Task 7 - Genohs201b Ohs

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William Ross State High School STUDENT NAME: ___________ COMPETENT

_________ _________

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Certificate II in Workplace Practices


GENOHS201B Work safely according to OHS principles and procedures

To gain competency in GENOHS201B

y Completion of student work booklet y Practical skills demonstrated on- the job or in a simulated work environment y

Task 7 Date issued: ________________

VERSION 1.3 2010


GENOHS201B: Work safely according to OHS principles and procedures

ELEMENT OF COMPETENCY GENOHS201B/01 Identify OHS requirements for a safe working environment 1.1 1.2 2.1 GENOHS201B/02 Follow workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Identify employer and employee legal responsibilities prescribed in OHS legislation. Undertake OHS training as directed. Recognise hazardous situations in the workplace. Follow workplace procedures (including signage) and work instructions for identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks within scope of responsibilities and competencies. Report hazards to designated personnel according to workplace procedures. Respond to emergency situations according to workplace procedures. Report details of emergencies to appropriate personnel according to workplace procedures. Raise task and/or job specific OHS issues through participative arrangements for OHS management in the workplace. Contribute to OHS in the workplace within organisational procedures and scope of responsibilities and competencies. Critical Aspects of Evidence to be considered Overall competence in this unit requires that the learner: develop knowledge and understanding of: the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees in the workplace, in general employment remuneration and superannuation types of industrial instruments used in the workplace that specify employment terms and conditions the process used when making an individual workplace agreement and the role and obligations of the parties involved training arrangements for apprentices and trainees, including the role and obligation of parties involved the purpose of workplace insurance, including Workers Compensation and employer and employee obligations under Workers Compensation the purpose, memberships and services of industrial organisations that represent employees and employers Equal Employment Opportunity, Anti-Discrimination and Workplace Health and Safety legislation as it applies in the workplace demonstrate positive workplace relations by meeting employee obligations in the workplace identify key information about employment terms and conditions that should be acquired by employees when starting a new job in preparation for future employment opportunities. D D


2.3 3.1 GENOHS201B/03 Follow emergency procedures 3.2

4.1 GENOHS201B/04 Participate in maintaining a safe workplace



Units of Competency







KEY A B C Folio of Work Scenarios problem solving Written Test

Case Study Teacher Questioning Observations with checklists and self assessment

Diary/Journal Role Play Oral Presentation Demonstration


William Ross State High School



GENOHS201B: Work safely according to OHS principles and procedures



Part A

Knowledge, Evidence, Skill

Working towards competency Date & sign

Parts C E and F Part C F and G Part A, B, D, F, G, H

I give approval for this information to be passed on to the appropriate personnel. Verbal and/or written feedback has been given to me. Students signature: Date: Comment re task/s: Assessors signature: Date: Feedback:


RELEVANT TO THIS TASK This task: y has a standard scheme attached that records the standards required for the workplace/industry y caters for a range of learners y provides choice of core and/or extension activities This task sheet has: y clear instructions y clear purpose y clear links to industry requirements y clear time lines

QComply with the principles of validity, reliability, fairness and flexibility QProvide for the applicants to be informed of the context and purpose of the assessment and the
assessment process


Q Where relevant, focus on the

application of knowledge and skill to the standard required in the workplace including task skills, skills for managing work tasks and contingencies and the job role environment

This task: y provides clear information on industry standards y provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate workplace skills and tasks This task:  when completed will provide students with written and verbal feedback and an opportunity (if appropriate) to resubmit This task: y will provide the necessary resources, so that every student has equal access and the opportunity to demonstrate competency y will provide the content, the format, the wording that will allow students to comprehend the task y will provide verbal explanation of the written task. Additional individual teacher guidance and input will be available if equired. r This task: y will provide the opportunity for reassessment on appeal under the conditions of this course. This task:  undertakes a specific workplace task(s)  manages a number of different tasks to complete a whole work activity  responds to problems and irregularities when undertaking a work activity, eg. Breakdowns, changes in routines, unexpected results or outcomes, difficult or dissatisfied clients  deals with the responsibilities and expectations of the work environment when undertaking a work activity, eg. Working with others, interacting with clients and suppliers, complying with standard operating procedures, observing enterprise policy and procedures  covered the underpinning skills and knowledge and/or the range of variables. This task:  will provide any adjustments to assessment procedures which will meet the needs of all students and still provide accurate assessment results. Needs improvement Must be accompanied by suggestions

