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I. FREQUENCY ADVERBS. study the chart.

use the frequency adverbs to make sentences about your routine

on Sundays.

 go jogging
 go to the gym
 go dancing
 take a shower
 cook dinner
 go on a picnic
 watch TV
 go to the movies
 go to work or school
 get up early
 visit my cousins
How often do you go jogging on Sundays?
I usually go jogging on Sundays.
II. LISTENING-What is each person doing? listen in right the correct letter in each box.

B. Ask and answer questions, as in the example.

A: is Matt reading a newspaper?
B: no, he is not. he is…….

C. What are you doing now?

What are your friends doing now?

III. Ask and answer questions in pairs, as in the example.

A: What does Irene do for a living? B:

She cuts hair.
B: She's a hairdresser.
A: What does she do at work?

A: Is she cutting hair now

B: No, she's not. She's…………
IV. Look at the brown’s notes. Then ask
and answer questions, as in the

S1: Are the Browns having a barbecue

on Tuesday?

s2 No, they're not. They're visiting their

parents. Are the Browns…….

V. Fill in the blanks with: about, in, from, at, to, of, for or on.
1. To work _______an office _______weekends;
2. To think ______ something; a lot _____fun.
3. A typical day __________his life ; to work ________ nine _______ five
4. to stay ______home; 8 to be full _____ energy.
5. To look ________ somebody; to wait _________ somebody.
VI. VOCABULARY PRACTICE- Fill in with: financial, photo, spare, underwater, report,
sense, lead, sit, clerical, perform, part-time. Then use them to make sentences.
1. To __________a double life
2. A(n)__________stuntman
3. a(n)_____________shoot
4. to_______________in front of a computer
5. ______________work
6. ______________time
7. To _________________tricks
8. A(n)______________ job.
9. a great___________of achievement
10. ___________the news
pictures. which shows someone swimming
underwater_____; scuba diving
equipment______; kayaking____;
someone wearing a wet suit and a
VIII. LISTENING- Listen an underline the correct
1. in the morning, he works in a
surveying/surfing office.
2. A typical summer day for Alain starts
around 8 am/7 am.
3. Alain spends all morning in front of his
4. A photo shoot usually takes a
long/short time to complete.
5. Working underwater can be a little
funny/boring in the winter.
IX. Reading- Read the interview and correct
statements 1-5, as in the example. Then,
explain the highlighted words.
1. Alain leads a normal life. No! Alain doesn't
lead a normal life. He leads a double life.
2. He drives to work.
3. He leaves the office at 12 pm.
4. Alain enjoys going skiing in his spare time.
5. Alain hates working underwater.

X. SPEAKING- Take notes under the following

headings and talk about Alain Pepin.
Before you jot down your notes, read the
text again and underline the key words.
 daily routine free
 time activities
 feelings about working underwater
EXAMPLE: Alain gets up at 7 am. He has breakfast,
and then ..

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