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Nombre: Ramón Alejandro Reyes Echave Matrícula: 2925467

Nombre del curso: Art & Culture Nombre del profesor: Stephanie
Módulo: 2. Actividad: 3.
Fecha: 7/3/2022
De, C. (2022, January 11). artículo de lista de Wikimedia. Retrieved March 7,
2022, from website:
Part 1.
 Write a description from each one of the episodes in your own words.
The Creation: Expresses how God created Adam and the world in 7 days between
them, the first 6 he created everything and in the last he rested and mine his work
of art.
Noah's Ark: where he recounts the creation of a huge ship to save everyone who
believed in him.
Exodus: Recounts Israel's departure from bondage in Egypt and their preparation
to inherit the promised land as Jehovah's covenant people.
The Life of Jesus: Recounts the 33 years of Jesus' life.
The Last Supper: It was the last time that Jesus of Nazareth met with his disciples
(the twelve apostles) to share bread and wine before his death.
 Describe the artworks related to each episode.

The Creation

Noah’s Ark


Jesus’s Life

The Last Supper

 Compare two or more artworks related to the same episode. What are their
differences? What are their similarities?
The Creation
Middle Age: I see it as a very simple painting, without the background of what
creation really represents.

Renaissance: In this simple but profound painting unlike the one from the Middle
Ages, I see that only with a pair of hands and fingers coming together, I can notice
the true meaning of this renaissance painting.

Noah’s ark
Middle Age: Only the boat is appreciated and nothing else, it does not give an
opportunity to see what the ark has inside.

Renaissance: Unlike the painting of the Middle Ages, here you can see each and
one of the animals that fit in the boat, all clearer.
Middle Age: Finally, I find a painting from the Middle Ages, which represents in a
good way what happens in the exodus, like Jesus opening the water of the rivers to
pass through.

Renaissance: I don't understand this Renaissance painting, yes, everything looks

clearer, but I can't see the river water.

Jesus’ life
Middle Ages: I notice how Jesus is helping the apostles in that painting, it seems
very clear to me that the painting wants to imply that Jesus was a good person.

Renaissance: It is clearly seen in this painting how the figure of Jesus is enlarged,
only putting the angels to the side, and below all the other beings, all clearer and
sharper than in the painting of the Middle Ages.
The Last Supper
Middle Age: Excellent painting, it shows every little thing that happened at the last
supper, like there is an apostle who is the treacherous one.

Renaissance: Painting as always of the Renaissance, very clear and easy to

Part 2. (Teams)
 Compare between the paintings of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.
Compare five elements: techniques used, famous artworks, meaning of their
artworks, colors (cold or warm, and their possible meaning) and topics.

