Jeweled Thrones Rules

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Jeweled Thrones

● Be respectful to others OOCly. Everyone has this rule but, for real. Just be

● No bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, aphobia (that means

discrimination against asexuals), body-shaming, or politics/religion chat.

● Don't harass people. If someone asks you to leave them alone, respect it.

● If you've got a problem with someone, please talk to a moderator. They'll

help you out, or send it up the chain to someone who can.

● The character limit on the server is: One main character and Two Alternate

● If you're a constant drama-bomb, you might be asked to leave the server.

Please keep in mind that we're here to have a good time, because the world
is a never-ending clusterfuck and we just wanna get away.

● This is an english-speaking server. You are welcome to speak another

language, but most of us will not understand.

● Don't spam the discord with .gifs or any other spammy things no one
wants to see.

● If you post anything in a NSFW channel that features children, people who
appear to be children, drawings that appear to be of child-like characters,
bestiality, or gore you'll get the boot. Don't take a chance on it. Furries are
okay, we know you're out there, just don't cross the line into animal porn

● Don't kink-shame. Most of us are perverts in some way or another. If kink-

shaming is your kink's not okay...wait, is that kink-shaming? Oh
● Consent forms are mandatory, backstories optional. All players must fill
out consent within a day of joining the game server. In NO circumstances
engage in ERP without a CS.
● Your discord name must include your ingame name. (for both your chars if
you have an alt)

● You must be in a clan even if it’s a solo clan with just your name as the
clan tag name.

● Don’t forget that IC is IC, don’t take what they’re saying to heart OOCly.

● All Characters must be at least 18 years of age and adults - NO AGE PLAY

● As an RP server all of your creations need to make sense RP wise, Builds,

character creations, ect… Make it look as realistic and immersive as
possible, and have an IC reason for it!

● Use fly ICly if your character can actually fly and RP it accordingly, OOC
flying is fine though, of course.


• Be sure to read the other player’s consent sheet before you engage in ERP.
Remember to READ before you FUCK.

• If there’s something you don’t see listed in a player’s sheet, make sure you’re
asking that person about it before you do it. We are all adults here, Use your

• Remember that fading to black (ftb) is always an option, Let your RP partner
know if that is what you would like to do in an OOC manner and ensure you
discuss what happened in the (ftb) scene.

• Do not ERP in any hubs, and should you choose to RP in public (out in the
woods or whatever) expect that people might find you, and you might run across
it, much like a bear but like a bear that looks like two or more people having sex.
• No pressuring people into doing something that they don’t want to do. No
means no. Use safe words.

• Violation of ERP rules is sexual harassment. This is NOT tolerated.

Building Rules
● 800 building pieces + 300 placeables for a single player.

● An additional 600/200 per player that joins your clan:

5800 bps and 1500 placeables, for a cap of 7 people.

● Max clan size for a clan is: 7.

● Build out of render distance of your neighbors, or at least

pretty far back.

● Be sparse with your flickering lighting. Keep it steady

whenever possible. This also counts for items with
particle effects such as the Magic Mirror & Orb Lights.
Please do not be that guy and use 100 of these items at
your base, it will more than likely crash or fatal someone,
in lighter cases cause very extreme lag.

● No building in Dungeons or the Volcano!!

● Be mindful that not everyone is on a hugely powerful PC,

and you want to make sure your base accommodates that

● No map rooms or Tier 3 Religious structures are allowed.

(Unless you are using the LBPR t3 versions with no beam
nor mapmarker, but otherwise nope)

● Only ONE mining station, stable and animal pen per clan!
● The max amount of thralls and pets is limited to 6 overall
per player. Additionally you are allowed 1 dancer per clan.

● Every clan can put up one pippi flag found in our /kit.

● Try to build something at least more complex than a

sandstone box, even if only temporary.

● Don't block spawns or bosses in building your base.

● Public-use buildings must be approved BEFORE

construction. (taverns, bathhouses, arenas etc.)

Start door password: otis

Misc rules (Inactivity)

● 1. We will delete people's builds/characters after

two weeks without them logging in. If you plan to
go away for two weeks or more, feel free to tell us
so we can keep your build and stuff! But if
admins/moderators hear no words from you, well..
we're gonna assume you're probably not coming
● 2. Adding to this, if you spend one week without
logging in AND without a consent sheet, the same
reasoning applies, build will be wiped.


Role: (Sub/Switch/Dom/Vanilla)
ERP : (Yes/No)
Capture : (Yes/No)
Non-Con : (Yes/No)
Conflict Resolution: (Dice/Mechanical/RP)
I consent to the other following IC activities: (Feel free to make this as long
and complex or as simple as you want)

I do not consent to other following: (Feel free to make this as long and
complex or as simple as you want)

Other stuff you want people to know: (F-list of others if you want, or pretty
much anything. It can have your timezone too or RP schedule)

By filling out this consent sheet I hereby declare I am 18 years or older, and
if it is discovered I am not then I understand that means I will be removed
from the server.

Death Rules:

● When you are killed you can return back to life twice, the first time is 100%
no penalties, the second time you return to life you will lose 24 hours worth
of memories (with no way to gain the lost memories back!). If you die a 3rd
time it is permanent and you must reroll your character to someone new.

