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Submitted by: RASHMI KHARE 092103102

Performed at: STATE BANK OF INDIA BHOPAL 31 May to aug 2010


In the growth and progress of any country, its small scale sector is of equal importance as of other large scale sectors because a country cannot progress in its true sense unless its small scale sectors progress. Be it a developed country like Japan and USA or a developing country like Thailand and Pakistan, they form the backbone of the economy. A dynamic and vibrant SME sector plays a key role in successful economic growth of the countries. The developmental role of SMEs has been highly recognized. They provide most of the employment opportunities for the general public of the country and as a result, they prosper in these conditions. SMEs allow a homogeneous geographic development throughout the length and breadth of a country because of the fact that the development is done at a micro level due to the initiative taken by the general public. The Government of India, realizing the potential of SMEs has very rightly turned its attention toward the uplift of this sector. The formation of SMEDA (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority) and SME Bank are a step in right direction. Furthermore, the UCO Bank has instructed all the commercial banks to establish a SME counter in their premises. This will have a positive effect on the sector as whole



I, JYOTI AGRAWAL, student of MBA THIRD Semester, studying at BANASTHALI VIDHYAPEETH, Jaipur, hereby declare that the summer training report on comparison of our interest rate and service charged with other bank in SME submitted to Banasthali Vidhyapeeth, Jaipur in partial fulfillment of Degree of Masters of Business Administration is the original work conducted by me. The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge. This summer training report is not being submitted to any other University for award of any other Degree, Diploma and Fellowship.

Jyoti Agrawal


It is my proud privilege to release the feelings of my gratitude to several persons who helped me directly or indirectly to conduct this project work. I express my heart full indebtness and owe a deep sense of gratitude to my teacher and my faculty guide, Professor, MANIT national Institute of technology, Bhopal and to my corporate guide Mr. .. AGM, SBI, Main Branch Bhopal, Mr. ..& Miss. SME-2, SBI, Main Branch, Bhopal, for their sincere guidance and inspiration in completing this training. I am extremely thankful to the head of department (humanities), faculties of the MANIT MBA DEPARTMENT for their coordination and cooperation and thankful to Prof. . for his kind guidance and encouragement. I am also extremely thankful to all those persons who have positively helped me I also thank all my friends who have more or less contributed to the preparation of this project report. I will be always indebted to them.

Thanking You


Page no.

Executive Summary.............................................................07 Chapter 1....08 Company Profile Overview09 History.......10 International presence11 Chapter 2.12 Introduction to SME.13 Comparison of SME interest rate.16 Need of comparison.16 Introduction to interest rate..17 Comparison of SME product23 Research objectives..38 Significance and scope.39 Chapter 3..40 Research methodology Chapter 4 ............44 Analysis of data Chapter 5.............51 Findings52 Limitations.53 Conclusion..57 Annexure (Questionnaire & survey). ..58 Bibliography......63

Executive Summary

In the growing global competition, the productivity of any business concern depends upon the behavioral aspect of consumers. This topic deals with the customers perception towards SME Product from UCO Bank. This project report contains 5 different chapters. The report begins with the introduction to company, its history, international presence structure. Second chapter deals with introduction of interest rate, base rate, and policy of different bank in term of their lending rates i.e. interest rate The third chapter, methodology adopted in preparing this report is mentioned. It covers the sample procedure, types of data used and the data collection method. The fourth chapter comprehensive coverage of forecasting concepts and techniques which shows the analysis of data through tabulation, computation and graphical representation of data collected from survey. The fifth chapter deals with the findings, suggestion & conclusion part which is very much important after analysis is made. As we know that only analysis and conclusion is not the end of a research, so in the sixth chapter the recommendation part is covered which are made after a depth study of the analysis part of thesis. In each of the five chapters as described above, every chapter has been scheduled in a manner so as to enable the reader to appreciate the contents easily. The report is supported by figures and data wherever necessary with a view to assist the reader in developing a clear cut understanding of the topic. I hope this report will be extremely useful for those it is meant.


Chapter 1

Company Profile
UCO Bank is a commercial bank established in 1943. The idea to establish the bank was first conceived by G.D. Birla, the famous industrialist, after the historic 'Quit India Movement' in 1942. The idea was culminated on the 6th of January 1943, when The United Commercial Bank Ltd. was born with its Registered and Head Office at Kolkata. A commercial bank and a Government of India Undertaking, it comprises of government representatives as well as renowned professionals like accountants, management experts, economists, businessmen, and so on, in its Board of Directors. United Commercial Bank has stretched out to of all segments of the economy - be it agriculture, industry,trade,comerce,service/infrastructure. Along with 13 other major commercial banks of India, United Commercial Bank was nationalized on 19th July, 1969, by the Government of India. Thereafter the Bank expanded rapidly. To keep pace with the developing scenario and expansion of business, the Bank undertook an exercise in organizational restructuring in the year 1972. Under the act of Indian Parliament, in 1985, its name changed from United Commercial Bank to the present name, UCO Bank. As of 2005, the bank has 2000 Service Units spread all over India. A distinctive feature of UCO bank is its introduction of 'NO HOLIDAY' branches. These bank branches work on all the 365 days of a year. With the age of global banking, UCO bank has also changed to be adept with the newest technology, boasting of specialized computerized branches in both India and overseas.

