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Civic Welfare Training Service

This is a simple requirement for our class because I assume that you became faithful to your short-term
vocation - tutoring. This is so simple for you not to have a sense of anxiety which may be triggered by the
tons of requirements in your various subject.

Instructions: Answers/responses for each number should be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum
of 300 words.

1. Based on your observation, make a critical analysis of the pre-pandemic basic education which you
obtained and which your tutee is receiving today. Your analysis should set aside the online mode of
learning which is administered at present due to pandemic.

Undeniably, I can see how primary education in the Philippines gets more advanced as time
passes by. The same as when generations changes, education changes too, along with this. For instance,
way back, cursive writing is introduced to us during the mid-quarter of my third grade in preparation for
the intermediate level. While my tutee, that is only in second grade, already knows how to write in
cursive. They also learned how to read the time, which we studied when I was again in the third grade.
They even know how to read long sentences or even short stories in both English and Filipino
vernacular, which we did when I was around my third to fourth grade in elementary. In comparison
before, we were only reading simple words and phrases that were not that difficult to read. They, too,
know how to compute multiplication and division from which before, in second grade, we were only
adding and subtracting the higher value of numbers. Furthermore, even before the pandemic strikes,
the current educational way of teaching in the current generation is high-tech or technology based. For
the reason that, before, teachers only use several manila papers, Cartolina papers, or chalkboards in a
discussion. Now, teachers use PowerPoint presentations, video lectures, and online applications. Thus,
besides the fact that the Philippines' primary education gets more advanced in terms of difficulty, the
teaching style has also changed into an almost-paperless approach and a more entertaining manner,
unlikely to the teaching style before, even though the pandemic did not happen.

2. We hear countless stories of individuals who do not have a baccalaureate degree but still managed
to become successful. It means that education is not a sure way for one to be successful. Still, why is
important to have a degree?

Obtaining a baccalaureate degree is still essential despite stories of some individuals who still
managed to become successful without even having a college diploma. It is a must because in our
country, the Philippines, if you want to have a path to success, first, you need to finish your studies.
Since the first thing that the employers would look at is your educational attainment, and if you are not
a college graduate, most likely, you will end up working in a blue-collar job instead of a white-collar job
you desire. Plus, it is also a way of giving yourself a favor to be knowledgeable and to feel that sense of
Since it is a key to reaching the dream, you are aiming for in life. For instance, it is my dream to be a
Certified Public Accountant, and I want to be one. As for me to become an accountant, I need to first go
to college and take the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, graduate, take the board exams, and pass.
Thus, it is still essential to have a degree if you want to reach the goal you are aiming for because not all
are lucky to be successful even though they did not graduate.

3. Most Filipino parents subscribe to the belief that providing for the best education is the (only)
legacy they can leave to their offspring which cannot be taken from them. Why do they think so?

There are various possible reasons why Filipino parents subscribe to the belief that providing the
best education is the only legacy they can leave to their children that no one can take from them. First,
for the reason that it is their way of pursuing us to study well. They want to constantly remind us that
education is essential for us to prosper in life. Second, because they do not want us to end up like them
since way back then, not all have the opportunity to graduate; if not, it is difficult and costly to attend
college. Especially before that life is so hard and resources are limited. Third, is because their mindset is
that if they were unable to accomplish and get to have it, they want us to have what they cannot obtain
before. For them, it is the best gift that a child must have and achieve, which somewhat makes their
achievement too. Because it gives them the sense of fulfillment that even if they are not college
graduates, at least they have been able to give it to their children and provide them a good life. Fourth,
is because not all have some property or estate to bequeath to their children when the time comes.
Lastly, because literally, it is the only thing that no one can ever get from us even after we die. It is not
like the material things that can steal from us. It is a gem instilled in us and an untouchable part of us.

4.Given the limited knowledge we have about Philippine Education, what policy do you wish to
enhance or change? Why?

With the limited knowledge that I have about Philippine Education, there are certain things that
I wish to change because I think it will help every student to grow as their true unique selves. First, the
ranking system in the Philippine education system should remove. They should remove it since it only
promotes competition which they should avoid instilling in a student. Because for me, in a school they
should guide and nurture students to be someone who respects and cares for everyone. Students
should not think of other students as a threat since it is better if they perceive each other as someone
whom they can trust and rely on. Thus, they should emphasize more on teaching synergy, solidarity, and
harmony than instilling competition. Secondly, do not drown students with the overwhelming units.
They should lessen the school hours for students. Unlikely in other countries, here in the Philippines,
students’ time almost only revolves around studying. Students are required to be in school for eight
hours a day. But then, it does not stop from there, after school, they will still do their homework and
study for their following lessons. Come morning, they will again prepare for school and repeats the
cycle. This certainly consumes almost students’ entire time that they cannot even enjoy their youth
because of this. Therefore, I believe if they consider this, it will help students to lean toward the path of
their true selves-desire. Since it will limit given implications instilled to students to whether what they
should be, instead it will help them explore and grow into the person they want to be.
5. What are your realizations in this simple volunteering activity?

In this act of volunteerism, I get to see extensively beyond the surface of life. I have realized that
I am truly fortunate despite some hardships and downfalls I have faced in my existence. It is because not
all are privileged to experience what I have right now. I have enough support that I need to live a
comfortable life. I am so blessed to have my family who cares and supports me financially, physically,
emotionally, and mentally. They are always there for me through thick and thin. Thus, I must say that
this activity widens my eyes to see how I should appreciate more everything that I have and will be
receiving in life. That I should be more thankful and less of a whiner because there are people who are
experiencing more hardships than me. Not all have this kind of a solid support system that I have
growing up. Because from what I have observed in a family nowadays, they may either be financially
abundant, but they lack attention and guidance or vice versa. Moreover, I have also realized through this
activity that what I thought was only a small act of volunteering that meant nothing to my tutee did
somewhat mean something to her and her family. I cannot believe that I have been able to help my
tutee learn and give her parents a helping hand to somehow fill some of their shortcomings in terms of
guiding their child in her studies since they are busy providing for the sake of their family. Overall, it is
very heart-warming that I have been able to do something valuable in life, and it creates me to become
a much better person.

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