Respiratory System

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Pulmonary System

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1. Cardiovascular Share responsibility for supplying the body with oxygen

and Respiratory and carbon dioxide

2. Blood Transports oxygen to cells and removes wastes.

3. Respiratory sys- Oversee the gas exchange that occurs between the blood
tem organs and external environment

4. Cardiovascular Transport respiratory gases between the lungs and the

system organs cells in the rest of the body

5. Organs of the Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

respiratory sys-

6. Alveoli Terminal air sacs constitute the gas exchange surface of

the lungs;

7. Conducting zone Nose to the terminal bronchioles, where no gas exchange

takes place

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Conducting zone All other respiratory passages serve as conduits to and
structures from the respiratory zone.

9. Conducting zone Conducts air to respiratory zone, humidifies, warms, and

function filters air

10. Upper respirato- Nose, pharynx, larynx

ry tract

11. Lower respirato- Larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

ry tract

12. Nose Button or hooked shape that is the only externally visible
part of respiratory system

13. Nostrils (nares) Route through which air enters the nose

14. Nasal cavity Hollow space behind the nose or interior of the nose

15. Nasal septum A wall of cartilage that divides the nose or nasal cavity
into two equal sections

16. Olfactory recep- Nerve endings that act as the receptors for the sense of
tors smell

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17. Location of ol- Hair cells located in the mucous lining of the nasal canal;
factory receptors Located in the mucosa slitlike superior part of the nasal
cavity, just beneath the ethmoid bone

18. Respiratory re- Secrete mucus, traps large particles, have irritant recep-
ceptors tors, and warms the air;
Moistens air, traps incoming foreign particles;
Enzymes in the mucus destroy bacteria chemically

19. Ciliated cells Can catch dust and microbes and move them out of the
breathing system

20. Ciliated cells of Provides protection from infection by moving contaminat-

respiratory mu- ed mucus posteriorly toward the throat, where is swal-
cosa lowed and digested in the stomach

21. Conchae Three uneven, scroll-like nasal bones projections from the
lateral walls that extend down through the nasal cavity;
Increase surface area;
Increase air turbulence within the nasal cavity;
Increased trapping of inhaled particles

22. Palate Separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity, roof of the

23. Hard palate Anterior portion, supported by bone

24. Soft palate Posterior portion, not supported by bone

25. Cleft palate Congenitally malformed palate with a fissure along the

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Paranasal sinus- Air-containing cavities in the bones around the nose;
es frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillary;
Produce mucus;
Lighten the skull bones and act as a resonance chamber
for speech or amplify the sounds we make as we speak

27. Nasolacrimal Passageway for tears from the lacrimal sac into the nose

28. Rhinitis Inflammation of nasal mucosa, excessive mucus produc-

tion, nasal congestion, postnasal drip

29. Sinusitis Inflammation of the sinuses caused by a viral or bacterial

infection, can cause changes in voice quality

30. Sinus headache A headache resulting from congestion or infection in the

paranasal sinuses

31. Pharynx (throat) Passageway for air and food, leads to trachea

32. Posterior nasal Open passageway at the end of the nasal cavity leading
aperture into the pharynx

33. Three regions of Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx


34. Nasopharynx Superior portion of pharynx;

Contains pharyngeal tonsils and openings to left and right
auditory tubes;
Region of the pharynx at the back of the nose and above
the soft palate
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35. Oropharynx Central portion of the pharynx between the roof of the
mouth and the upper edge of the epiglottis, posterior to
oral cavity

36. Laryngopharynx Lower part of the pharynx, just below the oropharyngeal,
opening into the larynx and esophagus

37. Oropharynx and common passageways for air and food


38. Esophagus A muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.

39. Epiglottis A flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is

depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the
"Guardian of the airway";
Protects the superior opening or larynx

40. Pharyngolym- Connects the middle ear to the pharynx to maintain the
panic tube same pressure in the outer and middle ears;
Drain the middle ears, open into the nasopharynx

