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“I am the protein
Classification of Carbohydrate
Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient found in foods;it is made up of
carbon dioxide,hydrogen and oxygen.


These are the simplest sugar or unit of carbohydrates.The ones that

are important in nutrition are glucose,fructose and galactose.

Glucose is also known as dextrose or blood sugar.It is found in the

blood plasma and the red blood cell and is used by the brain and
other tissues for energy glucose is the chief end product of the
digestion of sugars and starches.
Fructose is often called fruit sugar or levulose.This is the sweetest of all sugars
and is founded in honey.
Galactose occurs in milk.


This contains two monosaccharide units.In the body disaccharides are broken
into simple sugars by hydrolysis aided by enzymes.

Sucrose is a combination of one molecule of glucose and fructose .It is used to

sweeten foods and is formed in both sugarcane and sugar beet.
Lactose or milk sugar is a combination of glucose and galactose.It is not as
sweet as other single and double sugars.

Maltose or malt sugar contains two molecules of glucose.It is found in

beers and other malted products.

Starch contains a number of glucose units and their arrangement indicate

the type of starch that is specific to its kind.Every starch also has a
different solubility,flavour,and thickening powder.

Dextrin is the breakdown of starch to maltose.It may be considered a

slightly soluble product formed by a partial breakdown of starch by dry
heat,acid,or enzymes.
Glycogen is stored in human bodies in small amount.Its is called animal
starch and is stored in the liver and the muscles.Glycogen dissolves in
water.The liver has the ability to convert glycogen into glucose when the
body needs it.
Dietary fiber Dietary fiber, also known as roughage, is the indigestible part
of plant foods. Fiber is mostly in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and
legumes.There two types of fibre soluble(able to dissolve) and
insoluble-have been identified.
Function of Carbohydrates
1. The most important function of carbohydrate is to provide the
body with an excellent source of energy.It is the least expensive
source of energy.
2. It has a ‘Protein sparing action’ in the body.
3. Carbohydrate helps the body to use fat efficiently.
4. Cellulose and other forms of dietary fibre help prevent and
control constipation.
5. High fibres can help obese people to lose weight and maintain
that loss.
6. Dietary fibres can help to control diabetes.

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