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Saturday, Mar 21, 2020


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   Project Profile - HERBAL PRODUCTS

         All human being have urge to look beautiful. It is because of this reason that they have been using different types of materials
from time immemorial. In early period cosmetics were associated with religious practices. It is almost true for all old civilizations
like Indian, Chinese, Egyptian & Greek. Ubtan with flour, turmeric and vegetables oil before marriage is still practiced in India. Kum
Kum is still being applied by women. During the early period, all cosmetics items were made in the home. Natural materials like
aromatic materials, spices, herbs, resins, dyes, fats, oils, and the natives of different counties used perfumes.
         Herbs as medicines are being used since Vedic age. Now-a-days people give preference to the herbal products, as the
chemical products being used for cosmetics are costlier and have side effects. Herbal products are based o plants, natural
minerals in single ingredient drugs and compound formulations.
         The Ayurvedic herbal products/ drugs are derived from vegetable sources from various parts of the plants like root, leaf, flower
fruit extrude or plant as a whole.
         There is more recognition for herbal products in the country now than the past few decades. This herbal concept is gaining
ground and attracting attention worldwide. There is more and more scientific research being conducted in our country for
treatment of various skin and hair problems through herbal therapy which is not having side effects on skin, thus been recognized
world over.
         Thus herbal products are becoming popular day-by-day and demand for its usage is increasing not only in the country but also
world wide, the inherent quality of herbal treatment of having negligible side/ after effects has made great potential for its
production. A large number of medicinal plants, herbs, shrubs etc. are available in our country in the hilly / forest regions.
         In order to boost the production of herbal products, Govt. of India has also set up a board namely Indian System of Medicine
and Homeopathy to encourage production of herbal products especially in the regions where basic raw materials are available in
plenty. As the side effects of cosmetics and other chemical based product is increasing day by day. It gives an indication that there
are some harmful chemical based ingredients, which are harmful for our body. Therefore, to get remedy for all above problems only
one solution is there and i.e using of herbal products instead of others. As the demand of herbal products is increasing day by day
and you can sell your products in general market of the country including this these type of products can also be supplied to the
Govt. Store Depot./canteen for further distribution among the employees of Defence, Railways and other Govt. Departments.
1. Preparat ion of Project profile One mont h
2. SSI Regist rat ion & approval from Direct or of Ayurveda One mont h
3. Finance/Loan from Banker or Financial Inst it ut ions Two mont hs
4. Power connect ion / Building const ruct ion Six mont hs
5. Machinery procurement & Trial run. Two mont hs
6. Recruit ment of St aff & Labour One mont h
7. Act ual commercial product ion. One mont h
Total Period Fourteen months
         The project has been drafted taking into account of the following aspects:
1. No. of working shift in a day. One
2. Durat ion of shift in t erm of t ime 8 hrs
3. Number of working days in a year 300
4. Working efficiency of t he unit 75%
5. Const ruct ion of building ( built up are ) will be in accordance wit h t he provision laid  
down by Direct or of Ayurveda.
6. The est imat es are drawn from a product ion capacit y generally considered t echno-  
economically viable for a modern t ype of manufact uring unit .
7. G.M.P will be followed.  
8. The wages of t he St aff & Labour is t aken as as per t he prevailing Labour Wages  
9., The ent ire expendit ure will be borne by ent repreneur.  
10. The rat e of int erest has been shown as applicable.  
11. Plant & Machinery, Test ing equipment s & all ot her equipment s used in  
manufact uring such t ype of product s may also be employed in manufact uring all
ot her similar t ype medicines..
12. Alt hough t he unit is free from pollut ion & effluent discharge but st ill provision of  
exhaust fan may ensure t he fresh environment .
Qualit y Cont rol & St andards:
         At present there is no pharma copeal standard on each of the active ingredients of Herbal products like chemical cosmetics
for standardization and quality control of Herbal products various steps can be followed like physical description, physical tests,
pharma cognized techniques etc. to ascertain the species of plant and their characters. For manufacture of cosmetic products