41. Otitis media Inflammation of the middle ear, may follow a sore throat

42. Tonsils Masses of lymphatic tissue found in the pharynx

43. Pharyngeal ton- Located in the posterior nasopharynx

sils (adenoids)

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44. Palatine tonsils Located on the left and right sides of the throat at the end
of the soft palate

45. Linguinal tonsils Lymphatic tissue at the base of the tongue

46. Tonsils function Gather and remove pathogens in food or air

47. Tonsilitis Acute or chronic inflammation of the tonsils

48. Larynx (voice A tube supported by a cartilage frame that passes air from
box) the pharynx to the lungs;
Formed by 8 rigid hyaline cartilage;
Often called "Adam's Apple";
Contains vocal cords that allow us to make sounds.

49. Thyroid cartilage The largest hyaline wing or shield shaped plate of carti-
lage that sits anterior to the larynx and forms the Adam's
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50. How the epiglot- -When only air is flowing into the larynx, the inlet to the
tis works? larynx is wide open and the free edge of the epiglottis
projects upward
-During swallowing, the larynx is pulled superiorly, and the
epiglottis tips to cover the laryngeal inlet. Because this
action keeps food out of the lower respiratory passages,
the epiglottis has been called the guardian of the airways

51. Laryngeal inlet Opening that connects the pharynx and larynx

52. Cough reflex Response of the body to clear air passages of foreign
substances and mucus by a forceful expiration

53. Vocal folds (true Vibrate with expelled air to create sound (speech)
vocal cords)

54. Glottis Opening between the vocal cords in the larynx

55. Trachea (wind- A 4-inch long tube that connects the larynx to bronchi;
pipe) Air passage extending from the larynx into the thorax

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56. Structure of tra- 4-5 inch tube that extends from lower voice box to center
chea of chest behind the heart;
Contains 16-20 C-shaped rings hyaline cartilages joined
by fibroelastic connective fiber

57. C-shaped rings Ensures the trachea remains open at all times. Prevents
of hyaline carti- the trachea from collapsing.

58. Trachealis mus- Band of smooth muscle that connects posterior parts of
cle cartilage rings located in the fibroelastic membrane of the
Contracts during coughing to expel mucus

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59. Tracheal ob- Life threatening: many people have suffocated after chok-
struction ing on a piece of food that suddenly closed off their

60. Heimlich maneu- A first-aid procedure for dislodging an obstruction from a

ver (abdominal person's windpipe in which a sudden strong pressure is
thrusts) applied on the abdomen, between the navel and the rib

61. Tracheostomy Surgical creation of an opening into the trachea through

the neck to provide alternative route for air to reach the

62. Ciliated mucosa Line the trachea; beats in opposite direction of the pas-
sage of air to propel dust/particles away from the lungs,
up to the throat to be swallowed or spat out (smoking
damages these)

63. Goblet cells A column-shaped cell is found in the respiratory and

intestinal tracts, which secretes the main component of

64. Main bronchi Formed by the division of the trachea

Each bronchus enters the lung at the hilum (medial de-
The right bronchus is wider, shorter, and straighter than
the left;
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Bronchi subdivide into smaller and smaller branches
called bronchioles

65. Lungs Two spongy organs, located in the thoracic cavity en-
closed by the diaphragm and rib cage, responsible for
Occupies whole thoracic cavity except for mediastinum

66. Apex of the lung Tip or uppermost portion of the lung, just deep to the

67. Apex of lung, lo- 3 to 4 cm above the inner third of the clavicles

68. Base of lung Lowest part of the lung, resting on the diaphragm

69. Lobes of the Left has 2 lobes, right has 3 lobes


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70. Pulmonary pleu- Covers the lung surface;

ra (visceral pleu- Primarily epithelial tissue and secretes a serous fluid that
ra) lubricates, reduces heat build-up, and creates surface
tension that helps us breathe.

