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LEOPOLD'S 1st 2nd 3rd 4th


determine the fetal GRIP face the mother AL GRIP still facing the K'S GRIP make a C GRIP face the feet of the
presentation or position place both hands on the mother place both hands shaped on top of the mother, using the fingers
and lie of the fetus by fundic area and gently on the side of mother's pubis with thumb placed of both hands gently
systematically palpating walk your fingers to the abdomen the other hand on one side of the pelvis make a deep palpation to
the mother's abdomen fundus to determine fetal will be pushing while the while the remaining 4 determine if the has baby
position-If fetus is in other will palpate to other fingers are placed drop to the pelvis.
occiput presentation – a determine the fetal back on the other side. In most
round and soft fetal part and limbs cases we can palpate a
can be palpated round hard object-fetal

•Wash hands •Rub hands to warm If the presenting part is

DIFFERENT FETAL •Drape the patient •Put the patient in dorsal above the inlet - the
LIES •Exposed only the part to recumbent position lying fingers of your both
LONGITUDINAL- be examined with the on her back with flexed hands will almost meet
breech or cephalic mother's consent knees to relax abdominal each other.
OBLIQUE- Diagonal muscles If the presenting part has
head down already descended into
TRANSVERSE- Lying the pelvis – this is not
crosswise or possible anymore
perpendicular to the
mother's spine

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