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Stature – Rich-client installation

Version 4.6
Rich-client Installation

 Stature Rich-client enables a window-style interface for managing Studies.

 Rich-client requires one-off installation process for each client computer.
 Rich-client prepares local cache folder under each user’s Windows-home dir.
 Multiple rich-client installation procedures available.
 Click-thru process (User requires Windows admin rights)
 MSI deployment (deployed by administrator)

 The Rich-client ‘click-thru’ installation procedure is invoked when attempting to

Open a Study for the first time.
Installing Rich-client – Click-thru process – 1/2

 Select the Install Rich client link and the subsequent security warning.
Installing Rich-client – Click-thru process – 2/2

 Select Install link and accept Security Warning


 After executing the installation script, logout of
Stature and close browser.
 Open New Browser and Login to Stature

 Failure to close browser will cause a loop back to

rich-client install again.
Opening Study

 Return to Folder containing Study

 Select Study Hyperlink to open
 Wait for Loading progress bar
 Study initially opened in ‘Locked’ state.

Lock status
Rich-client interface overview

 The rich-client interface provides a windows-like user-interface to work with Studies.

 The study is opened on a separate window overlayed on the Stature Home window.


 Rich-client install loads cache file

content into the local user dir.

 Cache folder called… StatureUIControls

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