Branches & ATM Services

Headquartered in Kolkata, UCO Bank has about 35 Regional Offices spread all over India. Overseas, it has two branches in Singapore and Hong Kong. UCO bank has a total of 414 ATMs across the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Chandigarh, Goa Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Nagaland, New Delhi, Orissa, Pondicherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

Products & Services

NRI Banking Foreign Currency Loans Finance/Services to Exporters Finance/Services to Importers Remittances Forex & Treasury Services Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) Deposits

Correspondent Banking Services General Banking Services

Head Office UCO Bank Head Office 10 B.T.M Sarani Kolkata - 700001

YEAR EVENTS 1974 - The Company was incorporated on 15th of February. 1992 - During the year the Bank opened 11 branches in urban and metropolitan areas to take the total number of branches in India to 1783 at the end of the year. - With a view to cater to the needs of different customer groups the Bank introduced several innovative deposit schemes viz. Lakhpati Scheme, Money Multiplier Schemes, Money Back Recurring Deposit Scheme and Two-Way Deposit Scheme. - During the year, the Bank implemented an innovative scheme, namely Planning for Development of Villages (PDV) through 22 selected branches of the Bank. - During the year, the Bank made suitable modifications in its Agricultural Credit Card namely UCO Kishan Patra to make it more popular among the farmers. - The Bank also participated in the development of women and children in rural areas under the DWCRA scheme. - The Guntur branch in Andhra Pradesh was upgraded to an 'A' category branch with a view to capture the business of tobacco exports. - 56 branches across the country were upgraded to 'B' category foreign exchange branches. - Teller system was introduced in 16 more branches taking the total number of branches with teller facility to 84. - At the branch level 130 ALPMs have been installed in 35 branches of which 116 have been operationalised. - The Union Finance Minister honoured the Bank for its contribution to the first All India Bank Official Language Conference and the Union Minister of State for Textiles awarded

a Certificate of Merit to the Bank for the exhibition arranged on the occasion of the third All India Bank Official Language Conference. - Shri K Margabanthu joined the Bank as Chairman & Managing Director on 11th September, 1991. - Shri G K Udeshi, the RBI nominee on the Board ceased to be a Director from 1st September, 1991. - Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana was launched on 2nd October. 1994 - A new scheme under the name of FCNR (Banks) Scheme was introduced with the exchange risk being borne by the banks. - The Bank has taken several steps towards improving recovery and reduction in NPA, lowering of the cost of funds, boosting non-interest income, containment of operating expenses etc. in order to improve the financial position. - Five new branches were opened during the year, of which two were urban branches, two semi- urban and one rural. - The Bank was nominated as the principal financing agency in six districts namely, Howrah, Hooghly, Burdwan, Birbhum, Jaipur and Jalandhar. - During the year a new forum namely State Level Export Promotion Committee (SLEPC) was constituted in each state under the aegis of the SLBC. - During the year a compressive booklet was published incorporating all the salient features of the various non-resident deposit schemes. - During the year inter-cadre promotion for workmen staff and inter-scale / grade promotions for officers were effected, thereby enhancing the level of motivation of the staff. - Shri Dipak Rudra, l.A.S. joined the Bank on 23rd July, 1993 as Chairman & Managing Director. 1995 - During the year, the Bank opened 14 new branches comprising six at semi urban centres, two in urban areas and six in metropolitan cities. - During the year, the Bank opened several specialised branches viz. 6 recovery branches and 6 SSI branches, the later being created by converting 6 existing branches into SSI branches. - During the year the Bank merged 17 non viable branches with other branches.

- The Bank opened three new extension countres and closed down four extension counters during the year bringing the total No. of extension counters to 138. - The Bank was nominated as the principal financing agency in six districts namely, Howrah, Hooghly, Burdwan, Birbhum, Jaipur and Jalandhar. - The Development Assistance Plan (DAP) which was introduced by the GOI in the year 1994-95 made a selection of 49 RRBs out of 196 RRBs based on their financial viability which included 5 RRBs sponsored by the Bank. - Specialised Recovery branches were opened at New Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai, Bangalore Jaipur and Bhubaneswar. - An important change in the mode of calculation of depreciation was introduced by Reserve Bank of India during the year by increasing the YTM for the dated securities included in the current category. -The Bank opened four more currency chests during the year and now 59 chests are in operation through out the country. - The Customer Service Committees have been set up at 1724 branches out of total 1786 branches as at 31.3.1995. - The Bank was awarded Rajbhasha Shield which was given away by the Governor of Himachal Pradesh. The employees of the Bank won several prizes a the Town Official Language Implementation Committee level. - ALPMs have been installed in 55 branches at the end of March 1995. The Bank proposes to install ALPMs in about 40 more branches in the current year. - 25 PCs have been installed in different departments of the Head Office. 14 Zonal Centres have been equipped with mini computers. - Shri YK Sharma, representing the Workmen staff is the new Director w.e.f. 9th May 1995. Shri MK Bandopadhyaya has become the new RBI nominee Director w.e.f. 29th May 1995. 1996 - During the year, the Bank opened ten new branches comprising nine in semi-urban centres and one in a metropolitan Centre. The Bank also opened one extension counter during the year, taking the total number of extension counters to 137 as at end March. - The Bank closed the Liecester branch in UK and the total number of branches at overseas centres came down to six comprising one branch in UK, two in Hongkong and three in Singapore..