Q Provide for feedback to the applicant about the outcomes of the assessment process and guidance on
future options

Q Are equitable for all persons Q Provide for reassessment on appeal Q Provide Competency-Based Assessment
There are five parts to being competent:

Q Q Q Q Q Q Reasonable adjustment:

Task Skills Task Management Skills Contingency Management skills Job/Role Environment Skills Transfer Skills

The nature and range of adjustment to an assessment tool or assessment method, which will ensure valid and reliable assessment decisions but also, meet the characteristics of the person(s) being assessed STUDENT EVALUATION OF TASK How did you find this task? Did you understand what you had to do? Did you receive the help you felt you needed to complete this task? Did you feel that all people in your group contributed evenly to your task? Comment STUDENT EVALUATION OF UNIT How useful did you find this unit? How well will this unit help you in the future? Did you receive any adaptations, simpler words etc. Comments Yes Excellent Excellent





Needs improvement Must be accompanied by suggestions


Not Needed


Case 1: Simon and Karl pay for dangerous practice

As Karl lit his cigarette lighter the flame jumped and the drum containing the flammable substance caught fire.
Simon and Karl, who are employed by Wade Pack, a cardboard making company, suffered burn injuries when a fire started within a flammable liquids storeroom in the factory. There were no lights installed in the storeroom and in circumstances where, for several weeks at least, there had been a need for employees to gain access to the storeroom in night-time hours in order to decant flammable liquids from drums within the storeroom to smaller containers. There was a practice where by the staff would momentarily illuminate the interior of the storeroom by lighting a cigarette lighter. An obviously dangerous practice having regard to the presence of flammable fumes in the atmosphere and flammable liquids on the floor. There were leakages in the hand pump used for transferring liquids from one container to another. The storeroom was inadequately ventilated and there was a lack of appropriate training, instruction and supervision of employees. Simon had been employed in his position for a period of only one or two weeks before the accident. The accident occurred when Karl lit his cigarette lighter in order for Simon to see what he was doing. Simon was transferring a flammable substance from a drum into a smaller container. He could not see what he was doing as there were no lights installed in the storeroom. As Karl lit his cigarette lighter the flame jumped and the drum containing the flammable substance caught fire. Both Karl and Simon received burns to which caused them to be absent from work for a short period of time and which have let some continuing effect, and some damage to property. Case 2: Melinda burnt when OHS program fails Melinda who is 21 years old and has only been employed by KFC for about five weeks. Melinda was cleaning a bacon fryer and steamer unit. One compartment of that unit (the fryer) held hot cooking oil, while the other (the steamer) contained hot water. Melinda, through inexperience, mistakenly believed that both sections of the unit contained hot oil. She endeavored to locate the oil drum into which, as she knew, the hot oil was to be poured and later disposed of, but found that it was outside the premises with the back door locked. She then asked the cook and restaurant manager how to dispose of the oil in the circumstances and was told to "put it in the bain-marie", a metal bucket like utensil located on the floor of the area. Melinda then proceeded firstly to empty the hot water from the unit into the bain-marie (under the impression it was hot oil) and then to pour the hot oil from the unit into the same container. When the hot oil hit the hot water it started to explode. Melinda suffered severe burns to her body from the exploding hot oil. She was admitted to hospital, where she received appropriate treatment, and was absent from work for more than four weeks as a result of her injuries. Kentucky Fried Chicken accepted the blame for the accident, the reason for its occurrence being a failure of its extensive safety, health and welfare program. The Court imposed a fine of $20 000.

