen geschtt. Gute Leute wan oer Karkurree br Kunden abeunerten, erordet Gafihl und Verstand. So recht es nih, fech ene EM zu sce ben oder dle Kancioatinnen aber saziate Netzwerk 2u kontaktieren. Da ist nicht rar unperstich, sondem it or wert Kand daton sot lst. Fachkompotane une psy choloisches Bnithungsvemagen sin dahor rolgsenischedend. Bes der Stackonperse von Cauca von Tan ist cabo ce Baserzung von Vereospostionen, Wet Uber 4.500 Ver ‘eb und VekeutSpasiionen hat REPEXO| folyeich asa ~ und es at vilen Eben notes Stancbein it cis Engineering, dorm viele korenlxe Verisbspostionen erforem Kerinisse aus em Ingenicursasn. Dass sich cf lasische Personalvernitiung Inewischon vol ligtalsit hat und sich we festgehend auf intemetforen abscie, be: trite den gehobenen Stelenmart, aut dem FREPEXO sich boweat. cher wen. Saitze- Iai aus vokn Berufen misseneinfisar in der Drektansprache abgeworben werden tun suchen nicht lange nach nevan Bors chancen. Mir opt eher cle Heachunterin ‘an der Ti. $0 macht 0s her fr Unter _men auch wenig Sin, feure Suchanzeigen 2 schattn! Zudem sodtan Untemnetimen verstarkt ei Kamaspokte beachten, oie ‘Arbcitgeber heute atakver machen: Ge- halt, Work-Lite-Balance und ole familie Abstinmung Fachkréfte sind sich heute ver Knapohot safe bewusst und haben enisprechend hi hete Ansoriche, Damit hat sich auch ale Lage der Personalentsohaigerinnan kom: ltt auf den Kopf gestalt: Bei der Suche ‘nach gooignetan Miarbeter stot man pplétalch in barter Konkurene mit anderen Unternehmen. «Man muss cia teen Posto nen atvakiver gestatan nes muss erhanto Verhanalungsberetschan zeigen, sagt von Tin, Mer einen erfatvanen Headtuntar zur ‘Ste 2u haben, Karn den entscheidenden Unterschied machen dle Steen eft 2u esotzen, +49 0,69 8983 517-0 ‘August 2022 | Iesue 96 | 69 RECRUITING MIT EXPERTENHILFE: SO FINDEN UNTERNEHMEN SPITZENKRAFTE IM IT-BEREICH Fachkrafte sind hart umkémpft ~ gerade in Spezialbereichen wie der IT. Hier hat momentumX als Unternehmens- und Personalberatung den Haupttokus gesetzt: Grinder Michael Rapp hat selbst 20 Jahre im Management von MDienstleitungsunternehmen gearbeitet_und hat so die entsprechenden Fachkenntnisse und Netawerke in der DACH-Region, um Stellen gezielt mit den ppassonden Kandidaten 2u besotzen. ie ldee der Untemehmensgrindung ent stand aus der egenen Erfahrung als an: (esteltar im M-Bera sehiedenen Personalberatungan 2u tn und habe dabel oft gemerk Die verstehen rmich gar icht ~ im Sine der fachlchen Anfordorunger’, erat er. 2018 entschloss sich dann, sich als Berater seoststindig, 2 machen Und ist seit dom 1. Januar 2016, in seinem heutigen Barut tts. Jen werde slo hatte mit ve 70 | tesue 96 | August 2022 clasen Job auch nicht mehr autgeban, sagt «, denn Bewerbor und Kunden zeigen sich seiner Arbeit gbichermatien begeistet leh gohe 2u den Kunden und arbelte her fs, was. dle Anforderungen an de 2u be setzende Postion sind, um die Kundenan forderungen genau zu verstehen.” Michael Rapp erbotet flr Top-Unterehmen in det ach Region und ist fast ausschiich ‘aul Vorstands- oder Geschatstohrungs eenen_untenwogs. Viele seiner Kunden sind [Dienstistungsuntemnehmen, oder Konzee, mit ener hohen IT Ausihtung, Meine Intention iete8, dem Kunden einen Mohrwart zu bringen und im Abot ab zunehmen", sagt Rapp. Dahor berate or ‘uch de Beweroernteriovs vor und ist aut Waser sont sch date keineswogs als einen Ersatz er HA-Abtolung, ca es sich aut enn ganz bestmten Berich speziasiet hal, der sin ‘roe Fach sobst gut ‘eschutte HF-Mitarbeter ofmals rit mit bringen knnen, Michael Rapp vermitet be spilsweise Expaten for ie Transformation In Cloud:Solutons oder hechspezialisite Consultants und Architekten fr IFnfastrk turlssungen, Security