- During the year the Bank launched a new deposit scheme 'UCO LAKSMI YOJANA' which provides for variable instalments in a recurring deposit scheme. - The Bank has undertaken the implementation of the Planning for Development of Villages (PDV) programme in the Cuttack PDV region of Orissa and Dharamsala PDV region of Himachal Pradesh. - The Bank has also implemented the programme of Linking Self Help Groups (SHGs) with the Bank as per the directives of the Reserve Bank. - The Bank is also the Convenor of the State Level Bankers' Committee in Orissa and Himachal Pradesh. - The Bank has identified Colaba and Andheri West Branches in Mumbai for installation of ATMs under the Shared Payment Network System of the IBA. - The Bank executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Trade Unions of the Bank as a sequel to which Business Development Committees (BDCs) comprising representatives of the Management and the Unions were formed at Head Office and Zonal Office levels. 2000 - UCO Bank has introduced a `Special Settlement' scheme for negotiating settlement of the bank's dues classified as non-performing assets. - Mr. V. P. Shetty was appointed as Chairman and Managing Director of Calcutta-based Uco Bank for 5 years, with effect from October 6. - UCO Bank's executive director VP Shetty, has been appointed as the chairman and managing director of the bank, with effect from 6th October. - UCO Bank has introduced seven-day banking facility at 17 suburban branches in Mumbai and 12 hour banking services at the Khar branch. - V Sridhar has been appointed the new Executive Director of UCO Bank with effect from December 15. . - UCO Bank has launched a new scheme for the trading community, Christened UCO Trader Scheme. 2003 -Comes out with Initial Public Offering (IPO) of 20-cr equity shares of Rs 10 each for cash at a premium Rs 2 per share aggregating Rs 240 crore - UCO Bank along with Central Bank of India (CBI) , Indian Overseas Bank (IOB), Canara Bank and Union Bank of India (UBI) have formed an alliance to launch `Cash Online' ATM network

2004 - Raised Rs.300 crore from the capital market in its private placement issue of unsecured redeemable non-convertible subordinated bonds. -UCO Bank has launched a new scheme to enable rural poor avail easy loans for receiving LPG connections on World Environment Day. 2005 -Western Union forges alliance with UCO Bank -Crisil signs agreement with Uco Bank for providing ratings for SSIs -UCO Bank adopts H-P for core banking solution 2006 -UCO Bank launches retail sales force -UCO Bank mulls to enter into derivatives market -Uco comes out with maiden hybrid tier-II bond 2007 -UCO Bank Ltd has appointed Shri. P L Mittal, Chartered Accountant, Chandigarh as part time non official Director in the Board of the Bank under Chartered Accountant Category with effect from January 02, 2007. . 2008 -UCO Bank has informed that Shri. Samir Kumar Sinha, Deputy Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Government of India has been appointed as a Director of the Bank vide Notification dated June 10, 2008. 2009 - UCO Bank has informed BSE that as per notification of Government of India, Ministry of Finance dated February 24, 2009 Shri. Nirmal Khatri has been appointed as part-time Non-Official Director on the Board for a period of three years from February 25, 2009.



Introduction to sme
Comparison of sme interest rate

introduction to interest rate Statement the Problem Research objectives Significance and scope



Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are one of the principal driving forces in economic development. They stimulate private ownership and entrepreneurial skills, they are flexible and can adapt quickly to changing market demand and supply situations, they generate employment, help diversify economic activity and make a significant contribution to exports and trade. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have played an important role in boosting up economies of the developing countries and particularly in recent times the success of the South East Asian countries is indebted to this very sector. 8 SMEs account for almost 90 percent of privately-owned businesses and bulk of employment all over the globe. Experience has shown that neglect of this sector is bound to keep that country below its potential growth level. The SME sector covers all types of businesses, but it is the common profile of service and manufacturing business concerns. Reason being the largescale manufacturing sector is unable to cater to all demands of goods and services and depends largely on subcontracting arrangements with smaller business units. If viewed in global scenario, SMEs are found to generate 80 per cent of total industrial employment, contributing 30 per cent to GDP and adding to export earnings to the extent of 1/4th of total industrial sector contribution. The globalization and trade liberalization, which is a favored move on the part of the developed countries has increased the competition for SME sector in all the developing countries, particularly in Asian countries, and is bound to further widen the gap between rich and poor nations. Thus it is imperative for economic survival of Asian countries that they review their national economic policies.


Definition of micro, small and medium enterprises

medium enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery is Rs. 5 crore but does not exceed Rs. 25 crore more than micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs. 25 lakh. small enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs. 25 lakh but does not exceed Rs. 5 crore

1. Growth recorded by SSI in India 2% more than any other sector 2. The sector accounts for 9% of the country GDP. 3. The sector employs more then 20 million people( employee contribution by SME in Madhya Pradesh is 4.5%) 4 .It has been estimated that a lakh rupees of investment in fixed assets in smaller sector generates employment for four persons. 5. Among the large PSBs, state bank of India SMEs exposure grew by 28% in 2009. 6. Public sector banks overall credit to SME grew by 28% in 2008-2009 accounted to Rs.2, 10,000 crores. 7 .Reserve bank of India advices all commercial banks to achieve 20% annual growth in SME lending till 2011. 8. SME on traditional products constitute a massive of 95% of the SSI exports.

Advantage of sme
More job per unit capital. 17

Integrated into domestic corporation. Increased the employment Flexibility Rapid growth of small scale industries in long run.



NEED OF THE COMPARISION We need to examine of two or more than two banks in terms of their interest rate for SME product with a view of discovering the resemblances or differences in their policies ,advancement ,ease to the customer.