Case 3: Petrol fumes leave three dead

On 7 December 1994 WreckAir hired a pump to Peter Applegate. Peter conducts business as a primary producer on a dairy farm were he employs his son, Peter Applegate Jnr, as a farmhand. Peter transported the pump from WreckAir to his farm where it was placed in a well and operated to pump out liquid from the well. The well is utilised to supply water to the farmhouse and cattle watering tanks. Thomas, PJ and Greg Mead, a person not employed at the farm entered the well and were overcome by fumes emitted from the motor of the pump. All three men died in the well as a result. A few hours later a fourth person, John Hanks entered the Applegate farm looking for Thomas. John attempted to reach the men, but was driven back by bad air in the well. At that time the pump motor was located inside the well. The pump was collected by Peter from WreckAir. A deposit was paid by him on the equipment hired. Peter signed a "Cash Hire Invoice" and was given a copy of it. He was given no other documentation and he was given no instructions, written or otherwise, as to the danger of operating the pump motor in a confined space. The pump motor itself carried information stickers bearing the name "WreckAir Hire", a telephone number for service assistance and a "Warning - Petrol Only" sign near the fuel tank cap. No other sticker or warnings were attached to the motor or any other part of the plant. Peter hired the pump in circumstances where, whatever the information he had supplied as to his needs, no attempt was made to convey to him any operating instruction at all, let alone those which would relate to the hazard arising from the use of the equipment particularly the petrol motor in a confined space. WreckAir was convicted and fined $20 000.
CASE 4 - No training, no guard leads to 17 year old losing hand

A 17 year old casual drum assistant was requested to work on a machine that he had
y y y

never set up before; never received instruction on how to set up; and never been informed of the possible dangers or the safety features.

He was given vague instructions by a 19 year old supervisor who said whenever the machine starts rolling you have to adjust it back and feel the rollers. The 17 year old started to feel the rollers and his hand became trapped in the machine, subsequently crushing and mangling his fingers and thumb. Furthermore, he lost his wrist and had to have m icrosurgery to extract a portion of hip to replace the mangled bone, thus extending his pain and suffering. At the hearing of the case, the prosecution alleged that As well as the failure to guard the machine, did not provide adequate training or instruct ion as to how to operate or set a machine which was clearly dangerous


Case 5 - Untrained forklift operator loses arm

A 22 year old forklift operator was cleaning an agitator in an industri al mixer used in the processing of concrete. The machine was unsafe in that the guard had earlier been removed. The worker (who had not cleaned out the machine before) reached into the machine to remove a piece of concrete with his hands and became entrapp ed - so severely that a surgical team had to amputate his arm at the shoulder to effect a rescue. Justice Fisher in his judgment stated it seems doubtful on evidence that effective training was given to employees about safe working. The management claimed training was given. The evidence which I accept strongly suggests that the injured employee had not been appropriately trained on the operation of the GRC machine. Though he may have been asked on occasions to assist in some work or in the vicinity of the machine.
The fine imposed was $65 000 to the company and $20 000 to the Manager. Part A Case Studies Evaluate each case study and compose 3 - 5 recommendations for improvement in safety procedures for each case study. You will need to focus on things such as unsafe practises by the employee or employer, changes in their behaviour that could be put in plac e, changes that can be made to plant/equipment, how could the incident be prevented from happening again.
Case Study 1 Recommendations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


PART B Did You Know? During one accident year:


181 people died at work. This is like two full school buses crashing killing all aboard. 58,604 workers were injured or made sick. This is more people than the crowd at the Big Day Out concert at Homebush. This cost us $2 Billion for this year alone. 9,209 of these workers were under 25. 30% of injuries were to workers' backs. Labourers, plant and machine operators and tradespeople have the biggest chance of injury. Is It True?

True or false:

Most accidents can be prevented. ____________________________ __ There are strong state laws covering occupational health and safety. ______ Everybody in the workplace is responsible for occupational health and safety. ______ Employers have a legal duty to look after their workers' health and safety. __________ Employers must identify health and safety problems and fix them. __________ Good occupational health and safety is good business. ________

PART C Definition of OHS Terms Use the following list of words to help you answer the following questions
Safe work method Hazardous substance Occupational Health and Safety Act Employer Plant Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS Duty of Care Training Authorised Officer Ultraviolet radiation Hierarchy of control Employee Representative Employee Stress Occupational Health and Safety Consultation Occupational Health and Safety Committee Risk Hazard Work Cover QLD

Manual handling Regulation Workplace


Risk management



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

1. A person from a union, given legal power to enter a workplace on occupational health and safety issues. ________________________________________ 2. The sharing of information and exchange of views on occupational health and safety matters between managers and workers or their representatives. This may include participating in decision-making on OHS issues.