odor SAP. beim Interview sabst anwesend. Er en erordet, Top Recruitment Consutants Germany | Special Theme | Discover Germany lm Management beset er Futrungeposito nen wo Geschatstrve, Berelchsletungen und Abtolungstter Netzwerk und Eifatrung sing die Bass se ee Ael und beldes hat sch Michael Rapp bereits vor dor Selbstsindigket aulgebaut 7 Viele Kunden sind inzwischen .Wederho lungstter, wie er sagt, Kind baipids- weiss en Ntrboter, dann ruen Geschats- forex hot ekt an, 0 dae er zeman aut Kendidatensuche gehen kann, Aber auch apo hat den Kontakt autect und tagt boipcewsice nach, wio es rt dan Kan dlaton ut, coer vermont, und ob a alle Ervarungen ett haben, Diketon ist cho Grundage seiner Arba. fine Refrenz kann Michael Rapp dennoch rnenen: Fr dan Autokonzern QMW hater fin Taningsprogranm fir Recruiter ont wicket und dann vor Ort ugesett. Auch ier war dor Fokus aut das Rekrutren vor (T-Fachkraiten, " 4 vwraimomentumede " ; “Se w ‘August 2022 | tesue 96 | 71 “EVEN IF THE BRANDIS COOL...” “but the corporate culture doesn't sult us, we don't take the job. Or reconsider cour mandate.” YWonne Peschel, managing diector of tutigar-based agency HUMANEXX which speciaices in the automotive, industial ‘eds and mechanical and plant engineering Sectors, knows the challenges ofthe labour ‘market an thee implications for companies and candidates. FOCUS ON TRUE NEEDS “Today, people are much more deberat before thay accept job. What isis qua iy? What does it offer me, apart from psy ‘ment? Wil be able to develop personaly the company? Wil my managers coach me? hase questions can become a major cha 72 | Issue 96 | August 2022 lenge for employers. As recruiters and head huntre we work for both sida: fr tho com pany and for potontal job candies. Who this, of couse, Imples aifrent perspectives, four approach isthe same on both sides. We wart 0 understand very leary whats at the hear of a matter: ln order to understand the requirements fof @ company, the “external internals’ dive deep ino the world of ther business cents. Here, HUMANEXX takes a rather unusual approach: “We take on the position of an ‘external HR deparment, which focuses on the nature ofthe company. We explore the couture, the values, boundaries and visions of @ company. What Is its mission? Only ‘when wo have understood, temalised ths Information, wi we be able to fila postion ‘ustanably and suggest candidstes whose mindset tion, role an strategy” 168 @ company’ inten This, howover, requires 2 considerable ‘amount of openness on the part of the ‘companies, How do you establish such a of trust? “This takes te and 0 work exclusively and usu retatonsh patience, fly grow with ou clents over the years, we know the strengths and potential of the respective companies. We had the time to bulld tust in ourselves, our work and our system. Besides, we have estabiched a vary good and strong network of candidates, Discover Germany | Special Teme | and partners over the years. This makes us quite quick in proving answers, preparing blshing contacts. Vary of ten, HUMANEO. isthe speedy back-up A the background. This type of rly also kwow YOURSELF! Tne cooperation wih potential candidates Is similar focused on needs. “AS wih the Companies, i takes a while to establish a bond, You eally have to ten, get to know ‘ach other. We theeore spend a lot of qua iy time with te respective candidates. no der to be able to provide good counsel, Ho need to understand a persons undering Ccancerns and neads. Even ihe or she may at yet be abe o express them or ist ven someone who, for example, wants fo change thei job? Where does this parson want 10 1907 Where ares or her strengths? Or pas 1h | teue 96 | August 2022 Top Recruitment