Product is:

Traders easy loans Doctor plus School plus Rent Plus Shoppe Plus



Interest can be said to be the price paid by the borrower for the use of funds saved by the lender and the compensation to the lender for his deferring expenditures. This compensation comprises two elements, namely a payment equal to the loss of purchasing power of the principal during the term of the loan and a balance that represents the real interest accruing to the lender. However this simplicity does not extend into the area of rate determination since rates vary not only because of inflation, as implied above, but also because of a number of other influences, including: - The amount, purpose and period of the transaction; - The credit-worthiness of the borrower; - The collateral offered and/or other guarantees/guarantors available; - The competition for the transaction; - Government policy. As a consequence, there will be numerous rates applying to the large number of transactions that are in effect at any one time in any one country. While efforts have been made in the rate selection to ensure as much international comparability as possible, the fact remains that the institutional features of each members financial markets are distinct and often markedly different from those of other members. However, the intent is to present for each country a range of rates, from overnight through short-term to long-term. In general, overnight and short term rates relate to money market instruments, while long term rates are secondary market yields of long term (usually 10 year) bonds

How the rate is determined?

The simplest theory is the loan able funds one, that it is the rate that equilibrates the supply of loan able funds in an economy with the demand for such funds. Then there is the classical theory, which defines the interest rate as the point of intersection of the savings and investment curves. Investment represents the demand for investable resources and saving represents the supply, whilst the rate of interest is the price at which the two are equated

There is just more than one interest rate in an economy?

No. The rate at which the government (sovereign) borrowsor the rate that equilibrates governments demand for funds with the supplyis called the risk-free rate of interest (the logic being, there is no risk in lending to government, as it can always print money).


All other interest rates will be at a premium over the risk-free rate for the period in question, the amount of premium determined by the credit-risk of the borrower. Someone with a good record of returning loans will be able to borrow at a cheaper rate compared to someone with a credit history as a defaulter. How do central banks influence interest rates? The main function of central banks is to preserve the value of money i.e. to keep inflation in check. They do so in a number of ways by targeting a particular rate of inflation or by targeting a certain level of money supply in the economy. Typically, a central bank assesses the amount of funds required to oil the economys wheels, commensurate with the desirable level of economic activity. It raises rates whenever it feels the economy is over-heating and lowers these when it wishes to spur investment and growth.

How does RBI influence the rates? In a number of ways. Directly, through the reverse repo : repo rates (at which it sucks out and pumps in liquidity into the system). And indirectly through the cash reserve ratio (CRR), which is the ratio of their demand and time deposits that banks must keep with the RBI, by open market operations wherein it buys and sells government securities, the liquidity adjustment facility, etc. The bank rate, the traditional route, is largely unused.

Why is the interest rate important? The rates are an important determinant of the level of investment in an economy. Broadly, if rates increase across the board, then, other things remaining the same, investment will decrease (as it will no longer be as profitable as before to invest) and so will the growth rate. If interest rates fall, investment will pick up and so will growth. So should economies like India keep interest rates low?

No, while high rates may dampen animal spirits, keeping interest rates artificially low can have far worse consequences over the long-term. This is because any investment decision is a tradeoff between the cost of capital (whether borrowed or own funds) and the rate of expected return from the investment. So, if interest rates are kept artificially low, many investment decisions that are otherwise unviable may be taken. The result could well be the creation of excess capacitycompanies producing more cars, scooters, fridges, TVs and so on, relative to demand bringing in its wake the inevitable painful adjustment later, when companies downsize and lay off workers. What is real interest rate? How is it different from the nominal one?

The real interest rate is the nominal one minus the expected rate of inflation. People often err in their calculation by using the actual rather than expected rate of inflation. Of course, to the extent there is 21

seldom any unanimity on the expected rate of inflation, different real rates can safely be bandied about! Are interest rates in India market-determined?

Most are, now. Those which arent include the rate of interest on savings bank deposits and small savings (provident funds, national savings certificates, RBI bonds, etc)....

SOME OTHER TERMINOLOGY Interest Coverage Ratio A ratio used to determine how easily a company can pay interest on outstanding debt. The interest coverage ratio is calculated by dividing a company's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of one period by the company's interest expenses of the same period:

The lower the ratio, the more the company is burdened by debt expense. When a company's interest coverage ratio is 1.5 or lower, its ability to meet interest expenses may be questionable. An interest coverage ratio below 1 indicates the company is not generating sufficient revenues to satisfy interest expenses. under 1.5.. The history and consistency of earnings is tremendously important. The more consistent a companys earnings, the lower the interest coverage ratio can Interest Rate Swap An agreement between two parties (known as counterparties) where one stream of future interest payments is exchanged for another based on a specified principal amount. Interest rate swaps often exchange a fixed payment for a floating payment that is linked to an interest rate (most often the LIBOR). A company will typically use interest rate swaps to limit or manage exposure to fluctuations in interest rates, or to obtain a marginally lower interest rate than it would have been able to get without the swap. Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk affects the value of bonds more directly than stocks, and it is a major risk to all bondholders. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall and vice versa. The rationale is that as interest rates increase, the opportunity cost of holding a bond decreases since investors are able to realize greater yields by switching to other investments that reflect the higher interest rate. For example, a 5% bond is worth more if interest rates decrease since the bondholder receives a fixed rate of return relative to the market, which is offering a lower rate of return as a result of the decrease in rates.


a derivative which has an underlie activity to pay or receive a given amount of money at a given interest rate. Interest rate derivative are most popular derivative and include interest rate swap INTEREST RATE FUTURE an interest rate future is a financial derivative (a futures contract) with an interest-bearing instrument as the underlying asset. Examples include Treasury-bill futures, Treasury-bond futures and Eurodollars futures. The global market for exchange-traded interest rate futures is notionally valued by the Bank for International Settlement at $5,794,200 million in 2005. INTEREST RATE OPTIONS An investment tool whose payoff depends on the future level of interest rates. Interest rate options are both exchange traded and over-the-counter instruments.

