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Shift Engineer Logbook

Mirpur Mathelo
Shift: Morning Date: 10-Sept-22
Instrument securities bypassed Nil
Mechanical securities bypassed Nil
ESD Status Area-09
Feed Gas B/L Pressure, Kg/cm 2 29.7 T-901 / 902 / 940 Level, % 97.5/98/25
Fuel Gas B/L Pressure, Kg/cm 2 11.1 1n/7/14/16-17
Tube Wells in service [Total =14]
ME-1501A/ME-1502 ΔP, Kg/cm2 0.18/0.03 /19/20/27/29/31-35
E-352 ΔP, Kg/cm 2 0.50 09-FR-1 / FR2 / FR17 Flow, m3/hr. 600/470/270
NG Condensate, Fuel/Feed ml / min 50/100 Demin. Lines in Service, Ea. Cat A, Ani B
Area-06 Cation Production (A / B / C) 1800/3265/850
B-601 / 602 / 603 Load, TPH 48+51+33 = 132 Anion Production (A / B / C) reg/465/1130
Purge Gas to B- 601 /602 / 603,
2400+3500+1100=7000 Acid / Caustic Consumption, Kg -/1400
E-601 Vacuum, Kg/cm 2 -0.921 Acid / Caustic Inventory, Tons 34.45/47.4
06-XX-14A/B 9.2/9.0 Mixed Bed in Service A
B-601 / 602 Oxygen, % 2.2/2.6 Mixed Bed Production (A / B / C) 1650/500/reg
LS Prod/Vent, TPH 00/0.5 ME-952A/B pit level, % 05/40
TK-601 / MK-601 [on Rolling/Load] -/TK-601 Lime Kiln Temp. (Max) Bottom /Top, oC 650/170
Lime Kiln Buckets/ CaO Bags
TK-602 / MK-602 [on Rolling/Load] -/MK-602 20/03
Area-07 Area-08
TG-701A/B & GT-703 Load, MW 2.6+2.7+10.5 = 15.8 CWS / CWR Pressure (P1/P2),Kg/cm2 2.96/1.30
3.0/1.98 CWS / CWR Temp (T1/T2), 0C 32.6/41.3
Township Load (Max /Min), MWH
1300/0700 No. of CW Pumps in Service / Rolling ABD/-
MG-702 hot condensate / lube oil
50/48 Chlorine/Bromine Dosing (Kg) -
E-701A/B Vacuum, Kg/cm2 -0.92/-0.95 ORP / F.Cl2, mV/ppb -
E-701A/B Hot Well Temp, oC CBD, m3/hr. / Chlorides, ppm
42/40 100/236
GT-703 Combustion Air ΔP, mm
81 Acid Inventory, Tons 24.4
V-703 condensate, Lit 00 Hypo / Chlorine Inventory, Kg / Cyl. 1610/04
Area-11 Area-16
V-1103 Pressure, Kg/cm 2 3.0 pH of Waste Water [Limit: 6-9] 7.62/7.4/7.46
Conductivity of Waste Water, µs/cm
N2 Consumption, NMC 100
[Limit:2500 µs] 1823/1405/1172
Ammonia in Waste Water, ppm
N2 Inventory, NMC 7850 7/17/20
[Limit:40 ppm]
K-1501 K-1521 [JGC-4] K-1531 [JGC-6]
Speed, rpm 1100 1090 1110 1110 900 880 SB 880 925 880 880
Recycle valve opening, % 00 00 68 00 07 00 100 05 05 05 05
Suction Pressure, PSI 459 147 146
Discharge Pressure, PSI 835 483 480
15-FR-32, MMSCFD 68
24” suction valve opening, % 29.0
Steam & Power:
• TG-701A/B slip rings cleaned. Maximum temperature of 72/70°C observed during shift.
• 15-PIC-8V is 50% open.
• GT-703 radiator cleaning done, lube oil temperature decreased from 53 to 48°C. Radiator fans current is
6.8/6.4/6.5/6.4 Amp respectively.
• S/F removal from LC line near V-604 is I/P.
• Clarifier makeup is on well water.
• S/F removed from 09-PSV-03.
• 08 chlorine cylinder connection required. Communicated to EQP, Please follow.
• S/F provision in 19-area for hot line cable rectification is I/P.
• Algae growth cleaned from E-800A~J both sides.
• MP-1651B discharge line rectification job is I/P. Discharge pipe removed and shifted to workshop for fabrication.
• 09-SD-82 dismantled and sent to Inst workshop for diaphragm replacement.
• Tube well no. 01N & 02 panel’s hinges are damaged, Communicated to electrical. Please pursue for rectification.
• Lights TP-800D and CP system cabin fused rods replacement communicated to electrical. Please follow.
• Tube # 03 checking against tripping is I/P. Currently racked out.
• Tube well # 36 will be remove don Monday for motor tripping fault checking / rectification. Monday Morning shift
please follow.
• M/S pursue for lime slacker body leakage rectification.
• Ferrous Sulphate dosing pumps suction strainers will be cleaned on Monday.
• Back filling on waste water line in B&S area is I/P.
• Dewatering, excavation, shoring provision on N.G line in 16-area is I/P.
• Lighting circuit connection near SWTP, backfilling of excavated trench is I/P.
• Excavation for new tube wells installation in Karachi side is I/P.
• Waste water disposal is towards E-pond.
• EK-1501 A/B/C/D, EK-1521A/B and EK-1531A/B/C/D are in service.
• EK-1531D tripped at 0700 hrs on WG linkage sticking, auto calibration done and machine started but again
tripped at 0830 hrs. WG actuator replaced with reclaimed one and unit started at 1210 hrs.
• EK-1501C is in service to supplement FFC-GM flow.
Routine Audits:
Frequency Audit New Observations Actions
Weekly Lube oil and chemical
All inventories are OK -
inventory audit




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