Unit 1 Language and Culture

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Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple

or the Present Continuous.

State or stative verbs are verbs which do not 1. A: __Do you know__ (you / know) that man over
usually have continuous tenses because they there?
describe a state rather than an action. These B: Actually, I do. He’s Muriel’s husband.
include: 2. A: Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?
 Verbs which express likes and dislikes: B: Yes. I ___________________ (see) Jack at 9.
like, love, hate, dislike, enjoy, prefer, fancy, 3. A: I ________________ (see) you’re feeling better.
can’t stand, not mind, etc. B: Yes, I am. Thank you.
e.g. Cathy likes romantic films. 4. A: What’s that noise?
B: Well, I’m afraid that the people next door
 Verbs of perception:
_____________________ (have) a party.
believe, know, notice, remember, forget,
5. A: Sam ___________________ (have) a new iPad.
wish, understand, realise, wonder, think,
B: I know. I’ve already seen it.
(dis)agree, doubt, guess, hope, suppose, etc.
6. A: This dress ___________________ (not fit) me
e.g. I don’t believe a word he’s saying.
 Verbs of the senses: B: What don’t you buy a new one?
see, hear, taste, look, smell, sound, touch, 7. A: Your perfume ________________ (smell) nice.
feel, seem. We often use can or could with What is it?
these verbs when we refer to what we see, B: It’s a new perfume called Sunshine.
hear, etc at the moment of speaking. 8. A: What is Jane doing?
e.g. The soup tastes delicious. B: She ___________________ (smell) the roses in
Dad is in the attic. I can hear him. the garden.
 Some other verbs: be, have ( = possess), 9. A: What ______________________ (you / look) at?
want, need, include, belong (to), weigh, B: Some pics I took during my holidays. They
cost, owe, fit, mean, own, measure, matter, aren’t very good, though.
need, contain, lack, appear, deserve, etc. 10. A: Hey, you _____________________ (look) really
e.g. This book is mine. It belongs to me. pretty today.
B: Thank you. I’ve just had my hair cut.
11. A: I _____________________ (think) we are being
Some state verbs have continuous tenses, but followed.
there is A DIFFERENCE IN MEANING. B: Don’t be silly! It’s just your imagination.
These are some examples: 12. A: Is anything wrong?
 I think she’s Italian. ( = believe) B: No. I ___________________ (just / think) about
I’m thinking about my holiday. ( = consider) the party tonight.
 The soup tastes awful. ( = have an awful 13. A: This fabric _________________ (feel) like silk.
B: Indeed it is silk, and it is very expensive.
14. A: What are you doing?
She’s tasting the soup. ( = test the flavour of)
B: I ____________________ (feel) the radiator to
 I can see a plane in the sky. ( = perceive) see if it’s getting warm.
I’m seeing Jill tonight. ( = meet someone) 15. A: She ______________ (be) generous, isn’t she?
 Susan looks tired. ( = appear) B: Yes, she has never been a mean person.
Susan is looking at the photos. ( = study) 16. A: I’m sorry, but I _______________________
 The room smells of perfume. ( = have the (not understand) what you mean.
smell) B: Shall I explain it again?
The cat is smelling its food. ( = sniff) 17. A: The children are making lots of noise today.
B: I know, but they _______________ (have) fun.
 The towel feels soft. (= have a soft texture)
18. A: Tom ______________ (be) very quiet, isn’t he?
Jill is feeling her son’s forehead. ( = touch)
B: Yes, I think he has some problems.
 He is selfish. (character – permanent state) 19. A: Would you fancy some cherries?
He is being selfish. (behaviour - temporary B: Yes, please. I ______________ (love) cherries.
situation) They’re my favourite fruit.
 He has a sports car. (= possess) 20. A: This cake __________________ (taste) awful.
He’s having lunch. (= eat – idiom) B: I think I forgot to put sugar in it!
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
1- Read and choose TRUE or FALSE.

“The Smurfs” is a cartoon

from the ‘80s. The Smurfs live in a village and Papa Smurf is
their leader. He doesn’t wear a white hat as the other smurfs:
his hat is red. In the picture, he is playing the piano. Brainy
Smurf and Jokey Smurf are playing the guitar. Brainy often
thinks he is the most intelligent Smurf in the village, but he is
usually wrong. He always wears a pair of glasses and a white
hat. Jokey is the funniest Smurf. He enjoys playing tricks on
the other Smurfs. Harmony Smurf loves to play the trumpet, but he doesn’t do it well. In the
picture, he is singing Smurfette isn’t the only female Smurf in the village: there are other two
girls. She has long blond hair and big eyes. In the picture, she isn’t playing any instrument.

1- The Smurfs live in a Village.

2- All the Smurfs wear a white hat.
3- Their leader is playing the piano.
4- Brainy never wears glasses.
5- Jokey is the funniest smurf.
6- Harmony is a good trumpet player.
7- Smurfette is the only female in the village.
8- Smurfette is not playing the guitar.

