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1884: The history of television originates in 1884 Paul Nipkow designs the
record that bears his name. The German Paul Gottilieb Nipkow patented
the mechanical disc, the disc presented some problems

1900: In 1900 the word television was born this term was used for the first
time by the Russian scientist Constantin Perskyi in a document read at the
first International Congress of Electricity, held in Paris during the Universal

It comes from the Greek word Tele which means distance and the Latin
visio which means vision.

1923: Russian-born American physicist Vladimir Kosma Zworykin

created the first device with the ability to capture images called an
Iconoscope. he invented the iconoscope in the laboratories of the
RCA. This breakthrough revolutionized the industry and allowed the
emergence of electric television.

1923: American radio engineer Philo Taylor Farnsworth invented the

imaging dissetter tube. 

1926: Scotsman John Logie Baird managed to perfect the Nipkow disk
based on selenium cells and invented a mechanical television system
incorporating infrared rays to perceive images in the dark. Baird
managed to synchronize two Nipkow discs, attached to the same axis.
Using one as a transmitter and one as a receiver. It conveys the image of
a mannequin's head at 14 frames per second.

1854 invented the teletrophic. Meucci invented an artifact capable of

communicating his voice from the ground floor of a house with the
upper floor. But being poor, he didn't have enough money to be able to
patent it.

1863: A few years later, the German Johann Philipp Reis, even used the
term telephon to refer to a vibrating membrane that opened and closed
through an electrical circuit and reproduced musical sounds. But Reis
never took that seriously and never went beyond considering it a simple

The first useful telephone device was invented and patented by

Alexander Graham Bell, in the United States, on March 7, 1876.

From that moment onwards the commercial development of the

invention began. The first Bell Telephone Company was founded on July
9, 1877.

1879 As demand for telephone sets increased, the Bell Company gave 5
licenses to different companies to produce the devices.

1900 With the vertiginous incorporation of thousands of subscribers, the

systems grew until they became enormous. By 1900, the United States
was ahead of all European countries in telephone distribution, with one
device for every sixty inhabitants. In 1904 there were 6.5 telephones per
hundred inhabitants in Manhattan and the Bronx, while in London there
were only 1.4 per hundred inhabitants.
1920: Well-known model of the Bell company of the late 20s, even the
wooden box was on the wall

Approx. 1934, it contained within itself all the necessary elements,

including the bell (wooden box goodbye!!!)

Telephones with pushbuttons and digital 1963-1980

Prototype telephone equipped with pushbuttons for tone dialing,

approx. 1963

During the '70s and '80s. Over time the power plants were transformed
into digital-computerized and were able to offer a varied catalog of
aggregate services, such as: Notice that the user to whom we dial (and
we find busy) already vacated his line. Automatic dialing to the last
number we dial*conference calls from several users at the same time

wireless phones and first cell phones 1980-1990

1980- For the maximum convenience of the user, countless versions of

wireless telephone devices were developed.

1980-1990 Thus, with the development of technologies related to

electronics and telecommunications, the field of mobile telephony was
also developed.

Smartphones 2010

2000 continued to advance, smaller, longer range, with camera, radio,

music, applications
2008- 2010 Start of smart phones, touch, connected to data, for chat,
mail, video, tv, online social networks. 2G and 3G. It is a small computer
at hand, it becomes more and more indispensable in people's daily

2016: In telecommunications, 4G is the acronym used to refer to the

fourth generation of mobile phone technologies.

in 2019 Next-generation telecommunications networks have begun to

appear on the market since the end of 2018 and will continue their
expansion this year around the world.

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