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Background of the study

According to Eco Globale, Social Media has become such a tremendous influence that today. Billions of
people are present in various social media plat forms. Facebook, twitter, Instagram, what’s app skype,
etc. are few of the numerous social media platforms that are prevalent in the community.

In today’s world, social media has a huge impact on Students in the present age. They spent significant
time on different social media platforms. A majority time of a student’s day are spent in scrolling
through their social media.

This study shows the impact of social media on student’s daily life. Due to COVID-19 Pandemic the
researcher will be going to conduct our study through the help of google survey.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to measure the Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance of Senior High

1.) Why do students engage on social media site?

2.) Does the use of social media sites / apps effects students academic performance?

3.) What are the benefits they can get using social media?


There is relationship between the use of social media and high-grade academic performance.

Definition of Terms

To achieve clarity and precision in the key terms to be used and for comprehensive understanding of the
study, the following terms are conceptually and operationally defined

Social media - refers to web-based services that allow individuals, communities, and organizations to
collaborate, connect, interact, and build community by enabling them to create, co-create, modifies,
share, and engage with user generated contest that is easily accessible (Mc Cay,2017).
In this study, Social Media refers as an independent variable to measure the impact of Academic
Performance to Senior High Students.

Academic Performance - is the knowledge gained which is assessed by marks by a teacher and/or
educational goals set by students and teachers to be achieved over a specific period of time

In this study, Academic Performance refers as dependent variable where it will vary its result to the
independent variable which is social media

Facebook – is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles,
upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues

In this research, Facebook refer as one of the independent variable.

Instagram- is an online photo sharing service. It allows you to apply different types of photo filters to
your pictures with a single click, then share them with others. While is a rather basic service, Instagram's
simplicity has helped it gain widespread popularity (,2014).

In this research, Instagram refer as one of the independent variable.

Telegram - is a message that is sent electronically and then printed and delivered to someone's home or
office. In the past, telegrams were sent by telegraph (CollinsDictionary,2005).

In this research, Telegram refer as one of the independent variable.

Twitter- is a free social networking microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast
short posts called tweets(,2015).

In this research, Twitter refer as one of the independent variable.

Senior High School Students – Senior high school is a secondary school that students attend in the three
or four highest grades before college (YourDictionary,2015).

In this study, SHS Students will refers to the scope of the study.

Significance of the Study

The following may benefit from the result of this study.

Government. The result of the study will be helpful to the government being in charge of the state and
the citizens. This will guide them to decide what the next step they will do or make To improve the
section of education.

DEPEd. They study would give then a picture on how the soul shall media greatly affects the learners.
They will create new techniques that includes the usage of social media in teaching and cascade it to the
Teacher. This research may help teacher in creating their kesson plan on module in relevant and timely
styles of techniques

Student. This study will encourage the student because they are familiar I the usage of social Media and
learning for them now is easy and fun.

Researcher. The results of the study would motivate future researchers to pursue research about the
Impact of Social Media not only to students but to whole people of the world.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study has thirty respondents who are in the same group or section and also they are Senior High
Students. The length of the data collection was during class hours of grading period (approximately 45
days) the survey method was used to solicit data and information from the students. The questionnaires
was pre-tested conducted through a google survey. The research was done base on the time allotted by
the teacher to the researcher.

Chapter 4

Discussion of Findings

When respondents were asked whether they have mobile phone,30 out of the total respondents of 30
so 100% percent of the class has mobile phone. A follow up question as to whether the respondents had
internet facility on their phones showed that a majority of the respondents representing 85.0%
indicated that they had internet facility on their phones. A further follow up question was to find out
whether respondents had knowledge of social media sites. All the respondents representing 100%
responded in the affirmative. It can be deduced that most of the respondents have mobile Phone with
internet facility on it and they also have knowledge of social media sites. The above revelation
Confirmed Oberst’s (2010) study that 73% of Filipinos use social media sites. This is further corroborated
by Kist, 2008, who posits that 90% of teens in the Philippines have internet access and 75% use the
internet to make plans and socialize with friends.

Table 1: Favorites Social Media Sites

Sites Frequency Percentage %

Facebook 12 40 %
Instagram 7 23.3 %
Twitter 6 20 %
Telegram 5 16.7 %
Total 30 100 %

From Table 1 respondents gave the following as their favorite social media sites. Facebook with 12
frequency represents 40%, Instagram with 7 representing 23.3%, Twitter with 6 out of 30 equivalent to
20% and Telegram having 16.7% respectively. The analysis shows that Facebook is the Most favorite
social media site. This confirms Schreider’s (2009) assertion that approximately 85% of Undergraduate
students are Facebook users.

Table 2: Why Students Use Social Media

Response Frequency Percentage %

Chatting 16 53.3%
Downloading music and video 9 30%
Academic work 5 16.7%
Total 30 100%

From Table 2, 16 respondents representing 53.3% said they use the social media to chat with friends, 9
representing 30% use it to download music and video and 5 respondents representing 16.7% use it for
academic work. The analysis indicates a majority of the respondents 53.3% do not use the social media
sites for academic work.

Table 3: Social Media Affect Student’s Academic Work

Response Frequency Percentage %

YES 27 90%
NO 2 6.7%
Total 30 100%

When respondents were asked whether the use of the social media affects their academic work, 27 of
the Respondents representing 90% answered in the affirmative whilst 2 representing 6.7% gave a
negative responds. 1 of the respondents representing 3.3% were not certain whether the use of social
media sites affected their academic or not. It could be deduced from the table that it was an
overwhelming majority of the respondents 90% affirmed that the use of social media affect their
academic work. This study confirms MehMood & Taswir’s, (2013) study that the use of technology such
as the internet is one of the factors that can influence students’ performance positively or adversely.
This is further supported by Choney, (2010) and San Miqual (2009) who believe that Students’ use of
social media will have negative effect on their academic performance.

Table 4: Improvement in Academic Work by Social Media

Response Frequency Percentage %

NO 18 60%
YES 5 16.7%
NOT SURE 7 23.3%
Total 30 100%
From Table 4, out of the total respondents of 30, 18 representing 60% responded in the negative when
asked if the use of social media had their academic work, 5 representing 16.7% responded in the
affirmative, whilst 23.3% were not sure. The idea was that most of the respondents were aware that
social media use affects their academic performance. This was because it was confirmed in the study
that most of the respondents use the social media sites for other purposes rather than academic work.
The implication is that the use of social media may likely not bring any improvement in the academic
work of respondents.

Testing of hypothesis

H1: There is relationship between the use of social media and academic performance

Table 5: Correlations

Variable Academic Use of

Performance Social

In respect to Table 5, there a strong and positive relationship between academic performance and the
use of social media to 0.01 level. In other words, the more use of social media, the less academic
performance students will record. This implies students who use the social media sites frequently turn
to perform poorly academically. San Miguel (2009), focused on the relationship between the use of
Facebook and the academic performance of students. The findings indicated that more use of Facebook
result in lower grades. In his study, the average Facebook user had a GPA of 3.0 to 3.5, while the non
Facebook user had a GPA of 3.5 - 4.0. Also, the average Facebook user study for 1 – 5 hours per week,
while the non Facebook user would study 11 – 15 hours per week.

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