05 40 AM ET Daily Sobriety Renewal 1

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Men’s SA Daily Sobriety Renewal Script 540AM ET Call Script as of 08/11/2019

Phone: (302) 202-1106 Passcode: 247405

Welcome to the 540 SA Daily Sobriety Renewal call. This is a closed meeting for those who desire their own sexual
sobriety. We welcome any newcomers joining us today and we’re glad you are here. The only requirement to participate
on this call is a desire to stop lusting and to become sexually sober.

PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY – Anonymity is highly valued for each person on the call. Because of this, we ask each new
caller to introduce themselves the very first time they call in by stating their first name, and the state or country from
which they are calling.

The call moderator can see the phone number of each caller who participates BUT WE DO NOT have caller ID capabilities
to match a name and phone number, therefore the anonymity and confidentiality of each caller is protected. We only use
the name and location you provide us.

The information collected is visible to the call moderator only. This allows for smooth facilitation of the meeting, and your
information will NEVER be released to anyone, including SA Central, or other SA meeting groups.

As moderator, I will control the muting and unmuting of each phone line; please DO NOT mute your phone during the
call. At this time, if there are any callers who do not wish to share today, please press 5* on your phone. Again, please
press 5* if you will not be sharing today.

Here is the order of callers for today. Please remember to whom you are passing.

We will now take turns answering three questions. Please respond to all three questions once your line is unmuted, and
keep your share focused on the answers to the specific questions. Our goal is to allow everyone a chance to share, so
please limit your answers to no more than two minutes. If your share is longer, you will be asked to wrap up. After the
last person has shared, I will recognize any callers who have joined late, in order to give everyone a chance to share.

Let’s start the meeting now, with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.

God, grant me the serenity, to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom
to know the difference.

Daily DSR Questions

Question one
Do we admit we are powerless over lust, and with our Higher Power’s help, are we willing to seek sobriety
and recovery today?

Question two
Is there anything in the past 24 hours that endangered our sobriety, and what solutions can we use to
overcome temptations or handle life today?

Question three
Name one thing you are grateful for, and are you willing to turn your will and your life over to your Higher

Last updated 08/11/2019

SA Announcements:

A. Additional information about other phone meetings may be found at www.sa.org.

B. 7th tradition donations may be sent to the SA Central Office (SAICO) at the address in the White Book, or by
visiting www.sa.org.
C. To get a copy of this script, or to be added to the groups accountability list, please send an email with your
name and contact information to 540am.dsr@gmail.com.

Are there any other brief SA or group related announcements for the good of the group?

The Spiritual Parking Lot will be available immediately following the Third Step Prayer, for anyone who would like to
either share a spiritual reading or talk afterwards.

Let’s close the meeting with a moment of silence, followed by the Third Step Prayer.

God, I offer myself to Thee, to build with me, and to do with me as Thou will. Relieve me of the bondage of self that I may
better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties as victory over them may bear witness to those I would help, of Thy Power,
Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life. May I do Thy Will always. Amen.

The Spiritual Parking Lot is now available for anyone who needs to share. Thank you for allowing me to be of service, I
wish everyone a safe, sane, and sober day.

Last updated 08/11/2019

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