71. Parietal pleura Lines the walls of the thoracic cavity

72. Pleural mem- Double-layered serous membrane that encloses and pro-
brane tects each lungs within the rib cage

73. Pleural fluid A serous fluid necessary to prevent friction between the
pleural membranes;
Allows lungs to glide easily over the thorax wall during

74. Pleurae Serous membranes that form an envelope between the

lungs and the chest wall
Thin, double-layered serosal membrane that divides tho-
racic cavity into two pleural compartments and medi-

75. Pleurae function Produces lubricating fluid and compartmentalizes the


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76. Pleural space The potential space between the parietal pleura and the
visceral pleura. It is described as "potential" because
under normal conditions, the space does not exist.

77. Pleurisy Inflammation of the pleura that produces sharp chest pain
with each breath

78. Bronchial tree Network of branching passageways;

Branched airways that lead from the trachea to the micro-
scopic air sacs called alveoli;
The branching system of bronchi and bronchioles con-
ducts air from the windpipe into the lungs.

79. Bronchioles Smallest branches of the bronchi. Terminal bronchioles

lead to alveolar ducts.

80. Terminal bron- Smaller than 0.5 millimeter and these mark the end of the
chioles conducting zone, leads to respiratory zone

81. Respiratory zone

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Site of gas exchange;
Respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sac,

82. Walls of alveoli Composed of simple squamous epithelial cell.;

Allow for exchange of gases with the blood capillaries that
surround them

83. Alveolar pores A small opening in the wall of an air sac that permits air
to pass from one alveolus to another;
Connect neighboring air sacs and provide alternative
routes for air to reach alveoli whose feeder bronchioles
have been clogged by mucus or otherwise blocked

84. Pulmonary capil- Surround the external thin tissue membranes of the alve-
laries oli; site of gas exchange in blood

85. Respiratory Where gas exchange occurs between the air on the alve-
membrane olar side and the blood on the capillary side;
Formed by the alveolar and capillary walls
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86. How does gas Simple diffusion through the respiratory membrane
exchange oc-

87. How does oxy- Diffusion through alveoli

gen enter blood

88. Where does car- Alveoli

bon dioxide en-
ter after leaving
the blood?

89. Oxygen enters Blood

90. Carbon dioxide Alveoli


91. Alveolar Add protection by picking up bacteria, carbon particles,

macrophages and other debris;
(dust cells) Keep alveoli free from debris by phagocytizing dust parti-

92. Surfactant (lipid Produced by cuboidal surfactant-secreting cells of the

molecule) alveoli that reduce the surface tension of water molecules,
thus preventing the collapse of the alveoli after each
Coats gas-exposed alveolar surfaces

93. Respiration Inhalation and exhalation of air

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Pulmonary venti- Moving air into and out of lungs to replace gases in the
lation (breathing) alveoli

95. External respira- Gas exchange between pulmonary blood and alveoli
tion - oxygen is loaded into the blood
- carbon dioxide is unloaded from the blood
Gas exchanges are being made between blood and body
Pulmonary gas exchange

96. Respiratory gas The process by which oxygen and carbon dioxide are
transport transported to and from the lungs and tissues via blood-

97. Internal respira- Exchange of gases between the blood and the cells of the
tion body;
Systemic capillary gas exchange

98. Cellular respira- the process by which cells use oxygen to produce energy
tion from food

99. Mechanics of Volume changes lead to pressure changes, which lead to

breathing the flow of gases to equalize pressure

100. Pulmonary ven- Volume changes of the thoracic cavity

tilation depends
on the?

101. Two phases 1. Inspiration - an active process of inhalation that

of breathing/ven- flows/brings air into the lungs
2. Expiration - usually a passive process of exhalation that
leaves/expels air from the lungs

102. Diaphragm and external intercostals

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Inspiratory mus-

103. What happens The size of the thoracic cavity increases in both length
when inspirato- and diameter
ry muscles con-

104. Contraction of Superior, inferior dimension (height) of thoracic cavity

the diaphragm increases

105. Contraction of Pulls ribs upward and outward to increase the volume of
external inter- the thoracic cavity from front to back
costal muscles

106. Lungs adhere to Pleurae

the thoracic cav-
ity by?