3. The responsibility of the employer to look after the health and safety of people at work. _______________________________________________________ ______________ 4. A person who carries out work for the employer. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. A person elected by employees to represent them on the Occupational Health and Safety Committee. __________________________ _________________________________________ 6. The organisation or individual who employs people to carry out work for them. This includes self-employed people. _____________________________________________________________________ 7. Anything that might cause harm to a person. ___________________________________________________________________

8. Products that can harm a person's health causing illness, injury or disease. For instance cleaning solvents and hairdressing chemicals. ___________________________________ __________________________________ 9. Is a method of deciding what is the best or most practical way to reduce the risk of injury by an identified hazard? For example stopping the loud noises in a factory is better than handing out ear plugs. ________________ ______________________________________________________ 10. The lifting, lowering and moving of objects by a person. For instance, carrying boxes or house bricks.

11. Keeping people safe and healthy at their place of work by prevention of accidents, injury and illness. _______________________________________________________________________ 12. The main law in QLD covering the responsibilities and rights of employers and workers. It also outlines fines and penalties for breaking this law. _____________________________________________________________________ 13. A group where consultation between employer and employee representatives takes place. ________________________ ________________________________________________ 14. Is an injury caused when using your body in unnatural positions, or carry out repeated actions. For example at the computer or being on a factory assembly line or playing music for a long time. Problems occur in muscles, joints or tendons. ________________________________________________________________________ 15. Equipment used by workers to protect them from hazards in the workplace such as safety boots and helmets, gloves, goggles, aprons or sunscreen. ________________________________________________________________________ 16. Any machinery, equipment or tools used at work. ________________________________________________________________________ 17. A specific part of the Occupational Health and Safety Law that details how to carry out work safely.



18. The probability that harm might come to a person. ________________________________________________________________________ 19. The process of managing risks caused by hazards in the workplace. Risk management involves hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control. ________________________________________________________________________ 20. The way employees should be trained to do a job safely. ______________________________________________________________________ __ 21. When a person becomes ill because of mental strain causing psychological illness through negative experiences at work. ________________________________________________________________________ 22. The person chosen by the employer to organise and oversee the work carried out by employees. ________________________________________________________________________ 23. Instruction on how to do a job safely. For example operating a forklift. _______________ _________________________________________________________ 24. Rays of the sun that can damage the skin and cause skin cancer. ________________________________________________________________________ 25. An industrial organisation that represents workers. ________________________________________________________________________ 26. The QLD Government organisation responsible for enforcing Occupational Health and Safety law. ________________________________________________________________________ 27. The premises of the employer and any place where an employee carries out work _____________________________________________ PART D - Choose 5 of the above definitions that you just completed in the previous activity and indicate where you have had personal experiences by being exposed to any of the 5 definitions you listed above. Example: Training on the job training I received during work placement. a. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


b. ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ c. ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ d. ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ e. ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Part E - Using the above definitions as clues, com plete the OHS Crossword


1. Chemicals that can harm a person's health causing illness, injury or disease. 3. Any machinery, equipment or tools used at work.


6. Keeping people safe and healthy at their place of work by preventing accidents. 9. A person from a union given legal power to enter a workplace on OHS issues. 14. The sharing of information and exchange of views on OHS matters between managers. 15. The premises of the employer and any place where an employee carries out work.

2. The responsibility of the employer to look after the health and safety of people. 4. The process of managing risks that different hazards may represent in the workplace. 5. A person who carries out work for the employer. 7. Instruction given to employees so they can carry out their work safely. 8. Equipment used by workers to protect them from hazards in the workplace. 10. Anything that might cause harm to a person. 11. The probability that harm might come to a person. 12. The NSW Government organisation responsible for OHS law. 13. The organisation or individual who employs people to carry out work for them.
PART F - Identifying hazards
The process of identifying and fixing p otential hazards in the workplace is called hazard management - a simple procedure where you assess and control the risk of hazards to workers. Identifying hazards at work A workplace hazard is something that has the potential to harm the health and safety of people at work.

