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Shift Engineer Logbook

Mirpur Mathelo
Shift: Night Date: 10-Sept-22
Instrument securities bypassed Nil
Mechanical securities bypassed Nil
ESD Status Area-09
Feed Gas B/L Pressure, Kg/cm 2 30.2 T-901 / 902 / 940 Level, % 98/98/25
Fuel Gas B/L Pressure, Kg/cm 2 10.2 1N/7/14/16-
Tube Wells in service [Total =16]
ME-1501A/ME-1502 ΔP, Kg/cm2 0.19/0.03 20/27/29-35
E-352 ΔP, Kg/cm 2 0.80 09-FR-1 / FR2 / FR17 Flow, m3/hr. 710/470/270
NG Condensate, Fuel/Feed ml / min 50/100 Demin. Lines in Service, Ea. B
Area-06 Cation Production (A / B / C) 2435/4425/1000
B-601 / 602 / 603 Load, TPH 49+50+33 = 132 Anion Production (A / B / C) 635/1625/1280
Purge Gas to B- 601 /602 / 603,
2200+3600+1100=6900 Acid / Caustic Consumption, Kg -/-
E-601 Vacuum, Kg/cm 2 -0.920 Acid / Caustic Inventory, Tons 34.85/46.80
06-XX-14A/B 9.3/9.3 Mixed Bed in Service A
B-601 / 602 Oxygen, % 2.3/2.5 Mixed Bed Production (A / B / C) 4575/900/Fresh
LS Prod/Vent, TPH 00/01 ME-952A/B pit level, % 10/10
TK-601 / MK-601 [on Rolling/Load] -/TK-601 Lime Kiln Temp. (Max) Bottom /Top, oC 653/237
Lime Kiln Buckets/ CaO Bags
TK-602 / MK-602 [on Rolling/Load] -/MK-602 08/02
Area-07 Area-08
TG-701A/B & GT-703 Load, MW 2.2+2.4+9.6 = 14.2 CWS / CWR Pressure (P1/P2),Kg/cm2 2.96/1.30
2.62 / 2.06 CWS / CWR Temp (T1/T2), 0C 33.0/41.7
Township Load (Max /Min), MWH
2300 / 0500 No. of CW Pumps in Service / Rolling ABD/-
MG-702 hot condensate / lube oil
50/46 Chlorine/Bromine Dosing (Kg) 60/30
E-701A/B Vacuum, Kg/cm2 -0.95/-0.95 ORP / F.Cl2, mV/ppb 596/337
E-701A/B Hot Well Temp, oC CBD, m3/hr. / Chlorides, ppm
41/40 100/236
GT-703 Combustion Air ΔP, mm
84 Acid Inventory, Tons 234
V-703 condensate, Lit 00 Hypo / Chlorine Inventory, Kg / Cyl. 1510/04
Area-11 Area-16
V-1103 Pressure, Kg/cm 2 3.0 pH of Waste Water [Limit: 6-9] 8.38/7.30/7.90
Conductivity of Waste Water, µs/cm
N2 Consumption, NMC 50
[Limit:2500 µs] 1291/1192/1555
Ammonia in Waste Water, ppm
N2 Inventory, NMC 7700 10/11/18
[Limit:40 ppm]
K-1501 K-1521 [JGC-4] K-1531 [JGC-6]
Speed, rpm 1100 1100 1115 1110 900 880 SB 880 880 880 880
Recycle valve opening, % 00 00 67 00 07 00 100 05 07 07 05
Suction Pressure, PSI 455 140 140
Discharge Pressure, PSI 846 484 483
15-FR-32, MMSCFD 68.5
24” suction valve opening, % 29.0
Steam & Power:
• TG-701A/B slip rings cleaned. Maximum temperature of 56/57°C observed during shift.
• 15-PIC-8V is 25% open.
• E-352 ∆P increased from 0.5 to 0.8 Kg/cm2. 06-PR-45 pressure maintained at 5.55 Kg/cm2. 15 area valves set point
increased from 6.35 to 6.62 Kg/cm2. ME-1501A ∆P and condensate checked, ∆P is 0.19 Kg/cm2, condensate level
observed in filter, it drained. ME-1501A drain valve is slightly opened, no condensate observed since then. V-352
drain also checked, no condensate observed. Monday M/S follow for E-352 tubes cleaning.
• Clarifier makeup is on well water.
• Waste water disposal is towards E-pond.
• EK-1501 A/B/C/D, EK-1521A/B and EK-1531A/B/C/D are in service.
Routine Audits:
Frequency Audit New Observations Actions
Weekly Steam losses Notification initiated




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