107. Intrapulmonary The volume within the lungs; as it increases, the gases
volume within the lungs spread out to fill the larger space

108. partial vacuum "When there is a difference in pressure things start to

The decrease in pressure that occurs inside the lungs as
the volume inside the thoracic cavity increases;
Causes air to flow into the lungs

109. air continues to Intrapulmonary pressure equals atmospheric pressure

move into the
lungs until

110. Expiration

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A passive process that depends on the elastic recoil
properties of the lungs, requiring little or no muscle work;
Relaxing the inspiratory muscles to move air out of the

111. What happens Gases inside the lungs are forced more closely together
when intrapul-
monary volume

112. Expiration intra- Increases/rises air is expelled

pulmonary pres-

113. Expiration intra- Decreases

pulmonary vol-

114. Gases passively Equalize pressure

flow out to

115. Spasms of asthma


116. Chronic bronchi- A condition in which the bronchi in the lungs are constant-
tis ly swollen and clogged with mucus

117. Pneumonia An inflammation of lung tissue, where the alveoli in the

affected areas fill w/fluid

118. When does ex- During exercise and voluntary hyperventilation

piration become

119. Forced expira- Contraction of abs and internal intercostals push air out;
tion Contraction of internal intercostal muscles to depress the
rib cage

120. Intrapleural pres- Pressure within pleural cavity, always negative

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121. Major factor pre- Intrapleural pressure

venting lung col-

122. What happens if Thu lungs recoil and collapse

intrapleural pres-
sure and atmos-
pheric pressure
become equal?

123. Atelectasis Collapsed lung

124. Pneumothorax Air in the pleural cavity caused by a puncture of the lung
or chest wall

125. Disruption of flu- Pneumothorax

id bond between

126. Respiratory ca- The amount of air the lungs can hold; calculated by adding
pacity certain respiratory volumes together

127. Factors affect Size, sex, age, physical condition

respiratory ca-

128. Tidal volume Normal quiet breathing;

500 ml of air is moved in/out of lungs with each breath;
Amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during a
normal breath

129. Inspiratory Re- Amount of air that can be forcefully inhaled after a normal
serve Volume tidal volume inhalation;
(IRV) 3,100 ml of air

130. Expiratory Re- Amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled after a normal
serve Volume tidal volume exhalation;
(ERV) 1,200 ml

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Residual Volume Amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced exha-
(RV) lation and cannot be voluntarily be expelled;
1,200 ml

132. Importance of Allows gas exchange to continue to occur even between

residual volume breaths and helps alveoli open

133. Vital Capacity The total amount of exchangeable air (TV + IRV + ERV);
(VC) 4,800 ml in healthy young male and 3,100 in healthy
young women

134. Dead space vol- Air that in respiratory passages or conducting zone that
ume does not contribute to gas exchange, never reaches alve-

135. Air in dead space 150 mL

of tidal volume

136. Functional vol- Air that actually reaches the respiratory zone (350 mL)

137. Spirometer Instrument used to measure respiratory capacity or


138. Nonrespiratory May modify normal respiratory rhythm;

air movements Most result from reflex action or in some voluntarily

139. Examples of Cough, sneeze, crying, laughing, hiccups, and yawns

air movements

140. Cough To force air through your throat with a short, loud noise
often because you are sick;
Clear lower respiratory passageways

141. Sneeze To blow air involuntarily through the nose;

Clear upper respiratory passageways

142. Crying Emotional induced mechanism, inspiration followed by air

released in short breaths

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143. Laughing An emotionally induced response that produces air move-
ments similar to crying

144. Hiccups Sudden inspiration results in spasm of the diaphragm;

Spasmodic closure of the glottis
Caused by irritation to the diaphragm or phrenic nerve.