ZERO INTEREST POLICY The (ZIRP) is a concept in macroeconomics where economies exhibit slow growth with a very low interest rate, such as contemporary Japan and since December 16, 2008, the United States.




BASE RATE Unlike the BPLR that was set somewhat arbitrarily by banks, the base rate will follow an explicit formula that factors in a bank's cost of deposits, operating costs (expenses of running its branches, for instance), the cost of statutory drafts on bank funds imposed by the Reserve Bank of India (the Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory Liquidity Ratio) and the profit margin.


The base rate will help borrowers to compare interest rates offered by various banks and make the process of how banks arrive at interest rates for loans more transparent. In the existing system, banks are free to fix their PLRs. Most of the variable rate loans, like home loan and some of the term loans are pegged against PLR. This means, if the PLR is not changed, the loan rates remain the same Banks have taken advantage of existing PLR system at the cost of their borrowers. When interest rates increase, banks hike their PLRs immediately, leading to rise in the home loan rates. But, when interest rates fall, they don't reduce PLRs. Because of this, the existing customers are not benefited by the lowering of the interest rates. However, banks pass on the benefit to new customers by increasing the discount against PLRs. Under the new system, home loans and other variable loans will be pegged against a base rate. As the new base rate is fixed on the basis of cost of funds, any change in the interest rate will reflect in the base rate. And therefore, it will be automatically passed on to the existing customers also. At the same time, RBI has clearly said that the base rate will be minimum rate for all commercial loans and banks will not be permitted to resort to any rate below it.




BASE RATE (11/07/10) IN % 7.50 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7.75 7.25

Sme Product

FOR TRADERS PURPOSE- this is a hassle product for traders to acquire fixed asset fot the business or to build up of inventory /current assets. CHARACTE- UNITED RSTIC BANK OF INDIA ELIGIBILIT existing Y trader/ business person/ service provider operating and earning profit for at least two year FACILITIES Overdraft, term loan IDBI Distribution chain partners comprising dealers, stockiest, distributors, etc. OD, Cash Credit, Term loan. , Bill Discounting. UCO BANK enterprises engaged in business for at least 2 years /New trading unit started by existing UCO Trader Term loan, Cash credit,



(months) CC TL(based on cash flow) OD

Maximum 50 Min: Rs.10 lack subject lakh to 20% of the Max Rs 500 annual lakh sales/turnove r Up to 60 years with interest reset Max 60 clause Limit valid,12

Minimum Rs. 1 Lac and Max Rs 200 Lac Max 60


Upto Rs. 50,000 Above Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2 lakh Above Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh Above Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 25 lakh Above Rs. 25 lakh based on credit assessment 8.50% 9.50% 10.25% 11.00% -

UNITED BANK RATE Revised wrf 01.07.2010 BR + 4.50% i.e. 12.75% p. a.


Traders Loan (irrespective of loan limit/OD/TL) 4.00 % above Base Rate i.e.12.00%

ORIENTAL BANK OF COMMERCE Upto 0.50 lacs Above 0.50 lacs and Upto Rs 2 lacs Base Rate + 2.00 % i.e. 10.00% Base Rate + 2.50 % i.e. 10.50 % 27

Above Rs 2 lacs and Upto Rs. 20.0 lacs Above Rs 20.0 lacs to Rs. 25.0 lacs

Base Rate + 3.00 % i.e. 11.00 % Base Rate + 4.00 % i.e. 12.00 %

ALLHABAD BANK For credit limits up to Rs.20.00 Lac for Trade

Loan upto Rs.50000/Loan above Rs.50000/- to Rs.2.00 Lac Loan above Rs.2.00 Lac to Rs.10.00 Lac Rs.10.00 Lac & above (Linked to Rating of the account)

8.75% (Fixed) BR+1.00% BR+1.50% AB -1 : BR+1.50% AB -2 : BR+1.50% AB -3 : BR+2.50% AB -4 : BR+3.50% AB -5 : BR+5.00%

9.25% (Fixed) BR+1.50% BR+2.00% AB -1 : BR+2.00% AB -2 : BR+2.50% AB -3 : BR+3.00% AB-4 : BR+4.00% AB-5 : BR+5.50%

CANARA BANK Up to Rs.2 lakh Above Rs.2 lacs including loans under priority sector 12.50% p.a. 13.75% p.a.

DOCTOR PLUS PURPOSE- product for qualified Doctors,Medical practioners, for purchase of equipment,for setting up clinic,nursing home,Lab,Drug store,Ambulance,expansion or renovation of exixting premises. 28

characteristic ELIGIBILITY

UCO BANK Registered practitioner, possess minimum qualification

BANK OF BARODA individuals, Proprietorship / Partnership firms, Private Limited companies Term loan/OD

IDBI All medical practitioners/ doctors/ clinics

CANARA BANK registered medical practitioners, Min exp of 3 years.