Some examples of workplace hazards are: Manual Handling Manual handling includes any activity that requires a person to lift, push, pull, carry, hold or move an object, person or thing. The weight of the object, frequency of manual handling, avoiding sudden or jerky movements, planning the move or lift, lighting and surfaces all need to be considered. Plant Plant includes all tools, machinery and equipment in the workplace. Poor design, poor maintenance, inexperience and lack of trai ning increases the risk of injury from plant and machinery for operators. Noise Excessive noise can cause permanent hearing loss and is probably the most common cause of hearing loss in adult males. Hearing loss limits a person's ability to communicate at work, home and socially. There is no medical treatment and hearing aids offer limited benefit. Hazardous Substances A hazardous substance is any substance, which can potentially harm the health and safety of workers. Labels and material safety data sheets (MSDS) provide OHS information about the substance. You can identify hazards by:
y y y

Checking records of injuries and illnesses that have occurred in the workplace . Talking to people. Reading publications such as the OHSW Regulations and Codes of Practice which identify potential hazards.


Walking through and inspecting the workplace for situations that could cause harm. PART G OHS Activities Activity One Using the case studies provided, in the first activity, identify and list how an injury can affect the individual, the employer and the community. Fill in the table to achieve this Case Study 1 Identify the injury How it affects the individual How it affects the employer How it affects the community

Activity Two What if there is a workplace incident? 1. Briefly explain the types of workplace incidents that must be recorded, who should be alerted and outline how you may report them. 2. Imagine there has been an accident at work that has resulted in a worker being taken to hospital with head injuries (you are the supervisor and are required to conduct an




4. 5. 6.

investigation). Briefly outline the steps you would take, the type of information you would gather and who you would involve. Imagine you are involved in an accident that results in a severe cut to your arm. Outline the procedure you need to follow to report and claim for this injury. Consider things such as whether or not to report the a ccident and who to? Do you need to fill out a form? If yes, where can you get the form and whom do you give it to? Explain why a focus on return to work for an injured worker is important. List three examples of people who may be involved in assisting an injured worker return to work. List three organisations that can help you with OHS and provide one example of how these organisations can help.

Attach your answers here

PART H $5-an-hour job left Rick disfigured 'Rick' was a month short of his 13th birthday when he finally persuaded his reluctant parents to let him find a part time job.

They flatly rejected his first idea of a morning newspaper round Riding his bicycle around the pre -dawn streets was simply too dangerous. Finally his mother saw a scrawled note pinned up at the butcher shop in a nearby market saying: 'Clean-up boys wanted.' Still worried about potential risks and not sure whether their son was old enough, his father went along with Rick to see the butcher. Yes, Rick was old enough to work, the butcher assured them. His job would be to wash meat trays and sweep out the shop; he would not be allowed near knives or machinery.

So in February 1996, Rick started working three afternoons a week after school and Saturday mornings for $5 an hour and began saving for the surfboard he dreamed of owning. His mother drove him to and from the shop in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs. But the butcher who employed him sold the shop and, without Rick's parents knowing, the new owner had the boy doing other tasks, including cleaning the shop's mincer. A few months later the regular mincing machine with safety guards was swapped for an old, rusty model without guards. On June 29, 1996, Rick and another 14-year-old parttimer were left unsupervised in the shop's back room to flush out the mincer. 'We had been taught to turn it on and pour a bucket of hot water into it while it was running to clean it,' recalled Rick. Somehow his right hand got caught in the mincer. It pulled him in up to the elbow before the other boy could turn off the power.



It was horrific; Rick lost the four fingers on his right hand and his forearm was mangled. The mincer was partly dismantled but part of it was still attached to his arm as he was carried to the ambulance. Ten hours of delicate microsurgery saved Rick's thumb and part of his hand. In a six-hour follow-up operation, muscle and skin grafts were used to rebuild his forearm. Rick had 10 operations in his first four weeks in hospital and another four since.
Your task:

In June last year, the company operating the butcher shop was fined $20,000 in Dandenong Magistrate's Court for breaches of occupational health and safety laws. The magistrate said the company had obtained a clear financial benefit by employing children. Rick decided to tell his story as a warning to employers and other children: 'I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I've been through.'