145. Yawn To take a deep breath with your mouth wide open, be-
cause you are tired or bored;
Deep inspiration;
Ventilates all alveoli

146. Stethoscope A medical instrument for listening to the sounds generat-

ed inside the body

147. Bronchial Produced by air rushing through the large respiratory

sounds passageways (trachea and bronchi)

148. Vesicular breath- Air filling the alveolar sacs and resembles the sound of a
ing sounds muffled breeze

149. Diseased Res- Abnormal sounds such as crackle, wheezing, and rales
piratory Tissue,
Mucus, or Pus
can produce?

150. Oxygen is Oxygen diffuses from the oxygen-rich air of the alveoli to
loaded into the the oxygen-poor blood of the pulmonary capillaries;
blood The alveoli always have more oxygen than the blood -
oxygen moves by diffusion towards the area of lower con-
centration thus pulmonary capillary blood gains oxygen

151. Release of car- When tissue cells remove oxygen from the blood in the
bon dioxide in systemic circulation

152. Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood of the pulmonary
is unloaded out capillaries to the alveoli and be flushed out during expira-
of the blood tion

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153. Oxygen trans- Most oxygen travels attached to hemoglobin and forms
port in blood oxyhemoglobin (HbO2);
A small dissolved amount is carried in the plasma

154. Bicarbonate ion The most important buffer in human blood. It is responsi-
(HCO3-) ble for keeping the pH of the blood at 7.4

155. True or False: True

Carbon dioxide
is more soluble
in plasma com-
pared to oxygen

156. Blood pH 7.35 - 7.45

157. Carbon dioxide Most is transported in the plasma as bicarbonate ion

transport in the (HCO3-)
blood A small amount is carried inside red blood cells on hemo-
globin, but at different binding sites than those of oxygen

158. Before carbon Biocarbonate must enter RBC

dioxide to dif- Combine with hydrogen ions
fuse out of blood Form carbonic acid (H2CO3)
into the alveoli, Carbonic acid splits to form water and CO2
it must be re- CO2 diffuse from blood to the alveoli
leased from its
bicarbonate form

159. Internal respira- Gas exchange between the blood and body tissues;
tion Opposite of what occurs in the lungs

160. Process of inter- Oxygen is transferred from the bloodstream to the tissues
nal respiration (unloading)
Carbon dioxide diffuses out of tissue cells to blood (load-
CO2 from tissue --> blood --> form carbonic acid with
water --> release bicarbonate ions --> plasma.
O2 from hemoglobin --> tissue cells

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161. Carbonic anhy- Enzyme that catalyzes the reaction between carbon diox-
drase ide and water to form carbonic acid

162. Phrenic nerves Stimulate the diaphragm and cause it to contract

163. Intercostal Nerves between the ribs


164. Activity of res- Phrenic nerves and intercostal

piratory muscles
is transmitted to
and from the
brain by

165. Respiratory mus- Diaphragm and intercostal muscles that promote ventila-
cles tion

166. External inter- Raises the rib cage during inspiration

costal muscles

167. Medulla and Where the respiratory control centers are located

168. Neural centers Medulla and pons

that control res-
piratory rhythm
and depth are?

169. Two respiratory Ventral Respiratory Group (VRG)

centers in medul- Dorsal Respiratory Group (DRG)

170. Ventral respira- Inspiratory and expiratory center - activates accessory

tory group (VRG) inspiratory muscles and exhalation muscles
Functions only in forced breathing

171. Inspiratory neu- Stimulate diaphragm and external intercostal muscles

rons Stimulate spinal motor neurons that innervate respiratory

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172. Inspiratory neu- Phrenic and intercostal nerve
rons send infor-
mation to the
diaphragm via
what nerve?

