This Is My Drea

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This Is My Dream

DREAM. What is your dream? A very common question that always been asked by people around you,
but have you ever tried asking it to your self " What is my dream?" "What is my biggest dream?" It's a
simple question but there are some who cannot or don't have an answer to that. But dispite of those
unanswered questions they're still striving hard to their own dreams just like me.

Having a dream is already an achievement for me, because this only means that I have something to look
forward to, I have a motivation to work harder and to do more than just dreaming. To have a dream is not
pressuring yourself or a requirement rather it is a goal that I need to reach as well as to prove to my self
that I already reached my distination.

When I was a kid I used to have an extraordinary dream, a dream that only a child could dream and that is
to become a princess an a prince or a dream that is so out of this world, even now I still dream of those
things. However reality still hits different, I need to be more practical, I need to dream like others do and
do the important things that's right in front of me. I grew up watching my sister, cousins and aunts being a
professional teachers and that was also the time that I wanted to be like them, I also want to teach those
children and be their second parent, although there are doubts along the way but I'm still striving hard to
reach that goal.

In the process of reaching my dream I've realized that I 'am exposed too much in the world of teaching, I
forgot that it is not the only jod that we have in this world and that it is fine not to follow the legacy that
my family started. I know it is a selfish act but for me I need to do what I really want and be different,
after all we were born having a different goals and dreams in life and we are different to one another. I
decided and have a heart to take this course not because after I graduate I will have a big salary instead
I'm taking this course for my self and for my family to give them the better life they deserve. So, if I were
to ask my self "What is my biggest dream?" My answer would be: finish my studies, so that I could repay
all my parents sacrifices and spoil them with all the things that I could give to them. That is my biggest

Every person has their biggest dream some may not have achieved it, some may change their paths and
found new dream but let's always bare in our minds that no matter how many obstacles we encounter
somewhere somehow and someday we can reach it if we will just work harder.

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