related to herbs the approval from Directorate of Ayurveda is essential including this, it is advisable to the unit that he must have
Govt. approved manufacturing Chemist and analytical chemist or owner must have degree of Ayurveda or cosmetic.
         Generally, quality of Herbal products is fully dependent on the quality of raw materials and process of manufacture.
Manufact uring Process:
         There are so many types of herbal creams and other herbal body care products are available in the market. The manufacturing
process of each product is different. However, for the manufacture of creams and body lotion the general process of manufacture
of cream and lotion is involved i.e. saponification of oil with mild alkali e.g. Bee-Wax. Paraffins, oils in alkali type material is heated at
appropriate temperature to form creamy base. The base so formed can be added aloevera some emulsifying preservative color
perfume and other stabilizing agent can be added in the last of manufacturing process. For preparation of herbal scrub all the herbs
can be grinded into fine powder with the help of pulveriser and it can be diluted with the help of fuller earth/ masoor ki dal and other
ingredients. All the ingredients are mixed together in a mixer and packed in desired size packs.
Fixed Capit al Invest ment :
Land & Building:
         500 sq. meter @ Rs. 2000/- per sq. mtr.
         = 10.00 lac.
         Manufacturing Shed                   2 Nos.
         Size                                           10x10 sq.m.          = 100 sq. mtr.
         size                                            15x10 sq.m.          = 150
         Raw material Storage
         room size                                   8x8                       = 64
         Finished Goods storage Room   8x8                       = 64
         Laboratory                               =4x4                      = 16
         Office                                     = 5x4                       = 20
         Utilities                                    = 2x4                      = 8
Tot al covered area                                                       = 422 r.
         Rest area may be used for future planning and greenery
         Cost of construction for 422 sq.m. @ 1000/-
         = 4.22 lacks
Tot al Cost of Land & Building = Rs. 10.0 + 4.22
         = 14.22 lacs
Sl.No. Name of Machinery Qty. Price Total Cost
1 M.S. Vat 1000 kg capacit y 2 15,000 30,000
2 Trey Drier Cap 96 Trey fit t ed wit h exhaust fan & 1 80,000 80,000
Heat ing cost
3 Pulverizer capacit y 100 kg fine powder of 400 mesh 1 75,000 75,000
per shift
4 Sieves of different mesh sizes 5 5,000 25,000
5 Dist illat ion apparat us 1 50,000 50,000
6 Bot t le sealing m/c 2 25,000 50,000
7 S.S. Mixing vessel wit h mot or 1 20,000 20,000
8 Wat er Treat ment plant 100 lt s. Cap. 1 20,000 20,000
9 Filt ering unit 1 5,000 5,000
10 Muffal furnace 1 5,000 5,000
11 Weighing scale 1 5,000 5,000
12 Bot t le washing m/c 1 5,000 5,000
13 Bot t le Drier 1 10,000 10,000
14 S.S. Cont ainers 5 200 1,000
15 Laborat ory Equipment s - 15,000 15,000
16 Fire fight ing equipment - 5,000 5,000
17 Elect rificat ion & Inst allat ion - 10,000 10,000
18 Furnit ure & office equipment s - 25,000 25,000
19 Pre-operat ive expenses - - 10,000
Total 25,00,000
         Total fixed capital investment
         = Rs. 10.0 + 4.22 + 4.0 lac
         = 18.22 lacs
i) Raw Mat erial (p.m.)
         Different type of herbs, preservatives, emulsifying & = Rs.1.75 lacs. Stabilizing agent chemicals, packaging material          etc
2) St aff & Labour (p.m.)
Personnel Nos. Salary (Rs.) Total (Rs.)
Manager cum Mfg. Chemist 1 5,000 5,000
Analyt ical chemist 1 4,000 4,000
Sales man cum st ore keeper 1 2,500 2,500
Clerk cum Account ant 1 2,000 2,000
Skilled Worker 2 3,000 6,000
Unskilled Worker 3 1,800 5,400
Peon cum chowkidar 1 1,500 1,500
Total 26,400
Perquisites @ 15% 3,960
Total 30,360
Say 30,000
Ot her Expenses: (PM)
Elect ricit y / fuel 2,500
Wat er 500
Post age & St at ionery 250
Advt . & Publicit y 250
Maint enance and Repairing 300
Transport rt ion 2,000
Insurance 200
Telephone 500
Misc. exp. 500
Total 7,000
         Working capital per month:
         = Rs. 1.75 lakh + 30000 + 7000
         = 2.12. lac.
         Working capital for 3 months:
         = 2.12x3
         = 6.36 lac
         Tot al capit al invest ment = 3 mont hs working capit al + Tot al fixed capit al invest ment
         Rs. 6.36 + 18.22
         = 24.58 lacs.
Cost of Product ion (Per annum):
Description Value (Rs.)
Recurring Expenses 25.44
Depreciat ion on Building @ 5% 0.21
Depreciat ion on plant & machinery @ 10% 0.40
Depreciat ion on furnit ure @ 20% 0.05
Int erest on T.C.I. @ 10% 2.45
Total 28.55
        Turn over by sale of
        1.5 lacs. Of Herbal Cream/ lotion @ 20/- per piece         = 30.00lac
        75000 pcs. Of Herbal Scrub @ 18/- per piece                = 13.50 lacs

