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TESOL Worksheet



List down the factors which affect 2nd Language learning and Acquisition

Learning Environment (Home Environment/ School Environment)

Language acquisition can be influenced by the learning environment in two different ways.
Environments at home and at school are important factors in language development.

The parent's usage of the language with the child encourages the child to use the language more
frequently. Linguistic loss can also be caused by a decrease in language input. Children are less likely
to utilize the other language when parents decide to only use "English" at home. It can also help
children learn a language when they hear and witness it used in their neighborhood. Reading
exposure is another method parents can affect their children's language development.
B. Another factor that influences language acquisition is the quality and quantity of language exposure
that children receive in school. The quality and quantity of grade-level instruction and instructional
programming are referred to as exposure in schools. The curriculum used to teach the target
language is referred to as grade-level instruction. The use of grade-level materials allows teachers to
differentiate language instruction by meeting students where they are in the language development
process, allowing them to grow in their language skills.
The motivation of a child to learn a language can often help or hinder language acquisition. This
is due to the fact that motivation drives a person's interest, which influences how much effort is put into
learning a language. Teachers and parents can help children become more motivated. Language
learning and bilingualism, for example, are highly valued in my household. Parents can influence their
children's motivation by regularly exposing them to multiple languages. One way to accomplish this is to
discuss the advantages of being bilingual.
Students will be more successful and interested in the language if teachers match their teaching
methods to their students' learning styles. Learning styles do not predict a favorable outcome in L2, but
they do show the most effective way to achieve the best results. Students who are aware of their
learning style, highly motivated, and have a positive attitude are more likely to succeed in SLA.

The earlier a learner is exposed to a second language, the greater the learner's ability to achieve
proficiency. Older students have greater cognitive ability and can use learning strategies more
effectively. As a result, they progress more quickly through the early stages of language learning. In the
long run, however, learners who are exposed to a second language at a younger age outperform older
learners in terms of native-like proficiency.


Communication is the obvious reason why oral language skills are important. Children must be
able to participate in a conversation in which they answer questions, share personal stories, and use
details to retell stories they have heard. Although some children are less communicative than others,
most kindergarten students should have mastered these skills by the end of the year.

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