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Name' Mayu Ymorey

Roll No. 2001O0o96

Groupo DS

ALM Determination of plastic l o w propertie

ot A)uminium under vamying
Conditions in uniaxidl comp-ession

Equipment used' Universal Testing machioe

Verniex calipers, aluminium sqmple.

Compxession test is used to

The c The
determine the lbehavior of madeidds
under h a compmessixe loads. Tt is
pexformed b loading the test Specimer

between one station ar ottom) and one

movable plate (+op) ot uTm Then oean

ha face b downwcr d displacemed
of ha upper plate The +est is
Used to obtain elastic limit propertionalits
limit, yeild strength and Compressive

Compressive strength ir defined marimnu
stress mateiacan withstend uhout
Pailure, The stress strain r e a i o n is
overned b hahook s lau. for the

initial deformaion, ate h e relaions

Ore govern ba he plasHcdeformdion
we CASe he cUTveto obta)n valuer ot

k Cand n
The slop and the intercept of he
& he values ot
k and
k r
nlae) eires
Tes pecively

To prevent he ricHion from affectHing h

Tadia expans ion we se qrease
g rease to reduce
he deceasing Coefl.cient
Ot Frlchon the flou stress decreases
For the cooke and Larke mehod We Var the

dtametex of tho metc while keepira the

diamete constantt We USe i+
Study t h e effectof dh rato on the
ficioon dnd ConsequentA- obotaln the Value

n uslng raphs shouwn in. belocub.

Experimental Procedure
1 Measure the dimention_of the specimen. C

2Y Test he
h e ends of sample of bearing Plates,
the ends should be Elat.
3 Place 4he pecimen between thee com pres
plates and keep themort the centre.
Apoly the load on the spccime and
+ake th re evend eadings
Apel the load HIL h spetimen i s defemed
So: of i+s Origina helght
6 Take ha mecisuresO Specimed on he
dicferent nterval.

Sampe Materia Aluminium

iHeigh+ ma
ii Dameter= o mm

Iy EngineemngstressVs Engineen'n strain
graph lre plo tted

2 Least-squares line At to mu_elastC reglon

Hhe raph we got
mocdulus_of ElasHci E 1382 mfa
Thedtical Modalus_0f ElasHciH s 69 000 mPa
Expenmenta Erar =
3) Yeild pointIS ocated sing 221 ffset
methacd_Yeild paintis foundto be
643 mPa.
Theoi Hical Yeild point = 241 mefa
Expeimenia erre73:3 1

rgph s are
plotted acordingla-
foot followinq ages
lo n E plotted above A least sq uare ine
is also tted 4o+hee plasHC eg lon of th
Chrapkn e obtain
dnk= -6 >k= |42 S3344sg
n = 0.223

PercemAcige e r o r in n andk
in n
in 33.0.

There As mueh Cmo in
Moduluss and yeild srengh becau
We didn'tuse extensomete
Sample loreakage happen at a
much lessor force in case ot tengle
than h a t Compression experiment
3 Srain_Pnduced in Compessio n
i s Com parrabl smalle thah tha of
tensile pullia f he Same value of
) The barellina Is alse unique to
Compress ian testing
Sourees eTrOr-

Human exror in the measUTemeht

he dimention o he Specimen
before Cnd after test
Manufacturin me Specimen may
Cause tto not Compressed
aiald straiaht
Uneven defrmatton may telke place
due Oniad misallgnmen this
may happen SPecimen Is not placed
exactl cut the centre
) The best fiA Cuve and selection ot
the dppopiate plastic realon cre all
dppTOximation thus Are prne errors
Engineering Stress vs Strain
linear region



.0 0.1 .2 0.3
.4 U.s
Engineering Strain
Yield Strength and Young's Modulus using 0.2% offset method
-1119 x 0.14 R :


0.00 .0 D.02 0.03 U.U4 0.05

Engineering Strain
True Stress vs True Strain


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0

e strain
In(True Stress) vs (True Strain)

0.488X*525 R*= 0.&81

In(True Sttain)

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