2- Choose the correct option of Present Simple or Present Continuous

1. My brother Jim works/ is working in Boston at present.
2. The secretary generally leaves/ is leaving the office at 7:30 every evening.
3. Mr. Scott watches/ is watching the news on TV at the moment.
4. We don’t often go/ aren’t often going to the coast in the winter.
5. Look! John comes/ is coming over there.
6. Mary doesn’t come/ isn’t coming to visit us once or twice a month.
7. These days Tom doesn’t work/ isn’t working as a mechanic.
8. What do you like/ are you liking doing when you are at home?
9. Where do they usually go/ are they usually going in the summer?
10. What does the boy do/ is the boy doing at the moment?
11. Look at that man. He wears/ is wearing a green uniform. He must be a police officer.
12. The bar opens/ is opening at 6:45 and closes/ is closing at 10:30 every day.
13. We don’t do/ aren’t doing anything special right now.
14. Why do you study/ are you studying English now? Are you planning to go to the USA?
15. You must always speak to him in English. He doesn’t understand/ isn’t understanding
16. Listen! Somebody plays/ is playing the piano upstairs. Who can it be?
Read Jay Leno’s interviews with actors Keira Knightley and
Orlando Bloom. Then do the tasks.
Jay: Keira, did you like the Caribbean?
Keira: Yes, it was great. On my free days I went to the beach or went
Jay: Did you do the action scenes in The Pirates of the Caribbean?
Keira: No, I didn’t. I had a fantastic stunt girl. But once I jumped into the sea!
Jay: Did you act at school?
Keira: No, I didn’t but I acted in the holidays. I was a good student at school.
I was always at the front of the class and always did my homework.
Jay: What did you do in that romantic scene with Orlando Bloom?
Keira: We kissed. It was very romantic.

Jay: Orlando, did you like working with Johnny Depp?

Orlando: Yes, I did. He was awesome. Johnny was my hero when I was young. It
was an amazing experience.
Jay: Why did you like the part of Paris in Troy?
Orlando: I didn’t want to play the hero again, you know? Paris is cool because he
is an antihero. It’s a great part.
Jay: Why did people love the character of Legolas in Lord of the Rings?
Orlando: Because he was blond and he was an action hero. He was a great
Jay: Did you make good friends from the Lord of the Rings?
Orlando: Yes, I did. Some very good friends. We were together for eighteen
months. I see Liv when I’m in New York and Viggo, Elijah and Sean when I’m in Los
1)Read the interviews again and write the names of the actors next to the
1) Keira Knightley didn’t do the action scenes in the film.
2) ___________________________ visits his friends in the United States.
3) ___________________________ was good at school.
4) ___________________________ liked Johnny Depp when he was young.
5) ___________________________ likes snorkelling.
6) ___________________________ wanted to play a bad character.

2) Choose the correct words in a) and b). Remember, how to make questions.
Questions Answers
a) Did you at school? Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.
b) What did you ? We kissed.

3) Write Yes/No questions and short answers about Keira Knightley in your
notebook. Get the answers from the text.
1) do action scenes in The Pirates of the Caribbean.
1) Did she do action scenes in The Pirates of the Caribbean? No, she didn’t.

2) go to the beach?
3) go skiing?
4) act at school?
5) do her homework?
6) kiss Brad Pitt in the movie?

Subject vs. Object Questions
A. Ask questions about the underlined words.
Joe has broken his arm. Who has broken his arm?

1. I thought her name was Sarah. ______________________________________________

2. Sarah was her name. ______________________________________________
3. I bought a new shirt this morning. ______________________________________________
4. I bought a new shirt this morning. ______________________________________________
5. Tony phoned me at 2 a.m. last night. ______________________________________________
6. Tony phoned me at 2 a.m. last night. ______________________________________________
7. Tom sold his house ten years ago. ______________________________________________
8. Tom sold his house ten years ago. ______________________________________________
9. Tom sold his house ten years ago. ______________________________________________
10. Something happened during the night. ______________________________________________
11. Julie got married last year. ______________________________________________
12. Julie got married last year. ______________________________________________

B. Write one word in each gap to make a question. C. Make questions with who or what.
Example: Example:
What time does it take you to get ready in the morning? Something bit me. What bit you?

1. Did _____ rain here yesterday? 1. Someone poured me with coffee.

2. Who _____ you speak to this morning? ____________________________________
3. When _____ the town founded? 2. Something fell on the floor.
4. _____ does this book belong to? ____________________________________
5. What _____ this word mean? 3. Somebody gave me this.
6. What _____ are your friends coming? ____________________________________
7. Who _____ you want to speak to? 4. Something smells so good here.
8. Who _____ that man at the bar? ____________________________________
9. _____ did I park the car? 5. Someone told me that.
10. How _____ is it to the town centre? ____________________________________
11. How _____ time do you spend watching TV? 6. There is something in the box.
12. What _____ of car have you got? ____________________________________

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