Medium term loan

Term loan & Overdraft/ Cash Credit Minimum: Rs.50, 000/ Maximum: Rs. 2 crores

Term loan


Max of 5 crore Min 50,000 ,with sub ceiling for working capital limits at 10%of amt of loan Max upto 84 Max, 50 lakh

Maximum of Rs.10 lacs

REPAYMENT (months) CC TL(based on cash flow)

35 TO 84


Term Loan 60-84 /24-36 months in installments / EMI

UCO BANK INTEREST RATE Rate Repayable in 3 years and above

Loan amount


Upto Rs. 50,000 Above Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2 lakh Above Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh Above Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 25 lakh

8.50 9.00 9.25 10.25

1.25% below SBAR 0.75% below SBAR 0.50% below SBAR 0.50% above SBAR

9.00 9.50 9.75 10.75


a b c d e f g

Limit up to Rs 25000/Limit > Rs 25000/- and up to Rs50000/Limit > Rs 50000/- and up to Rs 2,00,000/Limit > Rs 200,000/- and up to Rs500,000/Limit > Rs 500,000/- and up to Rs 10,00,000/Limit > Rs 10, 00,000 and up to Rs 25,00,000/Limit > Rs 25,00,000/- upto Rs10.00 crores

BR, 8.25% BR+0.50%, i.e. 8.75% BR+1.50%, i.e. 9.75% BR+2.50%, i.e. 10.75% BR+3.00%, i.e. 11.25% BR+3.00%, i.e. 11.25% As per Credit Risk Rating

BANK OF BARODA INTEREST RATE 3.00% above the base rate i.e. 11.0% upto Rs 2 lacks Above Rs 2 lacks 2.50% above base rate i.e10.50%

ORIENTAL BANK OF COMMERCE Rate of Interest: wrf to 01.07.2010 For .Micro enterprises Up to Rs 50,000 Above Rs. 50,000 and upto Rs. 2.00 lac Above Rs. 2.00 lacs and upto Rs. 25.00 lac BR + 0.75% = 08.75% BR + 1.50% = 9.50% BR + 1.75% = 9.75%


Limit Above Rs. 25 Lac and upto Rs. 1.00 Crore If credit rating is A++ : BR + 1.50% = 9.50% If credit rating is A+ - : BR + 2.00% = 10.00% If credit rating is A - : BR + 3.00% = 11.00% If credit rating is below A : BR + 4.00% = 12.00%

For Small Enterprises Upto Rs. 50,000/Above Rs. 50,000/ - and upto Rs. 2.00 lakh Above Rs. 2.00 lacs and upto Rs. 25.00 Lakh BR + 1.25% = 9.25% BR + 2.00% = 10.00% BR + 2.25% = 10.25%

Limit Above Rs. 25 Lac and upto Rs. 1.00 crores If credit rating is A++: BR + 2.00% = 10.00% If credit rating is A+ - : BR + 2.50% = 10.50% If credit rating is A - : BR + 3.50% = 11.50% If credit rating is below A: BR + 4.50% = 12.50%

AXIS BANK Rate of Interest 14.00% to 21.00%

ALLAHABAD BANK Banks Base Rate (BR) wrf. 01.07.2010 IS 8.00% Loan up to Rs.50000/ Above Rs.50000/- to Rs.2.00 lacs. Above Rs.2.00 lakh to Rs.10.00 lakh Rs.10.00 lacs & above (Linked to Rating of the account) 8.75% (fixed) BR+1.00% BR+1.50% AB-1 : BR+1.50% AB-2 : BR+1.50% AB-3 : BR+2.50% AB-4 : BR+3.50% AB-5 : BR+5.00% AB-6 : BR+6.00% 31

AB-7 : BR+7.00%



Aggregate limit

Micro Enterprises

Small & Medium Enterprises Term Loans 9.75 10.25 10.50 11.50

Working capital Term Loans Working Capital

Upto Rs. 50000 >Rs. 50000 upto Rs. 2.00 lacs > Rs. 2 lacs upto Rs.5 lacs > Rs. 5 lacs upto Rs.10 lacs

8.75 9.25 9.50 10.50

9.25 9.75 10.00 11.00

9.25 9.75 10.00 11.00



Government aided/private/run by trust of good standing/ AICTE institute Term loan Max 25 lakh 3 year and above

Government aided/private/run by trust of good standing/ AICTE institute Term loan Max 25 3 years

facility Finance assessment Repayment period


Size of Credit limit Upto Rs. 2 lakh Above Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh Above Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 25 lakh

Rate 9.25 10.25 11.00 1.00% below SBAR 0.50% above SBAR 1.50% above SBAR

Repayable in 3 years and above 9.25 10.75 11.75


Educational Institutions Loan Scheme



Loan Limit Upto Rs. 50,000 Above Rs. 50,000 upto Rs. 2.00 lacs

For Micro Enterprises At Base Rate 0.50% above Base Rate 2.75% above Base Rate

For Small Enterprises 0.50% above Base Rate 1.00% above Base Rate

Above Rs.2 lacs but less than Rs.25 lacs

3.25% above Base Rate


SHOPPE Purpose Purchase of new/old shops/establishments/offices .Modernization /expansion Of establishments/shops, etc. All furniture/fixtures, electrical fittings and other accessories required for shops/showrooms/offices.

characteristic Eligibility

UCO BANK Individuals , Firms ,Partnership Firms Trusts Term loan Max Rs 25 lakh. Hypothecation/ pledge/ mortgage/ assignment of property

BANK OF BARODA Individuals , Firms ,Partnership Firms Trusts Term loan Max 25 lakh Hypothecation/ pledge/ mortgage/ assignment of property

IDBI All existing customers having a satisfactory dealing with the Bank for the last 3 years. OD, Open Cash Credit Max of Rs. 10 lakh Term Loan: Exclusive Charge on assets financed. Working Capital: Exclusive charge on all the current assets. Collateral: Up to 50% of the loan amount 36

facility Loan amount security

Repayment period(month)

