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Amazon Incorporation




Amazon Incorporation

Company Overview is an online retailer, e-book reader manufacturer, and Web services provider that

has become synonymous with electronic commerce. The company's headquarters are located in

Seattle, Washington. is a massive Internet-based company that sells books, music,

movies, housewares, electronics, toys, and a variety of other items directly or as an intermediary

between other shops and's millions of customers. Its Web services division rents

out data storage and processing power over the Internet, a practice known as "cloud computing." has such a strong online presence that in 2012, 1% of all Internet traffic in North

America passed via its data centers.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Inc's (AMZN) cloud platform, has grown to be a

significant part of the e-commerce behemoth's commercial portfolio. AWS generated a record

$14.8 billion in net sales in the second quarter of 2021, accounting for slightly over 13% of

Amazon's total net sales. AWS has been outperforming other cloud computing platforms such as

competitor Microsoft Azure in recent quarters, with growth consistently in the 30% area. AWS

consists of a variety of cloud computing products and services.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Inc (AMZNcloud )'s platform, has grown into a

significant part of the e-commerce behemoth's business portfolio. AWS generated a record $14.8

billion in net sales in the second quarter of 2021, accounting for slightly over 13% of Amazon's

overall net sales. AWS is outpacing other cloud computing platforms like competitor Microsoft

Azure, which has grown steadily in the 30 percent range over the last few quarters. AWS is a

cloud computing platform that includes a variety of products and services.


Set of abilities

AWS is known for its highly configurable, feature-rich cloud platform, but it comes with a steep

learning curve. It can be difficult to get getting up and started quickly if your in-house IT

resource is tiny and possibly new to AWS.

Tech assistance 

Tech assistance  AWS support fees, on the other hand, are based on a sliding scale proportional

to monthly consumption, so if you're a large user, support expenses can soon mount.


External storage of sensitive and private data entails dangers. Despite the success of Amazon's

use cases, shifting sensitive data and business-critical environments to the public cloud can need

authorization and a lot of red tape.

Data security and protection

When creating a cloud system, ensuring data security can be a difficult undertaking. Naturally, as

the use of cloud resources expands, the risk of data breaches increases as well. Data protection is

closely related to security. Many countries impose stringent data protection regulations on

businesses, and standard auditing schemes like ISO-9001 impose further constraints.

Uptime and performance

The bottom line is directly affected by performance and uptime. Customers can abandon a site in

a fraction of a second, resulting in lost sales. And if your site is down for even a few minutes, it

can have a long-term impact on SEO and brand reputation in addition to the straight bottom line.


Ioris, A. A. R. (2020). Frontier Making in the Amazon (pp. 73-100). Cham: Springer.

Hashemipour, S., & Ali, M. (2020, August). Amazon web services (aws)–an overview of the on-

demand cloud computing platform. In International Conference for Emerging

Technologies in Computing (pp. 40-47). Springer, Cham.

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