Unidad 2 Ingles III

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Asignatura Datos del estudiante Fecha

Apellidos: Llorente Llorente

Inglés técnico III 15/12/2021
Nombre: Vanessa Paola

Protocolo individual de la unidad n°: 2

Análisis y síntesis: En el presente protocolo individual abordaré

una síntesis individual de los temas correspondientes a la unidad

Superlative adjectives and adverbs

Superlative Adjectives
A superlative adjective expresses the extreme or highest degree of a
quality. We use a superlative adjective to describe the extreme quality of
one thing in a group of things.

Formation of Superlative Adjectives

As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative

short adjectives: add "-est"

long adjectives: use "most".

1-syllable adjectives old, fast

2-syllable adjectives ending in -y happy, easy

RULE: add "-est" old → the oldest

Asignatura Datos del estudiante Fecha
Apellidos: Llorente Llorente
Inglés técnico III 15/12/2021
Nombre: Vanessa Paola

Variation: if the adjective ends in -e, just add -st late → the latest

Variation: if the adjective ends in consonant, vowel, big → the

consonant, double the last consonant biggest

Variation: if the adjective ends in -y, change the y to happy → the hap

Use of Superlative Adjectives

We use a superlative adjective to describe one thing in a group of three or
more things.

Canada, China and Russia are big countries. But Russia is the biggest.
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

What are superlative adverbs?

In the English language, superlative adverbs are parts of speech that
describe the highest degree or the lowest degree of certain actions.
Superlative adverbs function primarily to compare one person, place, or
thing to three or more persons, places, or things. In some cases, superlative
adverbs can also describe the superlative degree of certain adjectives and

Superlative adverbs are closely related to superlative adjectives, which

describe the superlative comparison between nouns. However, like all
adverbs, superlative adverbs can only modify verbs, adjectives and other
adverbs. For example, in the sentence "Of all the swimmers, Chloe swam
the fastest," the superlative adverb is "fastest." If the sentence had been
"Chloe is the fastest swimmer," "the fastest" would be functioning as a
superlative adjective because it modifies the noun "swimmer" instead of
the verb "swam."
How to use superlative adverbs in a sentence?
You can easily transform most common adverbs into superlative forms as
long as you follow three basic rules.
Asignatura Datos del estudiante Fecha
Apellidos: Llorente Llorente
Inglés técnico III 15/12/2021
Nombre: Vanessa Paola

Add "-est" to most one-syllable adverbs. You can turn most one-syllable
adverbs into superlative adverbs by adding "-est" to them. Examples
include "fast" becoming "faster," "loud" becoming "louder," "slow"
becoming "slower," and "fast" becoming "faster."
Preface adverbs ending in "-ly" with "more" and "less". If an adverb ends
with the "-ly" suffix, you can usually create an adverbial superlative by
placing the intensifiers "more" or "less" in front of the adverb. Examples
include "more carefully" and "less thoughtfully."
Irregular adverbs become irregular superlatives. Some superlative adverbs
simply must be memorized. These irregular forms include "well" becoming
"better" in its superlative form, "badly" becoming "worse" in its superlative
form, and "little" becoming "least" in its superlative adverb form.

Síntesis e interpretación personal de los temas vistos en la unidad

Dudas, desacuerdos, discusiones

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