36 to 84



UCO BANK Upto Rs. 50,000 Above Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2 lakh Above Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh Above Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 25 lakh Above Rs. 25 lakh based on credit assessment
Repayment Period Upto 5 years Upto Rs 30 lacks 0.50% above Base Rate i.e. 8.50% Over 5 years & up to 15 years 0.75% above Base Rate i.e. 8.75% Over 15 years & up to 25 yrs 1.00% above Base Rate i.e9.00% Above Rs 30 lacks 1.25% above Base Rate i.e. 9.25% 1.50% above Base Rate i.e. 9.50% 1.75% above Base Rate i.e.9.75%

9.00% 10.00% 10.75% 11.75%




PURPOSE- product provides finance against assignment of future rental for meeting the liquidity requirement to the owner of the building and commercial properties.

characteristic ELIGIBILITY

UCO Owners i.e. lassoers of houses/flats/ go downs/warehouses etc

CANNARA Existing customers, Satisfactory dealings


Term loan Maximum 80% of the total rent receivable, Minimum Rs. 1 Lac

Term loan Upto 75% of the gross monthly rent receivables

REPAYMENT (months) CC TL(based on cash flow)

max 84 max 84

Scheme ALLRENT Rate of Interest BR+5.00%



Revised i.e. 01.07.2010 Other than Landlord of UBI Landlords of UBI BR + 4.50% i.e. 12.75% p.a. BR + 3.50% i.e. 11.75% p.a.

UCO BANK UCO Rent BPLR+1.00% = 13.25% p.a.


Statement of problem
To know about the customer perception ROI 12.50%

about the SME product provide by them to the people To find out what kind of service provide by the competitors in SME. To find out the need of the customer and hence formulate the strategy to level the economy in the society.

Research objectives

How the SME products are helping

the customer.
To know the utility of the SME



Summer Internship Project gives a practical exposure and helps in acquiring the on road skills.

1. Why customer do banking with UCO BANK. 2. To find out different banks interest policy, and compare it with our bank policy. 3. To find out the services that other bank given to their customer 4. To study the improvements in SME schemes. 5. To find out the customer awareness on booming SME market and to find out the using patterns of the people 6. To find out which bank provides best SME scheme and what are the interest rates they provide.


Significance and scope.

All the analysis and suggestions are based on the analysis of the both primary and secondary data. There fore the scope of the study revolves around the following aspects:

Consumer perception towards SME Product Consumer awareness about SME scheme and its benefit. Aware the Bank about the customer problems.



Research methodology

Research methodology is a methodology for collecting all sorts of information & data pertaining to the subject in question. The objective is to examine all the issues involved & conduct situational analysis. The methodology includes the overall research design, sampling procedure & fieldwork done & finally the analysis procedure. The methodology used in the study consistent of sample survey using both primary & secondary data. The primary data has been collected with the help of questionnaire as well as personal observation book, magazine; journals have been referred for secondary data. The questionnaire has been drafted & presented by the researcher himself.

Research Design


Research Design is the basic framework, which provides guidelines for the rest of research process. It is a map or blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of the data. As such the design includes an outline of what the researcher will do from writing the hypothesis and its operational implication to the final analysis of data. The foundation of research design is to ensure that the required data is accurate and economical. In this project exploratory research design has been used.

Sample Size: Sample of 50 SHOP OWNER was taken into study, and their data was collected Sampling Technique: To study the Project, a Simple Random Sampling technique is done. Data Collection:

Primary data

Questionnaires Survey Secondary data

Executive Manager of SBI -: Mr.Maniesh Agnihotri Staff members of respective bank Internet 41

Financial Magazines

Data Analysis: After data collection, Im able to analyze customers views, ideas and opinions related to SME and about SBI SME Product and from this, SBI will come to know the customer requirements.

Data Interpretation: Interpretation of data is done by using statistical tools like Pie diagrams, Bar graphs, and also using quantitative techniques (by using these techniques) accurate information is obtained.

Classification & tabulation of data:


The data thus collected were classified according to the categories, counting sheets & the summary tables were prepared. The resultant tables were one dimensional, two dimensional.

Statistical tools used for analysis: Out of the total respondents, the respondents who responded logically were taken into account while going into statistical details & analysis of data. The tools that have been used for analyzing data & inference drawing are mainly statistical tools like percentage, ranking, averages, etc. As per questionnaire and market surveys I have find out different responses from different people. According to their responses I analyze the findings and draw certain remarks.


Analysis of data



Q1. How many customers prefer sme loan for their Enterprise? And from which bank? ( ) No. of People
PERSONAL FUNDING UCO BANK PNB BANK OF INDIA BANK OF BARODA JHARNESHRAN OTHER 40% (20) 14 % (7) 12% (6) 10% (5) 8%(4) 4%(2) 12%(6)









10% 12% 14%


Q3. Awareness of the of SBI SME product?



95%(47) 5% (3)) 50

From the above data it is clear that most of the customers (around 85%) have the idea about the SME product & services of SBI, the rest 15% have the idea about the product they are using.

Q4. Which bank satisfied you more for taking SME loans?


70%(14) SBI PNB BANK OF BARODA TOTAL NO. OF PEOPLE 20% (4) 10%(2) 20

S ales
10% 20% S BI 70% P NB BOB

According to my sample size 70% of people prefer SBI for loan product, but some people prefer BOI, PNB Bank for loan because they are customer of these bank and using other services.