Look at the photo and read the newspaper article. In small groups discuss the questions below and agree on an answer for each question. Your groups will report back during a whole class discussion.

1. Why did Rick take the job in the butchers shop? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. When Rick started at the butchers shop was the work appropriate for a young worker? Why? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What factors led to Rick's injury? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. Why was the employer fined? _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________________ 5. How could this injury have been prevented? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


6. Will this injury affect Rick's adult life? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. What compensation do you think would be fair? _________________________________________________________________ ________________ ___________________________________________

Part I Injury analysis Exercise

During 1997/1998 there were 9,209 young workers between the ages 15 and 24 who reported a workplace injury or disease to WorkCover. Of these cases reported 22 young workers died and 1,114 received a permanent disability .
INSTRUCTIONS Look at the diagram

showing where on their bodies these young workers were injured and do the activities below.

Head including eyes and ears (345) Neck (209) Shoulder (434) Chest, ribs and lungs (99) Upper and lower back (1,972) Trunk, abdomen and intestines (240) Arms (920) Hip (27) Hands and fingers (2,198) Legs including knee (813) Ankle (556) Feet and toes (465)

There were 931 other reported cases that had multiple injury locations on the body or diseases or where the whole body was injured. 1. Indicate on the diagram the five highest body locations where young workers have been injured. Number them in order 1 to 5. 2. Make a column graph showing the five most commonl y injured parts of the body.


3. Write a paragraph describing what work you think would cause the two most common types of injuries shown on your column graph. Your teacher will help you write the paragraph by giving you instructions on how to write a paragraph. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. List three reasons why some employers wouldn't report a workplace injury of a young worker to WorkCover. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ____________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
PART J - Interview an Employee

Your Mission:


Find a paid employee of any age (it may be a member of your fa mily or a friend) who is willing to be interviewed about Occupational Health and Safety at their workplace. Ask the questions and write their answers in the space provided. Remember the information is personal, so do not reveal the name of the person interviewed or the workplace. You can use a separate sheet of paper if necessary.

Interview Questions
1. Worker's age:_____ , Gender:_____ , Worker's occupation:_____ 2. Number of people in your workplace:  0-20  21-100  over 100 3. Does your workplace have an occupational health and safety policy?  yes, If yes, does the workplace follow it?  no  don't know  Comment: 4. Do you ever talk about occupational health and safety with your work mates?






yes, If yes, what sort of things do you discuss?  no  Comment: Does your employer regularly act to solve the problem when a hazard or dangerous work is identified?  yes  no  Comment: Have you ever been given training on how to do your work safely?  yes, If yes, do you carry out your work in the correct way?  no  Comment: Has Work Cover or a union been called to the workplace because of an occupational health and safety problem?  Yes, if yes, which one and what happened?  no  Comment: Have you ever been injured at your workplace?  Yes, if yes, what happened?  no  Comment:

In the space below write a paragraph outlining what you have found by interviewing your chosen person.

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________


_____________________________________ _____________________________________
GENOHS201B: Work safely according to OHS principles and procedures CHECKLIST
Competent Not yet Competent

1 Part A Case studies Evidence of the learners knowledge and understanding of:  Case study 1 recommendations  Case study 2 recommendations  Case Study 3 recommendations  Case study 4 recommendations  Case study 5 recommendations

2 Part B True and False Evidence of the learners knowledge and understanding of:  Statistics 3 Part C Definition of OHS Terms Evidence of the learners knowledge and understanding of:  OHS terminology 1 - 27

4 Part D Definitions and Personal Experience Evidence of the learners knowledge and understanding of:  Definition 1 and explanation  Definition 2 and explanation  Definition 3 and explanation  Definition 4 and explanation  Definition 5 and explanation 5 Part E Crossword OHS definitions  Complete the crossword 6 Part F Newspaper article analysis  Questions 1 - 7 7 Part G - Injury analysis Exercise  Question 1 - 7
8 PART H - Interview an Employee  Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4  Q5  Q6




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