Elements Michaelangelo Da vinci

Techniques used What technique did The Use of Shadows

Michelangelo use on and Light in da Vinci's
the Sistine Chapel? Paintings
As most Italian
Renaissance painters Leonardo was a
did, he used a fresco master at
technique, in which “chiaroscuro," an
paint was applied to Italian term meaning
wet plaster in washes. “light/dark." This
A part of technique uses the
Michelangelo's wet contrasts of light and
medium would be shadow "as a
scraped away before modeling technique
painting so that it for achieving the
seemed to be deeper. illusion of plasticity
and three-dimensional
volume," according to
Famous art works Craetion of adan, La Gioconda,
tondo doni, diluvio Vitruvian Man, The
universal, The Sistine Last Supper, Ginevra
Chapel Ceiling and de' Benci, Madonna
Madonna of Bruges and the Child and
Lady with an Ermine
Meneaning The sculpture and Through His Eyes.
painting of Leonardo da Vinci
Michelangelo reflect trained as a painter
the great knowledge during the
of anatomy that he Renaissance and
acquired by became a true master
performing of the craft. During the
dissections of the Renaissance,
human body. His European artists
experience in began to study nature
dissection is more closely with the
documented in Lives goal of painting
of the Artists, written realistic images of the
by his contemporary, world. While
Georgio Vasari Leonardo da Vinci is
best known as an
artist, his work as a
scientist and an
inventor makes him a
true Renaissance
man. He serves as a
role model applying
the scientific method
to every aspect of life,
including art and
Colors Michelangelo mixes Because of
his colors with both Leonardo's
black and white to experimental painting
maximize the contrast technique, in which he
range for all the colors used tempera or oil
he uses. This means paint on two layers of
the lighter parts of preparatory ground,
each color (even the the work began to
black of Joseph's disintegrate soon after
tunic) are almost he finished it.
white and Viewers, however,
unrealistically de- can still recognize it
saturated. as a complex study of
varied human
emotion, revealed in a
deceptively simple
Leonardo uses
midrange colors, all
displaying the same
range of contrasts. He
does use some lighter
and darker colors, but
they are not extreme.
Lady with an Ermin,
Leonardo da Vinci,
Topics He was liked religious At some point in the
themes and focused early 1490s, da Vinci
on the image of Christ began filling
in many of his notebooks related to
drawings, frequently four broad themes
drawing the same painting, architecture,
images until the mechanics and
emotion in his pieces human anatomy
became intense. creating thousands of
Michelangelo had a pages of neatly drawn
keen eye for light and illustrations and
shadow and grasped densely penned
that they can commentary, some of
represent volume and which (thanks to left-
shape in both a handed “mirror script”)
sculpture and a was indecipherable to
painting. others.

 Investigate if Michelangelo and da Vinci met in real life and if they

collaborated at some point of their lives. If so, how was their relationship?
The two great geniuses of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo
Buonarroti had several elements in common. They were born in Florence in the
fifteenth century and died in the sixteenth century.
Both were famous for their paintings, but they did not like to paint. Michelangelo
preferred sculpture and Da Vinci inventions.
They were the first to perform autopsies to properly understand the anatomy and
make their works more perfect.
They were born in the same century and had a long life, over 60 years of age,
which allowed them to reach the next century.
Both were left-handed, never married, and had no children.
They lived in a permanent rivalry and today they are companions in the characters
of the ninja turtles, but in life, they filled each other with insults.
 Write a reflection about the inventions of da Vinci and how they are related
to his paintings.
Da Vinci is most famous for his paintings like the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper,
Leonardo is also renowned in the fields of civil engineering, chemistry, geology,
geometry, hydrodynamics, mathematics, mechanical engineering, optics, physics,
pyrotechnics, and zoology.
As an engineer, Leonardo conceived ideas far ahead of his time, conceptually
inventing the parachute, the helicopter, an armored fighting vehicle, the use of
concentrated solar power, a calculator, a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics, and
the double hull.
One of Leonardo's drawings, the Vitruvian Man, is a study of the proportions of the
human body, uniting art and science in a single work that has come to represent
the concept of macrocosm and microcosm in Renaissance humanism.
 Write a reflection about the statues designed by Michelangelo and how they
are related to his paintings.
Michelangelo Buonarroti, known in Spanish as Miguel Angel, was an Italian
Renaissance architect, sculptor, and painter, considered one of the greatest artists
in history both for his sculptures and for his paintings and architectural work.
His works are characterized by an enormous expressive power and a degree of
realism that his contemporaries, all admirers of his genius, called Terribilità ("The
terrible"). Thus, they tried to account for the unique and overwhelming style of
Michelangelo's works.
 Write about what artist you like the most and why.
I like Michelangelo's art a little more since it makes me a little more modern and
extravagant, without being ostentatious, for me, he was ahead of his time.
Part 3.
 Write how the life of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci would be
nowadays. Would they use technology in their art? Would they use another
medium of art like cinema? Would they be friends or enemies?
What would the lives of Michelangelo and Da Vinci be like if they were alive today?
I think they would be friends at the Tec de Monterrey, taking a university degree in
philosophy with an emphasis on art.
Where they would fight for who has more followers on their Instagram page where
they upload their art and paintings.
I think they would be one of those students who take their canvas and paint kit
everywhere during the breaks, but they always have a grade of 100.
They would use social networks to spread their beautiful art and thus have more
reach and likes.

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