        Total = 43.50 lacs

        Less 10.2 % sales Tax = 4.40
        = 39.10%
        Less 15% Discount to Whole seller, Stockiest etc. = 39.10 - 5.85
        = 33.25
        Net Profit = 33.25 – 28.55
        = 4.7 lac
        %age Profit on Sale
        =4.7 x 100 / 33.25
        = 14.10%
        %age profit on Total Capital Investment
        = 4.7 x 100 / 24.58
        = 19.12%
         40% staff & Labour                           = 1.44 lac
         40% of other expenses                       = 0.33
         Total Depreciation on building plant    = 0.66
         and machinery and furniture
         Interest on Total Capital Investment   = 2.45
         Tot al                                                 = 4.89 lacs
         =Fixed cost x 100 / Fixed Cost + Profit
         = 4.89 x 100 / 4.89 + 3.75
         = 50%
Addresses of Machinery Manufact urers:
         1.      M/s Ajay Engineering,
                  L-52, GIDC, Odhav,
                  Ahmedabad-382415 (Guj.)
         2.      M/s Burman Plant & Machinery Pvt. Ltd.,
                  36, Sarjar Lane,
         3.      M/s Amkay Engineering Works,
                  B-33, DDA Shed, Okhla,
                  Industrial Area II,
                  New Delhi-20.
         4.      M/s Famach Machinery Co.,
                  6, Gurjar Ind. Estate,
                  Ajod Dairy Road, Rakhial,
         5.      M/s Frederick Herbert,
                  10, Second Pasta Lane, Colaba,
         6.      M/s Ganesh Engineering Works,
                  1507, Ganesh Pura Main Market, Tri Nagar,
         7.      M/s Indo German Phamachem Equipments,
                  Kothari House, Plot No,. A-13, Off Cross Road,
                  Steet Nio. 5, MIDC,
                  Andheri (E)
         8.      M/s K. Mahadev & Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
                  Dutta Mandir Road,
Suppliers of Raw Mat erials:
Raw mat erials can be purchased relat ed to Herbal product s is easily available at Khari Bawli, New Delhi. However,
addresses of some ot her raw mat erial suppliers are also given below:

         1.      M/s Amritlal Bhurabhai,

                  Princess Street, Mombay-2.
         2.      M/s R. Suresh Chander & CO.,
                  48, Princess Street,
         3.      M/s Haribhai Jesbhai,
                  Princess Street, Bombay-2.
         4.      M/s Chemical Market,
                  Tilak Bazar, Fatehpuri,
         5.      M/s Veena Perfumery,
                  Fatehpuri Delhi-6.

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