173. Expiratory neu- Stop the stimulation of the diaphragm and external inter-
rons costal muscles allowing for passive exhalation

174. Eupnea Normal respiration

175. Normal respira- 12-15 respirations per minute

tory rate

176. Dorsal Respi- Integrates peripheral sensory input and modifies the
ratory Group rhythms generated by the VRG

177. Respiratory cen- Helps control rate and depth of breathing; works with
ter of pons respiratory center in the medulla oblongata
Helps smooth the respiratory rate

178. Respiratory rate Number of breaths per minute

179. Respiratory The regular or irregular spacing of breaths


180. Hyperpnea Increase in the depth and rate of breathing to meet the
body's needs, as in exercise

181. Physical Factors Talking, coughing, exercising

influencing res-
piratory rate and

182. Volition Conscious control in respiration

183. Emotional fac- Panic, fear, anger, love, excitement, hatred


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184. Chemical factors Levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood

185. Carbonic acid Compound that results from the combination of carbon
dioxide and water

186. Most impor- The body's need to rid itself of CO2

tant stimulus for

187. Increased level The most important stimuli leading to an increase in rate
of carbon diox- and depth of breathing
ide and de-
creased blood

188. An increase in A decreased blood pH because high CO2 results in more

the carbon diox- carbonic acid, which lowers blood pH
ide levels can

189. Low blood pH Results from metabolic activities

190. Changes in car- Medulla oblongata

bon dioxide or
H+ ion concen-
tration act direct-
ly on the?

191. Peripheral Receptors in the carotid arteries and the aorta that mon-
chemoreceptors itor blood pH to help regulate ventilation rate;
Detect changes in oxygen concentration in the blood or
respiratory gases or blood pH

192. Changes in oxy- Detected by chemoreceptors in the aorta and common

gen concentra- carotid artery

193. Hyperventilation Increased rate and depth of breathing due to the rising
level of CO2 in blood;
We exhale more CO2 than we should, resulting in elevat-
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ed blood pH
May result in apnea and dizziness and lead to acidosis or

194. Hypoventilation Decreased rate or depth of air movement into the lungs;
Blood starts to become slightly alkaline;
Breathing slows and becomes shallow;
Allows CO2 to accumulate in the blood and brings blood
pH to normal range

195. Chronic Obstruc- Permanent, destructive pulmonary disorder that is a com-

tive Pulmonary bination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema
Disease (COPD)

196. Features of - Patients almost always have a history of smoking

COPD - Labored breathing (dyspnea) becomes progressively
more severe "air hunger"
- Coughing and frequent pulmonary infections are com-
- Most victims are hypoxic, retain carbon dioxide, and
have respiratory acidosis
- Those infected will ultimately develop respiratory failure

197. Chronic bronchi- A condition in which the mucosa of bronchi in the lungs
tis are constantly swollen and clogged with mucus

198. Excessive mu- Impairs ventilation and gas exchange

cus production

199. Chronic bronchi- Called blue bloater as a result of chronic hypoxia and
tis patient carbon dioxide retention

200. Emphysema Walls of alveoli deteriorate and lose their elasticity;

A condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged
and enlarged, causing breathlessness;
Patients use a large amount of energy to exhale; some air
remains in the lungs

201. Chronic inflam- Lung fibrosis

mation promotes
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202. Cyanosis A bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor cir-
culation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood.

203. Pink puffer Emphysema sufferers

204. Lung cancer Malignant tumor arising from the lungs and bronchi due
to cigarette smoking

205. 90 percent of Smoking

lung cancer is
caused by

206. Common types Adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, small cell

of lung cancer carcinoma

207. Adenocarcinoma (40% of cases) originates in peripheral lung areas; devel-

ops from bronchial glands and alveolar cells;
A malignant tumor that originates in glandular tissue

208. Squamous cell (25-30% of cases) arises in the epithelium of the larger
carcinoma bronchi and form masses that bleed

209. Small cell carci- (20% of cases) contains lymphocyte-like cells that origi-
noma nate in primary bronchi and subsequently metastasize

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