● When you are brought back to life any of the two times your character
receives a “Grace” period where they are protected for 1 IRL weeks time
from the punishments of death. This “Grace” period also protects the killer
from revenge by the player and their clan for 1 IRL week.

● If it is reported (with SS’s) that you are abusing this system because you
do not “like” this person or just believe they should die because you want
them to, then the whole death scene will be retconned and the victim will
return to a state before and deaths occured.

● If you are caught abusing this system your character (the killer) will reap
what you sow, meaning your character will suffer from 24 hour memory
loss (with no way to gain the memories back!)
● If you die as ANY of the afflictions you will lose the affliction and return as
what you were previously born as, such as a human, elf, ect..

● What is the “Grace period'' I am sure you are wondering, It is immunity

from each other. So for example:
Zary kills Skolda, Skolda returns back to life 24 hours later with the grace
period, So now Skolda and Zary will be protected from each other and their
clans, meaning if Skolda killed Zary for revenge, she would come right
back with no penalties. But if Granvar killed Skolda, Skolda would die again
and then suffer a 24 hour memory loss due to the second death.

Realm Rules
Jeweled Thrones has a realm system. This will mainly serve as an RP
Anyone can claim a realm and make it their own, but there are two main
requirements to fill before doing so.

● We would like to see at least 4 people supporting your claim to be a


● You will need to actively RP this realm and its relevance in the land.

● You need to have some form of hub in your realm to promote

attracting players to it outside of your realm both for your growth and
outside interactions.

● Realm build rules are different. You get 8000 BPs and 3000
placeables, but any more you may need after you reach the 12 player
cap you can contact an admin on a case by case basis depending on
what you're building.

● Realms also are allowed to have one outpost outside of the realm
borders. It will count into the building limitations for the realm but
have to be considerably smaller than the main building.
● You need to decide on your borders. 2 connected map borders of
land that are yours to do with as you will.

● You'll need a name for your realm, a description of what it is about,

and any policies you intend to set. Just so people know what you are
and if they would want to move into your realm.

● Once you think you have a good idea of your realm, Contact
someone in the admin or moderator team to let us know about your
project and then we can discuss it and eventually post your realm
claim in the channel if it is approved. That's it!

● One musiq box will be issued per realm

Hub Rules

• Speak to a member of the admin team if you’re looking to start a

hub of your own.

• Only one of the same kind of hub can exist at a time.

• Hubs are things like: Tavern, Brothel, Healing/Meditation center,

Alchemist’s shop, Hotels, Fashion Shops, Mail Service, ect…

• Clans may run only one type of hub. For example, if a clan owns a
tavern, they may not also own an inn.

• Each hub receives 1000 extra build pieces and 500 extra
placeables for the clan as well as its own warp/portal.
• Hub status requires the owner to be an active player and to hold
RP events at least once a month. Event days must be spread out and
can not be done on the same day as another event.

• One Musiq box per hub will be issued!

Roleplay rules
Crime & Thievery

Anyone participating in crime or thievery is consenting to potential PVP or


Breaking into people's houses / bases for IC reasons is allowed. Stealing

actual ingame items needs an OOC permission first. Meaning, no breaking
into houses for OOC reasons. Please report to an admin with screenshots
if this happens.

Players are NOT allowed to take any items out of another clan’s chest or
any other container unless given OOC consent. Stealing is possible to be
roleplayed with leaving a note(s) with clues leading to the culprit. If a
physical object is stolen without the owner's consent and we (the admins)
are provided with screenshot proof we will recover said stolen items and
the player who was stolen from will be allowed to steal one thing in return
from the person who stole to begin with.

● Roll or RP guards if you are breaking in, use common sense do not
just ignore them.

● Stealth: No matter what your roll is, under some circumstances you
will still be seen by someone, No matter what. Even if you roll a
critical while standing directly in front of someone they will still see
you, so make sure to respect the context & coherence before using
General RP

● All players and characters must be 18 years of age or older.

● This is a RP server first and foremost. Please try to conduct trades,

travel, dungeon runs, gathering rocks, or whatever the fuck you’re
doing really in an RP manner, I’ve seen decent crafting RP before.

● By default every IC fight will be through the dice sheet, unless all
parties consent to doing it through RP or mechanical means.

● Do not play famous characters (King Arthur, Gandalf, Darth Vader,

for example). Try taking inspiration from two or three characters and
then put your own spin on it to make someone original!

● Respect other players and their RP.

● No followers or thralls in the hubs guys, No shoes in the house. No

running by the pool.

● If you see someone clearly looking different/masked/hooded/different

armor style etc. and/or using the disguised tag then please take this
into account in your RP.

● Characters belonging to the same person can not share IC

information, nor can they IC interact with each other. They can know
of each other, but any further contact can cause issues with IC
interactions and is not permitted. (This is strictly interaction between
the same person's characters. Another player, with IC reason and
RP, can relay information between characters)
● No Meta Gaming - Meta is: Taking OOC information like things from
consent sheets or things your told in global/discord into an IC
● Close Ended Emotes such as "Alecinia grabs you by the throat lifting
you off the ground"
the correct emote for this would be "Alecinia attempts to grab you by
the throat and lift you off the ground"
● Using a characters name when they have not given it to you ICly
● Ambushing someone in a dungeon because they mentioned OOCly
that they were there (if OOCly you know that this person is there, ask
them if they would be interested in IC interactions)

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