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What if school hours were extended to 5 o’clock?

I completely disagree, if school hours were extended to five we would be very

exhausted and tired after school.
Firstly from like 8 or 9 in the morning we go to school and come back at 5
that’s like 10 hours of school. It would be extremely tiring and we would not be
able to enjoy out-of-school hours. That way early sleepers won’t have time to
eat or study.

For some people who have after-school activities like art class, karate
swimming and more they won’t be able to concentrate when they’re very tired
from school and have to go directly to different classes.

In addition to that, we wouldn’t have time for anything especially if we had

homework we would have to drop out of after-school activities we would have
tons of homework on our minds worrying about deadlines and when to hand
in assignments instead of concentrating on other things. There would be no life
no family time. Things would be stressful.

Lastly, there would be nothing else to focus on if we had homework on top of

that 10 hours of school life would stay for 12 years which would be hard for
In conclusion, I strongly believe we should keep school hours until 3:00, for
about 8 hours of school.

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