Gonsutants Geemary sone? What does he or she burn for? Hee, very olen become a catalyst. “Know Yours” Is our motto. ‘Dig deeper. “Why {do you do the things you do?" and ‘Are you Inang up to your patentia” are only some of “Total objectivity & impossible,” stresses Peschel. “We are all condoned difernty and therefowe perceive the world diferent (ur gut fekng i alvays part of @ decision The HUMANEXX team obtains hard facts bout candidates by means of aptitude c agnosties such as assessments, personally analyses ote. Occasionally, the team con- ‘ducts character or competency analyses wth a candidate - usually when the gut fet Ing sends out contradictory sgnas. “tf, n ts case, we lok at a candidate's character ras, we often understand some behaviour FUTURE WORKING WORLDS The working Word wil continua to change, Were doos Peschel see HUMANEXX le In his? “The word of work, the demands on Jobs and employees wit become more cor myself whether constant growth wil bring Us and our society foward or whether tho further development ofthe individual the beter op fen. nny oprion, I we understand who and what we are, how we faneton, many things beceme easier Tare & so much knonledge, ‘80 many ideas in compaies that hardy any fone taps into as everybody is busy just mud dling trough, What kind of change woud we 800 f poopie al of a sucen wore passion ste about their obs and could hardy wait for Monday? Ths idea is cur goa a goa which ve wih empty, courage, backbone and a tof ser muhumanexs.c0.k Top Recruitment Consutants Germany | Special Theme | Discover Germany LUmstinden sebst noch gar nicht der ZUKONFTIGE ARBEITSWELTEN ne watren Beclirhisse hat be fe Auigatbe von ‘August 2022 | Issue 96 | 78 EMPOWERING LIFE SCIENCE WITH THE PERFECT MATCH The Aristo Group is a recruitment agency specialised in the life science industry ~ and offers a wealth of expertise. The reliable recruitment partner connects spe- cialists and managers with companies and therefore boosts innovation in the life science eector~ thanks to the ‘perfect match’ 0, wan Florian Wieder f rnded the 1s on Highly specialised recruitment in the ife science industry was ready set. Today, the Ariato Group fe an established recrutment expert that fe Tre cent base includes companies trom the harmaceuteal industry, biotech ard med ‘cal technology, and related incustes, “There are two main reasons why we ove our work,” Florian Wiener, founder and nner of the Aristo Group, explains, “On the one hand, we bellve that we make an important con- tribution to rect needed spe 1% | teue 96 | August 2022 Class wth companies to enablo growth and On the ind the ‘per Innovation in the le soence ‘etch for our candidates and cers, We S80 tat ao atrkng about the Arto Group is the employees" extensive specialist kno ty. act Consultant works in specialised subject area ledge around the le scien inc within thee scieroe dusty. Tis enables to have profesional conversations with clents and candidates henge and lscuss industry tronds and developments. During thet onboaring prograare, the con tants are wo prepered fortis ask ‘The foundation for the buciness at Aristo Group & compliance, as Floian Wiedner elaine: “Compliance takes cente-stoge hero. No matter ifs rogading the colab ‘ration between itedlanoers and orgaisa tions, data pricy or logal assurance on a levels - we sae ourseves as a compen accountable 10 ‘quarantr andhale use But ta Aristo Group does nat only sive for quality and commitment when it comes to recrutment: i folows the same pric pls with ts in-house team. The to unio ther ful potential and grow togeth cer with the company. 32 a platform for employee

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