Q5. If you prefer SBI for taking loan than what influence you to take Loan from SBI?
Most of the people said that they prefer SBI for taking loan because of the transparency and the lowest interest rate for any kind of loan product. And it is easy to get loan from SBI as compare to other bank because less paper work is require and as it is the largest govt. bank in India and having partnership with RBI (Reserve Bank of India) and other association, it is easier for SBI to give loan to people with a longer repayment period.

Q7. Services providing by SBI in sme product?


Bad Satisfactory Good Excellent TOTAL NO. OF PEOPLE

0% (0) 2% (1) 55% (27) 43% (22) 50

Q8. Which features you like most in SME segments of SBI?



35% (7) 20% (4) 5% (1) 40% (8)



Most of the people like the attractive interest rate & longer repayment period. Its easier for people to repay the whole loan amount with its interest with low interest rate and with longer repayment period.



Findings Suggestion & Recommendation Conclusion


PROJECT Findings:
From this project it is found that SBI SME product having the 1st place in the MEDICINE market
at, there is a great opportunity to compete with PNB Bank & to retain its customer by fulfilling the requirement of customer in SBI advance product. All of SBI customers are satisfied with the services provided by the bank.

Many of these customers satisfied with the low interest rate and longer repayment period of the
SME product.

Most of the customers prefer to take SME loan from SBI. Approximately 43% of users said that the service of SBI in SME product is GOOD. Many customers have no time to call customer care so that they are not able to know about the
service & features of SBI SME product. Most customers are shifted from other banks advance product to SBI because of hidden charges, high interest rate, less repayment period.

Government Enterprises are more concern than private enterprises for sme product.



The study is limited to the period of 45 days. Due to time constraints we covered only limited no. of SMEs Since banks have some confidential reports which cannot be handover to the outsiders, so in-depth research and analysis is not possible. There is lots of no. of SMEs which is unregistered; due to this proper datas are not covered. The financials of the firms, were not available, as most of the firms are worried about disclosing their financials, thus for the industry analysis and other qualitative research, we had to rely on the secondary data sources.





Suggestion & Recommendation Recommendation:

Customer awareness programme is required so that more people should attract towards SME
product. If there are any kind of hidden charges than that must disclose to customer before giving loan to them. SBI must take some steps so that customers can get their loan in time. Like phone verification by customer care that one customer is got their loan on time or not .It must be before a certain date so necessary steps can be taken. SBI should more concern about physical verification rather than phone verification so it will avoid fraud or cheating.

SME product selling agents must not give any type of wrong information regarding advance
product. For the better service new offers would be require. SBI customer care should more concern about the fastest settlement of customer problems. Before deducting or charging any monetary charge SBI must consult with customer. Agents should be trained, well educated & proper trained to convince the people about different advance product. It is the duty of the bank to disclose all the material facts regarding advance product, like interest charged, repayment period, other types of charges, etc. Special scheme should be implemented to encourage both customer and agents. The bank should increase the period for repayment of loan.

SBI should more focus on Retaining existing customers.

SBI must focus on Segmentation based on customer knowledge Product offering based on customer demand.

SBI must take feedbacks of customers regarding features & services.


Suggestions given by the consumers at the time of survey:

o There is more time period for repayment of education loan. o SBI should take steps to solve customer problems immediately. o Agents should be trained, well educated & proper trained to convince the people about different advance product. o Loan sanction date should be according to customer convenience. o A customer awareness programme should be taking place in rural area.


From the analysis part it can be conclude that customers have a good respond towards SBI SME

products in medicine market. SBI is in 1st position having large number of customers & providing good services to them. The bank has a wide customer base, so the bank should concentrate on this to retain these customers. In present scenario SBI is the largest SME product issuer in India. Within a very short period of time the achievement made by SBI is excellent, what a normal bank cannot expect, but it is being done by SBI. It happens due to employee dedication towards the organization, fastest growing Indian economy, & brand image. To be the largest advance product issuer, SBI should focus on Launch Innovative SME product Better customer services Fastest customers problem solving techniques Customer retention Key ratios affecting the lending rates of bank.

Apart from all the above, SBI believe in providing good customer services to their customers which is a key factor for success in future.







Name - _____________________________________ Occupation-__________________________________ Contact Detail -_______________________________

Q. On which bank you depend for your enterprise? a) SBI b) PNB c) BANK OF BARODA d) Other Bank, Specify (_____________)

Q. Are you aware of SME products & services provided by SBI? a) YES b) NO

Q. Which bank you prefer for taking SME loans? a) SBI b) PNB c) BANK OF BARODA d) Other Bank, Specify (_____________)

Q. If you prefer SBI for taking SME loan than what influence you to take Loan from SBI? _________________________________________________________________________________ 59

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________.

Q. What do you feel about the services providing by SBI in SME product? a) Bad b) Satisfactory c) Good d) Excellent Q. Which features you like most in SME Loan segments of SBI? a) Less paper work b) Attractive interest rate c) Transparency d) Simple & fast processing e) Flexibility to choose an EMI base loan or an overdraft f) Longer tenure lone for ease of repayment g) Specially design product for self employed h) Any other feature, specify ( _____________ )

Q. Any suggestion you want to give for the betterment of SBI SME product. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________.


Text Books:
Solomon, Michael R. (2002), Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, Being. 5th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Wilson A. (2003), Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach Naresh Ku. Malhotra, Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, Fifth Edition


Magazines Business today Economic times Material provided by company



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